01measurements and Errors

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Lab experiment #1



Pre-lab questions
1. What is the goal of this experiment? What physics and general science
concepts does this activity demonstrate to the student?
2. Is there a difference between accuracy and precision?
3. What can multiple measurements of a quantity improve?

The goal of the experiment is to get acquainted with using some laboratory
instruments for measuring length and mass, with estimation of the instrumental
uncertainties and errors typical of the results of measurements.

Equipment : meter stick, vernier caliper, micrometer caliper, metal cylinder, small
sphere, laboratory balance.


Basic Concept: No physical quantity can be measured with perfect certainty; there are
always uncertainties and errors in any measurement. This means that if we measure
some quantity and, then, repeat the measurement, we will almost certainly measure a
different value the second time. How, then, can we know the “true” value of a physical
quantity? The short answer is that we can’t. However, as we take greater care in our
measurements and apply ever more refined experimental methods, we can reduce the
errors and, thereby, gain greater confidence that our measurements approximate ever
more closely the true value.

“Error analysis” is the study of uncertainties in physical measurements, and a

complete description of error analysis would require much more time and space than we
have in this course. However, by taking the time to learn some basic principles of error
analysis, we can:
1) Understand how to measure experimental error,
2) Understand the types and sources of experimental errors,
3) Clearly and correctly report measurements and the uncertainties in those
measurements, and
4) Design experimental methods and techniques and improve our measurement
skills to reduce experimental errors.

Basic Practice: When using a measuring device, it is necessary to estimate the fractional
parts of the smallest scale division. For example, when using a meter stick to find the
length of an object, we estimate the fraction of a millimeter from the last marked division
imprinted to the end of our object. Some measuring instruments incorporate an
attachment called a vernier scale to aid in finding this fractional unit.

The vernier caliper illustrated below in Figure 1 is a device which assists in

estimating lengths to within a tenth of a millimeter. (Other vernier calipers may measure
length to greater or lesser accuracy.) It has two scales: the fixed main scale and a
movable vernier scale that slides along the fixed scale.

Figure 1. A vernier caliper

The smallest division of the main scale represents millimeters. The movable scale
contains ten divisions each of which is nine-tenths as long as the smallest main-scale
division. The distance between the jaws of the caliper is always the same as the distance
between the zero marks on the two scales, which do not uniformly align. The main scale
is read by looking at the location of the zero mark on the vernier scale. For example, the
main scale reading on the caliper in Figure 2 is between 6 and 7 mm. The Vernier scale
is read by looking to see which mark on the Vernier scale aligns with a mark on the main
scale. In Figure 2, the 2nd vernier mark aligns with the “7” mark on the main scale,
indicating another 0.2 mm of length. Thus, the length reading is 6.2 mm.

Figure 2

Try reading the length indicated in Figure 3 below. The vernier’s zero mark is between 3
and 4 on the main scale. Did you find 3.7 mm?

Figure 3

The micrometer caliper, shown in Figure 4, is an instrument designed for measurement

of small distances to an accuracy of a hundredth of a millimeter. As shown, the jaw B
is the end of the screw passing through the cylindrical nut carrying the scale S.

Figure 4. A micrometer caliper

The object to be measured is placed between the jaws A and B and the head H which
carries the screw is advanced toward the zero end of the scale until contact is made with
the object by both jaws. Correct pressure of the jaws is best determined by turning the
ratchet R until it begins to slip. The distance the screw advances when turned through one
revolution is called the pitch of the screw and it is equal to ½ mm for the laboratory
micrometers. Hence, if the division on the scale S is a millimeter, the head will make two
revolutions while advancing a distance of 1 mm between two marks.

Examination of the scale on the head shows that it contains 50 divisions, thus making the
value of the smallest division equal to one fiftieth part of ½ mm, or 0.01 mm. Careful
examination of the reading and the position of the head H with respect to the space
between two marks on the scale S will always make it possible to determine whether the
head has made more than one revolution since passing the last mark visible on the scale
S. If, when the jaws are closed against each other, the reading on the scale is not zero, a
zero-correction must be added to or subtracted from each reading scale. This is an
example of a systematic error which will occur in each measurement unless a correction
is made.

Basics of Experimental Errors: Experimental error is the difference between a

measurement and the true value (accuracy) or between two measured values (precision).
• Accuracy measures how close a measured value is to the true value or accepted
value. Since a true or accepted value for a physical quantity is often unknown, it
is frequently not possible to determine the accuracy of a measurement.
Systematic, or ‘one-sided’, errors are errors that affect the accuracy of a
measurement. They are often caused by defective instruments or improper use of
an instrument.
• Precision measures how closely two or more measurements agree with other.
Precision is sometimes referred to as “repeatability” or “reproducibility.” A
measurement which is highly reproducible tends to give values which are very
close to each other. Random errors affect the precision of a measurement. They
are ‘two-sided’ errors, frequently caused by fluctuations in instrument readings or
difficulty in estimating an instrument’s reading. As ‘two-sided’, randomly
fluctuating changes in the measurement value, they readily yield to improvement

of precision with an increased number of independent measurements and

statistical analysis.

Percent error, or fractional difference, measures the accuracy of a measurement by the

difference between a measured or experimental value, E, and a true or accepted value, A.
% 𝐸𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = .

