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Ethiopia Commodity exchange


Coffee Quality Training

July 2023
The coffee plant,
The green bean Coffee
The brewed coffees

1. Evergreen plant under genus Coffea, Family Rubiaceae, Specious coffee.

2. Coffee, beverage brewed from the roasted and ground seeds of the tropical
evergreen coffee plants of African origin.

Coffee is one of the three most popular beverages in the world (alongside water and
tea) and one of the most profitable international commodities. Though coffee is the
basis for an endless array of beverages, its popularity is mainly attributed to its
invigorating effect, which is produced by caffeine, an alkaloid present in coffee.
History of Coffee

 Wild coffee plants, probably from Kefa (Kaffa), Ethiopia, were taken to southern
Arabia and placed under cultivation in the 15th century. One of many legends
about the discovery of coffee is that of Kaldi, an Arab goatherd who was puzzled
by the strange antics of his flock. About 850 ce Kaldi supposedly sampled the
berries of the evergreen bush on which the goats were feeding and, on
experiencing a sense of exhilaration, proclaimed his discovery to the world.

 Coffee legend tells of the discovery of the first coffee trees in Ethiopia. An
Ethiopian herdsman named Kaldi observed his goat,
 kipping in quite a chipper mood near a bush. Subsequently the goat chewed on the
red berries and Kaldi sampled the berries himself. A feeling of joy consumed him.
He acknowledged to his goat, "These berries are heaven sent." So excited,
 He ran to the nearest monastery, telling of their miraculous effect. The chief monk
was not amused. "Are you possessed?" He condemned the berries as the Devil's
work and promptly threw them into the fire. "Evil”! “
 A young rebellious monk snatched the cooling beans from the fire pit. This
innovator, the world's first barista, mixed the beans with water and the resulting
brew kept the monks up all night thanking their creator
Coffee legend tells of the discovery of the first coffee trees in Ethiopia. An
Ethiopian herdsman named Kaldi observed his goat, skipping in quite a chipper
mood near a bush. Subsequently the goat chewed on the red berries and Kaldi
sampled the berries himself. Afeeling of joy
consumed him.He acknowledged to his goat,
"These berries are heaven sent." So excited, he
ran to the nearest monastery, telling of their
miraculous effect.Coffee drinking is more than a
beverage during an Ethiopian coffee ceremony or
Nue Buna Tetu, is a key part of home and social
life. It is a process of preparation that can take hours. It starts with the washing
of coffee beans and ends with ceremonially pouring the drinkinto cups.
The story goes that that Kaldi discovered coffee after he
noticed that after
eating the berries
froma certain tree,
his goats became so
energetic that they did
not want to sleep at
Kaldi reported his
findings to the abbot of
the local monastery,
who made a drink with
the berries and found
that it kept himalert through the long hours of evening
According to a coffee history legend
Kaldi sampled the berries himself. A feeling of elation consumed him. He
declared to his goat, "These berries are heaven sent." So excited, he and the goat
ran to the nearest monastery, telling of their miraculous effect. “Meehhhhh!"
“Meehhhhh!" The chief monk was not amused. "Are you possessed?" Beautiful
coffee berries and flowers. He condemned the berries as the Devil's work and
promptly threw them into the fire. "Evil!" But soon after, the smell of fresh
roasted coffee filled the pious halls of the monastery, enticing the monks.
 A shepherd named Kaldi found his goats dancing joyously
 Goats are dancing around a dark green leafed shrub with bright red
cherries .
 Kaldi soon determined that it was the bright red cherries on the shrub
 That were causing the peculiar excitement and after trying the cherries
 Kaldi learned of their powerful effect.
 The stimulating effect was then exploited by religious at a local
Coffee history continued.. .
• They stay awake during extended hours of prayer and then
• distributed to other monasteries around the world.
• Coffee was born despite the appeal of such a legend,
• Recent botanical evidence suggests a different coffee bean
• Evidence indicates that the history of the coffee bean began
on the plateaus of central Ethiopia.
• Have been brought to Yemen where it was cultivated since
the 6th century.
• The first coffee houses in Cairo and Mecca coffee became a
passion rather than just a stimulant.
Coffee Plant Overview
• Class of the coffee plant: Dicotyledoneae
• Family of the coffee plant: Rubiaceae
• Some Species of the coffee plant: Coffea Arabica, Coffea
Arabica VS Robusta Coffee Beans
• There are several different coffee species, Coffee
Arabica, Canephora (Robusta) Coffee Liberica, Coffee
Stenophylla, Coffee Excelsa,
• Two main species are cultivated today,Arabica
• Arabica coffee, accounts for 70 % of the world's
• Coffeacanephora, known as Robusta coffee, accounts for
about 30 %
The two commercially important species of
 There are over 100 coffee species, however the two
main ones that are widely produced and sold are:
Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora (also known as
Coffea Robusta). Ethiopian coffee is only Arabica
Environmental Conditions:
 The Arabica coffee shrub typically grows between 2.5-
4.5 meters (8.2-14.7 ft) in height, requires a
temperature between 15°-24°C (59-75°F) and an
annual rainfall of about 1200-2200 mm/yr. Robusta
grows slightly taller at 4.5-6.5 meters (8.2-21.3 ft),
requires a warmer temperatures of 18°-36°C (64-97°F)
r: cultivation of Coffea robusta
m: cultivation of Coffea robusta and Coffea arabica.
a: cultivation of Coffea arabica
Arabica and Robusta coffee’s main differences.
 The most commonly known is its taste. Often Robusta has its taste
described as burnt tires or rubbery, which… sounds disgusting One
reason that the taste isn't as good for Robusta is that it has more
caffeine compared to Arabica.
 Caffeine carries a bitter taste which makes it an unpleasant drink.
 In fact the Robusta bean has 2.7% caffeine content, almost double
the 1.5% of Arabica.
 Robusta is still widely used as part of espresso blends – specifically
Italian-style blends. It is said to help improve the Crema. Arabica of
being higher quality, and Robusta as being lower quality with a cost
reducer. But today the market accepts this teste and gradually
penetrates the world, Market.
Lipid & Sugar content:
 Arabica contains almost 60% more lipids and almost twice the
concentration of sugar than Robusta.
 This factor also probably has a big impact on why we prefer the
taste of Arabica.
From a price perspective, green beans of Robusta is about half the
price of Arabica green beans on the commodity market
 Robusta is easier to tend to on the farm, has a higher yield and is
less sensitive to insects - the extra caffeine is a chemical defense for
the coffee seed as the quantity in the Robusta is toxic to bugs.
Basics Arabica Robusta
 Altitude 600-2200 0-800
 Rainfall 1200-2200 2200-3000
 Temperature 15-24 18-36
Top 10 Coffee Exporting Countries by Production
Belowis the map showing the top ten coffee exporting countries of
the world along with a table showing their exports during the year –
2016 Rank Country Coffee Type of coffee
 In this level the Exporters Production produced
sell coffee to importers. 1 Brazil 2,594,100,000 Both
 In Ethiopia green coffee is 2 Vietnam 1,650,000,000 Robusta
3 Colombia 810,000,000 Arabica
exported only by the 4 Indonesia 739,020,000 Robusta
Citizens. 5 Ethiopia 384,000,000 Arabica
6 India 349,980,000 Both
7 Honduras 345,000,000 Arabica
8 Uganda 285,300,000 Both
9 Mexico 234,000,000 Both
10 Guatemala 204,000,000 Both
Coffee Bean Shape and Make:
Arabica coffee beans are having a slightly larger/elliptical shape
Robusta beans are smaller and more round.

