Prelim Lesson#2

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ICT as a Teaching and

Learning Tool
Obstacles to Using ICT Effectively
The use of ICT as an effective tool for student learning inspired a
growing debate among educators and policy makers.

Teachers, students, parents and many others with an interest in

technology integration frequently are overwhelmed by
providing and assessing quality technological instruction.

Although this outcry created many obstacles to the effective

integration of technology into educational programs, there are
two major culprits:

1. Implementation failure
2. Lack of teacher support

Implementation Failure:
Absence of a Shared Vision
Often, the impetus for a
technology initiative stems
from the educational policy
If this vision is not adequately
communicated to the
teacher, the success of this
technological initiative will
be in jeopardy.
Implementation of technology
into educational programs
fail when the initiatives do
not originate or are not
shared with the teachers.
Implementation Barriers:
Variances in Objectives
“… technology is integrated
when it is used in a
seamless manner to
support and extend
curriculum objectives and to
engage students in
meaningful learning. It is
not something one does
separately; it is part of the
daily activities taking place
in the classroom.”

Implementation Failure:
Variances in Objectives
The initiative to incorporate technology effectively into
classroom instruction must begin with the curriculum
objectives. This ensures a consistent goal. A mismatch
between values of the teacher and the technology initiative
will cause an incorporation failure.

Infusing technology initiatives into

curricular standards allows teachers
to readily create meaningful learning
experiences for students and
increase technological literacy.

Implementation Failure:
Planning and Leadership
School divisions require tech planning and leadership in order
to ensure the success of integrating technological
initiatives. This involves the provision of clear goals and
a collaborative effort between the policy makers and all
educational stakeholders
Failure to provide sufficient inservicing or modeling of effective
technology usage will lead to unsuccessful implementation.

Integrating technology into the curriculum requires:

1. numerous professional development opportunities,
2. a shared vision, and
3. time for professional interaction and planning.

Implementation Failure:
Lack of Access and Resources
Successful tech programs and initiatives hinge on:
1. a clear vision and
2. the availability of the required technology.

Immense frustration and eventual abandonment of initiatives

occur if teacher are unable to access adequate technology.

This resource-intensive endeavor is

a continual process as technology
continues to evolve. Technology
must be continually upgraded,
support is readily available, and
there is a low student/computer

Implementation Failure:
1. As teachers, administrators, and policy makers develop a
unifying set of goals that links technology initiatives to
curricular goals, teachers are provided the sufficient time,
resources and opportunities to implement the use of
technology in the classroom.

2. During teachers’ investigation of their values and

instructional practices in regards to technology integration,
support is readily available. This includes professional
development opportunities and provision for professional

3. Fostering a positive climate allows teachers to engage in

risk-taking and modify their beliefs of how students learn in
a technology advanced environment.
Lack of Teacher Support
Computer access and to other
forms of technology have
dramatically increased.
However, the level of classroom
utilization does not correlate
with this significant rise.

Despite improved access, several

factors prevent the effective integration
of technology into instruction.
These barriers stem from a lack of
teacher support.

Lack of Teacher Support:
Teaching Conditions
 Technology initiatives can only be successful if they are compatible
with the conditions of teaching.

 If inadequate computer access or if there is a high pupil/computer

ratio, teachers will be reluctant to employ technology as an
instructional tool.

 The technology that is available must be reliable. Computers that

are outdated or frequently requiring repair will cause frustration
rather than a strong commitment to change.

 The training of a teacher as a technical specialist is instrumental to

successful integration. As the specialist provides suggestions for
integration technology into the curriculum and instructional
activities, teachers understand how technology can be used as an
instructional tool across all disciplines.

Lack of Teacher Support:
Technological Skill of Teachers
 Teachers require continuous support and training to
effectively integrate technology initiatives.

 Successful technology integration involves the

allocation of time for teachers to experiment with
new technologies, collaborate with peers, and the
provision of professional development opportunities.

 As teachers collaborate and plan lessons that

integrate technology, they reframe their perceptions
towards innovative technology implementation and,
ultimately, student achievement.

Lack of Teacher Support:
 If teachers are held immediately
responsible for changes that take time to
show results, the process will undoubtedly
• Significant changes to perspective and
pedagogy require time and support.

 Exemplary technology use requires more

than access and training; it also involves
the support and mentorship to make the
vision clear and attainable.
Changes in Teaching and
Learning as a Result of ICT
It appears that major changes in the ways in which teachers
and learners view and practice teaching and learning may result
from the shift to using ICT.

Comments from a principal of a school in New Zealand that is “part of the government's
ICT contract which provides professional development over three years to a cluster of
schools in our city.”

