Coronary Artery Diseases Dr. Tarek

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Artery Diseases
Medical Department of College of Medicine in 21 September University

: Prepared by

Angina Pectoris

 Stable Angina Pectoris is the most common

manifestation of CAD manifested as chest
pain , pressure , discomfort that develop
with exertion & relieved with rest .

 Symptoms occur when atheromatous plaque

> fixed coronary stenosis > limitation of
blood flow > imbalance bet. Myocardial
Oxygen supply & demand .
Anginal Pain Definition
 Constricting discomfort in the front of the
chest , neck , shoulders , jaw or arms .

 Precipitated by physical exertion .

 Relieved by rest or GTN in about 5 minutes

Anginal Pain Definition
 Pts. With all 3 features have typical angina .

 Pts. With 2 features have atypical angina .

 Pts. With 1 or none feature have non-

anginal chest pain .
 If pts. Have typical anginal symptoms & a
risk of CAD is greater than 90 % then no
further diagnostic testing is required .

 For pts. With an estimated risk of 10 – 90 %

the following investigations are
recommended :
Exercise ECG

 Exercise testing is no longer recommended.

Exercise ECG Contraindication
 Conduction abnormalities e.g RBBB .

 Resting ECG abnormalities like ST segment

depression of > 1 mm .

 WPWS & those w. ventricular pacing rhythm.

 Those on digoxin .
Coronary angio. indications

 Estimated likelihood of CAD 61 – 90 % .

 Persistent or progressive symptoms while

on optimal medical therapy .

 High risk criteria on non invasive stress test

Functional imaging
 Myocardial perfusion scan with SPECT .

 Dobutamine stress echo .

 Contrast enhanced MR perfusion .

 MR imag. for stress induce wall motion abn.

CT Calcium Scoring

 Estimated likelihood of CAD is 10 – 29 % .

Dobutamine stress echo indica.

 Pts. Who are unable to exercise because of :

* Stroke .
* PVD .
* Arthritis .
Non-atheroscler. angina causes
 Anaemia .

 Thyrotoxicosis .

 Aortic stenosis & Aortic regurgitation .

 HOCM .
Angina Pectoris Management
 Lifestyle changes .

 Medication .

 Percutaneous coronary intervention .

 Surgery .
Risk Factors Modifications
 Smoking cessation .

 Wt. management .

 Daily physical activity .

 Diet modification .
Modifiable Risk Factors Control

 DM .

 Hypertension .

 Hyperlipidemia .
Medical Therapy

 Cardio-protective medications .

 Anti-anginal medications .
Cardio-Protective Medications
 Aspirin .

 Clopidogrel .

 Newer antiplatelets agents ( Ticagrelor ) .

 Dual antiplatelet therapy-Aspirin+Clopidog)

Cardio-Protective Medications
 B-blockers .

 ACE inhibitors .

 Angiotensin receptor blockers .

 Statins .
Influenza vaccination

 Annual influenza vaccination as a preventive

measure for CV diseases .
Anti-Anginal Medications
 B-blockers .

 Nitrates .

 Calcium channel blockers .

 Ranolazine .
 Beta-blocker not prescribed with verapamil
>> risk of complete heart block .

 Verapamil & diltiazem avoided with BB &

with pt. has CHF .

 Diltiazem use e caution risk of bradycardia .

PCI indications
 Pts. With refractory symptoms while on
optimal medical therapy .

 Unable to tolerate optimal medical therapy

due to side effects .
PCI indications

 High risk features on non-invasive exercise

& imaging test .
CABG indications

 Remain symptomatic with optimal medical

therapy .

 Left main disease .

CABG indications
 Multi-vessels disease + proximal lt anterior
descending artery involvement .

 Reduced systolic function .

 DM .
Prinzmetal’s angina treatment

 Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker

e.g Felodipine because of vasodilator
properties .
Acute coronary syndrome
 ST-elevation MI .

 Non ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes

includes :

 Non ST-elevation MI .
 Unstable angina .
 Most common characterized by plaque
rupture ( 75 % of cases ) & plaque erosion
( 25 % of cases ) .

