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Presented By:
Mr. Asim Ameen
Asst. Prof. of Forensic science
Definition of Blood
 Blood is a fluid that technically considered a connective
 Normally blood has a pH of 7.4.
 Average adult has about 4.5-5.5 litres of blood circulating
inside the body through arteries, veins and capillaries.
 The blood has two components plasma (liquid part) and cells
(RBCs, WBCs, Platelets).
Components of Blood
 Blood consist 55% plasma.
 45% cellular elements.

1. RBCs are 44%,

2. WBCs and Platelets 01%.
 Plasma is pale yellow in colour, consist of 90% water and
10% of Ions, Nutrients, hormones, protein and dissolved
 It can be isolated by centrifuging from cells by adding
anticoagulant to the blood.
 Consist of protein such as albumin, globulin and fibrinogen.
 It is used for transfusion for trauma patients and patient with
liver diseases.
 Frozen plasma can be stored at -20°C up to one year.
Function of Plasma
 Carries water, salt and enzymes, takes nutrients, hormones and
proteins to the part of the body.
 Albumin, that help to regulate osmotic pressure in blood.
 Globulin participate in the immune system and transport
 Fibrinogen are involved in clotting mechanism.
 Electrolyte, (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride) helps
to maintain blood pH.
 The Ion, proteins and other molecules found in plasma are
important for maintain blood pH and osmotic balance.
 Serum is extra cellular part of blood after coagulation is

 Serum is the part of blood which lacks clotting factors and

have fibrin.

 Acquired by centrifuging of coagulated blood.

 It is use for bio chemical and serological tests.

 It can be stored at 2-8°C for several days.

 It contain 90% of water and is pale yellow in colour.

Plasma & Serum
Red Blood Cells
 These are small biconcave in shape, 7-8 micron in size and do
not contains mitochondria or a nucleus when mature.
 It contains haemoglobin which is the key protein used in
oxygen transport.
 Haemoglobin is iron containing molecule and is responsible
for red colour.
 RBC have a life span of 110- 120 days.
 Normal Adult male have 5-6 million/cumm of RBCs.
 Normal Adult female have 4-5
million/cumm of it.
 Old and damaged red cells
are down on liver and spleen
and new ones are produced in
bone marrow.
 Platelets are formed in the marrow by megakaryocyte and are
subsequently released into the vascular system where they
play an essential role in haemostasis.
 Platelets are 1-4 micron in diameter.
 Cytoplasm stain light blue and contain small red - purple
 Normal range of platelets count 1.5 – 4.0 lakhs/cumm.
 Life span is 4-10 days.
White Blood Cells
 WBCs are also called leukocytes.
 They are involved in immune response, recognizing and
neutralizing invaders such as bacteria and viruses.
 WBC are in five major types which are divided into 2 groups.
 Granulocytes: Includes Neutrophils, Eosinophils and
Basophils which have granules in their cytoplasm.
 Agranulocytes: Include Monocytes and Lymphocytes which
have no granules in their cytoplasm.
 Each WBC plays a specific role of defence.
 Normal white blood cells count in an adult is
 WBCs are part of immune system that helps fight infection
and defend the body against other foreign intruders (killing
bacteria and creating antibodies to protect the body against
bacteria and virus).
Function of Blood
1. Transportation: Transport oxygen from lungs to the tissue and
of carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs.
2. Transport metabolic wastes away from tissues.
3. Maintenance of normal acid- base balance.
4. Nutrition: Transport of absorbed fatty acids monosaccharides
and amino acids.
5. Transport hormones vitamins and salts.
6. Regulation of water balance.
7. Regulation of body temperature.
8. Immunological function such as circulation of white blood
cells detection of foreign bodies.
9. Coagulation of blood : To stop bleeding and clotting.
1. Explain what is blood?
2. What are the functions of blood?
3. Explain what is plasma and serum?
4. What is platelets?
5. Explain about RBCs and WBCs.

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