Track Circuit

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Track Circuit

1.1. Track circuit: - Track circuit is the electrical circuit for the portion of track is known as train circuit,
which is used to detect the presence of vehicle for the portion of track.

Now a day’s axle counter is used to detect the presence of vehicle.

In a track circuit, a portion of rail track is electrically isolated from adjoining rails and included in a
circuit to energies a relay. The occupation or vacancy of the track portion is detected by the condition of
track relay.
2.0. Different Track circuit are :-
2.1. D.C. circuit.
2.2. AC track circuit
2.3. Audio frequency track circuit.
3.0. D.C. track circuit
3.1. DC Track circuits are classified in to two types:-

A. D.C. Track Circuit in Non - RE area.

B. D.C. Single Rail Track Circuit in AC RE area.

4.0. A.C. Track Circuits – 83 Hz and 50 Hz was used in Mumbai (Western, Central, SE Rly) but
now obsolete
5.0. Audio Frequency Track Circuits (also known as Electronic Track Circuits)-
(i) Non-Coded and (ii) Coded
6.0. D.C.Track Circuit in Non - RE area is of two types
(a) D.C. Open track circuit.
(b) D.C. Close track circuit.
6.1. .D.C. Open Track Circuit: - DC open track circuit is the electrical circuit for the portion of
track which is normally the relay is in de energies condition when train occupied the portion of
track the relay will energies.

6.2. Circuit diagram of DC open track circuit:-

1) Battery 2) Adjustable Resistance 3) Track Relay 4) Track Lead Cables. 5) G.I wires
connecting cables to the rails 6) Continuity rail bonds 7) Insulated rail joints.
The circuit gets completed when the track is occupied through the net resistance of the
vehicle axles occupying the track circuit.

6.2.1. Disadvantage of Open track circuit:-

A. This track circuit always in drop condition. Occurrence failure could not ascertained
before occupation of Track.
B. On duty ASM can informed the failure after receiving the train. Hence it is unsafe.
C. In this type of track circuit, if any connection breaks, Train `s occupation goes
Hence now a day’s open track circuit not in use, now obsolete

6.2.2. DC close track circuit: - Are of Two types

A) D.C. Close Track Circuit for Non RE area.
B) D.C. closed Track circuit for RE area (Single Rail Track Circuit).

6.2.3. D.C. Close Track Circuit for Non RE area

A schematic diagram of a 'Closed Track Circuit’ is connected as below :-

Regulating resistance
Feed Feed
Relay end
Track Charger

7.0. .:- The components of D.C track circuit are: -

1) Battery (1 or 2 or 3 cells /40 AH or 80 AH).

2) Adjustable (Regulating) Resistance (15Ω or 30 Ω).

3) Track Relay (QT2, QTA2, QBAT and Shelf type Track Relays).

4) Track Lead Cables (2CX2.5

5) G.I (Galvanized Iron) wires connecting cables to the rails with 8 SWG (Standard wire gauge).

6) Continuity rail bonds-To avoid the high resistance at fish plate rail joints.
7) Insulated rail joints (Block/Glued Joint).

8.0. Feed End: -

Track feed Charger of 110 V AC/ 2 -10 V DC is used with 40 AH/80 AH secondary Cells in float
to feed track Circuit in series with Regulating Resistance. In RE areas, one B Type Choke (R=3
Ω & Z= 120at 50 HZ) is also used in series with negative Rail.

9.0.Relay End:-
Track Relays used are - Shelf Type ( 9 , 2.25  in Non-RE areas, ACI- 9  in RE areas),
QT2( 9, 4 in Non-RE), QTA2( 9 ohms in RE areas) . QBAT is used for Longer Track
Circuit. B Type Choke (R=3 Ω & Z= 120 at 50 HZ) may also used in series to increase
Immunity level of Track Relay in RE areas.

10.0.Track Realy :-
As per SEM-II, para 19.141.

10.1. Minimum percentage release of track relays should be 68% of its rated pickup value.
Deterioration of 15% in operating characteristics is considered for safety reasons. Hence
Drop away value shall be taken as 85% of 68. i.e. 57.8% of rated pickup value.

