Science 6 Q3 W8

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Day 1

Where do we find the world’s

tropical rainforest? Can you
name any?
The Need to Protect and Conserve
Tropical Rainforests
• It is home to many different kinds of plants and
animals. 70% of the plants are trees (Biodiversity).
• 40% of the Earth’s oxygen supply is produced in
tropical rainforests.
• The medicines that people use today come from
• The rainforests help regulate the Earth’s water
• Most of our foods are coming from the rainforests.
• Forest trees absorb carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere thus lowering Earth’s temperature
(climate regulation).
• Forests prevent soil erosion.
Group I: Create a tropical rainforest
layer using assorted construction

Group II: Role play: pupils will show

how the Earth’s exposure to the Sun
affects the temperature in the tropical
(follow the procedures given in the
activity sheet)
Group 3: Create a Creature
Let the pupils design their own
rainforest creatures using cut- outs.
Then allow them to explain how their
creatures adapt in the tropical

Group 4: Create a tropical rainforest rap

using the physical conditions as lyrics.
Have the pupils develop an
advertising campaign aimed
at encouraging sustainable
conservation of tropical
Saving the Tropical Rainforest

1. Reforestation Program
Planting trees to vacant lots and replanting of land
abandoned by timber companies or settlers is a
strategy that can provide wood and other products for
present and future generations.
2. Reserves / Protected Estates / National Parks
Reserves mean that the forest is completely protected
from all activities, except for research and collection of
genetic material.
3. Ecotourism
Nature tourism usually involving small groups with minimal
environmental damage. It enables the undisturbed natural environment
to create an income for local people without being damaged or

4. Strict Implementation of Laws on Environmental Protection

The government through the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) is taking lead to protect and conserve the Philippines,
natural resources. Several laws have been enacted to protect and
conserve the environment particularly the rainforests. P.D. No. 1152,
“The Philippines Environment Code”, is a law which states that the
government shall pursue a system of careful use and conservation of
wildlife resources.
DIRECTION: Write the letter that corresponds your answer.
1. Which area has probably most rain? Why?
a. Forest, because there are plenty of trees that will release moisture to
the atmosphere.
b. Not forest, because there are no wild animals.
c.Grassy place because their roots help hold water.
d. Bare areas, because it is good for planting root crops.

2.Where are the tallest trees in the rainforest found?

A. In the emergent layer
B. In the canopy
C. In the shrub layer
D. In the ground floor
3. What is one reason why the rainforests are so important?
A. They give out carbon dioxide.
B. They provide us with oil.
C. They are a source of medicines.
D. They give warmth to living things.

4. Why are vines creeping up to tall trees?

A. To get food.
B. To absorb oxygen.
C. To receive a little amount of sunlight.
D. To escape from the rainforest.

5. What prevents plant growth beneath the trees in a thick forest?

A. A small amount of water reaches the ground under the trees.
B. The roots of the trees make it difficult for plants to grow.
C. The trees limit the amount of sunlight that can reach the ground.
D. The temperature of the soil under the trees does not allow plants to
Day 2
What are the things that you
can do to protect and
conserve our coral reefs?
The Need to Protect and Conserve Coral Reefs
 Coral reefs are habitats for marine animals
and plants.
 Coral reefs are rich sources of marine
 Coral reefs are protectors and wave
 Coral reefs serve as science laboratories.

Show different pictures about ways in protecting and conserving coral reefs.

Group I: Explain in 2-3 sentences the ways in protecting and conserving coral reefs

Group II: Show Me- Draw ways in protecting and conserving the
coral reefs

Group III. Camera Action- Act out the ways in protecting and conserving coral reefs

Group IV: Make me a Song-

On how to protect and conserve the coral reefs

Group V; Complete Me- I promise to help save coral reefs by ________________.

