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Software Testing


Software Testing
• Software Testing Fundamentals
– Verification And Validation
– The V Model
• Testing Principles
• Testing Techniques
– White-Box Testing Techniques
– Black-Box Testing Techniques
• Software Testing Strategies
– Unit Testing
– Integration Testing
– Regression Testing
– System Testing
• Object-oriented Testing 2

Software Testing Fundamentals
• What is software testing?
– Myers: The process of executing a program with the
intent of finding errors.
– Beizer: The act of designing and executing tests.
– Whittaker: The process of executing a software
system to determine whether it matches its
specification and executes in its intended environment
– IEEE: The process of operating a system or
component under specified conditions, observing or
recording the results, and making an evaluation of
some aspect of system or component.

Software Testing Fundamentals

• Why do we test?
– To check if there are any errors in a part or a product.
– To gain the confidence in the correctness of the
– To ensure the quality and satisfaction of the product
• Testing vs. debugging
– Testing is to show that a program has bugs
– Debugging is to locate and correct the error or mis-
conception that cause the program failures 4

Software Testing Fundamentals
• Who Tests the Software?
– Development engineers
• Understand the system, but test “gently”
• Driven by “delivery”
• Only perform unit tests and integration tests
– Test engineers
• Need to learn the system, but attempt to break it
• Driven by “quality”
• Define test cases, write test specifications, run tests,
analyze results
– Customers
• Driven by “requirements”
• Determine if the system satisfies the acceptance criteria

How to do Software Testing?

• Software testing can be approached in the
following phases
– Modeling the software’s environment by simulation
– Selecting test scenario
– Running and evaluating test scenario
– Measuring testing progress

Verification and Validation
• Software testing is one element of a broader
topic: verification and validation (V&V)
• Verification – are we building the product
– The set of activities to ensure that software correctly
implements specific functions
• Validation – are we building the correct
– The set of activities to ensure that the developed
software is traceable to customer requirements
Note: [Boehm 1981]

Verification and Validation

• The definition of V&V encompasses many activities
that is referred to as software quality assurance (SQA)
– Formal technical review
– Quality and configuration audits
– Performance monitoring
– Simulation
– Feasibility study
– Documentation review
– Database review
– Algorithm analysis
– Development testing
– Qualification testing
– Installation testing 8

The V model
• The V model
– Emerged in reaction to some waterfall models that
showed testing as a single phase following the
traditional development phases of requirements
analysis, high-level design, detailed design and coding.
– The V model portrays several distinct testing levels
and illustrates how each level addresses a different
stage of the software life cycle.
– The V shows the typical sequence of development
activities on the left-hand (downhill) side and the
corresponding sequence of test execution activities on
the right-hand (uphill) side. 9

The V model

Requirements Acceptance
Analysis Testing

Architecture System
Design Testing

Detailed Integration
Design Testing

Code Unit Testing


The V model
• The V model is valuable because it highlights
the existence of several levels of testing and
describes how each relates to a different
development phase:
– Unit testing: concentrates on each unit (i.e.,
component) of the software (white box)
– Integration testing: focuses on design and the
construction of the software architecture (black
box, limited amount of white box)


The V model
– System testing: verifies that all elements mesh
properly and that overall system function or
performance is achieved.
– Acceptance testing: are ordinarily performed by the
business/users to confirm that the product meets the
business requirements.


Testing Principles
• Davis in his book, 201 Principles of Software
Development, suggests a set of testing principles:
– All tests should be traceable to customer
– Tests should be planned long before testing begins.
– The Pareto principle applies to software testing.
• 80% of all errors uncovered during testing will likely be
traceable to 20% of all program modules.
– Testing should begin “in the small” and progress
toward testing “in the large”.

Testing Principles
– Exhaustive testing is not possible.
– To be most effective, testing should be conducted by
an independent third party.
• Glen Myers suggests a number of testing
– Testing is a process of executing a program with the
intent of finding errors.
– A good test case is one that has high probability of
detecting an as-yet undiscovered error
– A successful test case is one that detects an as-yet
undiscovered error


Attributes of A Good Test
• Kaner, Falk, and Nguyen in their book, Testing
Computer Software, suggest the following
attributes of a “good” test
– A good test has a high probability of finding an error
– A good test is not redundant
– A good test should be “best of breed”
– A good test should be neither too simple nor too


Exhaustive Testing
• Is it possible to develop test cases to exercise all
logical paths of a program?
– Even small programs, the number of possible logical
paths can be very large
– Example: Consider a program contains 2 nested loops
that each executes 1 to 20 times depending on the
input data. The interior loop has 4 if-then-else
• There are 1014 possible paths! If we exercise one test per
millisecond, it would take 3170 years to complete test
• Exhaustive testing is impractical for large
software system
– Selective testing is required

When Testing Can Stop?
• Team consensus
• Marginal cost
– If the cost of finding that defect exceeds the loss incurred to
the organization, ship the product with that defect
• Test adequate criteria are met
– Coverage
– Error discovery rate
• Testing is never done, the burden simply shifts from
you to the customer
• When the product has been irrevocably retired

Testing Methods
• Two general software testing methods:
– White-box testing: (logic-driven)
• Design tests to exercise internal structures of the software
to make sure they operates according to specifications and
– Black-box testing: (data-driven or input/output-driven)
• Design tests to exercise each function of the software and
check its errors.
– White-box and black-box testing approaches can
uncover different class of errors and are complement
each other

White-Box Testing
• White-box testing
– Also known as glass-box testing or structural testing
– Has the knowledge of the program’s structures
– A test case design method that uses the control
structure of the procedural design to derive test cases
– Focus on the control structures, logical paths, logical
conditions, data flows, internal data structures, and
– W. Hetzel describes white-box testing as “testing in
the small”

White-Box Testing
• Using white-box testing methods, we can
derive test cases that
– Guarantee that all independent paths within a
module have been exercised at least once.
– Exercise all logical decisions on their true and
false sides.
– Execute all loops at their boundaries and within
their operational bounds.
– Exercise internal data structures to assure their

Basis Path Testing
• Basic path testing (a white-box testing technique):
– First proposed by Tom McCabe.
– Can be used to derive a logical complexity measure for
a procedure design.
– Used as a guide for defining a basis set of execution
– Guarantee to execute every statement in the program at
least one time.


