Short Essay On Child Labor

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The key takeaways from the passage are that child labor is a serious problem that deprives children of their education and proper development. It remains a significant issue in many developing countries due to factors like poverty.

Some of the causes of child labor mentioned are extreme poverty, deliberate creation by businesses to get cheap labor, low levels of parental education, and families preferring to send children to work instead of school for additional income.

Measures proposed to combat child labor include strictly enforcing child labor laws, increasing public awareness, providing more employment opportunities for adults, ensuring all children can attend school, and businesses pledging not to employ children.

Short Essay on Child Labor

Child Labor

Child labor has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the
future of children. The problem of child labor is a serious matter not only in India but also in
other developing countries. It is great social problem. Children are the hope and future of a
nation. Yet, there are millions deprived children in our country who have never known a
normal, carefree childhood.

The law in Indian soil says that any child below age of 14 cannot be employed either in a
factory or office or restaurant. In fact, India’s international business has been severely
affected in many cases because child labors, violating human rights, have been used in some
stage or the other in manufacturing, packaging a transport of those items. And, in a large
number of cases of export of ready-made garments, prawn and several other items from India
has been rejected on grounds of child labor being used.

Truly speaking child labor is frequently utilized in India in various places of production and
service e.g., small scale industry, restaurant service, domestic aid, shopkeeper’s assistant,
stone breaking, book binding, in fact in every house-hold industry.

Causes of Child Labor

Now what is the background of engaging child labor,

 To have or increase the income of a poor family

 To reduce the labor cost in a production organization
 Misc. reasons for engaging as domestic aid as the children are less doubtful about
dishonesty or less liable to misbehave or be violent.

In a developed society where every citizen counts and all citizens have to have proper
education, health care supports, games and entertainment and complete his education so that
when he is a fully grown adult he can get a full employment with standard salary.

Solutions to Child Labor

The solution to the problem of Child Labor are:

 The Child labor laws need to be strictly enforced by the Government.
 The general public need to be made aware of the severe consequences of Child labor.
 An increase in employment opportunity for adults would help in overcoming the
problem of poverty and child labor.
 Government should ensure that every child gets the opportunity to go to school.
 The owners of factories and mines should take the pledge of not engaging child in their
place of business.


If the boy or girl takes up a small job as a domestic help or restaurant boy against a nominal
salary of Rs. 750-1800 per month, he does not get enough time time for primary and
secondary education and is most likely to remain completely illiterate, unskilled, perhaps
with a weak health and will have to remain unemployed or be engaged as an unskilled labor
when he is grown up. Hence in his own benefit and interest no child should be engaged as
labor both from legal point of view as well as the child’s future interest.


What is Child Labour
Child labour is a type crime in which children are forced to work in their very early age and
perform the responsibilities just like adults by taking part in the economic activities.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there is an age limit applied to the
children that children up to age fifteen will not involve in any type of work forcefully. It is an
employment of the children in any type of work which makes children deprived of childhood,
proper education, physical, mental and social well being. It is completely forbidden in some
countries however has been an international concern in most of the countries as it is
destroying the future of children to a great extent.
It is a serious matter (a big social problem) in most of the developing countries. Small age
group children are being involved in the child labor hugely by the people of high status. They
are avoiding the fact that children are the big hope and future of the nation. Millions of
children have been deprived of the childhood and proper education in our country which is a
dangerous sign. Such children do not get the chance of living a healthy life as they are not
satisfied physically, mentally and socially from their childhood.

According to the Indian law, children below the age of 14 years cannot be employed to any
type of work forcefully whether by the parents or owner in a factories, offices or restaurants.
It is a common practice in India as well as other developing countries in a small scale
industry, domestic aid, restaurant service, stone breaking, shopkeeper’s assistant, every
house-hold industry, book binding, etc.

What are the Causes of Child Labour

There are various reasons of child labor in our country. Some of the causes of global child
labor are similar however differ country to country. Most common reasons are like poverty,
repression of child rights, improper education, limited rules and laws on child labor, etc.
Following are some important points regarding causes of child labour:
 Poverty and high level of unemployment in the developing countries are the main reason of
child labor.

 According to the U.N. statistics of 2005, more than 1/4th of people worldwide are living in
extreme poverty.

 Lack of access to the regular education in many countries. It was found in 2006 that around
75 million children were away from the school life.

 Violating laws regarding child labour give the way to increased child labor in any developing

 Inadequate social control gives rise to the child labor in the agriculture or domestic work.

 Limited child or workers’ rights which affect labor standards and living standards to a great
extent in order to eliminate child labor.

 Small children get involved in the child labor in order to increase income of their family to
manage two times food.

