OS Shared After Modification
OS Shared After Modification
Computer basics
:Course Content
• What is an OS.
• What are its key functions.
• The evaluation of OS.
• What are the popular types of OS.
• Basics of UNIX and Windows.
• Advantages of open source OS like Linux.
• Networks OS.
?What is an Operating System
• Computer System = Hardware + Software
• Software = Application Software + System Software(OS) + Utility Software
• An Operating System is a system Software that acts as an
intermediary/interface between a user of a computer and the computer
• Operating system goals:
Execute user programs and make solving user problems easier
Make the computer system convenient to use
Use the computer hardware in an efficient manner
Operating System Mode
The User Mode is concerned with the actual
interface between the user and the system.
It controls things like running applications
and accessing files.
Power On Switch sends electricity to the BIOS will then look for a small sector at the very beginning of your
motherboard on a wire called the Voltage Good primary hard disk called MBR (Master Boot Record).
line. The MBR contains a list, or map, of all of the partitions on your
If the power supply is good, then the BIOS computer‘s hard disk (or disks).
(Basic Input/Output System) chip takes over. After the MBR is found the Bootstrap Loader follows basic instructions
In Real Mode, CPU is only capable of using for starting up the rest of the computer, including the operating system.
approximately 1 MB of memory built into the In Early Kernel Initialization stage, a smaller core of the Kernel is
motherboard. activated.
The BIOS will do a Power-On Self Test (POST) This core includes the device drivers needed to use computer‘s RAM
5 to make sure that all hardware are working. chips.
Functions of Operating System
Process Management .1
• A process is a program in execution.
• A process needs certain resources, including CPU time, memory, files, and I/O devices to
accomplish its task.
• Simultaneous execution leads to multiple processes. Hence creation, execution and termination
of a process are the most basic functionality of an OS
• If processes are dependent, than they may try to share same resources. thus task of process
synchronization comes to the picture.
• If processes are independent, than a due care needs to be taken to avoid their overlapping in
memory area.
• Based on priority, it is important to allow more important processes to execute first than others.
Memory management .2
• Memory is a large array of words or bytes, each with its own address.
• It is a repository of quickly accessible data shared by the CPU and I/O devices.
• Main memory is a volatile storage device. When the computer made turn off everything
stored in RAM will be erased automatically.
• In addition to the physical RAM installed in your computer, most modern operating
systems allow your computer to use a virtual memory system. Virtual memory allows
your computer to use part of a permanent storage device (such as a hard disk) as extra
• The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections with
memory management:
Keep track of which parts of memory are currently being used and by whom.
Decide which processes to load when memory space becomes available.
Allocate and de-allocate memory space as needed.
File Management .3
• A file is a collection of related information defined by its creator.
• File systems provide the conventions for the encoding, storage and management of data
on a storage device such as a hard disk.
FAT12 (floppy disks)
FAT16 (DOS and older version of Windows)
FAT32 (older version of Windows)
NTFS (newer version of Windows)
EXT3 (older version of Unix/Linux)
EXT4 (newer version of Unix/Linux)
HFS+ (Max OS X)
• The operating system is responsible for the following activities in connections with file management:
✦ File creation and deletion.
✦ Directory creation and deletion.
✦ Support of primitives for manipulating files and directories.
✦ Mapping files onto secondary storage.
✦ File backup on stable (nonvolatile) storage media.
Device Management or I/O Management .4
• Device controllers are components on the motherboard (or on expansion cards) that act as an interface
between the CPU and the actual device.
• Device drivers, which are the operating system software components that interact with the devices
• A special device (inside CPU) called the Interrupt Controller handles the task of receiving interrupt
requests and prioritizes them to be forwarded to the processor.
• Deadlocks can occur when two (or more) processes have control of different I/O resources that are needed
by the other processes, and they are unwilling to give up control of the device.
• It performs the following activities for device management.
Keeps tracks of all devices connected to system.
Designates a program responsible for every device known as Input/output controller.
Decides which process gets access to a certain device and for how long.
Allocates devices in an effective and efficient way.
Deallocates devices when they are no longer required.
Security & Protection .5
• The operating system uses password protection to protect
user data and similar other techniques.
• It also prevents unauthorized access to programs and user
data by assigning access right permission to files and
• The owners of information stored in a multiuser or
networked computer system may want to control use of
that information, concurrent processes should not interfere
with each other.
