Creative Writing Test g11

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Department of Education
Region III
Division of Gapan City
San Nicolas, Gapan City

Grade 11 HUMSS
I. Firstcorrect
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the Semester

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Any writing, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, that goes outside the bounds of normal professional, journalistic, academic, and
technical forms of literature.
A. Creative Non-Fiction B. Creative Writing C. Flash Fiction D. Technical Writing
2. These are words or phrases that describe the content of the text.
A. Creative Non-Fiction B. Creative Writing C. Sensory details D. Vocabulary words
3. It refers to the actual, dictionary meaning of a word or language that means what it appears to mean.
A. Figurative B. Literal C. Colloquial D. Connotation
4. A word composition arranged in a rhythmic pattern; it is used to express one’s creative thoughts and feelings through a
specialized and heightened language.
A. Figures of Speech b. Novel c. Non-Fiction d. Poetry
5. This element of poetry adds musical quality to the poem which gives the readers reading pleasure.
a. rhyme b. rhythm c. theme d. tone
6. It summarizes the statement containing the min thought or meaning of the poem.
a. rhyme b. rhythm c. theme d. tone
7. Refers to the attitude and mood of the poem.
a. rhyme b. rhythm c. theme d. tone
8. A stanza which comprises of six (6) lines.
a. dactylic b. octet c. sestet d. quinrain
9. The repetition of the intermediate or final consonant sound.
a. alliteration b. assonance c. consonance d. personification
10. The repetition of vowel sound.
a. alliteration b. assonance c. consonance d. personification
11. How do we differentiate creative writing from technical writing?
a. Creative writing is journalistic and uses wide array of jargons unlike technical writing.
b. Creative writing is objective while technical writing is subjective.
c. Creative writing uses formal language while technical uses informal.
d. Creative writing id fictional and imaginative while technical writing is factual.

“I think that I shall never

see A poem as lovely as a
A tree whose hungry mouth
is pressed
Against the earth’s sweet
flowing breast.”

12. What is the idea or theme of this

poem entitled “Trees” by Joyce
a. beauty of nature
b. earth’s
abundance c. life of trees
d. gifts of God
13. A woman was sitting in a restaurant
when suddenly a waiter spilled some
coffee on her dress. She uttered in
dismay, “Oh,
a. beware
I’m having a goodofday!”
Thisand lightning c. cats and dogs are falling from the roof
b. cats
statement and
is an dogs are
example of fighting outside d. it’s raining heavy
17. “She a.
seashells by b. theConsonance
sea-shore.” This tongue twister is an example of
a. Alliteration b. c. Ellipsis
consonance c. metaphor d. simile
18. “The sun glared down d. at Irony
me from the sky”.. This can be interpreted as..
14. He is as funny as a barrel of
a. a hyperbole which means the sky is looking down c. a metaphor that compares the sun and sky
b. personification
a. Hyperbole which
b. Metaphormeans the sun is too hot d. personification which means the sun is bright
19. A discrepancy betweenc.what Simileis said and what is meant is which figures of speech?
a. Hyperbole d. c. Oxymoron d. Personification
15. How b.
a. Irony
would you differentiate
alliteration b. assonance c. hyperbole d. onomatopoeia
“assonance’ from “consonance”?
20. Charming children chat in the corner.
21. “There is a thing beneath the stair with slimy face and oily hair”. This statement implies which element of poetry?
a. idiom b. imagery d. metaphor d. rhythm
22. Which of the following sentence is an Onomatopoeia?
a. . I like pancakes so much I could eat a million of them c. Hope is a thing with feathers.
b. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. d. Ding dong! the bells are gonna chime.
23. Which of the following words are considered dactylic?
a. Ellaine, hello c. bitter, corner
b. Beautiful, Saturday d. Jamboree, magazine

“The Crocodile”
How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the water of the
Nile On every golden scale!”
24. What is the main idea or tone of the poem?
a. crocodiles are awesome creatures c. the danger of a crocodile
b. crocodiles have shiny scales d. these creatures can be tamed
25. Which line supports your answer on No.
24? c. Improve his shining tail
a. And pour water on the Nile d. On every golden scale
b. How doth the little crocodile
26. Which form of poetry is being used in the following poem?
“I am first with five
Then seven in the middle
-Five again to end.”