Percentage release= Drop away value/ pickup value) X100

Calculation for4 the DA vale of Track relay = Drop away value/ pickup value)X100 .

10.2. Overhauling of Track Relay :-

(A) Plug in type track relays have to be replaced on completion of 12 years or earlier if
warranted by the actual condition of the relay.

(B) Shelf type track relays shall normally be overhauled every 10 years subject to a maximum
of 12 years


Ballast Resistance is the total resistance of various leakage paths across track circuit
rails offered by ballast and sleepers. Ballast resistance is inversely proportional to the length of
Track circuit and also it varies as per condition (Dry/Wet) of the ballast and soil.

It reduces with increase in the length of track circuit as leakage paths in parallel are more

Clean ballast offers high resistance (low leakage). Water across the tracks causes leakage. So
ballast resistance falls during rainy season.


It is considered as: -
(a) 2  per Kilometer track length in station yard, and

(b) 4  per Kilometer track length - block section


Measure the voltages and currents as shown in Fig shown below

VF = Voltage at feed end,

VR = = Voltage at feed end,

IF = Current at Feedend,

IR = Current at Relay end

Ballast Resistance can be calculated from:-

12.0. RAIL RESISTANCE:-Rail resistance is total resistance offered by rail, bonding etc for the
portion of the track circuit and is directly proportion the length of the track circuit.

12.1. How can reduce the rail resistance:-

12.1.1. In D.C. Non RE area:-

8 SWG, G.I wire (4 mm Dia) bonds are provided to reduce resistance at these joints. In DC RE areas,

12.1.2. In D.C. RE area:-

In DC RE areas, Traction Power department also provides larger cross-section multi-strand copper
bonds for good conduction of traction return currents at these joints.


12.2.:-- Maximum permissible rail resistance

13.0. NON-RE : Typical Parameters Of D.C Track Circuits:


14.1. In the arrangement shown in above circuit (11.0), same polarities are connected to the adjoining
track circuit rails. Here, failure of one of the two block joints No.1 or No.2 goes undetected, as it does
not drop the track relay on either side. But later, if the second block joint also fails, both the track circuit
feeds come in parallel.

When 1T is shunted by a vehicle at the feed end, its own feed is effectively shunted. But 1TR may not
drop due to its proximity to the feed of 2T, while the shunt is remotely connected making it less
effective. This is an unsafe condition, which should be avoided.


In the arrangement shown above circuit (10.2). the polarities of track feed across the block joints in
between are not similar. So, when both the block joints No.1 & No.2 fail, both the track feeds get
connected in series and both the track relays 1TR and 2TR become parallel resulting in higher circulating
current and higher drop across Feed end resistances. As a result, either 1TR or 2TR or both may drop
even without a shunt across.



1) Battery charger 110 V / 2-10 V D.C.

2) Feed Battery (1 to 4 secondary cells).
3) Fuse & link
4) Regulating Resistance (adjustable) 0-30
5) Type 'B' choke (R=3Ω&Z=120 at 50 Hz).
6) Track lead cable (2 X 2.5 mm2 copper)
7) Track lead Junction Box
8) Track lead steel wire ropes.
9) Transverse bonds
10) Block joints.
11) Track Relay (ACI).
12) Continuity Bonds.

15.2. Feed End:-

15.2.1.Separate feed shall be used for each track circuit with a fuse of 5 A / 250 V.
15.2.2. A ‘ ’ Type choke (R=3 Ω and Z=120 Ω at 50 Hz) shall be connected in series with track
feed to the un-insulated rail (-Ve Rail). This prevents damage to the feed source in case of a
catenary snap resulting in heavy currents in the un-insulated rail.
15.2.3. A Regulating resistance of 0-30 Ω is used for regulating purpose so that minor
adjustments can be made on the track feed voltage, which is higher than that of Non-RE area.
16.0. RELAY END:-

16.1.Due to the passage of traction return current through one of its rails & to safe guard against
short circuit current only A.C.I Track relays of 9 Ω - Shelf type/ QTA 2/ QBAT type shall be used
with this track circuit.