User Interface Mechanism .6
• A user interface (UI) controls how you enter data and
instructions and how information is displayed on the
• There are two types of user interfaces
1. Command Line Interface
2. Graphical user Interface
Command-line interface .1
• In a command-line interface, a user types commands
represented by short keywords or abbreviations or presses
special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions
Graphical User Interface .2
• With a graphical user interface (GUI), you interact with
menus and visual images
Popular types of OS
• Desktop Class
Chrome OS
• Server Class
Windows Server
Mac OS X Server
• Mobile Class
Windows Phone
-:Desktop Class Operating Systems
• Platform: the hardware required to run a particular
operating system
– Intel platform (IBM-compatible)
• Windows
• Linux
– Macintosh platform
• Mac OS
– iPad and iPhone platform
• Single User Single Tasking OS.
• It had no built-in support for networking, and users had to manually install
drivers any time they added a new hardware component to their PC.
• DOS supports only 16-bit programs.
• Command line user interface.
• So, why is DOS still in use? Two reasons are its size and simplicity. It does
not require much memory or storage space for the system, and it docs not
require a powerful computer.
Microsoft Windows
• The graphical Microsoft operating system designed for Intel-platform desktop
and notebook computers.
• Best known, greatest selection of applications available.
• Current editions include Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.
Mac OS
• User-friendly, runs on Mac hardware. Many applications available.
• Current editions include: Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina & Big Sur—Version
XI(Released in Nov 2020)
• Linux: An open-source, cross-platform operating system that runs on
desktops, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones.
– The name Linux is a combination Linus (the first name of
the first developer) and UNIX (another operating system.
• Users are free to modify the code, improve it, and redistribute it,
• Developers are not allowed to charge money for the Linux kernel itself
(the main part of the operating system), but they can charge money for
distributions (distros for short).
Google Chrome OS
• Chrome OS. Is a popular thin client operating system.
• Thin client A computer with minimal hardware, designed for a specific task.
For example, a thin web client is designed for using the Internet.
Server Operating Systems
• Windows Server
– Familiar GUI interface for those experienced with Windows
– Very mature server capabilities, time-tested, large user
community, stable
• Linux
– Free, customizable, many free services and utilities available
Windows Server
Tablet and Phone Operating Systems
• System-on-chip (SoC): An operating system that comes preinstalled on a
chip on a portable device such as a smartphone.
• Popular SoC operating systems:
iOS: for iPad, iPhone
Android: for a variety of tablets and phones
• Downloadable applications (apps) from an App store, for example:
Apple App Store
Google Play Store
iOS on the iPhone and iPad
• The Apple-created operating system for Apple tablets and phones.
• The current stable version, iOS 14, was released to the public on September
16, 2020.
• Android, a popular OS for smartphones and tablets, is
based on Linux Kernel.
– Developed by Google
• Current versions include:
– Android 8 Oreo
– Android 9 Pie
– Android 10
– Android 11 (released on Sep, 2020)
Installation of Operating Systems
Compatibility requirement to be checked:
1. Disk space refers to the amount of storage available on a
computer's hard drive or storage device. Measured in GB.
2. RAM (Random Access Memory) capacity, is crucial for
software performance. Measured in GB
3. Processor capacity may require a certain CPU type, speed, or
architecture for proper functionality. Measure in Ghz.
4. System Type (32-bit or 64-bit)
Check your hardware's operating system type (32-bit or 64-bit)
and verify that the software is compatible with that system type
Operating system installation process
Installation steps:
1. Media selection,
2. Boot selection,
3. Startup,
4. Follow instructions,
5. Customization,
6. Finalize the installation
Windows 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZbKNiKb_Qc
29 Windows 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opwX7U8H9JE
Virtualization Technologies
• Virtualization is a technology that allows you to create
and manage multiple virtual instances or environments on
a single physical computer or server.
• The main advantages of virtualization are:
Optimizing resource utilization,
Enhancing flexibility,
Improving security, and
Reducing costs in IT environments.
Server Virtualization
• Server virtualization is a technology that allows multiple virtual servers to run on a single physical
server or host.
• Key components and aspects of server virtualization:
Hypervisor known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) : is a software or hardware layer that sits
between the physical hardware (the host server) and the virtual machines (VMs). The hypervisor
manages the allocation of physical resources to VMs, such as CPU, memory, and storage, and ensures
their isolation from one another.
Virtual Machines (VMs): VMs are individual instances of virtual servers created and managed by
the hypervisor.
Resource Pooling: Multiple VMs share the same physical server, which leads to more efficient
resource utilization
Isolation: VMs are isolated from each other, which means that a failure or issue in one VM does not
affect others
Snapshot and Cloning: Snapshots capture the state of a VM at a specific point in time, while
cloning allows for the creation of duplicate VMs for rapid deployment.
Client Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization
Host-based storage virtualization
Network-based storage virtualization
Virtualization software