Percent difference measures precision of two measurements by the difference between

the measured or experimental values, E1 and E2, expressed as a fraction the average of the
|𝐸 −𝐸 |
two values. % 𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 = 𝐸11+𝐸22 .
( )

Statistical measures of repeated measurements look at the grouping, or distribution, of

values about a central, or mean, value. For a set of N measured values for some quantity,
x, the mean value of x is represented by 〈𝑥 〉 = 𝑁 (𝑥1 + 𝑥2 + ⋯ + 𝑥𝑁−1 + 𝑥𝑁 ) =
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 , where xi is the i’th measured value of x. With this, the standard deviation σx
1 2
of measured values about the mean is defined by 𝜎𝑥 = √( ) ∑𝑁
𝑗=1(𝑥𝑗 − 〈𝑥 〉) . The
standard deviation σx measures how widely spread the measured values are on either side
of the mean value, 〈𝑥 〉. For measurements which have only random errors, the standard
deviation means that 68% of the measured values are within σx from the mean, 95% are
within 2σx from the mean, and 99% are within 3σx from the mean.

Often, we have to combine several different measurements into one composite result.
For example, measures of length, width, and height are needed to calculate a volume. Or
measures of distance and time may be needed to calculate a speed. When multiple
measures are combined, the uncertainty in each will contribute to the uncertainty of the
whole. The method for combining multiple sources of error into a composite uncertainty
is called propagation of errors.

The combined measure we end up with is called the relative uncertainty. The relative
uncertainty (of any individual measure as well as the overall combination) is the ratio of
the measure’s standard deviation to its mean value, like σx/〈𝑥 〉. To begin, find the mean
value and standard deviation for each measurement type. (Eg., the mean values and
standard deviations of length, width, and height measurements for a volume measure.)
Then the combined relative uncertainty is the square root of the sum-squared values of
the component relative uncertainties. That is, for some combined measure V dependent
on component measures x, y, and z, the combined relative uncertainty
𝜎𝑉 𝜎 2 𝜎𝑦 2 𝜎 2
= √(〈𝑥〉𝑥 ) + (〈𝑦〉) + (〈𝑧〉𝑧 ) .




1. Vernier caliper.

Using the vernier caliper, make five separate measurements of the diameter of a
coin and record on the data in the Table 1 provided below. (Practice on other
objects until you are sure you know how to read the instrument. Unlike the
example vernier caliper described above, the instrument you will use may have an
accuracy of 0.05 mm instead of 0.1 mm. Check the vernier scale of your device to
determine this.)

2. Micrometer caliper.

Watch how the scale reading changes as you carefully close the jaws. Be sure you
do not force the screw. Determine the zero correction and record it as + or -,
depending whether it is to be added to, or subtracted from actual instrument
readings and record it.

Using the micrometer caliper, make and record five separate measurements of the
diameter of the same coin.

3. Compare results.

Calculate the mean diameter value from the vernier caliper and micrometer
caliper measurements, separately. Calculate the standard deviation for each
case. Also, calculate the mean coin diameter from both sets of measurements.
Use the correct number of significant figures in all your values.

Compare the results of measurements with the micrometer caliper and with
the vernier caliper. Which is more accurate?

Table 1. Preliminary Measurements

Coin Vernier Caliper Micrometer Caliper
Zero correction =
Trial Diameter (mm) Diameter (mm) Dia. Corr. (mm)


Mean = Mean =

Std. Dev. = Std. Dev. =

Global mean =


1. Using the vernier caliper, measure the diameter and length of the cylinder.
Do about five trials for each at different points along the cylinder.
Use Table 2 for recording data. Calculate the mean values and standard
deviations. Express your measured results as the (mean value m) ± (std.
deviation σ), m ± σ.

2. Using the micrometer caliper, measure and record the diameter of the small
sphere five separate times. Record these results in Table 2 also. Calculate the
mean value and standard deviation.

Table 2. Length and Diameter Measurements

Trial: Diameter, d Length, L

Mean value:

Std. deviation:

Trial: Diameter, d


Mean value:

Std. deviation:


1. Compute the mean volume of each object and record the results in Table 3, as
well as the relative uncertainty.
〈𝑑〉 2
a. The mean volume of a cylinder is given by 〈𝑉 〉 = 𝜋 ( 2 ) 〈𝐿〉, where 〈𝑑 〉
and 〈𝐿〉 are the respective mean values of the cylinder’s diameter and
4𝜋 〈𝑑〉 3
b. The mean volume of a sphere is given by 〈𝑉 〉 = ( 2 ) , where 〈𝑑 〉 is the
mean value of the sphere’s diameter.

2. Determine the individual masses of the cylinder and the sphere by weighing
on the laboratory balance and record the data in Table 3.

3. Density is defined as the ratio of the mass of a sample to its volume,

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑚
𝜌 = 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 〈𝑉〉 . Calculate and express the density of each object in grams
per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Record the result in Table 3.

Table 3: Determination of Density

Object Volume Rel. Mass Density, Material % Error
〈𝑉 〉 uncertainty, 𝜌 = 𝑚⁄〈𝑉 〉
〈𝜎𝑉 〉/〈𝑉 〉


Different substances differ greatly in their densities. This fact makes it

possible to use density to identify the kind of material the object made of by
comparing the measured value for density with the tabulated one.

4. Compare the calculated density of each object with the tabulated densities
listed below to find the best match of material to the objects, and record.

5. Calculate a percent error between the calculated object density and the tabulated
value of density for the chosen material, and record.


Sources of errors:

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