Arabica Robusta
Plant Height:
 Arabica usually grows between 2.5 – 4.5 meters compared to the 4.5
– 6 meter height of Robusta.
About 75% of the world’s coffee production is Arabica, about 25%
being Robusta. Brazil is the most significant Arabica producer and
Arabica Vs Robusta Coffee
Arabica Robusta
Time from flower to ripe cherry 9 months 10-11 months
Flowering after rain irregular
Ripe cherries fall stay
Yield (kg beans/ha) 1500-3000 2300-4000
Optimum temperature (yearly average) 15-24° C 24-30° C
Optimal rainfall 1500-2000 mm 2000-3000 mm
Optimum altitude 1000-2000 m 0-700 m
Hemileia vastatrix susceptible resistant
Caffeine content of beans 0.8-1.4% 1.7-4.0%
Shape of bean flat oval
Typical brew characteristics acidity bitterness, full
Coffee Plant Overview….
• Robusta and Arabica coffee plant can grow to heights of
10 meters if not pruned,
• producing countries will maintain the coffee plant at a
height reasonable for easy harvesting
• Arabica and Robusta are the species of coffee plant most
commonly cultivated
• Coffee Arabica is the largest cultivated coffee
• Arabica coffee plant is typically smaller than the Robusta
coffee plant.
• The coffee plant flower is white, are produced in dense
clusters, and formed in the axils of the leaves

Coffee Plant Growth and Development
• After the coffee is planted(3-5yrs), sweetly smelling
flowers grow in clusters in the axils of the coffee leaves.
• Fruit is produced only in the new tissue.
• Arabica coffee plant is self-pollinating,
• Robusta coffee plant depends on cross pollination.
• About 6-8 weeks after each coffee flower is fertilized,
• Then cell division occurs& the coffee fruit remains as a pin
head for a period that is dependent upon the climate.
• The ovaries will then develop into drupes in a rapid growth
period that takes about 15 weeks after flowering
• During this time the integument takes on the shape of the
final coffee bean.
The best climate for coffee growing is either subtropical or equatorial. This zone is located
between the Tropics of Cancer (North) and
Capricorn (South). The coffee producing
countries located on these areas of the
Earth have rich soils. Volcanic soil is
considered the best. High altitude and
adequate rainfall are also main factors for
good coffee harvesting.

Coffee trees are can growto more than 30

feet (9 meters) high. Each tree is covered
with green, waxy leaves growing opposite
each other in pairs. Coffee cherries growalong the branches.