16.2. QTA2 (With ACI= 50 V) and Shelf Type relays (With ACI= 50 V) are used for Track
lengths up to 450 m beyond which up to 750m QBAT (with 80 V ACI ) is used. (*Use of shelf
type track relay is not favored due to its sluggish operation.)

16.3. QSPA1 relay only shall be used (to add slight delay of 540 to 600 m secs) as repeater for
QTA2 or QBAT track relay. However, for ACI shelf type track relay, any AC immunized line relay
can be used as repeater due to its greater operate time lag Compensate the OHE tripping effect
on track circuit.

16.4. B type choke shall be connected in series with the track relay also to enhance the AC
immunity of the track relay.In the case of shelf ty e AC track relay with ‘B ’ type choke in series
in relay end, 450 m long track circuit can be worked even with traction return current up to 1000
Amps. Without this choke, 450 m long track circuit can be worked only when the traction return
current is within 600 Amps

17.0. Staff Safety: -

13.1. Before starting the work, a surge discharge shall be connected across the track at the site
of work. This is to protect the staff from excessive AC current that may parts through the
equipment in times of a catenaries circuit short. A transverse bond shall be connected joining
the un-insulated rails of two adjoining track circuits as already discussed before

18.0 RE AREA : Typical PARAMETERS OF DC Track Circuits

The Induced voltage due to RE catenary on parallel conducting path (Rails) is 10 Volts per 90
Mts length of track hence. QTA2 Immunity level is 50 Volts i.e. 50X90 = 450 Mts.
QBAT Immunity level is 80 Volts i.e. 80X90 = 720 Mts.(720 Mts without choke at Relay End 750
Mts with choke at Relay End +Ve Rail to enhance the immunity)


19.1 Fail safe adjustment of DC track circuit is carried to take care of

1) Short length Track circuit,

2) High Speed of Train,
3) Short length of Train,
4) Rusted Rail and Wheel Surface, etc..
(a) Relay to be in Picked state when Track is not occupied under Max Leakage (R B -
Minimum) & Max Rail Resistance (Rr - Maximum).
Relay is required to be in picked up condition when track is not occupied. Relay end voltage
(excitation) is minimum when its feed source voltage is normal and ballast resistance is
minimum (Max. leakage).
For track circuit to be workable even with max leakage (when track is not occupied), minimum
excitation of the track relay (122% for QBAT, 125% for others) shall be ensured. This will
generate required front contact pressure on the relay.
(b) Relay must drop when Track is occupied & Voltage across relay is maximum (R B
Max i.e min leakage)
For Safe working of a track circuit, track relay must drop when shunted by a train (simulated by
a TSR across it), under worst condition. Please note that the relay gets maximum voltage when
the leakage through ballast is minimum (maximum ballast resistance). This is the worst
condition for working of track circuit. To drop track relay under such conditions, more shunting
effect is required (i.e. less TSR). (Note: - If required Drop shunt is low for this track circuit, then
certain vehicles may not be able to give this lower value of shunt, thus making Track circuits
For safe working, under conditions mentioned above, and when minimum permissible shunt
resistance is connected across, the voltage across the track relay shall not be more than 85% of
its drop away value (to take care of ageing & other factors for relays) to ensure dropping of track
( c) .Precaution against over energisation :- To avoid build up of residual flux in the core over
a period of time (which will warrant lowering of relay drop away voltage more than 15% than
specified), Maximum excitation at relay end shall not exceed 250 % (For Shelf type ) or 300%
(for QT2/QTA2) or 235% for QBAT of its rated pick up value under any circumstances. (PU-Pick
Up, DA-Drop Away)

Subject Under condition Track Relay voltage Vr

Minimum Excitation Max Leakage Not less than 125% of rated PU voltage for
at Track Relay (RB Minimum) & Minimum all Track Relays except QBAT.
Battery voltage Not less than 122% of rated PU voltage for
Maximum Min Leakage
Excitation at Track (RB Maximum), Rr A) Not more than 250% of rated PU voltage
Relay Minimum and Fully charged for Shelf Type Track Relay
Battery voltage B) Not more than 300% of rated PU voltage
for Plug in Type Track Relay except QBAT
C) Not more than 235% of rated PU voltage
for QBAT

19.2. Procedure for adjustment:-

Adjustment of the track circuit voltage to satisfy the above conditions simultaneously is possible
with a careful choice of tapping on the regulating resistance. This is commonly referred to as
'the fail-safe adjustment of D.C. track circuits. This is done in three stages to satisfy the
conditions stipulated in the IRSE manual and given as below.