 STEMI caused by complete occlusion of

epicardial coronary artery by thrombus at
site of plaque disruption .
Anteroseptal MI

 ECG changes : V1 – V4 .

 Coronary artery : Left anterior descending .

Inferior MI

 ECG changes : II , III , aVF .

 Coronary artery : Right coronary .

High lateral MI

 ECG changes : I , aVL .

 Coronary artery : First diagonal of LAD .

Lateral MI

 ECG changes : I , Avl + / - V5 – V6 .

 Coronary artery : Left Circumflex .

Posterior MI

 ECG changes : Tall R in V1-V2 with ST

depres in V1-V4 .

 Coronary artery : Usually left circumflex also

right coronary .
Venous drainage of the heart

 Coronary sinus drains into the right atrium .

Arterial supply of the heart

 Right aortic sinus >> RCA .

 Left aortic sinus >> LCA .
 RCA >> Posterior descending .
 RCA >> Supplies SA node & AV node .
 LCA >> LAD + Circumflex .
 Ischemic chest pain .

 > 1 mm ST segment elevation in 2 or >

consecutive leads .

 New left BBB on ECG .

 ST segment depress in 2 or > precord leads

 Ischemic chest pain .

 Absence of ST-segment elevation .

 Presence of ST-segment depression .

 T-wave inversion in ECG .


 Abnormal cardiac biomarkers in NSTEMI .

 Normal cardiac biomarkers in UA .


 ECG , the most specific finding for a

diagnosis of MI is >> Evolution of Q waves
on ECG .

 Cardiac enzymes .
Cardiac Enzymes

 Troponin T at 3 & 6 hours is adequate to

determine myocardial damage has occurred.

 Myoglobin is the first to rise 1 hr of MI .

Cardiac Enzymes

 CK-MB useful to look for re-infarction .

 GPBB ( Glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme )

is an appropriate marker for early cardiac
muscle injury .
Elevated Troponin Causes
 Trauma .
 Cardioversion .
 Rhabdomyolysis .
 Pulmonary embolism .
 Pulmonary hypertension .
 Hypotension .
 HOCM .
Elevated Troponin Causes
 Myocarditis .
 Sepsis .
 Burns .
 Subarachnoid hage & Stroke .
 Infiltrative& autoimmune disorders

( sarcoidosis , amyloidosis , scleroderma ) .

 Drugs : Adriamycin , Herceptin .
 Aspirin .

 Clopidogrel .

 LMWH .

 Oxygen do not routinely administer .


 PCI is the gold standard treatment for STEMI

 Thrombolysis should be performed in pts.

Without access to primary PCI .

 An ECG should be performed 90 minutes

following thrombolysis to assess whether
there has been > 50 % resolution in the ST
elevation .
 If there has not been adequate resolution
then rescue PCI is superior to repeat
thrombolysis .

 For pts. Successfully treated with

thrombolysis , PCI has been shown to be
beneficial , the optimal timing of this is still
under investigations .
 Thrombolytic drugs activate plasminogen to
form plasmin >> degrades fibrin & help
breaks up thrombi .

 Primarily used in pts. With STEMI with ECG

criteria for thrombolysis within 24 hours of
typical pain .
Thrombolysis Others Indication

 Acute ischemic stroke .

 Acute pulmonary embolism with unstable

haemodynamic .
Thrmbolytic Drugs

 Streptokinase .

 Alteplase .

 Tenecteplase .
Thrombolysis ECG Criteria

 ST elevation > 1 mm in standard limb leads

 ST elevation > 2 mm in anterior chest leads

 New left bundle branch block

Thrombolysis Contraindications
 Active internal bleeding .
 GIT bleeding within the past month.
 Coagulation & bleeding disorders .
 Major trauma , major surgery or head injury

within 3 weeks .
 Recent significant head injury .
 CNS neoplasm .
Thrombolysis Contraindications
 Previuos Hagic stroke at any time .
 Ischemic stroke < 3 months .
 Prolonged CPR > half an hour .
 Known or suspected Aortic dissection .
 Pregnancy .
 Severe uncontrolled hypertension .
 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy .
 Allergy & oral anticoagulants .
Thrombolysis Side effects
 Hage .