It takes nearly about 5 years of growth to reach full fruit production. While coffee plants can
live up to 100 years, they are generally the most productive between the ages of 7 and 20.
Proper care can maintain and even increase their output over the years, depending on the
variety. The average coffee tree produces 10 pounds of coffee cherry per year, or 2 pounds
of green beans
• After the rapid growth period the integument
and parchment are
fully grown and will not increase in size.
• The endosperm remains small until about 12 weeks after
• At this time it will suppress, consume, and replace the
• The remnants of the integument are what make up the silver
• The endosperm will have completely filled the cavity made by
the integument nineteen weeks after flowing.
• The endosperm is now white and moist, but will gain dry matter
during the next several months.
• During this time the endosperm attracts more than seventy
percent of the total photsynthesates produced by the tree.
• The mesocarps will expand to form the sweet pulp that
surrounds the coffee bean.
 There are typically two seeds per coffee berryContinued…
packed with
the flat end facing each other,
 A special case which is common is called pea berry which
is a single seed.
 The outer skin of the coffee berry is generally
tough and can survive handling
 The inner pulp of the coffee berry is generally
 The coffee berry parchment shell is fairly
 This is taken off in the last coffee bean
processing stage.
 The coffee silverskin is so thin and attached so well it tends
to stay with the coffee bean right up to roasting.
 Coffee Leaf Type is a bipolar leaf structure,
 where two leafs grow from the stem opposite each other.
 The distance between leaf pairs an the stem is about 1 to 3 inches.
 The leaf pairs generally are at 90 degree rotation for each pair on the stem. It is an evergreen.
 The coffee plant's flowers last only a few days. and blooms shortly after a rain.
 The coffee flower has a strong pleasing smell.
 After pollination of the coffee plant, a small green coffee berry appears called a drupe.
Coffee Cultivation
• The geography of the coffee plant is in a tropical 25 degree latitude
belt on both sides of the equator
• The Arabica coffee plant grows best at altitudes between 3000 and
6000 feet.
• Desirable temperature averages between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
• The Arabica coffee plant will grow in hotter areas but is not well suited
for higher temperature.
• The Robusta coffee plant is typically located in hotter and more humid
areas at lower altitudes around 600 to 1500 feet.
• Frost will kill every variety of coffee plant known.
• The coffee growing area takes at least 75 inches of rain fall per year.
• The rainfall should be spread over a 9 month period,
• with about 2-3 months of only a few inches of rain.
• The soil where a coffee plant grows should be humus,
• Generally porous, and a slight tendency toward acid but more or less a
neutral pH.
• The soil where a coffee plant grows should be humus,
• Generally porous, slightly tends to acidic, but more or less a neutral
• Coffee plants can grow in slightly alkaline soil.
• Too much acid or alkaline will kill the coffee plant.
• Mulching the surface with grass, compost, or vegetable helps to
facilitate growth of the coffee plant.
• Preferably coffee plant soil is heavy to work and not too loose and
• The coffee plant's roots breath and actually need some air.
• The coffee plant likes high humidity of about 90 percent.
• The humidity in the air performs two functions for the coffee plant,
• One is to keep evaporation from the coffee plant at a minimum,
• The other is to diffuse the light striking the coffee plant.
• Coffee plants like filtered to moderate sun light.
• Coffee grows on sides of mountains which makes for natural
partial lighting conditions.
• However, some types of coffee plants can take direct sun light
without overhead shade trees ,.
• There are four kinds of shade; temporary, permanent, forest, and
soil shade.
• Bare soil loses its richness &character by being baked by the sun
& beat on by the rain.
• If the sun bakes the top soil too much, the coffee plant's roots die.
• The soil should be shaded as much as possible.
• The coffee plant generally requires some direct sun light for a
portion of the day
• Typically, the coffee plant can produce berries from 20 to 60 years
• The coffee tree produces berries at the age of 3to 5 years old.

• The two basic propagation methods both work with the coffee plant,
• That is grown from seeds, or cloned from cuttings.
• Seeds take about 5 to 6 weeks to germinate. Tender shoots require
more shade.
• Generally, cuttings. or seedlings are nurtured in a nursery before
being planted in the field.
• A general rule of thumb is plant the seedling when it has more than
4&less than8 branch pairs, which tends to be 5 to 6 months.
• Coffee plants can be grafted.
• Grafting tends to adapt a plant for growing conditions and disease
• It should be noted that the coffee seed will not remain fertile for
long periods of time.
• Due to the pulpy nature of the berry, the seed either starts to
germinate when it is removed from the tree or it ferments and rots.
• Coffee growers refer to pruning as training.
• Exactly how the coffee plant is trained depends on the
type of coffee plant, the environment, and the labor.
• The coffee plant branches can become so heavy with
berries that they break,
• It is important to train the coffee plant such that it is
strong enough.
• From time to time, the coffee plant gets too large of root
system for the soil conditions
• The middle lateral branches become damaged, so the
coffee plant is trunked.
• Trunking the coffee plant is cutting it way back, right
down to where only two branches near the bottom are
left on it.
Coffea Arabica —C. Arabica :Varieties:Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Tico, San Ramon,
Jamaican Blue MountainCoffea Arabica is descended fromthe original coffee trees discovered in
Ethiopia. These trees produce a fine, mild, aromatic coffee and represent approximately 70%of the
world's coffee production. The beans are flatter and more
elongated than Robusta and lower in caffeine.On the world
market, Arabica coffees bring the highest prices. The better
Arabicas are high grown coffees —generally grown between
2,000 to 6,000 feet (610 to 1830 meters) above sea level —
though optimal altitude varies with proximity to the
equator. The most important factor is that temperatures
must remain mild, ideally between 59 - 75 degrees
Fahrenheit, with about 60 inches of rainfall a year. The trees
are hearty, but a heavy frost will kill them. Arabica trees are
costly to cultivate because the ideal terrain tends to be steep
and access is difficult. Also, because the trees are more disease-prone than Robusta, they require
additional care and attention.
What is Coffee?
Everyone recognizes a roasted coffee bean, but you might not recognize an actual coffee
plant.Coffee trees are pruned short to conserve their energy and aid in harvesting, but can grow
to more than 30 feet (9 meters) high. Each tree is covered with green, waxy leaves growing
opposite each other in pairs. Coffee cherries grow along
the branches. Because it grows in a continuous cycle, it’s
not unusual to see flowers, green fruit and ripe fruit
simultaneously on a single tree.

It takes nearly a year for a cherry to mature after first

flowering, and about 5 years of growth to reach full fruit
production. While coffee plants can live up to 100 years,
they are generally the most productive between the ages of
7 and 20. Proper care can maintain and even increase their
output over the years, depending on the variety. The
average coffee tree produces 10 pounds of coffee cherry
per year, or 2 pounds of green beans.

All commercially grown coffee is from a region of the

world called the Coffee Belt. The trees grow best in rich
soil, with mild temperatures, frequent rain and shaded sun.
Botanical classification
Coffee traces its origin to a genus of plants known as Coffea. Within the genus
there are over 500 genera and 6,000 species of tropical
trees and shrubs. Experts estimate that there are
anywhere from25 to 100 species of coffee plants.The
genus was first described in the 18th century by the
Swedish botanist, Carolus Linneaus, who also described
Coffea Arabica in his Species Plantarumin 1753.
Botanists have disagreed ever since on the exact
classification, since coffee plants can range widely. They
can be small shrubs to tall trees, with leaves fromone to
16 inches in size, and in colors frompurple or yellowto the predominant dark
green. In the commercial coffee industry, there are two important coffee species
—Arabica and Robusta
Coffea canephora —C. canephora var. RobustaVariety:Robusta

Most of the world's Robusta is grown in Central and

Western Africa, parts of Southeast Asia, including
Indonesia and Vietnam, and in Brazil. Production of
Robusta is increasing, though it accounts for only
about 30% of the world market.