(a) First the highest possible (infinite) ballast resistance condition is created by directly
connecting the feed and regulating resistance in series to the track relay excluding track rails
from the circuit, in case the length of track lead cables is more, the voltage drop in them shall be
reckoned and the relay voltage readings shall be corrected to exclude this voltage drop.

(i) Minimum permissible TSR (0.5 Ohm) shall be connected across the relay. The relay voltage
shall be adjusted to 85% of its drop away value by choosing the correct tapping on the
regulating device.

(ii) Now, the shunt resistance shall be disconnected and the relay voltage shall be measured. If
it is more than required value it shall be brought down by increasing the regulating resistance
suitably. However, the relay voltage shall not be increased now if found to be less, as in that
case an improved ballast resistance condition can make the track circuit working unsafe.

The required value is 250% of pickup value for Shelf type Track relays 300% of Pickup
value for Plug in Type Track relays except QBAT & 235% of the pickup value for QBAT

It is now necessary to check whether the minimum required voltage is available on the
relay under minimum ballast resistance and normal feed voltage conditions. Also, in this
condition, rail Voltage drop cannot be ignored, as the relay voltage is just sufficient. Hence, the
track is included in the circuit, by connecting the feed set and the relay to it at their respective
ends. It shall now be checked if the relay has a voltage not less than 125% of its pickup value
except QBAT & for QBAT it shall not be less than the 122% of its pickup value.

This arrangement is known as 'fed over' or 'cut section' track circuit arrangement. The relay connected
to the last portion of the track is treated as the track relay of the entire Section involved for the purpose
of detection and other controls.


Due to high soil resistivity under the track bed between the two ends of a track circuit
and complete earthing of only one of the two track rails, sometimes some stray voltage
develops on the track. This can be observed when a voltmeter is connected across the track
after disconnecting the concerned track circuit feed.
Beyond a certain limit, this voltage may prevent the track relay from dropping when track
is shunted by a vehicle. The incidence of this phenomenon may be frequently observed in rocky
territories where some power cables may have been laid in the vicinity. There were instances
when DC track relays of a DC track circuit operated due to stray currents. It is therefore
necessary that DC stray current tests shall be carried out to ensure that DC track relays shall
not operate with stray currents

20.1. The test shall be carried out only on non-electrified lines i.e. the test shall be carried out
at the foot-by-foot survey stage itself, which is done at the time to preparation of the
Project Report for Electrification.
20.2. If there are already track circuits existing in the area, they shall be disconnected to
safeguard against false readings being recorded in case of leakage of Block, Joints.
The length of the track required to be track circuited shall be insulated by means of
Block Joints on either end of the rails. On this track, Bonding is not considered
necessary on the rail joints.
Two suitable earths, one on either end of the track shall be provided and these are
connected to the rails by leads of negligible lead resistance. The earth resistance shall
not exceed 5.
The arrangement of measuring the D.C. stray current is shown in Fig.2.10 (b)

Two suitable types of milli-ammeters are connected. as shown in the diagram

and the readings are taken simultaneously at 'X' and 'X1'. The readings shall be
recorded at different periods of the day - one in morning, one in afternoon and one in
Evening and. the test shall be extended for 3 days so that maximum values can be

For measurement of stray voltage, the arrangement needs modification as

shown in Fig. The resistance 'R' shall be equal to the resistance of the relay.
After making the connections, measure the voltage across the resistance at 'X' and ‘XI'.
A milli-voltmeter is adequate for this purpose.

