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Chem 104

Periodic Properties
of the
Development of the Periodic Table
The periodic table is the most significant tool that
chemists use for organizing and recalling chemical
The arrangement of elements has undergone a few
versions, arranging elements in triads, arranging them
according to atomic weight, the modern table is
arranged according to atomic number.
The periodic table arises from the periodic patterns in
the electron configuration of the elements.
The trend within a row or column form patterns that
help make predictions about chemical properties and
Effective Nuclear Charge (Zeff)
This is the charge experienced by an electron on a many
electron atom.
This is not the same as the charge on the nucleus because of
the effect of the inner electrons.
The electron is attracted to the nucleus, but repelled by
electrons that shield or screen it from the full nuclear
The shielding is called the screening effect.
The nuclear charge experience by an electron (valence)
depends on its distance from the nucleus and the number of
electrons in the spherical volume out to the electron in
Effective Nuclear Charge (Zeff)
As the average number of screening electrons (S)
increases, the effective nuclear charge (Zeff) decreases.
Zeff = Z – S
As the distance from the nucleus increases, ‘S’
increases and Zeff decreases.
One model for quantitatively estimating the impact
of electron shielding, can be used to calculate the
effective nuclear charge experienced by an electron
in an atom. This model is known as Slater's Rules.
Slater’s Rules
Calculating Effective
Nuclear Charge
What is the shielding constant experienced
by a 2p electron in the nitrogen atom?
What is the effective nuclear charge
experienced by a valence p-electron in
What is the shielding constant experienced
by a valence d-electron in the bromine
Periodicity of
Effective Nuclear Charge
The effective nuclear charge increases from left to
right across any period of the periodic table.
Reason – As the number of core electrons stay the
same across the period the number of protons increase.
The valence electron added to counterbalance the
increasing nuclear charge does so ineffectively.
The effective nuclear charge increases slightly
going down a column of elements.
Trend in Atomic Radius
Periodic Trends
Atomic Radius
Bonding atomic radius tends to increase from top
to bottom within each group (column, family).
Reason: this is primarily from the increase in
principal quantum number (n) of the outer electrons.
With each period (row, series), the bonding atomic
radius generally tends to decrease from left to right.
Reason: the major factor is the increasing of effective
nuclear charge across a period.
Exercise 7.25
Ionic Radius
Ionic size is important in predicting lattice energy as well
as determining the way in which ions pack in a solid.
Cations are smaller than their parent atom.
Reason: electrons are removed from the most spatially
extended orbital, the effective nuclear charge is increased
as well as fewer electron-electron repulsions all resulting
in a smaller atom.
Anions are larger than their parent atom.
Reason: when electrons are added there are more
electron-electron repulsions causing the electron to
spread out more in space.
Atoms/Ions Sizes
Ionic Radius
For ions with the same charge, ionic radius increases
down a group.
All the members of an iso-electronic series have the same
number of electrons.
As the nuclear charge increases in an iso-electronic series
the ions become smaller; O2- > F1- > Na1+ > Mg2+ > Al3+.
When the number of electrons remain constant, ionic
radius decreases with increasing nuclear charge, the
electrons are more strongly attracted to the nucleus.
Arrange the following in order of increasing size. Rb 1+,
Se2-, Br1-, Sr2+, As3-.
Ionization Energy (IE)
This is the energy required to remove an electron from a
neutral atom in its gaseous phase.
The first ionization energy I 1, is the amount of energy
required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom
Na(g)  Na1+(g) + e-
The second ionization energy I 2, is the energy required to
remove the second electron from a gaseous atom.
The larger the IE, the more difficult it is to remove an
There is a sharp increase in IE when a core electron is
Ionization Energies
Successive Values
Ionization Energy
The lower IE, the more readily the atom becomes a
Elements on the left side of the periodic table have low
ionization energies because of their willingness to lose
electrons and become cations.
Generally, elements on the right side of the periodic
table have a higher ionization energy because their
valence shell is nearly filled.
Thus, ionization energy increases from left to right on
the periodic table
Periodic Trends
Ionization Energy – Period
Increasing the effective nuclear charge or decreasing
the distance from the nucleus increases the attraction
between the electron and the nucleus. As this attraction
increases it becomes more difficult to remove and
electron and the IE increases.
Within a period IE increase.

Reason: there is both an increase in effective nuclear

charge and a decrease in atomic radius.
Periodic Trends
Ionization Energies – Column
Within a column of elements the IE decrease.

Reason: the atomic radius increases, while the

effective nuclear charge increases only gradually.
The increase in radius predominates, and the
electron is not held as tight.

Exercise 7.39, 7.43

Ionization Energy
Period 1, 2, 3
Ionization Energy
Electron Affinity (EA)
The energy change that occurs when an electron is
added to a gaseous atom is called the electron affinity
(EA) because it measures the attraction of the atom for
the added electron.
Electron affinity and ionization energy measure the
energy changes of opposite processes.
Cl(g) + e-  Cl1-(g) ΔH = -349 kJ/mol
Cl(g)  Cl1+(g) + e- ΔH = 1251 kJ/mol
IE measures the energy change when an atom loses an
EA measures the energy change when an atom gains
an e-.
Electron Affinity
Electron Affinity
If the electron being added is placed in a higher energy
subshell than the EA is highly positive (the noble
If the electron is filling (Be, Mg) or refilling (N) a
subshell the EA is either positive or less negative.
The EA do not change drastically when moving
down a column
Reason: as ‘n’ increases the reduction in electron-
nucleus attraction is counterbalanced by the reduction
in electron-electron repulsion.
Exercise 7.51
Electron Affinity
Electronegativity can be understood as a chemical
property describing an atom's ability to attract and bind
bonding or valance electrons.
Because electronegativity is a qualitative property,
there is no standardized method for calculating
electronegativity. However, the most common scale
for quantifying electronegativity is the Pauling scale.
The numbers assigned by the Pauling scale are
dimensionless due to the qualitative nature of
Electronegativity Values
 Electronegativity measures an atom's tendency to attract and form
bonds with electrons. This property exists due to the electronic
configuration of atoms. Most atoms follow the octet rule (having
the valence, or outer, shell comprise of 8 electrons).
 Because elements on the left side of the periodic table have less
than a half-full valence shell, the energy required to gain electrons
is significantly higher compared with the energy required to lose
electrons. As a result, the elements on the left side of the
periodic table generally lose electrons when forming bonds.
 Conversely, elements on the right side of the periodic table are
more energy-efficient in gaining electrons to create a complete
valence shell of 8 electrons.

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