“What has pleasantly surprised us is that the focus of this contract has been
on learning and teaching. … We have focused on thinking and how ICT can help us
to think…. Now that information and data is so easily attainable, children are
being taught to use it to solve a problem, complete a task or apply to
existing knowledge in a new way…. They can co-operatively work on a project with
children in another country who sleep while they are awake!”

(Ballantyne, H. message posted to Change Agency electronic mailing list, May 23, 2003)
Changes in Teaching and Learning as a Result of ICT
From ICT in the schools - Government of the UK

 ICT is used as a tool for whole-school improvement;

 A hugely powerful medium for transforming teaching and learning

About the Mayo Demonstration School of Science and Technology , USA

 “What is critical about the success of Mayo is not the use of technology
but the expectations of children and educators to work collaboratively.”

About the Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project

• … broader implications for schooling became apparent. Meaningful use of technology in

schools, we realized, goes far beyond just dropping technology into classrooms. By the time
our sites were reporting new kinds of outcomes for students, we had witnessed what
amounted to a transformation of their learning cultures. For example, teachers' instructional
beliefs and practices underwent an evolution and we believed the improvement in students'
competencies to be a result of teachers' personal appropriation of the technology.

It would seem that the shift is not just about technology. It’s about learning to work
collaboratively to construct meaning.
It’s a shift from a philosophy which supports a transmission
model of instruction
 one which embraces constructivism, in which learners construct

their own knowledge out of their

Henry J. Becker (2000), used the 1998 national survey of teachers, Teaching Learning and
Computing, to examine Larry Cuban’s earlier assertion that computers are incompatible with the
requirements of teaching. He wondering if developments in technology might have made it
possible to use computers more effectively in the classroom. His findings stated:

 that academic subject matter teachers who use computers most productively with
adequate resources tend to embrace a constructivist philosophy

 that those who used computer regularly over a three-year period were twice as likely to
have made constructivist-oriented changes in their teaching practices and to be
more skilled at conducting parallel activities in the classroom.

He concluded that teachers are “creating classrooms where both they and their students are
engaged in authentic efforts at increased academic understanding.”

Dias and Atkinson (2001) describe the progress teachers
experience as they move through the stages of learning to use
technology finishing with reexamining beliefs about education,
their subject matter and themselves. They refer to the Apple
Classrooms of Tomorrow experiment in which teachers at the
final stage of integration of technology into curriculum moved
into “interdisciplinary project-based instruction, team teaching
and individually paced instruction (p. 4).

The Relationship of ICT and

Many futurists view technology and education as a

symbiotic relationship.
Scott Reid (2002), Graham White (2003), Kathie Felix
(2003), Leila Henderson (2002), James Grylls (2001)
are just a few authors who envision an evolution in the
parasitic partnership between technology and
education today, to promise of a synergistic bond
between ICT and curriculum in the future.
Coffin, Walter, and Brisebois 17
What Do Teachers Believe to be
Their Role in the Future?
“Some teachers made the point that they
thought that “the main role of the teacher
[was] in helping students [to] learn” and
that was not going to change, but how that
objective is accomplished would change”
(Reid, 2001, para. 15).

What Do Teachers Believe
to be Their Role in the Future?

Teachers see their role evolving around character building

and teaching morals and ethics to students who are
spending time in front of a computer. One particular
teacher warned educators that schools were going to be
the only institution where youths would learn manners,
values and ethics (Reid, 2001, para. 17).

The ‘tech-generation’, who is graduating now, will acquire

powerful, decision-making positions in approximately 7
years. Their knowledge and abilities about using
technology will influence educational direction and result
in major innovations.

What Do Teachers Believe
to be Their Role in the Future?

The creation of a “virtual school where students would

not come to a brick-and-mortar facility but rather log on
to connect with teachers and other students” (Reid,
2001, para. 20). Teachers who are experts in certain
fields can also offer specific disciplines over the Internet
to numerous students in various countries.

What Do Teachers Believe
to be Their Role in the Future?
Some teachers believe that software programs, like
PowerPoint and other presentation programs, will have a
profound effect on student assignments and homework
One particular teacher wants students to take on more
responsibility concerning learning. Educators would become
less like a teacher and more like a facilitator.
 The traditional physical structure of the classroom would be
reorganized. The desks and chalkboard at the front of the
class be removed; the new classroom would resembles a
library where students have the freedom to openly and
independently search for knowledge through access to

3 Questions to Ponder & Discuss
1. What have you
experienced in your own
work with regards to the
use of ICT? If you have
noted changes in your
own philosophy or
practice, please describe
them with reference to
the articles you/we have

3 Questions to Ponder & Discuss
2. If implementation is successful and there is
adequate teacher support, does teacher
disposition and style of teaching play a role in
the success of ICT initiatives?

3 Questions to Ponder & Discuss
3. If a true partnership between education
and technology is inevitable, how do we,
as educational leaders, envision our
teaching environment in 5, 10, or 20 years
from now?


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