Potato Production

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Potato is originated in the high Andes of south America and was

first cultivated approximately Lake Titicaca near the present
border of Peru and Bolivia.
In the term of quantity produced and consumed worldwide,
potato is the most important vegetable crop.
It is one of the most important food crops in the world, in
volume of world crop production it ranks fourth following by
wheat, rice and maize.
Potato is one of the most important cultivated members of the
family Solanaceae. A dicotyledonous, herbaceous perennial plant
is treating as annual.
It has pinnate compound pattern alternate leaves on its above
ground stem and specialized underground storage stems or
Potato has an indeterminate growth pattern and produces a
fibrous system of adventitious root system, which develops just
above the nodes on underground portion the stem.

- Potato is one of the worlds major staple food crops

producing high yields of nutritionally valuable food in the
form of tubers, which is an excellent source of carbohydrates
protein and vitamins.
- It is also an important crop towards food security, although
it is a minor crop in the world trade.
- Is a good source of vitamins B1, B3 and B6 minerals such
as K, P and Mg.
Potatoes also contain dietary antioxidants, which
may play a part in preventing diseases related to
aging and dietary fiber.
Ethiopia is endowed with suitable agro ecologies
favoring the cultivation of a wide range of crops
including potato(FAO 2010).
It is widely grown in the high land and mid altitude
areas of west Ethiopia.

Potato production is affected by different

factor including climate condition, soil
property and management practice.

1.2 0bjective

. To review Agronomic and Environmental

factor Influencing potato production.

Biotic and Abiotic factors that can affect

the growth, yield and tuber quality of potato.

Biotic factor :- refers to living organism

that can have a direct and indirect impact on
potato production.

Abiotic factor :- refers to non living

environmental factors that can affect potato
2.1 Agronomic factor

Agronomic factor such as crop rotation ,soil fertility

management, weed control, pest and disease management.

Crop rotation :- is the practice planting different crops

sequentially on the same plot of land to improve soil
health, optimize nutrient in the soil, and combat pest and
weed pressure.
Soil amendment and irrigation on potato production

Potatoes grow best in well drained, sandy soil. A poorly

drained soil is more likely to produce diseased tubers.

Potatoes which have been grown under basin irrigation

practices were more vigorous than plants from furrow
irrigation. This may be due to the fact that plants over the
furrow ridges relatively bears more roots than shoots in search
of soil moisture as more proportion of the applied water is
deep percolated (FAO, 1985) .
Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer on yield of
Potassium influences the transport of nutrients and the movement of
carbohydrates from the leaf of the tuber.
Different levels of nutrient supply may lead to different seed tuber yields.
This is because seed tuber yield is determined not only by total tuber yield but
also by tuber size category and tuber numbers. Improved potato varieties that
have been recently released in Ethiopia may differ in nutrient efficiency, and
could have different optima of balanced macro-nutrient requirements for
maximum yield of good quality seed tubers.(Burga et al., 2013).
Pest and Diseases

Major global diseases that threaten the potato crop are following

• Late blight. This disease is caused by the oomycete pathogen. It infects

the foliage and stems of the potato crop. It is the most widespread and

economically significant threat to potato production. In many parts of

the world fungicide application is the only means to prevent disease.

• Nematodes. They attack plants, including potato, using a variety of

feeding strategies. The nematodes themselves can cause stunted or

deformed roots (Riga and Neilson, 2005) but their major effect on

potato is due to their ability to transmit a variety of damaging plant

viruses such as Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV).

2.2 Environmental factor

Abiotic factor refers to non living environmental

factors that can affect potato production soil moisture,
water stress, nutrient deficiencies or imbalance can lead
to stunted growth, reduce tuber size and lower yield. The
impact of climate change on potato production and found
that increasing temperature, change in precipitation
pattern and extreme weather events have a significant
impact on potato growth and yield (Adhikari et al 2017).

The choice of potato cultivar also play a crucial role in

determining growth, yield and growth quality of potato.
Agro climatologically factor

Agro climatic conditions mainly refer to soil types, rain

fall temperature and water availability.
A. Temperature rise and heat stress

Higher temperatures promote foliar development, delay

tuberization and in effluence potato quality

characteristics such as higher numbers of smaller tubers

per plant, and lower specific gravity which is indicative

of lower dry matter contents (Haverkort, 1988).


Ahmed (1980) reported that a shift in temperature range of 210C -

260C at sprouting to emergence/vegetative stage may often induce

knobbiness and secondary growth in tubers and consequently affects

the yield negatively (Ambrose A et al, 2003).

B. water stress

Potato shows a high sensitivity to drought stress (dependent

on cultivar rooting depth) along with preferences for

tuberizing under short-day conditions and best

performances in cool temperate climates (Haverkort, 1990).

Drought events occurring early in the growing season reduce

the number of tubers per plant (Haverkort et al.,1990 ).

Agronomic practice and environmental factors have a
significant impact on the growth yield and tuber quality of

Agronomic practice such as crop rotation, soil fertility

management and pest and disease control play a crucial role in
the growth and development of plant. Crop rotation helps to
break pest and disease cycle, maintain soil health and prevent
nutrient depletion. Adequate soil fertility management ensure
that the plant have access to essential nutrient for optimal pest
and disease control measure helps to minimize yield loss and
Environmental factors such as temperature, water
availability and intensity also have significant impact
on growth and tuber quality. Potatoes grow best in
cool, moist climates with moderate temperature.
Extreme temperature either too high or to low can
negatively affect plant growth or reduce yield.

Adequate water availability is essential for proper

tuber formation and development. Insufficient and
excess water can result in misshapen or cracked

There are different practices that influence potato production.

Such as choose suitable variety: select potato variety that are well
suited to the local climate and resist to common pest and Disease,
implement crop Rotation: rotate potato crops with other crops to
prevent the building pest and Disease, ensure proper irrigation:
potato require consistent moisture especially during tuber

By considering these factors and implementing potato farmers

can improve their production.

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