Using Multidisciplinary Multiscale Data To Create Nonstationary Facies Probability Trend Models
Using Multidisciplinary Multiscale Data To Create Nonstationary Facies Probability Trend Models
Using Multidisciplinary Multiscale Data To Create Nonstationary Facies Probability Trend Models
Industry challenge
One of the main challenges in the upstream hydrocarbon industry is to build reservoir models that can be used to obtain reliable estimates of the
original volume, spatial distribution, and dynamic behavior of hydrocarbon reservoirs, as well as the associated uncertainties. This information is
paramount to assess the economic value of a reservoir, predict reservoir performance under different production scenarios, and optimize the
development plans.
A critical step in the reservoir modeling workflow is to create a detailed and geologically sound facies model, primarily because the lithological
characteristics of the reservoir rock and their spatial distribution affect the distribution (connectivity, range of variability, anisotropy, and degree of
heterogeneity) of the petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability, and fluid saturation) that are required to compute the hydrocarbon in place
and perform the numerical simulation of the reservoir.
Different trend models can be created to analyze different depositional settings or geological scenarios. However, it is important to point out that the
presence or not of a trend will depend on the scale of observation of the available data. It is the job of the modeler to determine when observed
One of the major questions faced in geostatistical property modeling is: How can we use and optimally combine all the available geological and
geophysical data to build a probability trend model for the discrete properties? Once the probability models of the observed facies trends have
been built, it is then straightforward to use them as constraints in any of the cell-based or object-based facies simulation algorithms available in
property modeling in the Petrel * E&P platform. The resulting facies models will then honor the input well data and the spatial distribution induced by
the trend models.
Of course, the choice of the simulation algorithms and their respective parameterizations, as well as the input data type including the trend models,
will impact the spatial distribution of the facies in the 3D geological model. Selecting the appropriate facies models among the many possible
geostatistical realizations is an iterative interpretation process that requires considering several project-dependent static and dynamic ranking
criteria. Such analysis is beyond the scope of this article. The purpose of this article is to illustrate some of the tools available in Petrel property
modeling that allow you to successfully integrate data from different sources and of different scale to build probability trend models. This article will
focus on the use of the trend models to constrain the widely used stochastic facies modeling technique known as sequential indicator simulation
(SIS). Details of how to correctly set up the SIS parameters such that the facies models fully honor all the input data are also discussed.
In the simplest case, a constant value per facies (and per stratigraphic zone) might be used to define the target probability distribution of the facies
within the 3D grid. This means that the probability of occurrence of a given facies code throughout the 3D grid will be the same constant value
determined by the Global fraction parameter (see Fig 1). Usually, the constant global fractions are estimated from the input upscaled (or raw well)
data. When additional supporting information is available (e.g., fractions estimate of targeted sands from an analogue reservoir), a constant global
fraction can also be manually entered for selected facies codes.
* Mark of Schlumberger
As stated before, any observed trend in the spatial distribution and direction of continuity of the reservoir facies must be accounted for to obtain
reliable predictive facies models. Furthermore, since the wells are usually preferentially drilled into the good parts of the reservoir, the facies
proportions calculated from the upscaled data are generally not representative of the overall field probability distribution. In cases in which the
facies proportions cannot be specified as constant (per zone), a probability trend model need to be created from available data and used as input
in in facies modeling to guide the probability of occurrence of each facies throughout the 3D grid.
A probability trend is a model in which each cell value represents the probability or expected proportion of a particular facies. For a given facies
type, a probability trend model should be created for each facies code value present in the property. That is, if M different facies codes are present
in a given facies property, a probability trend model for the facies property will consist of M trend objects, each one defining the probability or
expected proportion of a particular facies code. The trend models can be defined in the form of vertical proportion curves (1D trend), horizontal
probability maps (2D trend), or probability volumes (3D trend). Fig 2 shows examples of 1D and 2D probability trend models, for a facies property
containing three facies codes (sand, silt, and shale). In any case, the probability values of the facies trend models will usually be normalized such
that the sum of the probability values of all existing facies models at the same cell location is equal to 1.
Note that the probability trend models represent soft constraints, in the sense that the algorithm does not use their values as a hard data to match,
but as guidelines of how much of a given facies there should be and how, in a gross sense, the facies should be distributed within the 3D grid.
Nonetheless, probability trends do have a strong impact on the results, so they should be used with caution.
As stated before, the spatial distribution of the resulting simulated facies model will ultimately depend on the combined information provided by the
target global fractions, the spatial distribution of the facies fractions (trend models), and the selected variogram model of continuity for the facies.