Explain by pair the different ways in
protecting and conserving our coral reefs
Quarrying in coral reefs should be
Use of chemicals in farming should be
Saving the Coral Reefs

1. Make Artificial Reefs. The marine animals need

shelter where they can lay their eggs, hatch, and grow
the young animals.
2. Inform others of the importance of the coral reefs.
Tell others what will happen if the coral reefs are
3. Reforestation. Planting more trees helps control soil
erosion. When soil erosion is being controlled, siltation
will be prevented.
4. Lobby for stricter formulation and
implementation of laws or ordinances. To punish
fishermen if they use illegal fishing methods that
destroys the reefs.
5. Join volunteer groups like Bantay-Dagat to
care for the seas and the coral reefs. Also report
to reliable authorities, illegal practices that
destroys coral reefs.
Can you save the coral reefs? Check (/) your
___1. Use chemical for fishing.
___2. Keep waterways clean.
___3. Protect young fishes.
___4. Report dumping garbage.
___5. Use corals as decors or jewels.
Day 3
What is a tropical
Get the envelope and identify the
picture organism inside the envelop..
Make as simple habitat from the
different organism you have found
inside the envelop.
Coral reefs
Mangrove area
The Need to Protect and
Conserve Mangrove Swamps
 Mangrove swamp is home to a wide variety of species
 It provides nesting and breeding habitat.
 Mangrove swamp is a source of livelihood.
 Mangroves are essential to maintaining water quality.
 Mangroves are the first line of defense for coastal
communities from storm surge, flooding and tidal waves.
 Mangroves absorb carbon dioxide which means that
conserving and restoring mangroves is essential to
fighting climate change.
 Mangroves are sources of important materials like
mangrove wood and extracts for medicinal purposes.
Mangrove swamp development
could generate potential
sustainable initiatives like
ecotourism, sport fishing, and
other recreational activities.
Individual Activity
Construct a food chain in the
following places.
Choose only one habitat? Be able
to explain your work?
Why should we
conserve the needs of
the living things?
Saving the Mangrove Swamps
Establish buffer zones between coastal and
adjacent development.
Build fence along the intertidal zone to
prevent livestock access. Do not throw
garbage near the mangrove area. Plant more
mangrove trees in the area.
Propose ecological policies to protect and
conserve the mangrove swamps.
Directions: Write FACT is the statement is true and BLUFF if the
statement is false. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Tropical rainforest is dominated with trees and plants.

2. Mutualism is a type of relationship between two living organisms in

which one organism benefits from the other without harming it.

3. Parasitism is the relationship between two species when one

benefits and the other suffer. The specie that benefits is called

4. Living organisms interact with other organism for food and


5. Rainforests cover about 10% of the earth’s land surface.

Day 4
What is a tropical
Get the envelope and identify the
picture organism inside the envelop..
Make as simple habitat from the
different organism you have found
inside the envelop.
Coral reefs
Mangrove area
The Need to Protect and
Conserve Mangrove Swamps
 Mangrove swamp is home to a wide variety of species
 It provides nesting and breeding habitat.
 Mangrove swamp is a source of livelihood.
 Mangroves are essential to maintaining water quality.
 Mangroves are the first line of defense for coastal
communities from storm surge, flooding and tidal waves.
 Mangroves absorb carbon dioxide which means that
conserving and restoring mangroves is essential to
fighting climate change.
 Mangroves are sources of important materials like
mangrove wood and extracts for medicinal purposes.
Mangrove swamp development
could generate potential
sustainable initiatives like
ecotourism, sport fishing, and
other recreational activities.
Directions: Describe a Mangrove swamps.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of
Why should we
conserve the needs of
the living things?
Saving the Mangrove Swamps
Establish buffer zones between coastal and
adjacent development.
Build fence along the intertidal zone to
prevent livestock access.
Do not throw garbage near the mangrove
Plant more mangrove trees in the area.
Propose ecological policies to protect and
conserve the mangrove swamps.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of
your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is the most diverse biome in the world because of its moisture
A. Coral reef
B. Grass land
C. Mangrove swamp
D. Tropical rainforest

2. All of the following are abiotic factors EXCEPT _________.

A. air
B. soil
C. temperature
D. worms
3. It is the most prevalent feeding relationship in a tropical rainforest.
A. commensalism
B. competition
C. mutualism
D. Predation

4. Some insects deposit their eggs within the body of another insect
species’ larva. When the eggs hatch, the parasitic young kill and eat the
larva gaining nutrients from it. What relationship is this?
A. commensalism
B. competition
C. mutualism
D. Parasitism

5. All of the following are examples of animals living in tropical rainforest

EXCEPT __________.
A. birds
B. crabs
C. spiders
D. worms

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