02 ProcessMangaement
02 ProcessMangaement
02 ProcessMangaement
A busy loop with no calls (like an infinite loop) consumes a lot of CPU
A busy loop with indefinitely repeated system calls also consumes a lot of CPU
… but with a difference in the way the time is accounted
A loop with a sleep system call consumes negligible CPU
Kernel and User mode CPU states
• Goal: Let user code run on CPU, but restrain what instructions user
can execute
• Mechanism 1: Hardware support for “mode” in the process status/ cpu flag.
• CPU in “user” mode is restricted in terms of instructions it can execute.
• Mechanism 2: Hardware support for “interrupts” to go between “user” and
”kernel” mode: Hardware support for:
• System call instructions from “user” mode execution (syscall on x86-64)
• See syscall.s and syscallC.c
• Exception handling
• See exceptions.c
• Hardware interrupts
• For IO, as a special case – Prearranged timer interrupts
Why programs make system calls?
• The kernel has code that does a
Kernel 3---
Process virtual address space
lot of useful stuff like I/O
• System calls are the way these
2--- routines can be executed
libraries -----
----- • These activities need ‘privileged’
instructions which need careful
• So there are two modes:
in Linux
Interrupts: Timer System call: IO request Interrupt: External
(WRITE(2)) device (IO complete) 12
About system calls (syscall in x86-64) 1. Se
2. Sa
3. Fin
• The system call is a 4. Ru
• Machine instruction (has an opcode) 1
• Is executed from the user mode code (usual user C code and libraries) D
• The instruction jumps the CPU to a predefined system call entry point in the kernel.
• This predefined entry point address is stored in a special register
• This register is initialized at boot time by kernel code.
• The instruction changes CPU mode from user mode to kernel mode
• Typically CPU bits are set
• Once the kernel finishes handling the request it executes a system call return
• This resets the CPU mode bits
• On x86-64 these instructions are syscall and sysret (or sysenter/systexit), an
alternate is INT 0x80
How are multiple system calls handled
• There are a number of predefined system calls with a numeric code
for each. Eg. in Linux see :
• /usr/include/sys/syscall.h or
• The user puts the required system call in a specific register and then
executes syscall instruction. (eg put 1 into rax for WRITE system call)
• The system call handler will use a system call table to jump
to the appropriate handler 0 sys_read
System 1 sys_write Address of the
call sys_open corresponding
numeric 2 handler in the
sys_close kernel
codes 3
More about the system call(syscall in x86-64)
1. Syscall instruction
1. Change mode to kernel mode
2. Saves some process state
3. Starts executing the system call handler entry_syscall_64
2. entry_syscall_64
1. Stack switches to kernel stack
2. Saves rest of process state
3. Looks up the syscall table and executes the specific handler code
4. On return from the syscall handler restore any state information
5. Execute sysret which reverses the mode and some flags and goes back
to user code execution.
A simplified syscall
mechanism CPU
--------- 1
Syscall table ST
---P3--- Syscall entry_syscall_64
--------- ---------
-------- --------- HW support for save
--------- mode change call refers ST 1
--------- Running process restore
sysret ----
---P2--- ---P4---
--------- --------- System call 1 handler
-------- -------- ----
--------- --------- return
--------- ---------
Ref: www.ostep.org (Ch 6 Fig 6.2)
Context Switching
Kernel code Hardware support User code
• Process in user mode
executes a syscall
Process terminated,
R Running or runnable Unblocking eg by exit()
Blocking Request
S Sleeping
Z Zombie Terminal
Blocked S
Indicate as seen on
Linux ps command output
(just a sample!)
Terminated state and zombie processes
• It is not unusual that the child process terminates before the parent
• When the child terminates, the parent is expected to issue a wait()
system call to get the child information.
• Therefore in Linux the child enters the terminated state. In this state it
is no longer schedulable. It simply waits for its parent to read its exit
status. Once parent has read the exit status, the child PCB is removed.
• This state is also called zombie state
• See fork_and_termC.c
Orphaned processes
• It is possible for the parent to exit early and the child to continue to
• Such processes are called ‘orphaned processes’ – i.e., it is alive, but its
parent has terminated.
• How they are dealt with:
• On some OSes this causes all children to terminate too.
• On Linux the process is allowed to run; however, its parent is changed
• This is called reparenting the process.
• A specific process such as systemd is assigned as the new parent process.
• Example: See fork_and_termP.c
Exploring process states in Linux
• Use ps -ax -o pid,comm,stat,wchan
• Run loopy , use ^Z and fg to toggle states
• See fork_and_termC.c, fork_and_termP.c and
What have we learnt ?
• Processes can be managed (created, destroyed) using system calls
• Process details can be discovered using ps on Linux
• Processes have a priority that can be changed
• CPU has two modes (user and kernel) mode,
• System calls, exceptions and hardware interrupts takes us between these
modes - context switch
• We understand how a system call works
• We know that a process can be in one of these states: Ready, Running,
Blocked, Terminated.
• We saw some programming experiments to understand these concepts.