For the SIS algorithm, a target fraction honoring parameter allows changing the weight that the simulation algorithm will give to honoring the input
facies global fractions (Fig 4). The closer the target fraction honoring value is to 1, the more emphasis will be given to honor the input facies target
global fractions and the lesser to honor the actual spatial distribution (trend) of the facies within the grid.
Fig 4. The target fraction honoring value determines how much weight is given to honor the target global fraction.
The probability trend models generally work at a larger scale than the variogram models. When using vertical trend models for the facies, there will
be a tradeoff between honoring the vertical distribution specified by the trend model and honoring the vertical continuity defined by the variogram
model. Therefore, if the main priority is to obtain simulated facies models that fully honor the vertical facies distribution provided by the vertical trend
• Set vertical ranges of the facies variogram models that do not exceed the vertical resolution (layering) defined by the 3D grid.
• Assign a target fraction honoring value close to zero.
Fig 5 shows three facies models created using a vertical proportion curve as a 1D trend and different settings for the vertical variogram range and
the target fraction honoring value. Note that when the criteria described in the previous paragraph are not satisfied, the output facies models fail to
fully honor the vertical facies distribution provided by the vertical trend model. Only when the vertical range of the variogram model does not
exceed the 3D grid layering and the target fraction honoring value is close to zero, does the vertical distribution of the output facies model match
the input vertical trend model.
Fig 5. Honoring the vertical trend model (left) requires using a vertical variogram range below vertical grid resolution and a target fraction honoring value close to zero
It is important to point out that, when using vertical probability trends in Petrel facies modeling, these are laterally extended into the 3D grid by
assigning the same trend value at each (x, y) position for each stratigraphic layer. The resulting laterally constant 3D probability models (one for
Fig 6 shows two facies models created using a vertical proportion curve as a 1D trend. In the first model, the facies global fraction is computed
from the trend model (default). Note that the resulting sand global fraction matches the sand fraction computed from the vertical proportion curves.
In the second model, a manual global fraction value has been entered and the Trust fraction/trends option has been checked for the selected
facies to prevent the manually entered value from being rescaled. As a result, the resulting sand global fraction matches the manually entered
target global fraction.
Fig 6. The facies target global fractions are estimated by default from the vertical trend model. Different global fractions can be entered from different source data (upscaled or raw well
logs or values entered manually)
Horizontal nonstationary vertical proportion curves using well log data + geological information
In the previous section, the vertical proportion curves were computed assuming that the reservoir was laterally stationary. That is, it was assumed
that the vertical proportion of facies was laterally constant throughout the reservoir. In most cases however, the vertical proportions of facies vary
from one region to another within the reservoir (e.g., because of changes of the depositional environment) and therefore it is necessary to compute
the vertical proportion curves conditioned on individual regions in the selected stratigraphic zone. The lateral extension of each region should be
delineated first, for example based on geological knowledge and/or seismic facies analysis (i.e., mapping groups of seismic reflections to particular
sedimentary environments according to the position, configuration, and character of the reflections within sequences). Different settings and
upscaled data can then be used on the different regions, so the resulting vertical proportion curves will be different per region (Fig 7).
Fig 7. Different 1D models (vertical proportion curves) are computed for each region using different groups of wells
Facies attribute probability cubes using well log data + seismic-derived properties
When well coverage is limited, it is recommended to use laterally dense secondary data to build the trend model. Seismic-derived properties often
provide valuable information regarding the lateral variability of the facies distribution. Of course, if seismic-derived data will be used to constrain the
spatial distribution (connectivity and degree of heterogeneity) of facies models that are to be used for fluid flow reservoir simulations, the selected
seismic attribute must be qualitatively, and more importantly, quantitatively, related to the geological facies of interest (Fig 8).
Facies attribute probabilities can be computed and edited in the data analysis tool by calibrating the volume of the seismic attribute to the facies
proportions at the well locations. Specifically, the range of the resampled seismic attribute variability is divided into a series of intervals, and the
probabilities of finding each facies at a particular interval of the seismic attribute values are computed at the well locations. The resulting facies
attribute probabilities can then be directly used as 3D probability trend models (one per discrete property type) in facies modeling to constrain the
3D spatial distribution of the target proportion of the facies property (Fig 9).
The closer the facies attribute probabilities (outlined histogram in Fig 9) are to 1 and 0 at each interval of seismic attribute values, the better is the
selected seismic attribute at predicting the geological facies. However, this is generally not the case due to
• Small scale variations of geological facies, and
• Variability of the seismic derived properties within the same facies.