Basis Path Testing

• The basic structured-constructs in a flow graph :

If Else While do

Do Until
Select Case 22

Basis Path Testing
• Flow graph notation (control flow graph)
– Node represents one or more procedural statements.
• A sequence of process boxes and a decision diamond can
map into a single node
• A predicate node is a node with two or more edges
emanating from it
– Edge (or link) represents flow of control
– Region: areas bounded by edges and nodes
• When counting regions, include the area outside the graph
as a region


Basis Path Testing

– Compound condition
• Occurs when one or more Boolean operators (OR, AND,
NAND, NOR) is present in a conditional statement
• A separate node is created for each of the conditions C1
and C2 in the statement IF C1 AND C2

predicate nodes
if (c1 AND c2) then c1
print T;
else c2
print F; F
end if; F T


binarySearch() Example
public int binarySearch(int sortedArray[ ], int searchValue)
int bottom = 0;
int top = sortedArray.length - 1;
int middle, locationOfsearchValue; 2
boolean found = flase;
1 locationOfsearchValue = -1; /* the location of searchValue in the sortedArray */
/* location = -1 means that searchValue is not found */
while ( bottom <= top && !found)
middle = (top + bottom)/2;
4 if (searchValue == sortedArray[ middle ])
found = true;
5 locationOfsearchValue = middle;
6 else if (searchValue < sortedArray[ middle ])
top = middle - 1;
else 7
8 bottom = middle + 1;
} // end while
10 return locationOfsearchValue;

The CFG of Function binarySearch()


6 5


10 26

Cyclomatic Complexity
• Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric
– provides a quantitative measure of the global
complexity of a program.
– When this metric is used in the context of the basis
path testing
• the value of cyclomatic complexity defines the number
of independent paths in the basis set of a program
• the value of cyclomatic complexity defines an upper
bound of number of tests (i.e., paths) that must be
designed and exercised to guarantee coverage of all
program statements

Cyclomatic Complexity
• Independent path
– An independent path is any path of the program that
introduce at least one new set of procedural
statements or a new condition
– An independent path must move along at least one
edge that has not been traversed before the path is
• Examples: consider the CFG of binarySearch()
– Path 1: 1-2-10
– Path 2: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-2-10
independent paths
– Path 3: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-2-3-10
– Path 4: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-2-3-4-6-8-9-2-10 (not an independent path)

Cyclomatic Complexity
• Three ways to compute cyclomatic complexity:
– The number of regions of the flow graph correspond
to the cyclomatic complexity.
– Cyclomatic complexity, V(G), for a flow graph G is
defined as V(G) = E - N + 2 (13-10+2=5)
where E is the number of flow graph edges and N is
the number of flow graph nodes.
– Cyclomatic complexity, V(G) = P + 1
where P is the number of predicate nodes contained
in the flow graph G.

Cyclomatic Complexity of Function

predicate nodes

R3 4
R1 regions
6 R2 5
8 R4 7 R5



Deriving Basis Test Cases
• The following steps can be applied to derive
the basis set:
1. Using the design or code as a foundation, draw
the corresponding flow graph.
2. Determine the cyclomatic complexity of the flow
• V(G) = 5 regions
• V(G) = 13 edges – 10 nodes + 2 = 5
• V(G) = 4 predicate nodes + 1 = 5


Deriving Basis Test Cases

3. Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths.
• Path 1: 1-2-10
• Path 2: 1-2-3-10
• Path 3: 1-2-3-4-5-9-2- …
• Path 4: 1-2-3-4-6-7-9-2-…
• Path 5: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-2-…
4. Prepare test cases that force the execution of each
path in the basis set
• Path 1 test case:
– Inputs: sortedArray = { }, searchValue = 2
– Expected results: locationOfSearchValue = -1

Deriving Basis Test Cases
• Path 2 test case: cannot be tested stand-alone!
– Inputs: sortedArray = {2, 4, 6}, searchValue = 8
– Expected results: locationOfSearchValue = -1
• Path 3 test case:
– Inputs: sortedArray = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, searchValue = 6
– Expected results: locationOfSearchValue = 2
• Path 4 test case:
– Inputs: sortedArray = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, searchValue = 4
– Expected results: locationOfSearchValue = 1
• Path 5 test case:
– Inputs: sortedArray = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, searchValue = 10
– Expected results: locationOfSearchValue = 4


Deriving Basis Test Cases

• Each test cases is executed and compared to its
expected results.
• Once all test cases have been exercised, we can be
sure that all statements are executed at least once
• Note: some independent paths cannot be tested
stand-alone because the input data required to
traverse the paths cannot be achieved
– In binarySearch(), the initial value of variable found is
FALSE, hence path 2 can only be tested as part of path
3, 4, and 5 tests

