W3 Q4 English 5

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Using Graphic Organizers in

Writing Paragraphs Showing: Cause A
and Effect, Comparison and Y
Contrast and Problem Solution 1
What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a brief piece of writing

that has a topic sentence and supporting
sentences that are closely related to the topic
When writing a cause-effect paragraph, you may first list your

ideas in a graphic organizer like the one below.
To indicate causes and effects, the following transitional or signal
words/phrases may be used.
Here is a sample of cause-and-effect paragraph:
 What is the paragraph about?
 What does the key sentence introduce?
 How many causes of air pollution are stated?
This paragraph shows cause and effect,
explaining reasons and results of events,
situations, or trends. It particularly uses the
pattern one effect → multiple causes.
Write a paragraph showing cause and effect of “Floods”.
Causes: heavy rains, broken dams, overflowing rivers
Effects: loss of human life, damage of property
Write a cause-and effect paragraph about a
family scenario.
 What is a paragraph?
 How do you write a cause-and-
effect paragraph?
Write a Cause-and-Effect paragraph.
Reasons: stress relief, pleasure, social situations
Result: Lungs can be very badly affected (coughs, colds, wheezing
and asthma are just the start)
Practice writing cause-
and-effect paragraph.
Using Graphic Organizers in
Writing Paragraphs Showing: Cause A
and Effect, Comparison and Y
Contrast and Problem Solution 2
What is a graphic
What are the transitional or signal
words/phrases you may use to indicate
causes and effects?
The second example of comparison and contrast paragraph. Comparison in
writing discusses elements that are similar, while Contrast in writing
discusses elements that are different.
Steps in writing a comparison-contrast paragraph:

1. Choose the people or things (subjects) you want to describe.

2. Organize similarities and differences of your two subjects in a
Venn diagram.
3. Use the transition or signal words that show similarities, such as
like, similarly, and both; and differences, such as but, however,
while and on the other hand.
Here is a sample of comparison and contrast paragraph:

What two subjects or items are compared and contrasted

in the paragraph?
Answer: Rice Terraces and Plain Rice Field
What are the similarities of these two subjects? their differences?

What transitional or signal words show such similarities and

Answer: Both, however, on the other hand, and while
Write paragraph showing comparison and contrast about “Reading books and
Write Comparison and Contrast paragraph.
Similarities: ball games, fun
Differences: Volleyball players have to stay on their own side
Basketball players can run up and down the entire court freely
Write a short comparison and
contrast about yourself when you
were five and present.
 How do you write a comparison and
contrast paragraph?
 What are the steps in writing a
comparison-contrast paragraph?
Write a comparison and contrast paragraph. Your
paragraph should have a clear introduction, body with
comparison and contrast points, and a conclusion.

Similarities: both are pets, can be trained, provide

Differences: dogs need more exercise, cats are more
independent, dogs are more social
Practice writing
comparison and contrast
Using Graphic Organizers in
Writing Paragraphs Showing: Cause A
and Effect, Comparison and Y
Contrast and Problem Solution 3
What are the steps in writing comparison and
contrast paragraph?
The Greetings
third example is the problem-and-
solution paragraph. Problem-solution
format is a method for analyzing and
writing about a topic by identifying a
problem and proposing one or more
When writing a problem-and-solution paragraph you can do

1. Think of a problem and possible solution.

2. Organize your ideas in a graphic organizer.
3. Write the sentences about the idea in your organizer into a
paragraph. Make sure you follow the margin and indentation
Here is a sample of problem-and-solution paragraph:

1. What is the problem presented? How did you know?

2. What are the solutions given?
3. What signal words or expressions introduce the solutions?
Using the paragraph you have just read (problem-solution),
this time you will learn to write/ plan two to three paragraph
composition using an outline. With the help of the outline you
can make a paragraph by following the paragraph structure
(beginning sentence, middle sentences, ending sentences).
Here is an example of an outline for a problem-solution paragraph.
I. Problem
A. Water shortage is becoming a serious problem in the city because of the
growing population.
II. Solution
A. Make more water available through recycling.
B. City Officials are now educating the people so they do not waste water.
III. Conclusion
A. Everyone
This is the paragraph composition using the sample outline.
Sample Paragraph
 What is the paragraph about?
 What is a paragraph?
 What do you observe when writing a paragraph?
 What are the three parts of a good paragraph?
 What are the pieces of information found in an outline, how
can you compose the paragraph?

You can write a three-paragraph composition based on it by

putting the major idea and supporting details together in each
Write your own two to three-paragraph composition based on the following outline.

Wonders of the World

I. The two wonders of the world in the Philippines
A. Banaue Rice Terraces
1. Located in Mountain Province
B. Mayon Volcano
1. Can be found in Albay
II. Banaue Rice Terraces
A. Characteristics
1. carved on the mountain sides by the natives
2. great stairways to heaven
III. Mayon Volcano
A. Characteristics
1. perfect cone shape
2. natural
B. Despite several eruptions, it remains to be majestic perfect cone-shaped volcano.
Write a problem solution
paragraph about a family
How do you write a
problem- solution
Write paragraph showing problem-solution based on this
problem “John didn’t know what to do about his English
Practice writing
Using Graphic Organizers in
Writing Paragraphs Showing: Cause A
and Effect, Comparison and Y
Contrast and Problem Solution 4
How do you write a
Analyze the following graphic organizer. Answer the

questions that follow.
Based on the Semantic web, who is
respectful person and a God-loving
How do Filipinos show respects to others?
How do Filipinos show love to God?
Sample Paragraph

What is the paragraph all about?

What is done with the first line of the paragraph?
How do the sentences begin?
How do the sentences end?
Read the sentences below. Answer with Agree if the statements
are correct and Disagree if incorrect.
Write a two-
composition using the
given sentences in the
graphic organizer.
Choose a paragraph you wrote on our
previous sessions, write it on a graphic
 What are graphic organizers?
 How do they help in writing a
Read the text below. Arrange and write the important ideas from the
paragraph using the following graphic organizers.
Practice writing short stories.
Enjoy learning!

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