Robusta is primarily used in blends and for instant

coffees. The Robusta bean itself tends to be slightly
rounder and smaller than an Arabica bean.

The Robusta tree is heartier and more resistant to

disease and parasites, which makes it easier and
cheaper to cultivate. It also has the advantage of being able to withstand warmer climates,
preferring constant temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, which enables it
to growat far lower altitudes than Arabica.

It requires about 60 inches of rainfall a year, and cannot withstand frost. Compared with
Arabica, Robusta beans produce a coffee which has a distinctive taste and about 50-60%
more caffeine.
Growing/ Seedling Coffee Arabica
To have great success growing your own coffee fromseed, you need a whole, ripe
coffee cherry or fromparchment coffee,
( pergamino. )It is best to strip the
seeds, covered with sticky fruity
muscilage, out of the fruit skin and plant
themindividually. This way, the root
doesn't have to fight its way out of the
skin, and growth is speeded.
Plant the seed 1.5" deep in a deep pot. Coffee needs lots of depth for the taproot.
Don't use a little seed tray -use a real pot. Keep moist but doesn’t oversaturate.
After a long 2 month wait, here's what you get, the gooseneck.
When you plant a whole cherry you get 2 plants, since there are 2
seeds in a cherry. In this case, I
didn't strip the skin of the cherry,
so the seed has emerged and is
lifting it's burden, the whole cherry,
into an upright position.

When this seedling is strong enough, I strip off the outer seed
layer, the skin, which I should have done when planting.
After 3-4 months you have this comical Dr. Seuss-like plant, basically a
seedling with a bean stuck ontop. The bean
softens and expands to for the first leaves
At 4 months you have a
plant, but it doesn't
resemble coffee very
much: the first primary
leaves are an unusual
lilly pad shape.
These will fall off as the plant develops regular leaves
At 9 months, the plant is really looking like coffee (although it has not yet
dropped the lilly pad leaves yet). You may need to re-pot ... it is best to
allowthe plant a lot of roomfor deep roots than confine its growth in a
small pot.
 Nursery bed is defined as 'prepared area in a nursery where seed is sown
or into which transplants or cuttings are put. Nursery beds are classified
into seedling... they growthe
seedlings in a nursery until the
plant reaches a size where it's
sturdy (strong)
 W atering; Coffee trees like water
and need enough to feed the
leaves and support the fruit. But
they don't like to sit in water .
 The area to be planted with coffee
must be prepared at least one year before the small coffee trees are
planted out.
 Coffee farmers can either growseedlings directly in their fields or, as many
of the coops with whomwe workdo, they growthe seedlings in a nursery
until the plant reaches a size where it’s sturdy enough to handle the “wild.”
 Coffee is planted in rows 2 mapart with plants 1.5 mapart within the row.
To mark the planting holes at this spacing on sloping land, followthe steps
It takes between 2 and 3 years of solid growth (and tender-loving care!) for a
coffee plant to start flowering and the little white flowers precede the coffee
cherry —the “fruit” of the tree —which will start to formafter 6-8 weeks after
the first blossom.
Coffee is vital to the cultural and socio-economic life for Ethiopia.

Coffee sustains the livelihood for over 15 million People in Ethiopia

Birthplace of the Arabica coffee tree,

Coffee is vital to the cultural and socio-

economic life of Ethiopia

Provides important income from casual

labor for many additional poor rural

The Ethiopian economy is highly

dependent on coffee as it contributes more
than 25% of the countries Foreign
exchange earnings.

The Ethiopian economy is highly

dependent on coffee as it contributes more
than 25% of the countries Foreign
exchange earnings.

No other product wide avenue for inherent quality and high specificity.

95% of Ethiopian Coffee is Organic by default.


The potential of coffee production in the

country is comes from
• Oromia produce about 64%,
• SNNP produce about 35 % &
• Gambella region the remaining about 1%
is produced. .
Main coffee production Zone :-
Oromia Zone :- Jimma zone ,
Illubabor ,West wollega, East wollega
Brenna ,Bale , Arsi, west Arsi,Guje ,East
&west harrge

SNNP Zone :- Sidama

zone,Gedeo ,Wolyita, Gamogofa, South
Omo, Bench Maji, Kaffa ,Sheka , KAT
( Amaro),
Coffee Potential In Ethiopia
• The potential for coffee production in Ethiopia is very high,
• Thanks to the countries suitable altitude, ample rainfall,
optimum temperatures. Appropriate fertile soil.
• The country is of particular interest to the world because it is
where C. Arabica originated .and thus has the best inherent
quality for production potential.
• The Total area covered by coffee is about 400,000 hectares,
with more than a total production of 200,00 tones 250,000 of
clean coffee per yr.
• Ecology: for growing Arabica coffee suitable
Altitude,soil,Temperature,climate & others is needed.
• Altitude:- In Ethiopia, coffee grows at various altitudes,
ranging from 600-2,750m above sea level (masl) However;
• The bulk of C .Arabica is produced in the eastern, southern and
western parts of the country, which have altitude ranging 1300-
• Based on altitude coffee quality can be categorized in to– high
grown, medium grown and low grown.

Climate :-( It includes temperature, rainfall )etc.