Graph Matrices
• A graph matrix
– A tabular representation of a flow graph
– A square matrix with a size equal to the number of
nodes on the flow graph Î row
– Matrix entries correspond to the edges between nodes
– Adding link weight to each edge to represent
• The connection between nodes
• The probability of the edge to be executed
• The resource (e.g., processing time or memory) required for
traversing the edge

Graph Matrices
• A connection matrix
– A graph matrix with the link weight is 1
(representing a connection exists) or 0
(representing a connection does not exist)
– Each row of the matrix with two or more entries
represents a predicate node
– Provide another method for computing the
cyclomatic complexity of a flow graph


Graph Matrices
Connected to node
1 2 3 4 5
1 a
1 2 b d
a 3 c e
f 5 f g
e Graph Matrix
d 3 5
c g 1 2 3 4 5

4 1 1 1-1=0
2 1 1 2-1=1
3 1 1 2-1=1
Flow Graph complexity
5 1 1 2-1=1
Connection Matrix 3+1=4

Condition Testing
• Condition Testing
– Test case design method that exercise the logical
conditions in a program module
• Logical conditions
– Simple condition:
• (a rel-op b) where rel-op={<, ≤, =, ≠, ≥, >} (may be
negated with NOT)
• Example: a ≤ b; NOT(a ≤ b)


Condition Testing
– Compound condition:
• Two or more simple conditions connected with AND, OR
• Example: (a > b) AND (c < d)
– Relational expression:
• (E1 rel-op E2) where E1 and E2 are arithmetic expressions
• Example: ((a*b+c)>(a+b+c))
– Boolean expression
• A condition without relational expressions
• If a condition is incorrect, then at least one
component of the condition is incorrect

Condition Testing
• The type of errors in a condition include :
– Boolean operator (incorrect/missing/extra Boolean operators)
– Boolean variable error
– Boolean parenthesis error
– Relational operator error
– Arithmetic expression error
• The purpose of condition testing is to detect not only
errors in the conditions of a program but also other
errors in the program.
– Detect faults in the condition, statements executed before the
condition, and the statements executed after the condition

Condition Testing
• Branch testing
– The simplest condition testing strategy that requires each
decision point and each possible branch to be executed at
least once
– For a compound condition C, test (1) true and false
branches of C and (2) true and false branches of every
simple condition of C at least once
– Example: for C = (a>b) AND (c<d) we test for
• a>b TRUE and FALSE
• c<d TRUE and FALSE


BRO Testing
• K.C. Tai suggests a condition testing strategy
called branch and relational operator (BRO)
– Can detect branch and relational operator errors in a
condition provided that all Boolean variables and
relational operators in the condition occur only once
and have no common variable
– Uses condition constraint for a condition C which is
defined as (D1, D2, …, Dn) where Di specifies the
constraint on the outcome of i-th condition of C

BRO Testing
– Boolean variables have constraint on the outcome that
must be either True (t) or False (f)
– For relational expression, symbols <, >, = are used to
specify the constraints on the outcome of the
– A condition constraint D for condition C is said to be
covered by an execution of C if, during the execution
of C, the outcome of each simple condition in C
satisfies the corresponding constraint in D.


BRO Testing Examples

• Example C1: B1 & B2
– Constraint set = (D1, D2) = {(t,t), (t,f), (f,t)}
– If C1 is incorrect due to one or more Boolean operator errors,
at least one of the constraint set will force C1 to fail
• Example C2: B1 & (E3=E4)
– Constraint set = (D1, D2) = {(t,=), (t,>), (t,<), (f,=)}
– Coverage of the preceding constraint set will detect the
Boolean and relational operator errors in C2
• Example C3: (E1 > E2) & (E3=E4)
– Constraint set = {(>,=), (<,=), (>,>), (>,<), (=,=)}
– Coverage of the preceding constraint set will detect the
relational operator errors in C3

Data Flow Testing
• Data flow testing
– A testing technique that selects test paths of a
program according to the locations of definitions and
uses of variables in the program.
– DEF(S) = {X| statement S contains a definition of X}
– USE(S) = {X| statement S contains a use of X}
– The definition of variable X at statement S is said to
be live at statement S’ if there exists a path from
statement S to statement S’ that contains no other
definition of X
– A definition-use (DU) chain of variable X is of the
form [X, S, S’], where S and S’ are statement
numbers, X is in DEF(S) and USE(S’), and the
definition of X in statement S is live at statement S’.45

Data Flow Testing Example

public void Odd() {
1 int x;
2 printf("Enter a number: ");
3 scanf("%d", &x);
3 DEF(x) 4 if x%2 == 0
5 x=x+1;
4 USE(x)
6 else
USE(x) 5
DEF(x) 7 x=2*x;
8 USE(x) 8 printf (“x = %d\n", x);


Data Flow Testing Example
• DU testing strategy
– A strategy for selecting the derived DU chains as test
• All use coverage: every DU chain to be covered at least once
• DU Chains of the Odd() Example
– (x, 3, 4), (x, 3, 5), (x, 3, 7)
– (x, 5, 8), (x, 7, 8)
• (x, 3, 8) is NOT a DU chain since the value of x at Line 3 is
redefined at Lines 5 and 7 before it reaches the use at Line 8
• Test paths selected according to all use coverage:
– path1 1-2-3-4-7-8 cover (x, 3, 4), (x, 3, 7), (x, 7, 8)
– path2 1-2-3-4-5-8 cover (x, 3, 4), (x, 3, 5), (x, 5, 8) 47