 They are hired by the industries to get more work at reduced labor cost.
What are the Solutions to Child Labour
In order to eliminate the social issue of child labor, there is need to follow some effective
solutions on urgent basis to save the future of any developing country. Following are some
solutions to prevent child labor:
 Creating more unions may help in preventing the child labor as it will encourage more people
to help against child labor.

 All the children should be given first priority by their parents to take proper and regular
education from their early childhood. This step needs much cooperation by the parents as
well as schools to free children for education and take admission of children from all walks of
life respectively.

 Child labour needs high level social awareness with the proper statistics of huge loss in the
future for any developing country.

 Every family must earn their minimum income in order to survive and prevent child labour. It
will reduce the level of poverty and thus child labour.

 Family control will also help in controlling the child labour by reducing the families burden
of child care and education.

 There is need of more effective and strict government laws against child labour in order to
prevent children from working in their little age.

 Child trafficking should be completely abolished by the governments of all countries.

 Child workers should be replaced by the adult workers as almost 800 million adults are
unemployed in this world. In this way adult will get job and children will be free from child

 Employment opportunities should be increased for adults in order to overcome problem of

poverty and child labor.

 Business owners of factories, industries, mines, etc should take the pledge of not involving
children in any type of labour.

Child Labour as a Crime

Child labour is still practiced in many countries even after being a big crime. Business
owners of the industries, mines, factories, etc are using child labour at great level in order to
get more work at low labour cost. Poor children are more prone to be involved in the child
labour as they are forced by parents to earn some money to give economic help to their
family in the very young age (too young to realize their responsibilities towards family)
instead of getting proper education and play with friends in childhood.
Child labour is a big social problem which needs to be solved on urgent basis by the support
of both, people (especially parents and teachers) and government. Children are very little
however they carry a prosperous future of any developing country. So, they are the big
responsibility of all the adult citizens and should not be used in negative ways. They should
get proper chance to develop and grow within the happy environment of family and school.
They should not be limited by the parents only to maintain the economical balance of the
family and by the businesses to get labour at low cost.

Child labour
“Child labour and poverty are inevitably bound together, and if you continue to use the
labour of children as the treatment for the social disease of poverty, you will have both
poverty and child labor to the end of time.”
In our country, there is the very significant social issue on the children. Child labour is the
international concern because of its damages, spoils and destroys and exploiting the future of
the children. Child labour problem is not only suffering in the India, but also in the other
developing countries. It is a huge problem in India. The children are our hope and future of
our nation, but, there are millions of children are deprived in our country. Child labour has
never known an ordinary and carefree.

The law of our India says that for the child, that below an age of 14 cannot employ in any
factory and offices or restaurant. These rules come into the human rights for the children. In
fact, In India’s international business has been severely affected in many cases because child
labour, violating human rights have used in some stage or the other in manufacturing and
packaging those items. And, in a significant number of cases of export of ready-made
garments, prawn, and several other items from India has been rejected on the grounds of child
labor used.

In India, there is frequently utilization of child labour at various places of production and
service such as Restaurant service, small-scale industry, domestic aid, shopkeeper’s assistant,
stone breaking, bookbinding, not only in that but also in the small household industry.

Causes of child labour

 Lack of employment
There is the lack of work in the India. Most of the parents are not literate, and they have not
any source of employment. Therefore they are unemployed and get his children on child
labour. Their children are working just because their parents are unemployed.

 High poverty level

There is poverty line elevated in the India. Almost in India, there are sick children and their
families may rely on child labour to improve their chances of attaining necessities. According
to the 2005 U.N statistics here, more than one-fourth of the world level lives in the extreme
poverty. The intensified poverty in parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America causes many
children there to become child laborers.

 Limitation of free education

In India, approximately 75 million children are not going to school, just because of the lack
of free education. There are minimum schools in India, which is giving free education, but,
most of the places have not any free education opportunities for the poor children.

A 2009 report by the United Nations estimated that achieving universal education for the
world’s children would cost $10-30 billion — about 0.7% – 2.0% of the annual cost of global
military spending.

 Violation of the existing laws or codes

They often violated, who makes the laws or order in support of children. There are such
instances; Most of the manufacturer and exporter have no any ideas about it that what type of
workers and labour are working in his outsourcing and production. It can make a tough to
monitor who is performing labour at each step of the process.
 Laws and enforcement
Child labor laws around the world are often not enforced or include exemptions that allow for
child labor to persist in certain sectors, such as agriculture or domestic work. Even in
countries where strong child labor laws exist, labor departments and labor inspection offices
are often underfunded and understaffed, or courts may fail to enforce the laws. Similarly,
many state governments allocate few resources to enforcing child labor laws.