• This factor affects both production and processing.
• Growers should know the basic norms in climate and other agricultural
• Arabica coffee is grown in relatively cool climates in the region
between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.
• The optimum temperature is between 15-25ºC (59-75ºF)
• Photosynthesis is slowed(Reduced) above these temperatures
• Frost damage can occur when temperatures hover(Float) around 0ºC.
Coffee producing countries with more than one wet and dry season will
have more than one harvesting season.
Coffee production system in Ethiopia
• There are four types of Coffee production system in Ethiopia
forest coffee, 8-10% ;semi-forest coffee,30-35%; garden coffee 50-55%;
Plantation coffee. 5-8%
• coffee growing under these production system is mainly processed
by two widely –known methods (Dry & wet)

Strip method:-
• The entire crop is harvested at one time.
• stripped from the tree with both unripe and overripe beans, or
• The coffee beans are collected using a harvesting machine.
• Milking 0r stripping, and mechanical harvesting can produce
mixed coffee.

selective rippe cherry

• These processes are called selective picking only red ripen

cherry, respectively
• Top Quality coffee is produced by only from freshly hand
picked fully –ripe cherries
• farmers are always take care during harvesting or advised to
pick only these red cherries,
Strip Picking in the coffee
Accurate Harvesting Pick only red ripe cherries by hand


Sorted red cherry
Post-harvest product handling
• Pick only red ripe cherries by hand
• Don’t use a mixture of unripe, over ripe, and ripe
• After picking the red cherries should be delivered to
the market within 24 hours.
• The package should be clean and odor free
• Take care on selecting transportation vehicles; it can
cause for the contamination of the productAn
• Is not a black box in which trading occurs,
• it is not a merely a trading system,
• it is not just an impersonal firm providing services to
the market.
• An Exchange is rather the outcome of a complex
Coffee marketing in Ethiopia
•Marketing in Ethiopia accomplished in the following transaction chain.
Primary Level Coffee Transaction Center’s (PLCTC)
• It is a place where coffee farmers and suppliers transact coffee.
• They are located near to the coffee farms &currently more than 980 More
than 90% of the Ethiopian coffee comes from those farmers .
• The remaining 10% comes from private investor and government owned
large-scale farmers.
• Primary Transaction center is a place designed by the appropriate regional
organ for trading Red cherry and sundried coffee.
Secondary level at Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
• The secondary level where coffee transacts in
Ethiopia is at ECX
• A physical trading floor located in Addis Ababa.
• where buyers and sellers participate in “Open
Outcry” bidding for commodities,
• The trading System is with electronic remote access
An Exchange:-
• Is not a black box in which trading occurs,
• it is not a merely a trading system,
• it is not just an impersonal firm providing services to the
• An Exchange is rather the outcome of a complex process
• by which the conflicting objectives of different types of
market actors are bound together in some form of
equilibrium through a set of contractual relationships
commodities exchange
• Is an exchange where various
commodities and derivatives products
are traded.
• Most commodity markets across the
world trade are agricultural products
and other raw materials (like coffee,
wheat, barley, sugar, maize, cotton,
cocoa, milk products, pork bellies, oil,
metals, etc.) and contracts based on
• The secondary level where coffee
transact in Ethiopia.
• Currently EACWSE warehouses are
located at nine different parts of the
country only for coffee Excluded
• The EACWSE warehouses centers are
in Addis Ababa, DireDawa, Hawasa,
Dilla, Sodo, Bonga, Dijimmah, Bedele
ECX Previous commodity transaction process (before spin off)
Coffee Growers /Producers:-
 Coffee producers are required to sell their product
only in primary coffee transaction centers and
 The small scale farmers have the right by pass or
selling their coffee to their cooperative,
 Unions which buy them at market price they required
to go through EACWSE for all the Quality
certification and grading procedure.
Primary Transaction Center
• More than 90% of the Ethiopian coffee comes from
those farmers
• The remaining 10% comes from private investor and
government owned large-scale farmers.
• Primary Transaction center is a place designed by the
appropriate regional organ for trading Red cherry and
 Suppliers are those collects coffee from producers or
from his Owen farm and primary market
 processed as wet & natural coffee processing method
and then deliver to previous EACWSE.
The Ethiopian Coffee Marketing Chain
 There are generally two paths in the Ethiopian Coffee
Marketing chain; one through
 Through EACWSE for warehousing and Grading
 Ethiopia Commodity Exchange (ECX) for trading
purpose and
 Other a direct export path cooperative unions.
 Fair Trade certified coffee is only sold through the
cooperative & are directly exported to different
Coffee exporters
 Coffee in Ethiopia which is the primary
foreign exchange earlier to Ethiopia .
 coffee export is conducted mainly by licensed
private exporters.
 Coffee export is one of the most rigorously
regulated areas of trade in the country
 Coffee exporters are required to buy coffee
only from ECX based on the standard grade
and coffee origin.
 Processes it’s to meet the countries export
coffee Quality standard & Export before the
next harvest season and sell coffee by-product
Domestic Market Wholesalers
• They are required only buy domestic (local)
consumption coffee from ECX & sell or
transport export coffee for Local consumption.
Domestic Roasters
• Domestic roasters purchase the coffee for such
purpose only from ECX.
Domestic consumers
• Domestic consumers (local consumers)are
mainly located in non coffee producing area and
they shall purchase coffee form Domestic
Roaster and wholesalers in the lawful coffee
transaction method.
Coffee Growers /Producers:-
 Coffee producers are required to sell their product only in primary
coffee transaction centers
The small scale farmers have the right by pass or selling their coffee
to their cooperative, Unions required to go through ECX for all the
Quality certification and grading procedure.
Value chain Mapping: In Ethiopian coffee value chain, the
participants are numerous which include smallholder coffee
farmers ,primary collectors, suppliers, processors, service
cooperatives, unions,
exporters and various governmental institutions. Practically,
collectors, sell to
suppliers, suppliers deliver to the auction (they are not permitted to
export), and the auction tender to the exporters.
Normally, all Ethiopian coffee should pass through auction center.
According to the rule of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX), a
firm should not participate on two or more stages of the value chain.
These generic functions are mapped in seven groups as input supply,
Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX)
• The role of ECX as service provider Institution starts
when suppliers Being Traded their coffee to one of
Exchange cervise area/ center.
• The main direct services of coffee include: coffee
Trading, data collection and dissemination.
• To carry out its responsibility in efficient and effective
trading manner,.
• The need to establish ECX and EACWSE is to
establish better system of coffee Quality and
Marketing which enables the country to supply better
Quality and to be competitive coffee to international
• The second reason relates to improving the local
marketing system that enables coffee producers of the
Continued ...
Coffee exporters:-
• Coffee in Ethiopia which is the primary foreign
exchange earlier to Ethiopia .
• coffee export is conducted mainly by licensed private
• Coffee export is one of the most rigorously regulated
areas of trade in the country
• Coffee exporters are required to buy coffee only from
• Based on the standard grade and coffee origin.
• Processes it’s to meet the countries export coffee
Quality standard
• Export before the next harvest season and sell coffee
by-product at ECX.
International coffee market:-(Ethiopian Coffee Export at
International market)
• The Third level where Ethiopian coffee transact.
• In this level the Exporters sell coffee to importers.
• In Ethiopia green coffee is exported only by the Citizens. Share
of worldRank
coffee production
Country Coffee Production
1 Brazil 2,594,100,000
2 Vietnam 1,650,000,000
3 Colombia 810,000,000
4 Indonesia 739,020,000
5 Ethiopia 384,000,000
6 India 349,980,000
7 Honduras 345,000,000
8 Uganda 285,300,000
9 Mexico 234,000,000
10 Guatemala 204,000,000
Main Coffee Processing
1/ Washed Processing

