Items To Check During Inspection of Signaling Gears For Railway

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1 Points and locks Monthly Quarterly Yearly
2 Point transmission Monthly Quarterly Yearly
3 Crank handle interlocking Monthly Quarterly Yearly
4 Track Circuits Monthly Quarterly Yearly

5 Signals Monthly Quarterly Yearly

6 Signal transmission Monthly Quarterly Yearly

7 Main power supply & distribution to Monthly Quarterly Yearly

Signalling circuits.
8 Standby DG sets Monthly Quarterly Yearly

9 Block instruments Monthly Quarterly Yearly

10 Automatic block Signalling Monthly Quarterly Yearly

11 Automatic permissive block working Monthly Quarterly Yearly

12 Axle counter block working Monthly Quarterly Yearly

13 Control / indication panel Monthly Quarterly Yearly
14 Lever frames Monthly Quarterly Yearly
15 SM slide frames Monthly Quarterly Yearly
16 Inter cabin slotting Monthly Quarterly Yearly
17 Signalling SLO cables Yearly Sample check Sample check
18 Power cables Yearly Sample check Sample check
19 Overhead transmission Monthly Quarterly Yearly
20 L-Xing interlocking Monthly Quarterly Yearly
21 Station communication e.g. SM/Cabin/inter
cabin /L-sing etc.
Monthly Quarterly Yearly
22 L-xing communication Monthly Quarterly Yearly
23 Station communication e.g.SM/Cabin/inter
cabin/L-xing etc.
Monthly Quarterly Yearly
24 L-xing communication Monthly Quarterly Yearly
25 Relay room/Cabin basement Monthly Quarterly Yearly
26 Sealing of relays, lever locks, CBs etc. Monthly Quarterly Yearly
27 Foot plate inspection Monthly Quarterly Yearly
28 Interlocking Testing by Locking
Table/Selection Table.
Yearly Sample check Sample check



29 Signalling equipment
Testing & inspection
Yearly Quarterly Monthly

30 Foot Plate inspection. Yearly Quarterly Monthly

(preferably (Preferably
jointly with Jointly with
Optg/Mech TI/LI)

Every station should be inspected by a signal Engineer at least once in twelve
• Where there is only one officer, whether he is Sr.DSTE/DSTE or an ASTE on a
division this officer must inspect and test all Signalling & Telecommunication
equipments and other installations connected therewith under his charge at an
interval of not more than twelve months.
• Where there is more than one officer of the rank of DSTE & ASTE, the DSTE should
inspect not less than 40% of the stations and the ASTE not less than 60%.
• Where there are officers in three-tier available on the Division, the Sr.DSTE must
carry out not less than 10% of the total No. Of stations on the Division, where a
DSTE, must cover not less than 50% of the number of stations on the division also.
i. the inspections should be spread out in time and locations.
ii. At Sr.DSTE/DSTE’s level, at least one or two important stations should
be covered other than the Headquarters station.
• In addition, as per para 6 of GM’s letter lNo.55-G/1/Policy/95 dt. June 22, 1995.
a. Weekly Joint Trolley Inspection by a team consisting of Engg., S&T and Traffic
Inspectors, preferably on Saturdays to cover the whole section in 4 to 5 weeks.
b. Monthly Joint Inspections of annexed category ‘A; and ‘B’ stations by a team
consisting of Engg., S&T,, Traffic, Electrical, Mechanical officers at JA/SS level for
category ‘A’ stations and Asstt/Sr.Scale officers for category ‘B’
stations, to cover these stations in a month.


– Track circuit no.

– Battery
• No. of secondary cells
• Capacity of secondary cell
• Make
• Date of installation.
– Battery charger
• Make
• S.No.
• Date of installation
• Capacity
– Relay
• Type of Relay
• No. of contacts
• Make
• Date of last overhaul
• Safety Items
– Normal Voltage of Relay and Periodicity.
– Shunt with.5 ohm resistance position of relay & voltage at relay terminals.
– Periodicity
• ESM – Weekly
• JE – Monthly
• SE - Quarterly
• Reliability items
– Voltage & gravity of cell after switching off charger
– Periodicity
• ESM – Fortnightly
• JE – Monthly
• SE - Quarterly.
– Parameters to be checked after switching on the charger
• Charger output voltage and current
• Feed end resistance and drop across it.
– Cleaning of iron dust/chips from insulation joints

• Required items
– Drop across feed end choke.
– Voltage at feed end on track
– Voltage across choke
– Physical checking of bond wire and boot leg
– Check double bond wire and double bond jumpers are provided
– Reference of message & given to whom in case of any defect.
Electrically operated Point Machine

Items to be checked during inspection.