Loop Testing
• Simple Loops (n iterations)
– skip the loop entirely
– only one pass through the loop
– two passes through the loop
– m passes through the loop where m < n
– n-1, n, n+1 passes through the loop


Loop Testing
• Nested Loops
– Start from the innermost loop; set all other
loops to minimum values
– conduct simple loop tests for the innermost
loop while holding the outer loops at their
minimum iteration parameter values; test
out-of-range values
– work outward, conducting tests for the next
innermost loop while keeping all other outer
loops at their min. iteration and other nested
loops at their typical values
– continue until all loops have been tested 49

Loop Testing
• Concatenated Loops
– independent loops using simple loop
– dependent loops (i.e., loop counter
value of loop1 is used in loop2)
using nested loop testing


Loop Testing
• Unstructured Loops
– Whenever possible, redesign
the code to reflect the use of
structured programming
– Then apply the appropriate
loop testing strategy.


Black-Box Testing
• Black-box testing
– Also known as functional testing, behavioral testing,
or specification-based testing
– Does not have the knowledge of the program’s
– Discover program errors based on program
requirements and product specifications
– Derive sets of inputs to fully exercise all functional
requirements for a program
– Complementary to white-box testing

Black-Box Testing
– Focuses on the functional requirements of the
software including functions, operations, external
interfaces, external data and information
– Attempts to find errors in the following:
• Incorrect of missing functions
• Interface errors
• Errors in data structures or external database access
• Performance errors
• Initialization and termination errors


Random Testing
• Random testing is a method that select test cases
randomly from the entire input domain of the program.
– The input values of each test case are randomly generated
– The overall distribution of the test cases need to conform to
the distribution of input domain or operational profile.
• Example: for an ATM system that 80% transactions are
withdrawal transactions and 20% transactions are transfer
• 80% test cases will be generated randomly to test
withdrawal transaction and 20% test cases will be
generated randomly to test transfer transaction
– Random testing is considered to be efficient since test cases
can be generated automatically
– However, to obtain a precise operational profile is very

Graph-Based Testing Methods
• Graph-Based testing is a method that derives test
cases from a graphical model representing the objects
and their relationships of a program
– Create a graphical model to represent the programs in terms
of objects and relationships
– Derive test cases by traversing the graph and covering each
object and relationship to verify “all objects have the
expected relationship to one another”
• A graph consists of
– nodes representing objects
– links representing relationships between nodes
– node weights describing properties of a node
– link weight describing some characteristic of a link


Graph Notation

Object Directed link Object

#1 (link weight) #2

Node weight
Undirected links Parallel links (value)

• Directed link: indicates that a relationship moves in only one

• Bidirectional link (or symmetric link): implies that the
relationship applies in both directions
• Parallel link: indicates a number of different relationships are
established between graph nodes
Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]

A Simple Example
Menu select
New file generates Document
menu window
select (generation
time < 1.0 sec)
Allows editing Attributes:
Is represented as of
Contains Start dimension: default
Document setting or preferences
text Background color: white
Text color: default color or

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]


Graph-Based Testing Methods

• Graph can be used in a number of behavioral
– Transaction flow modeling
• Nodes representing steps in some transaction
• Links representing logical connection between steps
– Finite state modeling
• Nodes representing user observable states of the software
• Links representing transition that occur to move from state
to state


Graph-Based Testing Methods
– Data flow modeling
• Nodes representing data object
• Links representing the transformations that occur to
translate one data object into another
– Timing modeling
• Nodes representing program objects
• Links representing sequential connections between objects
• Link weights used to specify required execution times


Partition Testing
• Partition testing
– The input domain of the program is partitioned into
different disjointed subdomains
– Ideally, the partition divides the domain into
subdomains with property that within each subdomain,
either the program produces the correct answer or the
program produce an incorrect answer for every
– Only an element randomly selected from each
subdomain is needed for testing the program in order
to determine program faults


Equivalence Partitioning
• Equivalence partitioning
– The input domain of a program is partitioned into a
finite number of equivalence classes from which test
cases are derived
– An equivalence class consists of a set of data that is
treated the same by the program or that should
generate the same result
– Test case design is based on an evaluation of
equivalence classes for an input condition
– Can reduce the total number of test cases to be


Equivalence Partitioning
• The equivalence classes are identified based on
the set of valid or invalid states for each input
• An input condition can be
– A specific numeric value
– A range of values
– A set of related values
– A Boolean condition


Equivalence Partitioning
• The following guidelines can help to define the
equivalence classes [Pressman 2004]:
– If an input condition specifies a range, one valid and
two invalid equivalence class are defined.
– If an input condition requires a specific value, one
valid and two invalid equivalence classes are defined.
– If an input condition specifies a member of a set, one
valid and one invalid equivalence classes are defined.
– If an input condition is Boolean, one valid and one
invalid classes are defined.

