Career Guidance Session Senior Five 2022

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Career Exploration for
the Senior six Student

Presenter: Owekitiibwa Muliikka Matovu, Nannono Sarah Bbaale Benjamin

Over 80% of students will change their subject
combination more than once while in A level. And
most of them will change more than two to three
 Students find a new or different subject combination which
supports their interests, values, passion, or personality.
 Students choose a career that is practical – something that
will pay the bills.
 No one asked the right questions at the initial admissions
intake process.
 Students may listen to outside influences on what career they
should go into.
“Typical” Outside Influences Used to
Choose a Career

TV = There is a big difference between TV drama and “real life”.

Friends = They’ll know what sounds “cool”, but unless
they have proactively used the career /college
tools available, they are probably not a knowledgeable
source of information.
Life’s Interactions = OK, you have used the services of
Dentists, Pharmacists, Teachers, etc. but… Do you
really know what it is like to do their job?
Parent = A great source, if your parent’s career happens
to be “the right one” out of several hundred
possibilities for you.
What is Career Exploration?
3 Stages of Career Exploration

1 :Determine Your Interests(what do you want to do?)

2: Discover your ability. (can you manage the combination?)
3: Discover Your Career (Employability)
3: Plan your Goals
Stage 1: Determine Your Interests

Knowing about yourself is the basis of career decision-making. What are your
interests, skills, and values? What is important to you about your work? What are
your personal traits and characteristics? Ask yourself:

» What do I like to do?

» What do I value?
» What motivates me? What keeps my curiosity?
» What skills do I possess? What new ones can I develop?
2: Discover your ability.

 can you manage the combination?

 What are the necesities of the combination? do i
have the potential to do them?
Stage 3: Discover
Your Career

Learning about the careers, types of jobs, educational requirements, and job
functions are important in understanding the careers that fit your interests and
goals. You may ask yourself:

» What are examples of careers in my chosen major or field of interest?

» What job titles interest me?
» What type of work environments do I like?
» Where can I go to research my chosen career or field of interest?
Stage 3: Plan your Goals

Take what you have learned about yourself and piece it together with the reality
of the world of work. Begin to evaluate career options that are practical for you.
Use decision-making and action planning skills to identify successful career and
life plans. Some important questions include:
 Do I have the resources to pursue these options?
 What challenges might be presented during my educational pursuit? In the
job market?
 What else do I need to know to identify my career objectives?
 Do I need to conduct more self-assessment or career research to make a
career decision?
 where will i study from and at what level?
Why is Career Exploration
Benefits of Career Planning

While in A level:
 Clarify short and long term goals
 Fewer transfers and switching of combination
 pass UACE on time
 More motivated and goal focused
 Higher academic achievement

After A level:
 Better entry course with higher opportunities
 More satisfied with chosen career Course
 Less career change and faster career advancement
The consequences of NOT planning are
Absence of Career Planning is a major cause of:
 Switching subject combinations
 The feeling of being trapped in a combination
 school transfer
 Dropout
 Extended year(s) in A level
 Run out of Financial Aid
So… what is the answer?
Other things you must know before
choosing your career
1) Self discovery
 who are you?
 who do you want to become?
 what do you want to excell at?
 where do you belong?
Knowing yourself sets the stage for choosing careers
that are right for you. It makes sense to choose a
career that fits your personality strengths, values,
interests, and skills.
2 career exploration

 what is requred of differnt careers

 whatstrenght are vital if one is to suceed in a
given caree?
 what dificulties are embeded therein?
 what are the posibilities of career expansion?
 what becomes of people who follow that
perticular career?
3) career inventory

 which list of transferable skills do you already have?

 what is the realistic estimate of how long it will
 will the work need volunteership, part time, or entry
level work? ,
 what is the list of formal training or education
 who will be part of your network?
4) career branding

this involves the types of careers ie

 a)
Traditional careers eg medicine,
engineering, accounting, teaching etc
 b)
Non traditional careers eg welding,
nursing cosmetology, hair style, fashion and
Career Exploration

We Help you reach your potential by

seeking career guidance you need to
start a career path that leads to a
rewarding future.
feel free to contact us.

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