Child Labor

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 CHILDREN – refers to persons below eighteen years of age or those over but
are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abused,
neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical or
mental disability/condition.

 CHILD LABOR – Refers to the illegal employment of children below the age
of fifteen, where they are not directly under the sole responsibility of their
parents or legal guardian, or the latter employs other workers apart from their
children, who are not members of their families, or their work endangers their
life, safety, health, and morals or impairs their normal development including
their schooling.
 CHILD LABOR in the Philippines has been a problem since the early
twentieth century. However in 1946 the Philippines claimed its
independence from American rule and become a republic. This allowed
the Philippines make their own child labors laws. One significant law
was the power of the secretary of labor to grant a special work permit
for the employment of a child whose employment is otherwise
 POVERTY is the main reason due to which children under the
age of 18 are compelled to work in dangerous and life threatening
conditions the work of the children have to do the range from
agricultural, to production, to service trades. These dangerous
conditions consist of environmental, chemical, and physical
 While many people believed the issues of child labor in the Philippines are due to
political or economical issues, they are actually due to social issues. There are long
standing work and ethical traditions that are followed within Filipino communities.
One centuries old traditions is that children are impelled to work from early aged
because they must work to compensate as much as possible for the economic burden
that they put on the family. This shows that despite the laws preventing child labor,
Filipino communities that it is ethically important to have children work.
 Another reason why children work is the failure in the education system. Instead of
mandating that all children must go to school, the Filipino government allows the
families to decide. Most families would rather have their children working and
bringing in an income than going to school .
 Child work – It is a positive resources for people in the third world
countries. It benefits families in big ways, and teaches children
specific life long skills and traits, that they can use in the future.
This can help break the poverty cycle, as these children are
passionate about their futures. The working conditions are mainly
stable and the hours are more appropriate. The children put into
this work are age appropriate and are fit for the job.
 Child labor – 53 million children under the age of 15 are
affected. They are put into unsanitary and hazardous working
environment, that can harm them. The children are put into
these conditions unfit for the job. Most of these innocent kids
are unable to realized that what they are doing through is
inappropriate for their aged, but they don’t know any better due
to being stuck in the poverty cycle. They earn insufficient
incomes and work long hours while working in these horrible
environments only to go home and feed/support their families.
 Lack of protection from the government also fosters child labor.
Since the enforcement is highly unmonitored, the number of
enforcement officials is low, and inconsistencies are present in
legislation, child labor is most occur. The family financial
situation and their need for money are great instigators of social
issue in the Philippines.
 Millions of children in the Philippines are forced to work
at young ages. Child labor is one of the Philippines most
urgent problems and stems from a range of social factors.
Unless something is done to stop child labor, the issue will
continue to affect the lives of many families across the
 conditions that child laborers are force to endure vary widely,
but according to a 2011 report by the international labor
organization, as many as three million children work in the
environment that are considered hazardous, and an additional
2.5 million children are forced to work in slightly substandard

 Child slavery – slavery is where one person is owned by and made to

work for another person without having any say over what happens to
them. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture,
purchase, or birth, and are not allowed to leave or to refuse to work.
 Child trafficking- Is the illegal trading (buying, selling and
movement) of children for labor or sexual exploitation. Children are
trafficked for many reasons, including forced labor, prostitution and
recruitment as child soldiers and beggars.
 Debt Bondage – Is a forced labor, where work is exchanged to pay off
loans that people cannot pay off with money or goods.
 Republic Act 679: An act to regulate the employment of women and children. – an Act to
regulate the employment of women and children's to provide penalties for violation hereof, and
for other purposes.
 Section 1. Employment of children below fourteen years of age.
 Section 2. Employment of children below sixteen years of age.
 Section 3. Employment of children below eighteen years of age.
 Section 4. Medical examination of children for fitness for employment.
 Section 6. Written consent of parent. ( other provisions of this act not withstanding, no person
below eighteen years shall be employed or permitted or suffered to work in any shop, factory,
commercial or industrial establishment, or other place of work or employment without written
consent of his parent, guardian or person having custody over him.
 Republic Act 7658: An Act prohibiting the employment of children below
fifteen years of Age in public and private undertakings. – An act prohibiting
the employment of children below fifteen years of age in public or private
undertakings, amending for its purpose section 12 Article VII of R.A.7610

 Republic Act 7610: Special protection of children Against Abused,

exploitation and discrimination Act. – An Act providing for the stronger
deterrence and special protection against child abuse, exploitation and
discrimination, providing penalties for its violation and for other purposes.

 The policy curbing child labor exist but lack of enforcement of labor
restrictions perpetuates child labor. This is manifested in variation in
minimum age restriction in different types of employment. The international
labor office reports that children work the longest hours are the worst paid of
all laborers.
 Child Labor is a public health issue with negative outcomes that the demands
special attention. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to tackle child labor
issues. Per ILO, poverty is a major single cause behind child labor. Lack of
affordable schools and affordable education is another major factor to force a
children to work. Certain cultural beliefs rationalized this practice and
encourage child labor as character building and skill development for children.
 Poverty is one of the most important factors for this problem. Hence,
enforcement alone cannot help solve it. The government has been laying a lot
of emphasis on the rehabilitation of these children and improving on the
economic conditions of their families.
Thank you.!

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