Boundary Value Testing

• Based on programming experience, more errors are
found at the boundaries of an input/output domain than
in the “center”.
• In addition to select test data “inside” an equivalence
class, data at the “edges” of the equivalence class also
need to be examined

user mouse output promptsFK data

queries picks formats input

input domain output domain

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004] 64

Equivalence Partitioning Example
• Consider we are writing a program for computing letter grades
based on the numerical scores of students, where the input
variable is Score. The rule of computing the grade is as follows:

Score Grade
90~100 A
80~89 B
70~79 C
60~69 D
0~59 F


Equivalence Partitioning Example

• The input domain of Score can be partitioned into 5
valid equivalence classes and 2 invalid equivalence
– Valid classes: 0~59, 60~69, 70~79, 80~89, 90~100
– Invalid classes: smaller than 0 and greater than 100
• Any data value within a class is considered equivalence
in terms of testing
• Using the equivalence partitioning testing, we can
reduce the test cases from 100 (assume 0 <= score <=
100) to 7


Boundary Value Testing
• Boundary value analysis (BVA)
– A test case design technique complements to
equivalence partition
– Rather selecting any element from an equivalence
class, BVA leads to the selection of test cases that
exercise bounding values (“edge” of the class)
– Unlike equivalence partition that derives test cases
only from input conditions, BVA derives test cases
from both input conditions and output domain


Boundary Value Testing

• Guidelines [Pressman 2004]:
1. If an input condition specifies a range [a, b], test
cases should be designed with value a and b, just
above and below a and b
• Example: Integer D with input condition [-3, 5], BVA test
values are -3, 5, -2, 6, -1, 4
2. If an input condition specifies a number values, test
cases should be developed to exercise the minimum,
number, maximum number, and values just above
and below minimum and maximum
• Example: Enumerate data E with input condition: {3, 5,
100, 102}, BVA test values are 3, 102, 2, 4, 101, 103

Boundary Value Testing
3. Guidelines 1 and 2 are applied to output
4. If internal program data structures have
prescribed boundaries, be certain to design a
test case to exercise the data structure at its
• Array input condition:
– Empty, single element, full element, out-of-
• Search output condition:
– Element is inside array or the element is not 69

inside array

Boundary Value Testing Example

• Consider the letter grade assignment program in previous
• The input domain of Score can be partitioned into 5 valid
equivalence classes and 2 invalid equivalence classes
– Valid classes: 0~59, 60~69, 70~79, 80~89, 90~100
– Invalid classes: smaller than 0 and greater than 100
• With BVA, we can obtain the following test values
Classes Just below Minimum Just above Just below Maximum Just above
minimum minimum maximum maximum
>100 100 101 102 - - -
90~100 89 90 91 99 100 101
80~89 79 80 81 88 89 90
70~79 69 70 71 78 79 80
60~69 59 60 61 68 69 70
0~59 -1 0 1 58 59 60 70
<0 - - -2 -1 0

Error Guessing
• Identify potential errors and design test cases
based on intuition and experiences
• Test cases can be derived by making a list of
possible errors or error-prone situations
– Empty or null lists
– Zero instances or occurrences
– Blanks or null strings
– Negative numbers
– Historical defects (need to maintain defect history)

A Strategic Approach to Software

• Testing begins at the module level and works outward
toward the integration of the entire computer-based
• Different testing techniques are appropriate at different
points in time.
• Testing is conducted by the developer of the software
and (for large projects) an independent test group.
• Testing and debugging are different activities, but
debugging must be accommodated in any testing
strategy 72

Unit Testing
• Unit testing
– Is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding step
– Focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software
design – the software component or module
– Using the component-level design description as a guide
– Provide a release criterion for a programming task
– Encourage early defect discovery
– Discourage big-bang integration with its late defect discovery
– Find "side effect" defects, especially in highly coupling
– Is white-box oriented and the step can be conducted in parallel
for multiple components

Unit Testing

local data structures
boundary conditions
Module independent paths
error-handling paths

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]

Considerations of Unit Test
• Interface
– Ensures that information properly flows in and out of the
• Local data structures
– Ensures that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity
during execution
• Boundary conditions
– Ensures that the component operates properly at boundaries
established to limit or restrict processing
• Independent paths (basis paths)
– Ensures that all paths in a component have been executed at
least once
• Error-handling paths
– Ensures that errors are correctly handled

Unit Test Cases

• Unit test cases should be designed to uncover
errors due to erroneous computation, incorrect
comparisons, or improper control flow
• Common errors in computation
– Misunderstood or incorrect arithmetic precedence
– Mixed mode operations
– Incorrect initialization
– Precision inaccuracy
– Incorrect symbolic representation of an expression

Unit Test Cases
• Common errors in comparison and control flow
– Comparison of different data types
– Incorrect logical operators or precedence
– Expectation of equality when precision error makes
equality unlikely
– Incorrect comparison of variables
– Improper or nonexistent loop termination
– Failure to exit when divergent iteration is
– Improperly modified loop variables

Unit Test Cases

• What should be tested when error handling is evaluated?
– Error description is unintelligible
– Error noted does not correspond to error encountered
– Error condition causes system intervention prior to error
– Exception-condition processing is incorrect
– Error description does not provide enough information to assist
in the location of the cause of the error


Unit Test Cases
• Boundary testing
– An important task of the unit test step
– Test cases that exercise data structure, control flow, and data
values just below, at, and just above maxima and minima are
vary likely to uncover errors


Unit Test Procedure

• Review of design information (provided as guidance)
to establish test cases that are likely to uncover errors
previous noted
• Each test case should be couple with a set of expected
• Develop driver and/or stub software for each unit test
– Driver: nothing more than a “main program” that accept test
case data, passes such data to the component to be tested, and
prints relevant results
– Stub: serves to replace modules that are subordinate called
by the component to be tested.
– Drivers and stubs represent overhead
• Execute and evaluate the unit test

Unit Test Environment

Driver interface
local data structures
boundary conditions
to be independent paths
tested error-handling paths

Stub Stub

results Cases

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]

