CA L4 - Part 1

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Techniques of Circuit

Analysis (1)

If you are given the following circuit, how can we determine
(1) the voltage across each resistor
(2) current through each resistor
(3) power generated by each current source, etc.

What are the things which we need to know in

order to determine the answers?
Things we need to know in solving any resistive circuit with
current and voltage sources only:

• Kirchhoff’s Current Laws (KCL)

• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Laws (KVL)
• Ohm’s Law

How should we apply these laws to

determine the answers?

Node-Voltage Method (NVM)
1. Find the essential nodes.
2. Define one essential node as the reference node.
3. Define the node voltages (voltage rise from reference node
to non-reference node). Label them.
4. Apply KCL for each non-reference essential node. Use
Ohm’s law to express the branch currents in terms of node
5. Solve the resulting simultaneous equations to obtain the
unknown node voltages.
6. NVM with dependent source: Write an equation for each
current or voltage upon which dependent sources depend
(Constraint equation).
Some basic definitions:

• Node - a point where two or more components join

• Essential Node - a point where three or more components join
• Reference Node - a special essential node that we choose as a
reference point for voltages
Common symbols for reference node:

We can choose any of the essential nodes as the reference node.

However, there are better choices. Remember that we need to write a
KCL equation for each essential node, except for the reference node.
The best idea is to pick the node with the most connections, to eliminate
the most difficult equation.
How many node-voltage equations do I need to write?

• If there are ne essential nodes, you need to write ne-1

equations. Remember that one essential node is the
reference node, and we do not write a KCL equation for
the reference node.
• If dependent sources present, the number of equations
has to increase. In general, each dependent source
introduces a variable which is unknown. If y is the
number of variables that dependent sources depend on,
then you need to write ne -1+y equations.

Notes: NVM with Voltage Source

• If the voltage source is in series with another element, use

that series element to come up with an expression for the
• If the voltage source is between the non-reference node
and reference node, set that node-voltage equal to the
voltage source, being careful about the polarity.
• If the voltage source is between two non-reference
essential nodes, supernode is formed
- write a supernode equation using a closed surface
around the source (supernode equation), and
- write a KVL using the voltage source and the two node-
voltages (constraint equation).
Example 4.1:

Rd Rb -Is
2 1

+ I12 + I10
Vs Rc V2 VR1a Is
- -

Apply KCL at Node 1: s 0I

10 12 I I

V1 V 1 V
Use Ohm’s Law: 0I s   2

a bR R
Rd 2 Rb 1

I2d+ I20 + I21

Vs V2 Rc V1 Ra Is
- -

Apply KCL at Node 2: 0I 2d I 20 I 21

V2 Vs V2 V2 V1
Use Ohm’s Law: 0  
Rd Rc Rb
Example 4.2:
10  2 10  1

+ +
120 V V2 40 V1  8A
- -

V1 VV
1 2
KCL@1: 08 
30 10
V2 120 V2 V2 V1
KCL@2: 0   
10 40 10
Answer: V1  150V, V2  120V 10
Exercise 4.1:

Use Node-Voltage Method to find v1 and v2.

Answer: v1=120V, v2=96V

Exercise 4.2:

Use Node-Voltage Method to find v 1, v2 and v3.

Answer: v1=60V, v2=73V, v3=-13V

Example 4.3: NVM with Dependent Source

Use Node-Voltage Method to find power dissipated in 5Ω


Answer: P5Ω=7.2W

1 2
+ +

V1 V2

- -

Exercise 4.3:

Use Node-Voltage Method to find vo.

Answer: vo= 1.5 V

Concept of Supernode

*Note: We analyze a circuit with supernode using the same

steps mentioned previously except that the supernode is
treated differently.

Basic steps:
1. Take off voltage source in supernode and apply KCL to
supernodes (supernode equation)
2. Put voltage sources back to the nodes and apply KVL to
relate the voltage source and the two node voltages.

Example 4.4:

Use Node-Voltage Method to find iϕ.

Exercise 4.4:
Use Node-Voltage Method to find power developed by the
20V source.

Answer: 602.5 W

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