• Type of Point Machine
• Rated operating voltage
• Operating current
• Safety Items
– Check condition of tongue rail and burrs on stock rail
– Extent of housing of switches & cleaning of points
– Obstruction test with 3.2.5 mm, 5 mm & 1.62 mm test piece.
– Check wiring of point machine & cleaning of contents and c heck their
condition, making and breaking
– Test effectiveness of track locking with train shunt resistance
– Test crank handle releasing and its interlocking with signals
• Reliability Items
– Condition of sleepers
– Square ness of switches and packing of points
– Lubrication of moving parts of points and graphite chair plate
Electrically operated Point Machine(Contd)

• Reliability Items
– Measurement of normal working current & Voltage (Volt and
Amps) in “N” & “R” position
– Checking and cleaning of commutator
– Check bracket, rodding, play of cotter pins and replace if
– Measurement of current by putting obstruction in points for
clutch adjustment Amp.) in “N” & “R” position
– Check the timer relay's timing for point operation (Seconds)
– Tighten of all nuts, check nuts & bolts
– Check all grease nipples are in good condition. Recommended
type of grease should be used
– Check gasket is in proper place in point machine cover
– Reference of message and given to whom in case of any defect

Items to be checked during inspection

• Joint No
• Type of joint
• Track Circuit No.
• Check packing at insulation joint
• Check insulation resistance with multimeter
• Check spacing of sleepers
• Check type and position of pendrol clip
• Periodicity of inspection
– ESM - Fortnightly
– JE - Monthly
– SE - Quarterly

Items to be checked during inspection.

• Check the ground floor is clean & tidy

• Check electrical fittings & all lights are in working condition. Inform
SE/Electrical, if required
• Check & ensure that there is no leakage of water through walls &
from roof in the basement
• Check & ensure that all cable conductors are properly terminated at
the terminal board & properly dressed/laced & insulated
• Check all relay covers are neither broken nor any heating is seen.
All relays are sealed & indications are proper
• Check that glass of doors & windows are clean & not broken
• Check that there is no joint in relay rack wiring
• Check that sheaths of cables are properly earthed & earth wire
soldered in RE area
• Reference of message & given to whom in case of any defect
Items to be checked during inspection

• Check & ensure anti tilting arrangement of shelf type

• Clean location box
• Ensure that there is no hole for water leakage
• Ensure that sand is filled upto the bottom of the location
• Check cable armours are properly earthed & earth wire
soldered in RE area
• Check that wires are dressed & laced
• Reference of massage & given to whom in case of any
Items to be checked during inspection
• Safety items
– Earth resistance. Earth resistance to be written on earth
enclosure also.
Periodicity : JE – Yearly, SE – Yearly.
– Check continuity and separation from other earths.
Periodicity: ESM – Monthly, JE – Yearly, SE – Yearly
• Reliability items
– Add water & cleanliness
Periodicity: ESM – Half Yearly, JE – Yearly, SE – Yearly
• Required items
– Condition of earth enclosure
– Wiring on earth enclosure to be soldered
– Check lightening arrestor and fuses provided in circuit
Periodicity: ESM – Half Yearly, JE – Yearly, SE – Yearly
• Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Safety items
– Check Boom Locking arrangement of both side boom.
– Check for proper adjustment of gate lamps and check for proper
adjustment of warning bell.
Periodicity: MSM-Fortnightly, JE-MSE-Quarterly

• Reliability item
– Check for wear & tear of wire & its alignment & replace defective wire.
– Check working of winch, lifting barrier & its interlocking mechanism.
Periodicity: MSM-Half yearly, JE-Yearly , SE-Yearly.

• Required item
– Check that both booms are working together and check that counter
weight in moving freely.
– Lubricate all moving parts.
Periodicity: MSM –Half Yearly, JE – Yearly , SE – Yearly
Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Check following and advise PWI in writing if any deficiency is

– Condition of sleepers and bearing plates.
– Condition of tongue rail.
– Square ness of switch rail and packing of point.
– Play of the tongue rail due to creep and worn out heel block.
– Housing of switches.
– Burr on stock rail.
• Clean & lubricate point chair Plate.
– Stud bolts.
• Check that facing point lock is fitted tightly with sleeper.
• Clean and Lubricate HPL Plunger.
• Carry out obstruction test with 3.25 mm gauge.
• Check that ends of plunger of lock and stretcher bar notches
are square within permissible limits.
Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Clean all fixtures & tighten all nuts & bolts.