• JUnit
– An open source Unit Test Framework for Java
• Provides the test drivers for unit testing
• Provides automatic test runs
• Provides automatic result checks
– The steps of using JUnit
• Write a test case
• Run the test
• Verify the result

• Write a test case
– Create your own test case as a subclass of JUnit TestCase.
– Override the setUp() method to initialize object(s) under
– Override the tearDown() method to release object(s) under
• Run the test
– Define a public test???() method for exercising the
object(s) under test


• Verify the result
– Assert expected result of the test case using assertEquals()
• Error vs. Failures
– Error: unanticipated problem like an
– Failure: is anticipated and can be checked with assertions


JUnit Example for binarySearch
public void test_case1() {
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestBinarySearch extends assertEquals(search.binarySearch(sortedArray,
TestCase { 2),-1);
BinarySearch search; }
int sortedArray[]; public void test_case2() {
int sortedArray2[]={2,4,6};
int sortedArray3[]={2,4,6,8,10}; assertEquals(search.binarySearch(sortedArray2
public TestBinarySearch(String name) { }
super(name); public void test_case3() {
} assertEquals(search.binarySearch(sortedArray3
public static void main(String[] args) { ,6),2); }
ySearch.class); public void test_case4() {
void setUp() throws Exception { assertEquals(search.binarySearch(sortedArray3
super.setUp(); ,4),1);
search=new BinarySearch(); }
sortedArray=new int[0]; public void test_case5() {
protected void tearDown() throws assertEquals(search.binarySearch(sortedArray3
Exception { ,10),4);
super.tearDown(); }
} // test case for showing the JUnit failure
public void test_case6() {
,7),4); 85

JUnit Example for binarySearch


Integration Testing
• Big bang (non-incremental integration)
– All components are combined in advance. The
entire program is tested as a whole
– When a set of errors is encountered, correction is
difficult because isolation of causes is complicated
by the vast expanse of entire program
– Once these errors are corrected, new ones appear
and the process continues in a seemingly endless


Integration Testing
• Incremental integration
– The program is constructed and tested in small
increments, where errors are easier to isolate and
– Interfaces are more likely to be tested completely
– A systematic test approach may be applied
• Top-down integration
• Bottom-up integration
• Sandwich testing (combination of above two approaches)


Top Down Integration
• Modules are integrated by moving download
through the control hierarchy
– Beginning with the main control module (main
– Modules subordinate (and ultimately subordinate)
to main control module are incorporated into the
structure in either a depth-first or breadth-first


Top Down Integration

• The integration process:
– The main control module is used as a test driver and
stubs are substituted for all components directly
subordinate to the main control module
– Depending the depth-first or breadth-first,
subordinate stubs are replaced one at a time with
actual components
– Test are conducted as each component is integrated
– On completion of each set of tests, another stub is
replaced with the real component
– Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that
new errors have not been introduced
– Repeat from step 2 until the entire program structure90
is built

Top Down Integration

top module is tested

M1 with stubs

M2 M3
M3 M4

stubs are replaced

one at a time
M5 M6
M6 M7

as new modules are integrated, some

M8 subset of tests is re-

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]

Top Down Integration

• Advantages
– Is better at discovering errors in the system architecture
(verifies major control or decision points early)
– Can demonstrate a complete function of the system early (if
depth-first integration is selected)
• Disadvantages
– Logistical problems can raise  
– Need to write and test stubs (costly)
• To solve the logistical problem:
– Delay many tests until stubs are replaced with actual modules
– Develop stubs that perform limited functions that simulate the
actual module (requires significant overhead)
– Integrate the software from the bottom of the hierarchy upward

Bottom Up Integration
• Begins construction and testing with atomic modules
(i.e., components at the lowest levels in the program
• The integration process:
– Low-level components are combined into clusters (sometimes
called builds) that perform a specific software subfunction
– A test driver is written to coordinate test case input and output
– The cluster is tested
– The test drivers are removed and clusters are combined
moving upward in the program structure.
• As the integration moves upward, the need for separate
test drivers lessens. 93

Bottom Up Integration

Mc c

Ma a M

D1 D2
D2 D3

Cluster 3

Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Note: Redraw from [Pressman 2004]

Bottom Up Integration
• Advantages
– Easier test case design and no need for stubs
– Can starts at an early stage in the development
process (not require to wait until the architectural
design of the system to be completed)
– Potentially reusable modules are adequately tested
• Disadvantages
– User interface components are tested last
– The program as an entity does not exist until the last
module is added
– Major design faults show up late


Sandwich Integration Testing

• The advantages of one integration strategy tend to
result in disadvantages for the other strategy.
• In practice, most integration involves a combination of
both the top-down and bottom-up integration strategies,
i.e., sandwich integration and testing
• The sandwich integration and testing
– The decision modules (logic modules) are integrated and
tested top-down so that major design faults can be revealed
– The worker modules (operational modules) are integrated
and tested bottom-up so that the potentially reusable modules
are adequately tested while reducing the constructions of test
– The sandwich integration and testing has the strengths of
both top-down and bottom-up integration strategies while 96
avoiding their weaknesses

Regression Testing
• Each time a new module is added as part of
integration testing, or a bug is fixed (as the
results of uncovering errors through testing) in
the software, the software changes.
• These changes may cause problems with
functions that previously worked.
• Regression testing is the re-execution of some
subset of tests that have already been
conducted to ensure that changes have not
generated unintended side effects. 97