Prevention of the child labour

There some prevention are as follows which is against the child labour

 There are many social issues of child labour which we have to eliminate from the different
countries. Now, it should stop, and we have to follow up the necessary restrictions and rules
on the regards of child labour.
 Each and every child should have the priority of the live with all facilities in the independent
country. It will be very helpful for the children. If we help to the children and stand against
the child labour then, so many children can join the proper schooling. They will get the
regular education as well as the sports activity.
 If we will very restrict for solve the problem of child labour, then we would be able to force
them better.
 Every country should have this restriction against the child labour. Children will get so much
priority when all will stand for help to them.
 There should be awareness among the people to terminate the child labour from India
because it can incur in our nearby future. Children are our future of developing country. India
mostly depends upon the children of his present age.
 Every family should earn a decent living and good saving for the future of his children, and
then children could get a decent life and education. It will be very helpful for their children
and then people will not any need to send to his children on the work.
 Every family shall understand his kids for reducing the burden of the families, There are so
many reasons in a family for child labour, results in the lesser child, education expenses, etc.
they shall help to the reduce this all problems, then no one child will go for child labour.
 Each industrial company and his organizations should increase the employment opportunities
for the adult workers; then child labour will replace from this all employees.
Child labour is also increasing by the huge number of organization, who keeps the child on
work for his benefit. In the lots of countries, it is going on with the poor children. It is the
very important social issue in the every country, and we have to make unity for solve it
urgently. There are people are keeping the kids for his benefit. Hence for his benefit and
interest, no child should be engaged in labor both from the legal point of view as well as the
child’s future interest.

Child Labour, consisting of children below 14 years of age, is defined by the International
Labour Organisation (ILO) as “the type of work performed by children that deprives them of
their childhood and their dignity, which hampers their access to education and acquisition of
skills and which is performed under conditions harmful to their health and their
development”. Children are the greatest gift to humanity and the same gift is being misused
for personal gains as child labour. They constitute 36% of India’s population but a large
majority of children in the age group of 5-14 years continue to remain in distress and turmoil.
One in every five children below the age of 14 is a labourer. The flower (Child) withers
before it blossoms.

Magnitude of the problem

Child labour is more a rural phenomenon than an urban phenomenon. Due to acute poverty
poor families residing in rural areas send their children to urban areas for bread and butter. In
urban areas, to survive in a cutthroat competition, manufacturers have lowered the real wages
for adult workers in order to employ child workers on low wages. The problem is very much
vast in its dimension. Children are forced to work in the most hazardous, unhygienic
conditions, where they are vulnerable to many severe health problems.

Causes of Child Labour

In a country like India where over 40 percent of the population is living in conditions of
extreme poverty, child labour is a complex issue. Following are some of the causes of child

First Extreme poverty is the chief cause of child labour. The children either supplement their
parents’ income or are the only wage earners in the family.

Second Child labour is deliberately created by vested interest to get cheap labour.

Third Low level of parental education is also an important factor in determining the incidence
of child labour.

Fourth A majority of parents prefer to send their children to work rather than to school at the
school-going age, primarily on account of their need for a supplementary income.

Measures to combat Child Labour

Child labour is a universal problem and as a citizen of India we must strive to take stern
actions against child labour.

Role of NGOs: NGOs have an important role to play in the elimination of child labour.
Government does not have the infrastructure to reach every section of the society and
particularly the millions who work and live in remote areas. NGOs can act as a bridge
between hard-to-reach areas and the government.

Role of Media: The role of media in elimination of child labour is one of the most important
components of the process of total human development. The media should expose defaulting
firms or business houses that clandestinely employ children and violate laws relating to child

The government should give certain monetary or if need be non-monetary incentives to the
families that live Below Poverty Line (BPL) to avoid child labour so that their children can
be sent to school.

Effective state intervention to eliminate inequities, including class and caste barriers to
employment and other opportunities in areas such as health and education, will put an end to
child labour.

Child labour is an international evil. It requires cumulative efforts to wipe it out. Toiling long
hours for a pittance, these little breadwinners accept exploitation as a way of life. The
government on this front has also taken a few steps. The International Labour Organization
(ILO) launched the International Programme for Elimination of Child Labours in 1991 and
India was the first to join the same in 1992. But still the problem persists due to poor
implementation of the plans and programmes. The need of the hour is to expand the
machinery for enforcing the various laws on child labour. There is a plethora of laws but
nothing can eradicate child labour unless there is awareness among parents and children,
which will go a long way in saving the future of millions of working children in India. Lastly
instead of blaming the "supply side", we must focus on the "demand side"

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