Interactions 2 - Chapter 7

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A narrative essay about a person

Part 1: Before You Write
Exploring Ideas

Why do people live abroad?

learn a new
enhance career
start a brand new

challenge yourself improve your

children’ lives

save money
What are difficulties of living abroad?

finding afforable relationship

language personal
barriers support

worrying about different

financial lifestyle
Evaluating Questions
Write yes next to the appropriate questions and no
next to the inappropriate ones (p. 119)
Building Vocabulary
Nouns Verbs Adjectives
pleasant feelings
excitement frustration
thrill apprehension
ecstacy fury

unpleasant feelings
Answer these questions related to new vocabulary
words (p. 121)
Using –ED and –ING Adjectives
(to describe feelings)
Circle the phrase that the –ed or –ing adjective
describes (p. 122)
Complete the sentences with the adjective form of
the words in the box (p. 122)


Complete each sentence with an –ed or –ing
adjective (p. 122)
Organizing a Narrative Essay
Using Graphic Organizer

* Be careful to stay focused on the subject. All information should be closely

related to the topic. Cross out all irrelevant information or digressions.
Read this narrative essay and cross out irrelevant
information (p. 124)
Ahn Kim never planned to study outside her native Korea. Her brother was
student in Massachusetts, but Ahn Kim was happy to stay in Seoul with her family. One
day a letter came from Ahn's uncle. He needed help. He invited Ahn to go to work in his
shop in New York City. Ahn's uncle sold fruit and vegetables in a small shop in Queens.
Ahn's parents thought it was a good opportunity. Ahn didn't want to disappoint them,
so she went.
When Ahn Kim first arrived in the United States from Korea, she was very sad and
frightened. She was living with her uncle's family in their small crowded apartment. She
worked in the shop every day. She could speak to her aunt and uncle, but she couldn't
communicate with anyone else. The world outside of the shop and the apartment was
almost totally incomprehensible to her. Ahn could not read a street sign, ask a question,
or understand directions. Ahn's brother spoke English well. He had lived in the United
States for a long time. Ahn's life changed for the better when she decided to go to
Newton Community College to take English classes. This school is located on the corner
of Broad Street and First Avenue.
Today Ahn is still studying English. She has also enrolled in business classes at the
community college. She moved out of her uncle's apartment and into a rooming house
with other young people. She has many friends. Although she still plans on returning to
Korea, she is happy and grateful that she had the chance to go to the United States.
Writing a Introduction and a Concluding
Writing Introductions

Writing Conclusions
Read the essay and discuss these questions (p. 125)

All of his life, Joel had dreamt about traveling to a foreign country. His parents didn't have
enough money to pay for him to go abroad, so Joel studied hard and hoped that one day he
would get an opportunity. One day, his school announced a competition for a scholarship to
study in Canada. Joel entered the competition and won.
Joel was thrilled when he heard about winning the scholarship. He was going to study art
in Canada. He didn't cry when he said goodbye to his family. He couldn't wait to get to Canada.
He was excited about going to the university and meeting people from all over the world.
However, after a few weeks away from his native country, Joel felt very unhappy. He was
homesick and lonely. The other students were nice, but it was hard for him to speak English all
day. His classes were interesting, but they were hard. He had to spend many hours every day
working in the library. It was a lonely life. He began to wish he hadn't won the scholarship at
Then after two or three months, Joel began to feel better. His English improved, and he
spent more time with other students. Now he is very happy. The university feels like home,
and his friends feel like family. Joel still remembers how bad he felt at first, but now it seems
Part 2: Developing Writing Skills
Developing Cohesion and Clarity
Write sentences by making a gerund subject from
the words in parentheses (p. 127)

Learning to live in a new culture is difficul for anyone.

Leaving your homeland is never easy.

Not being able to even order lunch was humiliating for Gloria.

Not speaking the language made Jaime feel isolated.

Complete sentences with a gerund subject (p. 128)
Having a conversation in a foreign language
Find the parallelism errors in the essay and correct
them (p. 128-129)
(to talk about the past)
Complete the sentences in as many ways as possible
using the past tense, would or used to (p. 129-130)

used to hate/hated

used to understand/understood


used to own/owned

Do you like this paragraph? Why or why not? (p. 130)

Rewrite the paragraph changing used to to would or

the simple past tense where appropriate
Part 3: Revising and Editing

Read the narrative essay, write a topic sentence for

the first paragraph, and a concluding sentence for
the last paragraph. Then cross out any irrelevant
information in the essay (p. 131)
When Maryam was very young, she lived in a small village in Bosnia with
her parents and her brothers and sisters. Her parents were farmers. They grew
wheat and vegetables. At that time, there was a war in Bosnia. Sometimes her
parents would talk about the war. Only a few soldiers came to Maryam's village, so
her family felt safe. Maryam's older brother decided not to fight in the war. Then
one day bombs began to fall on their village, and many soldiers came to fight
there. Maryam's parents died in the fighting. Maryam and her sister went to live
with their grandmother in the city of Sarajevo. Sarajevo used to be a beautiful city,
but it was destroyed in the war. One day when Maryam was 14, their grandmother
told them that they were going to go to the United States to live with their aunt.
At first, Maryam's life in the United States was very difficult. She went to
an American high school, and she felt very uncomfortable there. She went to John
F Kennedy High School in Trenton, New Jersey. Learning English wasn't easy, and
the other students were very different from her. Gradually, Maryam began to
make friends, first with other foreign students and finally with some Americans.
She learned to speak English well and became conmfortable with the American
way of Iife.
Although Maryam still thinks about her life in Bosnia, she doesn't feel
homesick anymore. Maryam's sister is still planning to return to Bosnia. Today
Maryam is 18 years old. When she graduates from high school, she plans to go to
college to become a nurse.
Punctuating Sentences with Transitions
and Subordinating Conjunction
Edit the paragraph for correct punctuation around
transition words and subordinating conjunctions (p.
Using a Rubric
Part 4: Expansion Activities

Write a narrative essay about a person who moved

abroad (±200 words)

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