Here also, the readings shall be taken for different periods of the day for 3 days
to obtain maximum values. The reading will give the potential difference between the
rails and earth. If this voltage is high the track relay will pick up when the track is
shunted by the axles of a train.
Since the pickup voltage and currents of D.C. track relays are small, it is to be
ensured that high stray currents and voltages are not present at the location of track circuit
21.0. As per SEM Part II Annexure 32
(a) Rail earth voltage as measured across the Resistance 'R' shall not exceed 100mV.
(b) The total stray current as measured, shall not exceed 10 milliamps if the length of
the track circuit is less than 100metres and 100 milliamps, if the length of the track
circuit is 100 meters and above.
Where stray currents/voltages are observed, to obviate this problem immediately
one of these methods may be tried:
(i) Interchanging the positive and negative connections of the rails, as in that case
the stray voltage polarity becomes opposite to the proper feed polarity.
(ii) Interchanging the feed and relay ends of the track circuit as in that case, the
stray voltage may disappear at the relay end.
(iii) Splitting of the track circuit as in that case, the stray voltage in each portion may
become negligible.
If none of the above solves the problem, the track circuit may be replaced with an
Electronic track circuit.

22.0. The insulation components of the rail joint are:

1) End post 1No
2) Left hand Side channels 2 Nos.
3) Right hand Side channels 2 Nos.
4) Ferrules or Bushes 8 Nos.
5) Nylon backing plates with collar 4 Nos.
6) Nylon backing plates without collar or as required for packing nylon washers.
7) Iron backing plates 4 Nos

23.0.GLUED INSULATED RAIL JOINTS (As per RDSO Manual of 27.9.90)

These are having more mechanical strength to retain insulation and to withstand rail
creep. The joints are fabricated in a workshop in 2 m Length and transported to the site for
insertion in the track. Laying of these joints involves civil Engg. Works viz. distressing of welded
rails, welding of the joints into running track etc.

The insulating components viz. bushes, liners and end-posts are fabricated using glass
cloth reinforcement and epoxy of an RDSO approved quality with hardener by a hand laying
process or pressure moulding technique. These are built up layer after layer to achieve
sufficient thickness. Generally end posts are made of 20 layers, liners of 4 layers and bushes
of 5 layers.

After making a rectangular piece of glass cloth reinforcement and allowing it to cure, it is
cut and profiled to the shape of an end post. The liners are fabricated in the hollow of a rail web.
The bushes are cut to size from a long ferrule made by winding a wide piece of glass cloth on a
bolt shank layer after layer with adhesive in between. The fabricated component is able to be
separated from the surface on which it is made due to a coat of a releasing agent applied
before hand.
All the insulating components of the joint are stuck in place with an adhesive layer and
the bolts are tightened for a permanent setting.
23.1. Glued Rail Joints are available in two types:
(a) G3 (L) type having 6 bolts
(b) G3 (S) type having 4 bolts

No Rail Section Drawing No. for

G3(L)type G3(S)type
1 75R RDSO/T-1283 RDSO/T-3008
2 90R RDSO/T-1276 RDSO/T-1278
3 52kg RDSO/T-671 RDSO/T-1259
4 60kg(UIC) RDSO/T-2572 RDSO/T/2576

G3(L) type joints are of 6.2m length and shall be used with Continuous Welded Rails
and Long Welded Rails of 75R, 90R, 52kg and 60kg(UIC) rail sections in all temperature zones
of I, II, III, & IV both in B.G and M.G.

G3(S) type joints are of 4.2m length and may be used in Fish plated track and Short
Welded Rails and crossings of 75R, 90R, 52kg and 60kg (UIC) in temperature zones of I, II, III
& IV both in B.G and MG

