Types of Assessment
Types of Assessment
Types of Assessment
• Traditional
• Paper-and pencil tests or quizzes are best examples of
traditional assessment which is mainly describe and measure
student learning outcomes.
• Are single-occasion tests which measures what learners can do
at a particular time (Law and Eckes, 1995).
• Indirect and inauthentic measures of student learning outcomes
(Bailey, 1998).
• Focus on learner’s ability of memorization and recall, which are
lower level of cognition skills (Smaldino, 2000).
1. Traditional and Authentic Assessment
• Authentic
• Focuses on the analytical and creative thinking skills, students
to work cooperatively and that reflect student learning, student
achievement, and student attitudes of relevant activities.
• It measures performances or products which have realistic
meaning that can be attributed to the success in school.
• Activities, questions and problems with “real world” satisfy the
criterion that it needs to be an authentic intellectual work within
the given situation or contextual realism of the tasks.
Dimensions of Authenticity are grouped in three broad
categorize (Frey, 2012)
• 1. The Context of the Assessment
• Realistic activity or context
• The task is performance-based.
• The task is cognitively complex.
• 2. The Role of Student
• A defense of the answer or product is required.
• The assessment is formative.
• Students’ collaborative with each other or with the teacher.
• 3. The Scoring
• The scoring criteria are known, or student developed.
• Multiple indicators or portfolios are used for scoring.
• The performance expectation is mastery.
Four Basic Characteristics of Authentic Assessment
Purpose To provide ongoing feedback and To document student learning at the end
adjustment to instruction. of an instructional segment.
Norm-Referenced Criterion-Referenced
Principal Use Survey Testing Matery Testing
Major emphasis Measures individual differences in achievement Describes tasks students can perform
Interpretation of results Compares performance to that of other individual Compares performance to a clearly specified
achievement domain.
Content of courage Typically covers a broad area of achievement Typically focuses on a limited set of learning tasks.
Nature of test plan Table of specification Detailed domain specifications are favored.
Item selection procedures Items are selected that provide maximum Includes all times needed adequately to describe
discrimination among individuals (to attain a performance. No attempt is made to alter item
reliable ranking). Easy items are typically difficulty or to eliminate easy items to increase the
eliminated from the test. spread of scores.
Performance standards Level of performance is determined by relative Level of performance is commonly determined by
position in some known group (ranks fifth in a absolute standards (demonstrates master by
group of 20) defining 90 percent of technical terms)
2. Affective
3. Psychomotor
B. Electronic References
[1] https://snazlan.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/characteristic-21st-century-assessment.pdf
[2] https://stelar.edc.org/instruments/21st-century-skills-assessment
[3] https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/christ-the-king-college/education/characteristics-of-
[4] https://challengemap.digitalpromise.org/assessment/21st-century-skills-assessment/
[5] https://www.scribd.com/presentation/436351200/Characteristics-of-21st-Century-Assessment