A Level - Physics-1

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Physical Quantities And Units

Instructor: Fahad Bin Islam

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Physical Quantities

• What is physical quantity? A physical quantity is a feature of something which can be measured


• scientific notation-

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

SI quantities and base unit

• Système Internationale (SI)

• SI is founded upon seven fundamental or base units.

Base quantity Base Unit Symbol

• Significant Figures: All non-zero digits are considered significant.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

• Each quantity has just one unit and this unit can have multiples and sub-multiples
• The unit is given a prefix to denote the multiple or sub-multiple

Prefix Symbol Multiplying Factor

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Calculate the number of micrograms in 1.0 milligram.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Calculate the area, in cm2, of the top of a table with sides of 1.2 m and 0.9 m.

Determine the number of cubic meters in one cubic kilometer.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Calculate the volume in m3 of a wire of length 75 cm and diameter 0.38 mm.

Write down, using scientific notation, the values of the following quantities:
a 6.8 pF b 32 μC c 60 GW

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

An atom of gold has a diameter of 0.26 nm and the diameter of its nucleus is 5.6 . 10−3 pm. Calculate the ratio of the
diameter of the atom to that of the nucleus.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Derived Unit

Derived Unit: All quantities, apart from the base quantities, can be expressed in terms of derived units.
• Can be expressed with base units
• Base units in derived unit never added or subtracted
Quantity Unit Derived Unit

Determine the unit-

density = mass/volume
pressure = force/area

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Homogenous or balanced Equation
Homogenous or balanced Equation-
• Each term has same base unit

• Can find unknown quantity from a equation

F = CρAv2
where C is a constant, ρ is the density of air, A is the cross-sectional area of the diver
and v is the speed of fall. Find the base unit of constant C.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Convention for the symbol and unit-
The symbol is printed first (in italic),separated by a forward slash from the unit (in roman).
Then the data is presented in a column, or along an axis, as pure numbers.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Measuring instrument
Measuring instrument:
1. Meter scale which is used to measure to the nearest millimeter
2. Vernier caliper which is used to measure the nearest tenth of a millimeter
3. Screw Gauge used to measure the nearest one-hundredth or fifty of a millimeter

Vernier Caliper

Step 1: Make sure that the vernier Caliper is properly zeroed. To do this, loosen the
locking screw and adjust the movable jaw until the zero mark on the vernier scale
aligns with the zero mark on the main scale.

Step 2: Place the object to be measured between the fixed and movable jaws.

Step 3: Tighten the locking screw to secure the movable jaw in place.

Step 4: Read the measurement from the main scale and the vernier scale. The
main scale will give you the overall length of the object, while the vernier scale will
give you the small increments of length.

vernier constant, V.C. =

The total reading = main scale reading +[ vernier scale reading × V.C.]
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Micrometer Screw Gauge

1. Place the object between the spindle and anvil

2. Rotate the ratchet counterclockwise to tighten it
3. Tighten the spindle with the object in the middle
4. Lock the thimble
5. Note the reading

Pitch: distance traveled in one rotation of screw.

Least Count: It is equal to the ratio of pitch of the screw to the number of the division on circular scale.
Least Count, L.C. =

Total reading= Main Scale reading + L.C. × Circular scale reading

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

The scale when the gauge is tightened on an object. What is the length of the object?

If this figure shows the scale when the two faces are moved to make contact with each other
(this checks the so-called uncertainty in the zero reading), then what will be the length of the

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

What is the reading?

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Absolute and percentage uncertainty

meter rule: 12 ± 1 mm
vernier caliper: 12.3 ± 0.1 mm
micrometer screw gauge: 12.34 ± 0.01 mm

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Accuracy and precision

Accuracy refers to the closeness of a measured value to the ‘true’ or ‘known’ value.
Precision refers to how close a set of measured values are to each other.

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The diameter of a ball is measured using a meter rule and a set square, as illustrated in Figure. The readings on the rule are 16.8 cm
and 20.4 cm. Each reading has an uncertainty of ±1 mm. Calculate, for the diameter of the ball:
a its actual uncertainty
b its percentage uncertainty.
Suggest an alternative, but more precise, method by which the diameter could be measured.

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Systematic and random errors

Systematic error:
• Make the result deviated from the true value by a fixed amount
• Every time the error will be same.
• Can’t be eliminated by raking repeated reading and averaging.
• Affect the accuracy
• Examples: Zero error, wrongly calibrated instrument

Random Error:
• This error produce the result which is scattered from the true value
• Can be eliminating by taking reading multiple times and then averaging
• Can be eliminated by plotting a graph and drawing a best-fit line
• Affect the precision
• Example: Parallex error (reading a scale from different angles)

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

Scalars and vectors

Scaler: The physical quantities which have only magnitude are known as scalar quantities.
Vector: The physical quantities for which both magnitude and direction are defined distinctly are known as vector quantities.

Representation of vector:

Addition/Subtraction of vector:
1. When the vectors are in parallel or same line:

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2. When the vectors are not in parallel:

Resolution of vectors: A vector can be resolved into horizontal and vertical vector component.

Think about orthogonal Projection-

EduHub [email protected] WhatsApp: +88 019 61 15 46 60

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