23.2. Maintenance of Glued Joints

(a) The ballast used on track in the vicinity of these joints shall be cleaned to ensure
efficient packing and drainage. Care must be taken to see that the ballast is clear of
rails and rail fastenings. The clearance from the underside of rail must not be less
than 50mm.
(b) The joint does not need any special maintenance than that required for normal track.
(c) As in the case of standard insulated joints, the metal burrs at the ends of rails shall
be removed well in time to avoid short circuiting through them. This work shall be
done skillfully avoiding damage to end posts.
(d) Normally no relative movement occurs between rails and fish plates at these joints.
In case failure occurs with separation of rail/fish plate surfaces and relative
movement takes place, the damaged joint must be replaced soon. The electrical
resistance of the joint does not decrease appreciably for a considerable time even
after this separation.
(e) Live cinders shall not be dropped near these joints, which can cause damage to
them. Protective boxes of asbestos or some such things shall be provided for these
joints at places where this cannot be avoided.
Testing of Glued Joints i.e. Insulation Resistance test in Dry condition: Resistance shall
not be less than 25 Mohm when a meggering voltage of 100V DC is applied across the
In wet condition: Resistance shall not be less than 3 KOhmwhen obtained with application of
100V DC and by dividing the voltage reading with that of current.

23.3. Precautions needed while inserting a glued joint:

(i) At least 10 sleepers on either side of the joint must be well packed before the
joint is inserted to avoid damage /fatigue of the joint.
(ii) No damage shall be caused to the joint while inserting.
(iii) While welding the joint with adjoining rails, the heat shall not spread to the joint.
Heating appliances shall not be applied at a distance of less than 1m from the joint.
23.4. Gauge tie plates provided on wooden sleepers have to be insulated. Two pieces of
this plate are joined with insulation between them. The insulation components for
each plate are:
(i) Nylon end post with 3 holes 1 No.
(ii) Nylon bushes for bolts 3 Nos.
(iii) Nylon washers for bolts & nuts 6 Nos.
In this arrangement , two block joints are provided in the middle of track circuit and the
feed is extended on to the insulated rail by means of a small two core cable or a mild steel strap
called 'Feed extension jumper'. This makes it possible for a vehicle to shunt the track relay
while on the parallel portion of the track circuit.

It is preferable to have the block joints in the middle on a less used track to increase
their life of insulation as shown below

Disadvantage: Removal of certain portion of a rail in the track circuited area may not be
detected in this type of track circuit. Hence this type of arrangement is not favored.

(a) Type 1: With Block Joints on Straight portion

Bonding arrangement shown in fig.4.3 (a) & (b) requires negative to negative jumper to
detect presence of train in case of rail fracture. But open circuit failure of this jumper may not
get detected. Hence care should be taken for checking the integrity of this jumper. This
arrangement requires one extra block joint (marked as ‘A’) which separates the rails of same
polarity, whose failure goes undetected in normal course. Hence, this Series arrangement is
not favored much.


(a) A track circuit shall extend beyond fouling marks on both straight road and diversion
portions to afford protection to the standing vehicles. In case, it is not possible to
provide the block joints beyond fouling marks on any portion, the point operation to a
position connecting the fouled line shall be prevented until the time the fouling
vehicle clears the adjoining track circuit also.
(b) With parallel connection of turnout track circuits, the non-clearance of fouling mark
by a vehicle may not be detected when any connection in the parallel portion is
broken. This shall be checked and avoided especially in case of the 1 in 8 1/2 and 1
in 12 turnouts. Hence, it is preferable to have series connection track circuits to have
fouling mark protection on running lines.
The end position block joints on turnout track circuits shall be so located that not only
the last axle wheels but also the overhanging portions of vehicle (1.8m) clear the fouling mark
before the track relay picks up. So, in case of Crossovers, Block joints shall be provided away
from Fouling mark at a distance of NOT LESS THAN 3 m (towards divergence)

These are defined as those portions of track circuits in which occupation by a vehicle
cannot be detected. This may be due to the vehicle shunting rails of the same track feed
polarity. This may also be due to one or both rails of that portion being bypassed by the track
The dead section shall not accommodate a four-wheeler vehicle entirely in itself without
shunting any 'live' portion of the track circuit at the same time.
In B.G sections, the distance between the two axles of a four-wheeler is 6m (20') and in
MG /NG sections, it is 3.6m (12').

25.1. Dead section on point’s zone shall not be more than 1.8m (6’) for B.G and 1.125m
(3’9”) for MG/NG sections.
If the dead section is longer than 10.8m(36') as in the case of long bridges underneath
the track, a 'Trap Circuit' shall be provided including the control of dead section track by
two other track circuits on either side which is given below.

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