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Software Testing

How to write Test case

Group 4: Phạm Tiến Đạt

Phạm Anh Hào
Trần Minh Phụng
Nguyễn Phúc Minh Thông
How to write Test Case

There are three easy steps to prepare test cases for the login page in the Excel sheet:
• Firstly, we will set up a format for that.
• Secondly, we will enter the relevant data.
• Finally, we will use a formula to return the test case status
How to write Test Case
Step 1: Setting Up Format
 Firstly, create the following fields –
• Test Scenario: Our test scenario will be test cases for a login page.
• Tester: The person responsible for the testing process.
• Date: The date when the test is carried out.
 Secondly, create the following columns –
• ID: We will assign a unique identification number for each test case.
• Test Case: The subject for a test procedure.
• Pre-condition: If there is any pre-requisite for a test case
• Test Steps: Required test steps to carry out a test case.
• Test Data: If any data needs to be entered, then we will use this column.
How to write Test Case

 Thirdly, insert more columns –

• Expected Output: The most likely output, if everything works perfectly.
• Post-condition: If there is any condition required after the test is carried out.
• Actual Output: The real output we get from a test case.
• Status: Pass or Fail.
• Comments: If a tester needs to comment on something, this column will be
useful then.
How to write Test Case

Step 2: Entering Relevant Data to Make Test Cases for Login Page
• In this section, we will enter the relevant data into the empty cells. After
that, we will use the Wrap Text feature to format the cell values.
Additionally, AutoFit the rows may be required.

• To begin with, type the values into the empty cells. Now, we cannot see
the values properly. We will fix this in the next step.
How to write Test Case

• Then, select the required cell range.

• After that, from the Home tab, select Wrap Text, which is under
the Alignment section.
How to write Test Case
Step 3: Finding Test Status
In this step, we will type a formula by combining the IF and OR functions to
find the test case status for a login page in an Excel sheet.
• Firstly, type the following formula in cell J10.
Example write Test Case

How to write Test Cases for a Login Page

We usually write test cases for the

login page for every application
we test. Every login page should
have the following elements:
1. ‘Email/Phone
Number/Username‘ Textbox
2. ‘Password‘ Textbox
3. ‘Login‘ Button
4. ‘Remember Me‘ Checkbox
5. ‘Keep Me Signed In‘
6. ‘Forgot Password‘ Link
7. ‘Sign up/Create an account‘
Test Cases for a Login Page

 UI/UX, Peformance, Usability Test

Sr. Type- Negative/ Positive Test
Other Test Cases
No. Case
Verify to see if the font style and size of the labels, as well as
1 UI Testing & Positive Testing
the text on each object, are clearly visible.
Verify that the login screen contains elements such as
2 Username, Password, Sign in button, Remember password UI Testing & Positive Testing
check box, Forgot password link, and create an account link.
Verify that the application’s user interface (UI) is responsive, Usability Testing
so it will adapt to different screen resolutions and devices.
Verify that how much time the application is taking to load
Performance & Positive
4 the home page after entering the valid user name and
password in the login page.
Test Cases for a Login Page

 Functional Test Cases

Type- Negative/
Functional Test Cases Positive Test
Verify if a user will be able to login with a valid username and valid
1 Positive
Verify if a user cannot login with a valid username and an invalid
2 Negative
Verify the login page for both, when the field is blank and Submit button
3 Negative
is clicked.
4 Verify the ‘Forgot Password’ functionality. Positive
5 Verify the messages for invalid login. Positive
6 Verify the ‘Remember Me’ functionality. Positive
Verify if a user is able to login with a new password only after he/she has
7 Positive
changed the password.
Verify if the login page allows to log in simultaneously with different
8 Positive
credentials in a different browser.
Verify if the ‘Enter’ key of the keyboard is working correctly on the login
9 Positive
Test Cases for a Login Page

 Security test cases

Sr. Type- Negative/
Security test cases
No. Positive Test Case
1 Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the specified Negative
range in each field (Username and Password).

2 Verify if a user cannot enter the characters more than the specified Positive
range in each field (Username and Password).

3 Verify the login page by pressing ‘Back button’ of the browser. It Negative
should not allow you to enter into the system once you log out.

4 Verify the timeout functionality of the login session. Positive

5 Verify if a user should not be allowed to log in with different Negative

credentials from the same browser at the same time.

6 Verify if a user should be able to login with the same credentials in Positive
different browsers at the same time.

7 Verify the Login page against SQL injection attack. Negative

8 Verify the implementation of SSL certificate. Positive

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