 Clean processing area, machineries and

 Select only red ripe cherries
 Don’t let the cherries dry out on the
branches or fallen on the ground
 Don’t brake branches; this can make the
tree vulnerable to pests and disease
 The coffee should be pulped the same date

• Adjust the pulping space properly so that the beans will

come through easily without becoming flattened or
• Use clean water for fermentation and washing; and
clean and repair the fermentation tanks and channels
• The drying table must be stretched straight to avoid
irregular drying
• Don’t take out under fermented coffee from
fermentation tank and don’t allow over fermentation.
• After fermentation tank. Rather use hand mesh wire to drain
the water under the shed
• Spread the coffee on the drying table with the thickness not
more than 5 cm or to the height of your finger
• Sort out nipped, lose, pods and other coffee defects from the
drying coffee
• The coffee should dry on spread jute bag. Any contact with
plastic sheet is not recommended
• During drying to protect the bean from strong sun heat, it
should be covered to avoid cracking and improper drying
• Dried coffee should keep in cleaned store. Avoid direct
contact from the floor, wall and roof
Skin/surface drying &Main drying
• Select only red ripe cherries Dry on the drying table or on
clean concrete floor.
• Avoid any sources of odor and swampy area
• Treatment consisting of drying whole coffee cherries
followed by mechanical removal
• the dried pulp to produce cherry, Natural or Unwashed
• The dry processing method is not complicated as the wet method
it is done with the help of the sun.
• the cherries are spread out evenly on the mesh wire might
takes at least 3-5 weeks to dry depending on the thickness of the
layers of cherries,
• To have even drying the growers has to turn and stirred it over at
regular intervals
• Unwashed or Sundried coffee should have greenish in color
&with faintly brownish reddish silver skin and the size is solid &
fairly even.

it is the separation of beans by different types of

classes/grades and the elimination of foreign matter.
this include sorting by size color and shape and
density then follow cleaning in airflow, removal of low
quality coffee, dust and particles

very few –either insect damaged or foxy very

few green but no whites black stinkers
• All cares indicated as above for
washed coffee will be applicable.
Structure of coffee berry and beans:-
washed coffee bean has the following parts
1: center cut
2:bean (endosperm)
3: silver skin (testa, epidermis),
4: parchment (hull, endocarp)
5: pectin layer
6: pulp (mesocarp)
7: outer skin (pericarp, exocarp)
The different parts of a coffee cherry are:
 An external skin (exocarp),
 red or yellowwhen the fruit is ripe Amucilaginous flesh mesocarp
 , known as pulp and mucilage Generally two grains or beans (each
one called an endosperm),
 Which contain a germ(embryo).
 Each grain, or bean, is covered by a spermoderm called silverskin
 surrounded by parchment (endocarp).
Structure of coffee berry and beans:-
• In general coffee bean has the following parts
• If one grain aborts, its place remains empty and the other one
grows into a more rounded shape (a pea berry).
• The water content of the whole ripe fresh cherry is about 65 %.
he product should fulfill all general requirements
before going to further
• These are main
requirements that cause for
rejection of the product
• The moisture content shall
not be more than 11.5% by
• M inimum85% by weight of
beans remain on top of
screen 14 after sieving.
• The product classifies based on its origin and
processing Type
Process flow chart Responsibility

1. Sampler

2. Grader
Accepte Rejection
3a. Quality supervisor
d? 2 3a


Sampling 3b. Sampler


Testing General
requirements 4. Grader

5. Grader
Accepted Rejection
? 6a 6a. Quality supervisor
6b. Grader
7. Grader

Testing Grading
7 8. Quality supervisor

1 During visual inspection:-
 The trucks shall be in acceptable sanitation level.
 Products shall be in clean jute bags.
Products shall be free from contaminated gases or chemicals, foreign matters

2 Visual inspection findings shall be reviewed and decided by the grader against general requirements of coffee specification

3a If the finding indicates the product doesn’t comply with general requirements, the grader shall fill the Grading Sheet and handover
to the Quality supervisor. Based on the Grading Sheet the warehouse supervisor shall notify the rejection result to the depositor.

