Generation of '27 Pink Variant

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and Ethos
Kiefer & Tobi
What is Logos?
Logos, means to appeal to the
audience's’ sense of reason or
logic. To use Logos, the author
makes clear, logical connection
between ideas, and include the
use of facts and statistics.

How to Use Logos
Using historical and literal analogies to make a
logical argument is another strategy. There
should be no holes in the argument, also known
as logical fallacies, which are unclear or wrong
assumptions or connections between ideas.

Ethos is whether or not

the speaker appeals to
the listeners sense of
trust and their wanting
to hear from a credible
Ways to enhance Ethos
Speak only about the topics you know so that the listeners would
be able to trust you more since you have a firm understanding of
your topic

Be open and truthful when speaking in

front of an audience so you could build up
your track record of credibility

Treat people nicely so that you can

build your track record of credibility
and people would perceive you as a
better person and would in turn
listen to what you say on stage.
Example #1 Examples Example #2
(Tobi) (Kiefer)

Smoking is bad for your health, we all agree, if you If my years as a Botanists has taught me anything, it’s
that we aren’t paying enough attention to the beautiful
want to be healthy and, not have dying lungs, you
world around us. It might be beautiful now but it might
shouldn't smoke. Some of us has tried smoking before, not be for long. The ice caps are melting, the air is
even me, a doctor who has cut open many lungs of getting worse, and the trees are being rapidly cut down.
patients that smoked, and trust me, from those patients All this is a huge danger to our planet and community
and lungs I saw, smoking isn’t healthy. I declare so we have to do something about this so that we
smoking as a dangerous act that should be controlled. together can save the planet.That is why here at
Monrovia Plants we have started a campaign to plant
And yes, I have done research about smoking and the
trees for any donation given. Plenty of botanists here
dangers of it. If you want to live then don’t smoke. If are helping us out with the soil, the seeds, and the
you smoke your technically asking for a death sentence. overall condition of of trees planted. We have been
More than 8 million people die per year because of running for over 10 years and most of us here have over
smoking. So if you want to keep yourselves healthy, 5 years of experience, we are also trusted by many
then just simply, don’t smoke. Spread the news to the people from various countries, so why just watch you
could help us save the world one sapling at a time.
people around us, don’t smoke!
Thank You!

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