a . ABC poem b. haiku c. d. elegy

27. The distinction
a. a prose between
poem isprose poem
usually in a and a standard
narrative form poemc.isa…standard poem is usually longer
b. a prose poem comprises of stanzas d. a standard poem is in a paragraph form
28. Which best explains the definition of Flash Fiction?
a. A story which tells about unrealistic events c. a story which plays between short story and novel
b. doesn’t limit the words it uses d. story known for extreme brevity or limited words
29. “The thunder grumbled like an old man.” This means that..
a. the thunder looks like an old man c. the thunder makes loud and roaring sound
b. the thunder is approaching d. the thunder is scary
30. How would you classify “Biag ni Lam-ang” or the Life story of Lam-ang?
a. Ballad c. epic
b. Elegy d. ode

II. COMPLETION: Supply the missing word. Write the letter of the correct answer.

31. Imagine a skunk who proposes, To his true love, surrounded by .

Complete the line of this limerick.
a. houses c. horses
b. trousers d. roses
32. I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can .(Free Verse)
a. be c. see
b. me d. thee
33. How to create an interesting setting ?
a. Choose a scene / Do lots of Research / Write what u had researched about.
b. Choose a scene / think very hard / write what you had thought about.
c. Choose a scene / Visualise / Write what u had visualised.
d. Choose a scene / Discuss / Write everything u discussed.
34. How would you add character ?
a. Focus on a person, add such details as what that person would do or feel.
b. Focus on a person's life story - the more disastrous the better.
c. Invent as many interesting stories filled with humour.
d. Incorporate very sad stories
35. What applies to Sensory details?
a. Details that require common sense.
b. Details that involve your sight.
c. Details that involve sense and sensibility.
d. Details that involve your 5 senses - sight / hearing / taste / feel and smell
36. If I wanted to create a poem in the shape of a dog I would write this type of poem.
a. Acrostic b. concrete c. haiku d. diamante
37. If I wanted to create a poem in the shape of a diamond I would write this type of poem.
a. Acrostic b. concrete c. haiku d. diamante
38. This type of poetry and short stories are similar because they have characters, setting, and plot.
a. Haiku b. lyric c. limerick d. narrative
39. How are acostic and ABC poems different?
a. Abc poems use a word and acostic are aphabetical.
b. Abc poems and acostic poems are the same.
c. Abc poems are alphabetical and acostic use a word.
d. Acostic poems do not spell words down the page like abc poems
40. The line below from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is an example of what popular sonnet theme?
“Shall I compare thee for a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”
a. Death b. Love c. Summer d. weather
41. Which of the following choices is arranged proper sequence?
a. Character, Setting, Plot, Resolution, Conflict c. Setting, Plot, Character, Conflict, Resolution
b. Character, Setting, Conflict, Plot, Resolution d. Character, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Resolution
42. In Maupassant's short story "The Necklace", the main character learns that honesty is indeed the best policy. The main idea
or the possible opinion of the author is known as what term?
a. Conflict b. setting c. point of view d. theme
43. What should you include when writing a summary for a NONFICTION text?
a. Characters b. Conflict c. Details and Facts d. solution
44. Which best describes a summary?
a. a really long detailed piece of writing c. the entire text told in your own words
b. anything that teachers make you write d. the main ideas and important details of a text
45. What is the rhyme scheme for the poem “Dreams”?

“Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.”
46. Which of the following lines from “Dreams” (Refer to question number 45) contains an example of alliteration?
a. b. ABAB
"Hold fast to dreams” c. “For if dreams die”
b. For when dreams go” d. “Life is a barren field”
47. Which of the following lines from contains onomatopoeia?
a. He ran to the kitchen c. Her heels clacked on the floor
b. He dropped the napkin d. She slept through dinner
48. Choose the correct rhyme scheme:
"Beware the dangershine of Moon,
Do not disturb the bugs of June!"
The elder mouncelors whisperoon
A tune that tells Jam what to
49. Which word does not rhyme with the following three?
Kite, light, rewrite
a. meteorite b. satellite d. stoplight
c. sigh
50. Choose the clue words that indicate COMPARE and CONTRAST. c. later, then, next, Monday
a. therefore, cause, effect, consequently d. possibility, struggle, hope, problem
b. similar, different, common, on the other hand

Prepared by: Donna Lou R. Dela Cruz

English Teacher I

Noted by: Noime O. Villegas

Senior High School Asst. Principal I

Good luck and God bless.

“It always seems impossible until it’s DONE!” – Anon

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