3b If the consignment passes visual inspection, sampler draws representative sample from each bag and sends to the codding with
filled sampling ticket. If sampler found non uniform products, he should send different samples to the lab for decision. If the lab
founds that separately sent products are similar one presentative sample will be drawn and if the lab founds products are different,
samplers will send different samples to the lab.

4 Samples shall be tested for general requirements.

5 The test result will be reviewed properly to decide acceptance or not acceptable of the product

6a The product will not be go further for further assessments if it fails to meet one or more of the general requirements.

6b If the sample satisfies general requirements, it will be homogenized and divided into three parts. One for client to made his own
assessment, the other one for file to be analyzed if the dispute is raised and the remaining one for grading purpose.

7 All grading requirements will be tested to decide the grade of the product. The product should fulfill at least the minimum grade
requirements on the contract. Otherwise the product will not be acceptable.

8 The grading sheet will be prepared by grader and approved by Quality supervisor. Clients required signing and accepting copy of
test result if they agree with the result. Otherwise they can raise complaint.
• Coffee is classified based on Zonal producing area
• There are more than90 classifications and over 400
• This includes Washed, Natural and Local coffee with
including specialty grades,

• Coffee grading shall be carried out in accordance with
the ECX grading procedure
• coffee grading is based on Green ,Roast and Cup quality
• Mainly used based on Raw and cup quality
• Analysis is performed to evaluate primary &secondary
defect distribution &odor for unwashed coffee and for
• Washed Raw primary &secondary defect shape and make
odor, color.
and parchment analysis is performed
• The parchment evaluation doesn’t have a points score but
helps to get feed pack on processing and including
evaluating defects;
• In addition to this Roasting, Weighing &Grinding is very
important in grading procedure.

• Cup quality assessments is determined by assessing the cup

cleanses ,Acidity, Body &over all flavor including the character of
the coffee for both washed and Sun dried.
• coffee quality is assessed in terms of the Green the Roast and cup

The major green coffee defects and impacts on coffee

quality as per specialty grade is determined as follows the
defect evaluating system is within a given 350 gms coffee
Major Green coffee defects and causes: -
• The major green coffee defects and impacts
on quality as per specialty coffee rating
1 defect are described
Full below
defect Category 2 defects Full defects Cause(s)
equivalent value equivalents

Full Black 1 Partial black 5 Associated with micro-organisms

Full Sour/stinker 1 Partial sour 5 Fermentation problem
Dried cherry/pod 1 Immature 5 Immature is harvesting probleam
Fungus Damaged 1 Slight insect damaged 10 Caused by fungi &storage under dump area
Foreign Matter

Severe insect 5 Brocken’s 10 Pests attacks in coffee agriculture


Wanza earth stick each10 Wanza earth stick Depending Harvesting & processing fault
on size
Coffee bean

የኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ
ደረጃ ስለማውጣትና ስለምስክርነት ማረጋገጫ
የምርት ገበያው በገበያ ለሚካሄድ ግብይት ዓላማ የፀደቁ ወይም ተቀባይነት ያገኙ የደረጃዎችን
የኢትዮጵያ ደረጃዎችን አስፀድቆ ለማውጣት ብቸኛ ስልጣን የተሰጠው የኢትዮጵያ ጥራትና ደረጃዎች
ባለስልጣን ሥልጣን እንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ የምርት ገበያው በሥራ ወሰኑ ደረጃ የማውጣትና የማረጋገጥ ሥራ
ያከናውናል ወይም ሌላ ሶስተኛ ሠው ይህንኑ ሥራ እንዲሠራ ይፈቅዳል፤ ለምርት ግብይት ዓላማ የምርት
የምስክር ወረቀት ይሠጣል፡፡
የምርት ደረጃን ለማረጋገጥ በምርት ገበያው ተቀባይነት ያገኘ ማንኛውም ሶስተኛ ወገን ወይም ተወካይ
በምርት ገበያው ውስጥና ከምርት ገበያው ውጭ በምርት ግብይት ሥራ መሳተፍ አይችልም፡፡
የምርቶችን/አገልገሎቶችን ተስማሚነት ለመወሰን በምርቶች/ በአገልገሎቶች ተዋናዮች
(አቅራቢዎችና በተጠቃሚዎች) መካከል መግባቢያና ማስፈጸሚያ መረጃዎች ሊኖሩ የግድ

አገልገሎት ሰጪዎችን እና ተቀባዮችን በሚያግባቡ መረጃዎች መነሻነት አስፈጻሚ

አከላትም ወጥነት ያለው የማስፈጸም አገልግሎት መስጠት ያስችላቸዋል፡፡

በተሰማሚነት ምዘና ተግባራት(Conformity Assessment) ውስጥ ዋነኛ የመግባቢያ

ሰነድ ሆኖ የሚያገለግል መረጃ ደረጃ ይባላል፡፡
ደረጃ ምንድን ነው? What is standard ?
ደረጃ ማለት:

በስምምነት የተዘጋጀና እውቅና ባለው አካል የጸደቀ ለጋራና ተደጋጋሚ አገልግሎት

፤ደንቦች፤መመሪያዎች ወይም የተግባራት ባህሪያት ወይም ውጤቶቻቸው
እንደየአግባባቸው ከፍተኛና የተሳለ ጠቀሜታን ለማስገኘት ታልሞ የተዘጋጀ ሰነድ ነው፡፡

A Standard is:
"a document established by consensus and approved by a
recognized body, that provides, for common and repeated use,
rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results,
aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a
given context.“
Type of Standards:-
• የምርትና የሂደት ደረጃዎች/Product and process standards

የደረጃ አከፋፈል/Standard Classification

Standards may be classified in numerous ways, and often

the different terminologies used can be confusing.
Classifying them by how they are developed, Level, fore
instance, allows us to look at the implications on
developing country exporters:

