Training 1
Training 1
Training 1
Slide No.1
P-GSM-900 band is the primary band for GSM-900 Frequency band for primary
GSM-900 (P-GSM-900) : 2 x 25 MHz
In some countries, GSM-900 is allowed to operate in part or in all of the following
extension band. E-GSM-900 (Extended GSM-900) band includes the primary
band (P-GSM-900) and the extension band :
Frequency band: 2 x 75 MHz
1710 – 1785 MHz for MS to BTs (uplink)
1805 – 1880 MHz for BTS to MS (downlink)
Slide No.3
FL (n) = 890 + 0.2 n with 1 < n < 124
FU (n) = FL (n) + 45
FL (n) = 890 + 0.2 x n with 1 < n < 124
FL (n) = 890 + 0.2 x (n-1024) with 975 < n < 1024
FU (n) = FL (n) + 45
Slide No.4
FU (n) = FL (n) + 45
FL (n) = 1710.2 + 0.2 x (n-512) with 512 < n < 885
FU (n) = FL (n) + 95
Slide No.5
Slide No.7
Slide No.10
Distance attenuation
Rayleigh fading
Inter-symbol interference
Doppler shift
The loss is depended upon the frequency, the antenna design and the terrain.
Slide No.12
Assume :
The mobile radio system needs an signal level of Pr dBm at the receiver
The maximum likely fade (loss) is calculated to be L(fade) dB
For this purpose, it is necessary to know the probability density function of the
Slide No.14
Coverage extension
Multipath propagation allows radio signal to reach behind hills and buildings
and into tunnels
The latter effect is known as ducting
VHF frequencies do not propagate well in long tunnels, but higher frequencies
(>800 MHz) follow the tunnel like a waveguide.
Slide No.16
Time dependent fading is applicable for moving mobiles only
The countermeasure against time dependent Rayleigh fading is the use of bit
interleaving in burst building
Slide No.17
Due to the impact of the wavelength, the pattern of the fades is also
dependent on the radio frequency.
If the delay spread is large relative to the average symbol duration, the individual
symbols will overlap each other and ISI will occur.
Slide No.19
f = Vr /
where Vr is the radial speed component pointing to/from the BTS or a reflection
point. Doppler shift affects all multiple propagation paths, some with positive
shift, others a negative shift at the same instant. The power spectrum of the
received radio signal will be smeared.
Slide No.20
It uses the well known 26 bits (or more) TSC training sequence transmitted in
each timeslot burst (once per 0.5ms) to measure the channel characteristics.
The TSC (training sequence codes) are specified in GSM Rec. 05.02.
The predicted distortions in the received signal are subtracted from the
received signal.
Slide No.22
A f r e s n e l z o n e is a 3 d im e n s io n a l b o d y , b o u n d e d b y e l lip s o i d s t h a t h a v e t h e ir
f o c a l p o in t s a t t h e t r a n s m it t e r a n d t h e r e c e iv e r a n t e n n a s . T h e s u m o f t h e
d is t a n c e s f r o m a p o i n t ( P ) o n t h e e l lip s o i d t o t h e t r a n s m it t e r ( T ) a n d t o t h e
r e c e iv e r ( R ) is n / 2 w a v e le n g t h s l o n g e r t h a n t h e L O S p a t h ( S ) :
D is t a n c e ( P - T ) + D is t a n c e ( P - R ) = S + n ( / 2 )
F o r t h e f ir s t f r e s n e l z o n e , n 1 . T h e r a d iu s o f t h e f ir s t F r e s n e l z o n e is r ( F 1 ) . T o
k e e p o u t o f t h is z o n e , t h e d is t a n c e r f r o m t h e o p t ic a l L O S s h o u ld b e :
d 1( S d 1)
r r ( F 1)
T h e o b s t a c l e s m a y b e h il ls , b u il d i n g s o r v e g e t a t i o n .
Slide No.23
Slide No.24
The fading effects produced by shadowing are often referred to as slow fading
Terrain height
Clutter type : high/low building, forest, water etc.
Slide No.25
Slide No.26
Slide No.27
Slide No.28
Slide No.29
Slide No.30
Slide No.31
Thermal noise
Man-made noise (e.g. spurious signals)
The thermal noise depends on the receiver bandwidth B (in Hz) and the
absolute temperature T (Kelvin).
Ni = k T B Watt
k = Boltsmann’s constant = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K
Slide No.32
The total output noise level generated by both the external noise and the
internal noise of the amplifier
The output noise level due to external (thermal) noise only
Slide No.33
Slide No.34
Traffic capacity
Slide No.36
D R 3K
Slide No.38
Omni cells :
– Coverage is in principle a circle, but in reality a rough pattern
Sector cells :
– 2 sectors (e.g. for highways)
– 3 sectors
Slide No.39
Dead Spots
Slight unintentional tilts and minor lobes nulls in the radiation pattern may
result in gain loss on some spots
The more spacing between transmitter and receiver antennas. Less the
Slide No.40
Slide No.41
Slide No.42
Vertical Spacing
The isolation A(v) in dB is given by :-
Slide No.43
Given the standard deviation, there is a certain probability (e.g. 95%) that the
signal in a given area will be at least a number of X dB below the median value
of that area. Thus, with a 95% reliability, the signal level can only be guaranteed
top be –102 dBm (or more) which is the receiver sensitivity of the mobile.
The signal contour for a specified receiver sensitivity must be plotted around the
cell site to define the coverage area. This contour is a statistical boundary.
If the MS travels along the boundary, for 95% of all the locations it is expected
to receive a signal that is above –102 dBm.
Slide No.44
Reliable coverage
Simple frequency planning
Easy calculation of traffic loads
Reliable handovers
Slide No.45
Slide No.46
Slide No.47
Integration of each new BTS or even each TRX has to be carefully planned into
the greater system. In all cases, the existing cells adjacent to the growth area
will be affected in the following aspects :-
Changes in cell size and shape
Changes in the BSS parameters
Updates in neighbour list
Frequency allocation
Slide No.48
Interference performance
Lucent Technologies - Proprietary
Coverage Quality and Capacity Increase
If the number of available channels is fixed, the basic cellular principle required
that capacity increase is achieved by reusing frequencies more often over a
certain coverage area. Hence more sites are needed within the existing area.
This is accomplished by reducing the cell sizes in areas of high demand :-
This requires the creation of new small cells within the overall cluster pattern
Frequency reuse must not infringe on rules determining frequency allocation
for the large pattern
Some coverage quality improvement can be expected as well
Slide No.49
Cell Splitting
Slide No.50
No traffic congestion
Slide No.51
Slide No.52
Frequency hopping
Effective on uplink and downlink path
Choose different hopping sequences for co-channel cells, resulting in a
different interferer from hop to hop
Slide No.54
Slide No.55
Flexible assignment
– Based on the interference matrix using an automatic tool. In general, this
method can lead to a more efficient frequency use, e.g. 18 frequencies
doing the job instead of the fixed K = 21 frequency cluster size for the
same level of coverage quality.