 Hypotension more common with

streptokinase .

 Allergic reaction may occur with

streptokinase .

 Technique used to restore myocardial

perfusion in pts. With IHD both in pts. With
stable angina & acute coronary syndrome .

 Stents are implanted in around 95 % of pts.

Stent Types
 Bare-metal stent .

 Drug-eluting stents , stent coated with

paclitaxel or rapamycin which inhibit local
tissue growth < restenosis rates >
thrombosis rates .
Stent Types

 Following insertion the most important

factor in preventing stent thrombosis is
antiplatelet therapy , aspirin should be
continued indefinitely , the length of
clopidogrel depends on the type of stent ,
reason for insertion & consultant preference
Stent Complications
 Stent thrombosis due to platelet
aggregation most commonly in the first
month usually presents with acute MI .

 In-stent Restenosis due to excessive tissue

proliferation around stent most commonly
in the first 3-6 months .
Cholesterol embolisation syndr.

 Eosinophilia .
 Purpura .
 Livedo reticularis .
 Renal failure .
 Acute abdomen due to bowel ischaemia .
 Absent leg pulse .
6 Month Mortality Risk
 Nice guidelines of NSTEMI/UA are based on
6 month mortality risk :

 If > 1.5 % >> Clopidogrel for 12 months .

 If > 3 % >> IV GP IIb/IIIa receptor

antagonist + Coronary angiography within
96 hours .
Secondary Prevention
 ACE inhibitor .

 Beta-blocker .

 Aspirin .

 Statin .
Secondary Prevention

 Clopidogrel .

 Aldosterone antagonists , Aldactone .

 Lifestyle modifications include increasing

physical activity to 20 – 30 minutes per day.
 Cardiac arrest .

 Cardiogenic shock .

 Chronic Heart failure .

 Tachy arrhythmias .
 Brady arrhythmias .

 Pericarditis .

 Cardiac tamponade .

 Dressler’s syndrome .
 Left ventricular aneurysm .

 Left ventricular free wall rupture .

 Ventricular septal rupture .

 Acute MR .
Mechanism Of Action

 Clopidogrel : ADP receptor antagonist (

inhibits ADP binding to its platelet
receptor ) .

 Aspirin : A2 thromboxane inhibition .

Mechanism Of Action

 Enoxaparin : Activates antithrombin III

which in turn potentiates the inhibition of
coagulation factors xa .
Side Effect

 Statin : Rhabdomyolysis .

 Streptokinase : Bleeding .
Post MI Drugs Of Choice


Unfractionated Heparin Uses

 Angiography within 24 hours .

 If creatinine > 265 Mmol/L .

MI Post Recent Operation

 MI occur in post recent operation 3 days

associated with risk of bleeding , the most
appropriate treatment is primary
percutaneous coronary intervention .

 Most specific ECG marker for pericarditis is

PR depression .
 Gold standard treatment for ST elevation MI
>> Primary percutaneous coronary
intervention ( PCI ) .

 DVLA advise post MI can not drive for 4

weeks .

 Importance of 12 months of dual anti-

platelet therapy ( Aspirin + Clopidogrel )
after placement of drug eluting stent .
 Complete heart block following inferior MI
not indicated for pacing ( temporary
pacemaker ) & managed conservatively .

 Complete heart block following anterior MI

indicated for pacing (temporary pacemaker)
 IV GTN used to control elevated BP in acute
coronary syndrome .

 Unfractionated heparin used if there is renal

impairment as elevated creatinine .

 The most common cause of death in pts.

Following a myocardial infaraction is
ventricular fibrillation .

 The single most important risk factor for

stent thrombosis after PCI is premature
withdrawal of antiplatelet therapy .
Thank you

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