• Ensure that there is no play or movements.
• Clean & lubricate all connecting plans.
• Ensure contact block remains vertical in mid position when points is
in unlock condition.
• Do obstruction test with 5 mm test piece.
• Switch detection should be checked by disconnecting detector rod
in lock in position.
• Ensure detection contacts are made with 1.62 mm test piece.
• Measure incoming & outgoing voltage at terminals.
• Check that sleepers are well packed.
• Reference of message and given to whom in case of any defect.
Periodicity (ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly.
Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Check that signal arm is securely fixed in ‘ON’ position and back
light blanks.
• Check that spindle stud and counter weight lever connections are
oiled and working freely.
• Check counter weight is in correct position and check lock nuts on
adjustable joints for tightness.
• Check and clean roundals.
• Check the condition of post, ladder, platform and guides.
• Check the height of founts and focussing of signal.
• Where double wire signal mechanism is used, check lubrication of
all parts.
• Reference of message and given to whom in case of any defect.
Periodicity (MSM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly)
Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Check free and proper movement of circuit breaker spindle along

with movement of arms.

• Clean circuit breaker with brush & contacts with chamois leather,
clean all holes & provide oil.

• Check & ensure proper adjustment of CB.

• Check whether spare CB contacts have been used in parallel.

Periodicity (ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly)

• Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Check all moving parts, clean oil holes & lubricate with oil.
• Check mechanical connections for proper alignment & free
movement of armature spring.
• Clean contacts & adjust, if required.
• Tighten all terminal screws, lock nuts & split the pins.
Periodicity (ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly)
• Test for each control separately to see that signal goes to ‘ON’
• Test that it is not possible to take off signal without taking off control if
wire is pulled slowly.
• Measure voltage at reverser (monthly) and check Coil insulation (Qtr)
• Check effectiveness of dashpot & ensure proper oil level.
• Check that position of operating & spectacle lever to ensure that
arrow mark on them coincide with that of bridge.
• Reference of message and given to whom in case of any defect.
Periodicity : (ESM – Monthly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly)
Items to be checked Items to during inspection
• S.No. Load
• Capacity Date of installation
• Charger make Date of installation of charger
• Initial specific gravity Circuit
• No. of cells Standard Charging Current
• Charger Rating Charger S.No.
• Cell No.
– Voltage
– Specific Gravity
This is to be checked for all Cells
• Total Voltage Charging Current
• Charger Output Charger vary & its working
• Cleaning of battery & its terminal Topping up of battery
• Reference of message & given to whom in case of defect
Solar Panel Maintenance
• Items to be checked Items to during inspection
• Circuit
• Peak Voltage
• Date of installation of solar panel
Check that solar panel is properly fixed either on post or on roof as
• Check all nuts & bolts are tight.
• C heck that wiring & termination are proper.
• Clean the panel with soft cloth to avoid scratch on the glass of panel.
• Check functioning of charger controller,.
• Output voltage of panel.
• Charging current.
Periodicity (ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly)
Items to be checked Items to during inspection
• Capacity
• Date of installation
• Replacement of Mobil oil and clean fuel tank.
• Fuel filter replace.
• Exhaust Silencer check after 250 hours.
• Replacement of fuel filter element after 500 hours.
• Replacement of mobil oil filter after 250 hours.
• Replacement of Air Cleaner element, check carbon brush and chance if
required after 800 hours.
• Complete overhauling after 1000 hours.
• Check mobil oil level. If required top up.
• Check water level in radiator or drum.
• Check fuel in tank.
• Cleaning of engine.
• Testing of diesel generator for 10 minutes.
• Check & clean the air cleaner element if required.
• Check all external nuts, bolts, keys etc.
• Check grease in the fan.
• Check voltage on load & on no load.
Periodicity: ESM/DG Mechanic – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Yearly.
Items to be checked Items to during inspection

• Check that machine returns to ON position when circuit is incompleted.

Safety Items Periodicity ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly,, SE – Quarterly)
• Clean the port & keep them free from rust, dust & dirt etc.
• Lubricate all gears & bear5ings after cleaning.
• Clean circuit controller contacts & adjust, if required.
• Clean commutator & brush – check brushes move freely in holders & they
make proper contact on armature with sufficient pressure.
• Check functioning of motor and effectiveness of holding coil.
• Check effectiveness of normal lock.
• Check wiring & locking inside.
• Measure operating current (A).
– Holding current (A).
– Operating voltage (V).
• Reference of message & given to whom in case of any defect.
• Reliability (Periodicity ESM – Fortnightly, JE – Monthly, SE – Quarterly.

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