Stack Organization & Addressing Mode

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Stack Organization &

Addressing Mode
Dr. Shivani Agarwal
Formats of writing Languages:-
1. Register Transfer:- copying the content of one register to another
R2 R1
2. Control Function:- Similar to if statement
P: R2 R1
if(P=1) then (R2 R1)
3. Simultaneous Operations:- Two or more operations are occur

P: R2 R1,MAR IR

T: Load
Control(T) R2 clock
Register Stack
Insertion Operation
Deletion Operation
• In 64 stack word it is (0-63) SP contains 6 bits it cant
exceed from 6 to 7 or any number so max value is
111111 if its exceed then its 0.
• 111111+1=1000000 ,this exceed 1 represents flag
FULL1 and buffer is 0,this condition represents
• When the buffer is 0 (000000) and it is decremented by
1 so the result is 111111 it is 63 then EMPTY1,
Memory Stack
A Portion of computer memory divided in
to 3 segments program, data and stack.
• PC point the address of next instruction
and it is used during the fetch phase to PC
read an instruction
• AR points at an array pointer of data AR

and it is used during the operand fetch SP

and execute an instruction.
• SP points at the value of top of stack. It
is used for insert or del an item into or
from the memory stack.
- A portion
of memory is used as a stack with a
processor register as a stack pointer

- PUSH: SP  SP - 1
M[SP]  DR
- POP: DR  M[SP]
SP  SP + 1

- Most computers do not provide hardware to check

stack overflow (full stack) or underflow(empty stack)
Register Stack Memory Stack

It is on the CPU It is on RAM

It is faster than Memory stack It is Slower

It is limited in size It is larger in size

Size is 32 bits to 64 bits Size is GB to TB


• Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a method for representing expressions in which the operator
symbol is placed after the arguments being operated on. Polish notation, in which the operator
comes before the operands, was invented in the 1920s by the Polish mathematician Jan Lucasiewicz.

• Arithmetic Expressions: A + B
• A+B Infix notation
• +AB Prefix or Polish notation
• AB+ Postfix or reverse Polish notation
Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions
• Any arithmetic expression can be expressed in parenthesis-free
Polish notation, including reverse Polish notation
Instruction Format

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