Regression Testing
• Regression testing may be conducted
– Manually by re-executing a subset of all test cases
– Using automated capture/playback tools – enable software
engineer to capture test cases and results for subsequent
playback and comparison.
• The regression test suite contains three different
classes of test cases:
– A representative sample of tests that will exercise all
software functions
– Additional tests that focus on software functions that are
likely to be affected by the change
– Tests that focus on the software components that have been

Regression Testing
• As integration testing proceeds, the number of
regression tests can grown quite large
– The regression test suite should be designed to
include only those tests that address one or more
classes of errors in each of the major program
– It is impractical and inefficient to re-execute every
test for every program function once a change has


System Testing
• System testing
– The software is tested as a whole. It verifies all elements mesh
properly to make sure that all system functions and
performance are achieved in the target environment.
• The focus areas are
– System functions and performance
– System reliability and recoverability (recovery test)
– System installation (installation test)
– System behavior in the special conditions (stress and load test)
– System user operations (acceptance test/alpha test)
– Hardware and software integration and collaboration
– Integration of external software and the system
• System testers: test engineers in ITG or SQA people.

System Testing
• Recovery testing
– Verify that the system can recover when forced to fail in various ways
– Database recovery is particularly important (measure time to recover
– Measure mean-time-to-repair (MTTR) if recovery requires human
• Stress testing
– Verify that the system can continue functioning when confronted with
many simultaneous requests (abnormal situations)
– Execute the system by demanding resource in abnormal quantity, frequency,
or volume (subject to extreme data & event traffic )
– Excessive interrupt, high input data rate, maximum memory, …
– How high can we go? Do we fail-soft or collapse?
– Sensitivity testing (a variation of stress testing)
– Attempts to uncover data combinations within valid input classes that may
cause instability or improper processing (performance degradation) 101

System Testing
• Security testing
– Verify that system built-in access protection mechanisms
– To test system for invulnerability from frontal attack as well
as flank or rear attack
– Verify that the penetration cost is more than the value of the
information obtained. (measure average time to break in)
• Performance testing
– Is designed to test the run-time performance of software (real-
time and embedded systems) within the context of an
integrated system
– Measure speed, resource utilization under various
– Is often coupled with stress testing and usually requires both
hardware and software instrumentation
– Occurs throughout all steps in the testing process 102

Alpha and Beta Testing
• Alpha and beta testing
– When software is developed as a product to be used
by many customers, a process called alpha and beta
testing is used to uncover errors that only end-user
seems able to find.
• Alpha Testing
– Conducted at developer’s site
– Conducted by customer
– Developer looks over the shoulder
– Developer records the errors and problems
– Conducted in a controlled environment 103

Alpha and Beta Testing

• Beta Testing
– Conducted at one or more customer sites
– Conducted by end-user
– Developer is not present
– Uncontrolled environment
– Errors may be real or imagined
– Customer reports the errors
– Accordingly modifications are made
– Final product is released
• For commercial products α - β testing is done

Acceptance Testing
• Acceptance tests are performed after system
testing if the software is being developed for a
specific client
• Acceptance tests are usually carried out by the
clients or end users
• Acceptance test cases are based on requirements
– User manual can be an additional source for test
– System test cases can be reused

Acceptance Testing
• The software must run under real-world
conditions on operational hardware/software
• The clients determine if the software meet
their requirements


Object-Oriented Testing
• Although there are similarities between testing
conventional systems and Object-Oriented systems,
Object-Oriented testing has significant differences
• The characteristics of Object-Oriented systems
influence both testing strategy and testing methods.
– The class become the natural unit for test case design
– Implications of Object-Oriented concepts such as inheritance,
encapsulation, and polymorphism pose testing challenges
– Testing the state-dependent behavior of Object-Oriented
systems become important since no clear control flow in
Object-Oriented programs
– Integration strategies change significantly since no obvious
‘top’ module to the system for top-down integration


Unit Testing in the OO Context

• Smallest testable unit is the encapsulated class
• A single operation needs to be tested as part of a class hierarchy
because its context of use may differ subtly
– Inheritance allows an operation exists in many different classes where
the operation is applied within the context of different attributes and is
used in various subtle ways
• Class testing is the equivalent of unit testing in conventional
• Approach:
– Methods within the class are tested
– The state behavior of the class is examined
• Unlike conventional unit testing which focuses on the input-
process-output view of software, algorithm detail of a module,
and the data that flow across the module interface, class testing
focuses on designing sequences of methods to exercise the
states of a class
• But white-box methods can still be applied

Integration Testing in OO Context
• The OO integration strategy changes dramatically
– OO does not have a hierarchical control structure so conventional top-down
and bottom-up integration tests have little meaning.
– Integrating operations one at a time into a class is often impossible because
the “direct and indirect interactions of the components that make up the class”
• OO integration applied three different incremental strategies
• Thread-based testing: integrates classes required to respond to one input
or event.
– each thread is integrated and tested individually.
• Use-based testing: integrates the set of classes required to respond to use
– independent classes: use very few (if any) of server classes
– dependent classes: the classes use independent classes
– testing the independent classes first and then dependent classes
• Cluster testing: integrates classes required to demonstrate one
– A cluster of collaborating classes is tested to uncover the collaborating errors


Validation Testing in an OO
• At the validation or system level, the details of class connections
• Like conventional validation, the OO validation focuses on user-
visible actions and user-recognizable outputs
• Approach:
– Use-case scenarios from the analysis model has a high likelihood to
uncover errors of user interaction requirements
– Conventional black-box testing methods can be used to create a
deficiency list
– Test cases may be driven from the object-behavior model and from event
flow diagram created as part of OOA
– Acceptance tests through alpha (at developer’s site) and beta (at
customer’s site) testing with actual customers