የደረጃ አይነት/Type;
የደረጃ ተዋረድ/Level;
የደረጃ ከባቢ/Aspect;
የደረጃ መዋቅር(ይዘት)/Structure
Definition of standard
 A standard on which a judgment or decision may be
based or : to set a criterions /a benchmarks
 A characterizing mark or attribute(quality attributes)
 To determine/describe the character or quality of any
 Something established by authority, custom, or general
consent as a model. something set up and established
by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity,
weight, extent, value, or quality
 The fineness and legally fixed weight, length width,
visual and sensorial..etc. of the product of anything.
( gold standard)
 A level of quality, achievement, etc., that is considered
acceptable or desirable(His work is not up to the
Product and process standards

◦ Agricultural
◦ Chemical
◦ Mechanical, etc.
◦ Metrological
◦ Testing
◦ MS (ISO9001, etc..), etc.
Product and process standards
International,(ex. ISO)
Regional,(ex. ARSO)
National,(ex. ES)
Associations,(ex. ASTM)
Company/Private(ex. ECX)
Structure of the standards;

Contains at least the following

 Scope
 Normative reference
 Definitions/ Terminology
 Sampling
 Test methods/procedure
 Labeling/Packaging
 Marking

ተወስኖ የተገለጸ፤የታወቀ ወይም አስገዳጅ የሆነ ፍላጎት ወይም ግምት

ነው፡፡ ይህም በሰነዶች ላይ በሰፈሩ ባህሪያትና ለባህሪያቱ በተቀመጡ

መስፈርት/ Specification/ ይገለጻል፡፡

Requirement - need or expectation that is stated, generally

implied or obligatory. expression in the content of a
document conveying criteria to be fulfilled if compliance
with the document is to be claimed and from which no
deviation is permitted
What is Quality;
In manufacturing, a measure of excellence or a state
of being free from defects, deficiencies, and
significant variations, brought about by the strict
and consistent adherence to measurable and
verifiable standards to achieve uniformity of output
that satisfies specific customer or user requirements.
Quality is defined as “ the degree to which a set
of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements”.
(ISO 9000:2005)
Requirements that need to be fulfilled in a
contractual situation typically relate to the provision
What is quality?
 ISO9000 defines quality as the degree to which a set of inherent
characteristics fulfils a need or expectation that is stated, generally
implied or obligatory.
 Quality is about making organisations perform for their
stakeholders – from improving products, services, systems and
processes, to making sure that the whole…..
 Quality is about meeting the needs and expectations of customers
 Customers want quality that is appropriate to the price that they
are prepared to pay and the level of competition in the market.
Key aspects of quality for the customer include:
 Good design – looks and style
 Good functionality – it does the job well
 Reliable – acceptable level of breakdowns or failure
 Consistency
 Durable – lasts as long as it should
 Good after sales service
 Value for money
ጥራት ማለት የምርት ወይም የአገልግሎት ውስጣዊ ባህሪያትንና መስፈርቶችን
የማማôላት ልኬት ሁኔታ ማለት ነው::ጥራት የሚታየው ከደንበኛ ከህግና
ደንብ እና አ ኳ ያ
ከምርትና አገልግልት አኳያ
ጥራት የማን ሃላፊነት ነው? የሁሉም ተዋንያን (ከአምራቹ እስከ ተጠቃሚው)
Quality is just beauty;
Quality is fitness for use & fit in to the requirement
Quality is a way of managing the organization & Quality is
correcting and preventing loss
Quality is satisfying customers by meeting their expectation
Quality is creating customers happiness
No business with out quality will survive in the quality
market .etc..
የኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ
ኮንትራት- በምርት ገበያው የሚገበያዩ ሻጭና ገዥ የሚግባቡበት ሰነድ
የጥራት መስፈርቶችና ሌሎች መረጃዎችን ያካትታል፡፡

በቀድሞው ምርት ገበያው በአሁኑ የመጋዘን አገልግሎት ድርጅት ለግብይት

የሚቀርቡ የቡና ምርቶች 3 አይነት ናቸው
1. ልዩ (ምደባ 1፣2)
2. ኮሜርሻል(ምደባ 3---5)
3. የአገር ውስጥ

እነዚህም ያልታጠበና የታጠበ ቡና ተብለው የለያሉ፡፡

• Quality is defined as “ the degree to which a set of inherent
characteristics fulfills requirements”. (ISO 9000:2005)
• Requirements that need to be fulfilled in a contractual
situation typically relate to the provision of a specific product,
service or intangible item such as intellectual property.
• ኮንትራት- በምርት ገበያው የሚገበያዩ ሻጭና ገዥ የሚግባቡበት ሰነድ ነው፡፡

• የጥራት መስፈርቶችና ሌሎች መረጃዎችን ያካትታል በዚህም መሰረት፡-

• በ ምርት ገበያው የመጋዘን አገልግሎት ድርጅት ለግብይት የሚቀርቡ የቡና ምርቶች 3 አይነት ናቸው
• ልዩ (ምደባ 1፣2)
• ኮሜርሻል(ምደባ 3---5)
• የአገር ውስጥ

• እነዚህም በሙሉ ባልታጠበና የታጠበ ቡና ተብለው ይለያሉ፡፡

• Continued....
• Quality is determined by botanical variety, topographical
conditions, weather conditions, and the care taken
during growing, harvesting, storage, export preparation
and transport.
• Botanical variety and topographical conditions are
constants and therefore
dominate the basic or
inherent character of a
• W eather conditions are
variable and cannot be
influenced, resulting in
fluctuating quality fromone season to another.
• Growing, harvesting, storage, export preparation and
transport are variables that can be influenced.
• They involve intervention by human beings, whose
motivation is a key factor in the determination of the end
quality of a parcel of green coffee.

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