18-Mod 4 (Op Amp) - 22-01-2024

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Operational Amplifier

Operational Amplifier

An “Operational amplifier” is a direct coupled high-gain

amplifier usually consisting of one or more differential
amplifiers and usually followed by a level translator and
output stage.

The operational amplifier is a versatile device that can be

used to amplify dc as well as ac input signals and was
originally designed for computing such mathematical
functions as addition, subtraction, multiplication and
Block diagram of op amp
3-stage Op-Amp
Single-Ended Input
V o
• + terminal : Source
• – terminal : Ground
~ Vi • 0o phase change

o • + terminal : Ground
• – terminal : Source
 • 180o phase change

V i

6 Ref:080114HKN Operational Amplifier

Characteristics and performance parameters of

 Input offset Voltage

 Input offset current
 Input bias current
 Differential input resistance
 Input capacitance
 Open loop voltage gain
Characteristics and performance parameters of Op-

 Output resistance
 Offset adjustment range
 Input Voltage range
 Power supply rejection ratio
 Power consumption
 Slew rate
 Gain – Bandwidth product
 Equivalent input noise voltage and current
Characteristics and performance parameters of Op-

 Average temperature coefficient of offset parameters

 Output offset voltage
 Supply current
1. Input Offset Voltage

The differential voltage that must be applied between the

two input terminals of an op-amp, to make the output
voltage zero.

It is denoted as Vios + +
Vi V
- -
For op-amp 741C the input offset voltage is 6mV nV
- t
2. Input offset current

The algebraic difference between the currents flowing into

the two input terminals of the op-amp

It is denoted as Iios = | Ib1 – Ib2|

For op-amp 741C the input offset current is 200nA

3. Input bias current

The average value of the two currents flowing

into the op-amp input terminals

It is expressed mathematically as

I b1  I b 2

For 741C the maximum value of Ib is 500nA

4. Differential Input Resistance

It is the equivalent resistance measured at either the

inverting or non-inverting input terminal with the other
input terminal grounded

It is denoted as Ri

For 741C it is of the order of 2MΩ

5. Input capacitance

It is the equivalent capacitance measured at either the

inverting or non- inverting input terminal with the other
input terminal grounded.

It is denoted as Ci

For 741C it is of the 1-4 pF

6. Open loop Voltage gain

It is the ratio of output voltage to the differential input

voltage, when op-amp is in open loop configuration,
without any feedback. It is also called as large signal

voltage gain

It is denoted as AOL AOL=Vo / Vd

For 741C it is typically 200,000


It is the ratio of differential voltage gain Ad to common

mode voltage gain Ac

CMRR = Ad / Ac

Ad is open loop voltage gain AOL and Ac = VOC / Vc

For op-amp 741C CMRR is 90 dB

9. Output Resistance

It is the equivalent resistance measured between the output

terminal of the op-amp and ground

It is denoted as Ro

For op-amp 741 it is 75Ω

14. Slew rate

It is defined as the maximum rate of change of output

voltage with time. The slew rate is specified in V/µsec

Slew rate = S = dVo / dt |max

Slew rate

It is given by dVc /dt = I/C

For large charging rate, the capacitor should be small or

the current should be large.
S = Imax / C

For 741 IC the charging current is 15 µA and

the internal capacitor is 30 pF. S= 0.5V/ µsec
15. Gain – Bandwidth product

It is the bandwidth of op-amp when voltage gain is unity (1).

It is denoted as GB.

The GB is also called unity gain bandwidth

(UGB) or closed loop bandwidth

It is about 1MHz for op-amp 741C

17. Average temperature coefficient of offset parameters

The average rate of change of input offset voltage per unit change in
temperature is called average temperature coefficient of input offset
voltage or input offset voltage drift

It is measured in µV/oC. For 741 C it is 0.5 µV/oC

The average rate of change of input offset current per unit change in
temperature is called average temperature coefficient of input offset
current or input offset current drift

It is measured in nA/oC or pA/oC . For 741 C it is 12 pA/oC

18. Output offset voltage ( Voos )

The output offset voltage is the dc voltage present at the

output terminals when both the input terminals are

It is denoted as Voos
AC Characteristics
Frequency Response

Ideally, an op-amp should have an infinite bandwidth but practically op-

amp gain decreases at higher frequencies. Such a gain reduction
with respect to frequency is called as roll off.

The plot showing the variations in magnitude and phase

angle of the gain due to the change in frequency is called
frequency response of the op-amp
When the gain in decibels, phase angle in degrees are
plotted against logarithmic scale of frequency, the plot is
called Bode Plot

The manner in which the gain of the op-amp changes with

variation in frequency is known as the magnitude plot.

The manner in which the phase shift changes with variation

in frequency is known as the phase-angle plot.
Frequency Response of an op-amp

An ideal op amp has the following characteristics:

1. Infinite open-loop voltage gain, AV ≈ ∞.
2. Infinite input resistance, Ri ≈ ∞.
3. Zero output resistance, Ro ≈ 0.
4. Infinite CMRR, ρ =∞
5. The output voltage Vo=0; when Vd = V2-V1 = 0
6. Change of output with respect to input, slew rate = ∞
7. Change in out put voltage with Temp., ∂Vo/∂Vi=0
Ideal Op Amp
Ideal Op-Amp Typical Op-Amp

Input Resistance infinity 106  (bipolar)

109  - 1012  (FET)
Input Current 0 10-12 – 10-8 A
Output Resistance 0 100 – 1000 
Operational Gain infinity 105 - 109
Common Mode Gain 0 10-5
Bandwidth infinity Attenuates and phases at high
frequencies (depends on slew
Temperature independent Bandwidth and gain

Op-amp circuit

 Open loop mode

 Vo = Aod ( v2 – v1)
 Aod is referred to as the
open loop gain.
 Notice that is v2 = v1,
the open loop gain
equals to 
 Two main characteristics:
 We want the open loop gain to be equal to  which
means that v2 = v1

 We also want the input resistance to be equal to  ,

hence there is no current going into the op-amp
 Op amp can be configured to be used
for different type of circuit applications:
 Inverting Amplifier
 Non – inverting Amplifier
 Summing Amplifier
 Integrator
 Differentiator
Inverting Amplifier

Op-amp as an inverting amplifier

Gain = - (R2 / R1) = -(150/12) = -12.5
Non - Inverting Amplifier

Noninverting amplifier
Voltage Follower / Buffer Amplifier

Vo = Vi
Hence, gain = 1
Design an op- amp circuit with inputs v1 and v2
and output vo=-5v1+3v2

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