OOT—Test Case Design
• Berard in his book, Essays on Object-Oriented
Software Engineering, proposes the following
approach for OO test case design:
– Each test case should be uniquely identified and should be
explicitly associated with the class to be tested
– The purpose of the test should be stated
– A list of testing steps should be developed for each test and
should contain:
• A list of specified states for the object that is to be tested
• A list of messages and operations that will be exercised as a
consequence of the test
• A list of exceptions that may occur as the object is tested
• A list of external conditions (i.e., changes in the environment
external to the software that must exist in order to properly conduct
the test)
• Supplementary information that will aid in understanding or
implementing the test


OOT—Test Case Design

• Fault-based testing
– The tester looks for plausible faults (i.e., aspects of the
implementation of the system that may result in defects).
To determine whether these faults exist, test cases are
designed to exercise the design or code.
• Class Testing and the Class Hierarchy
– Inheritance does not obviate the need for thorough testing
of all derived classes. In fact, it can actually complicate the
testing process.
• Scenario-Based Test Design
– Scenario-based testing concentrates on what the user does,
not what the product does. This means capturing the tasks
(via use-cases) that the user has to perform, then applying
them and their variants as tests.


OOT Methods: Random Testing
• Random testing
– Identify operations applicable to a class
– Define constraints on their use
– Identify a minimum test sequence
• An operation sequence that defines the minimum life
history of the class (object)
– Generate a variety of random (but valid) test
• Exercise other (more complex) class instance life histories


OOT Methods: Partition Testing

• Partition testing
– Reduces the number of test cases required to test a
class in much the same way as equivalence
partitioning for conventional software
– State-based partitioning
• Categorize and test operations based on their ability to
change the state of a class
– Attribute-based partitioning
• Categorize and test operations based on the attributes that
they use
– Category-based partitioning
• Categorize and test operations based on the generic
function each performs


OOT Methods: Inter-Class Testing
• Inter-class testing
– For each client class, use the list of class operators
to generate a series of random test sequences. The
operators will send messages to other server
– For each message that is generated, determine the
collaborator class and the corresponding operator
in the server object.
– For each operator in the server object (that has
been invoked by messages sent from the client
object), determine the messages that it transmits.
– For each of the messages, determine the next level
of operators that are invoked and incorporate
these into the test sequence

OOT Methods: State-Based Testing

• State-based testing
– Basic idea is to derive tests from the object-behavioral analysis
model to check the state behaviors of a system.
– A state machine (state transition diagram or statechart) is used
to define test cases and test criteria to uncover the incorrect
state behavior of a program.
• Coverage criteria:
– State node coverage
– Transition path coverage
• Applications:
– Very useful to check protocol-based program communications.
– Good to check problems in state-driven or event-driven
application programs.
– Can be used at both specification and code levels 116

OOT Strategy
• Class testing is the equivalent of unit testing
– Operations within the class are tested
– The state behavior of the class is examined
• Integration applied three different strategies
– Thread-based testing—integrates the set of classes
required to respond to one input or event
– Use-based testing—integrates the set of classes
required to respond to one use case
– Cluster testing—integrates the set of classes
required to demonstrate one collaboration

• Consider the following program and (1) draw the control flow diagram (CFG) of the
program; (2) compute the cyclomatic complexity of the program; (3) derive the
independent paths of the program; (4) design test cases to exercise the derived paths;
and (5) based on the designed test cases, write JUnit code to test the program.

void SelectionSort(int n,int List[])

int j,k, minPosition;
int temp;

minPosition= j;

• Design test cases using black-box testing techniques, such as
equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis, for a
program that takes a 3 digit string as input and converts the
string into an integer.
• What are the differences between white-box and black-box
testing techniques. Why they complement each other?
• What is integration testing? Describe and discuss three
common integration processes
• What is regression testing? Why regression testing is required?
How to select test cases for regression testing?
• What is system testing? What are the differences between
alpha and beta testing?
• What are the differences between testing object-oriented
programs and traditional programs?
• Describe three incremental integration strategies for object-
oriented program.

• [Beizer 1990] B. Beizer, Software Testing Techniques, 2nd Edition, Van
Nostrand-Reinhold, 1990.
• [Boehm 1981] B. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Prentice-Hall,
• [Davis 1995] A. Davis, 201 Principles of Software Development, McGraw-
Hill, 1995.
• [Gao 2003] Jerry Gao, Jacob Tsao, and Ye Wu, Testing and Quality
Assurance for Component-Based Software, Artech House, 2003.
• Kaner 1999] C. Kaner, J. Falk, and H. Q. Nguyen, Testing Computer
Software, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 1999.
• [Myers 1979] G. Myers, The Art of Software Testing, Wiley, 1979.
• [Pressman 2004] Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering – A
practitioner’s Approach, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2004.
• [Sommerville 2004] Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 7th Edition,
Addison Wesley, 2004.



• [Hetzel 1984] W. Hetzel, The Complete Guide to Software Testing, QED

Information Sciences, 1984.
• [Tai 1989] K. C. Tai, “What to Do Beyond Branch Testing,” ACM Software
Engineering Notes, vol. 14, no. 2, April 1989, pp. 58-61.
• [Whittaker 2000] James A. Whittaker, “What Is Software Testing? And Why
Is It So Hard,” IEEE Software, 2000.
• [Weyuker 1991] E. Weyuker and B. Jeng, “Analyzing Partition Testing
Strategies,” IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 7, 1991,
pp. 703-711.



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