Here again, there will be a trade-off between honoring the spatial distribution specified by the 3D trend model and honoring the spatial continuity
specified by the ranges of the 3D variogram model. To obtain simulated facies models that fully honor the 3D spatial distribution provided by
seismic-derived attribute probability curves (Fig 10), use the methods below:
• For the facies codes whose distributions are to be entirely specified by seismic-derived attribute probability curves, set vertical and lateral
variogram ranges that do not exceed the lateral (cell sizes) and vertical (layering) resolution defined by the 3D grid. Larger variogram ranges
can be used for background facies.
• If necessary, edit the facies attribute probability values to remove small-scale artifacts from seismic attribute intervals.
• Assign a target fraction honoring value close to zero.
• If necessary, check the Smooth result option in the Facies modelling dialog box. This will remove geologically unrealistic small-scale
variations in the simulated facies model due to short ranges in the variogram models.
How reliable the 3D seismic-derived property is to constrain the 3D spatial distribution of the facies model depends largely on the quality of the
seismic-derived data and the degree of information the data carry regarding the geological facies. We must be particularly careful when using low-
resolution data to constrain a highly detailed reservoir model as the difference in support and scale between the seismic and geological facies
might mask the information value of the seismic data. This can lead to erroneous interpretations regarding the spatial distribution (connectivity and
degree of heterogeneity) of the facies bodies, as well as the associated uncertainties.
In particular, the vertical resolution of seismic data is generally much coarser than the layering of the 3D grid. Therefore, a common approach to
integrate the seismic data into the probability trend model is to use 2D maps of the averaged seismic attribute over the area of interest, as opposed
to the full 3D seismic attribute cube, to constrain the lateral (and no vertical) distribution of the simulated facies model. Within this approach
• The vertical variation of the facies model is guided by vertical proportion curves
• The horizontal variation of the facies model is guided by seismic-constrained facies probability maps
The next sections describe some of the approaches available in the Petrel platform to create seismic-constrained facies probability maps and
different options for using facies probability maps as 2D probability trend models in facies modeling.
In Petrel property modeling, the following procedure can be used to create, for each facies code, seismic-constrained facies probability maps (Fig
1. From the Well tops folder, insert a new attribute and compute the proportions of the selected facies well log data (as a well tops attribute)
over the zones of interest.
2. Drop the zone in the Well tops folder as input into making a surface, and select the newly created well tops proportion attributes.
3. In Make/edit surface dialog, for each facies code
a. Use the well log proportions points as main input and select Kriging as interpolation algorithm.
b. Select the desired ranges for the variogram. The longer the lateral ranges, the longer the ratio of influence of the well proportions on the
resulting maps.
c. Check the Do normal score transform box. This will result in a Gaussian global distribution of the kriging interpolated values. Estimate
the minimum and maximum from the input data.
d. Select Collocated co-kriging using the correlated averaged seismic attribute map as the secondary variable. Estimate the correlation
coefficient between the averaged seismic attribute and facies proportions at the well locations.
4. Use the Surface calculator to normalize the resulting facies proportions maps such that they have values between 0 and 1 and the sum of
all the facies probability maps is equal to 1.
Fig 11. Example of facies probability map driven by a seismic attribute. The resulting probability map for the sand facies (right) takes into account the facies well data, the variogram
parameters, and the average acoustic impedance map (bottom left). Notice the zero probability of sand around well 5, as indicated by the well data, and the zero probability of
sand areas at the reservoir boundaries, as indicated by seismic attribute values.
On the other hand, in production stages, when, in addition to the seismic data, more well logs and geological data are available to build reliable
(maybe regionally nonstationary) vertical proportion curves , both 1D (vertical proportion curves) and 2D (probability maps) trend models can be
jointly used in facies modeling. The vertical proportion curves and proportion maps are multiplied to create horizontally and vertically nonstationary
3D probability trend models (one for each facies code).
The resulting 3D probability trend models are then used by the simulation algorithm to specify how much of each particular facies you can expect
to see and how they should be distributed within the 3D grid. The target global fractions are determined either by the arithmetic average of the 3D
probability trend models (default), or estimated from the input (upscaled or raw) well data, or manually specified. How the facies are distributed
within the 3D grid by the simulation algorithm will be guided by the trend models. The resulting facies models will then honor the input well data as
well as vertical and lateral distribution induced by the trend models (Fig 12).
Fig 12. Vertical proportion curves computed in data analysis (top left) and facies probability maps (bottom left) can be jointly used in facies modeling as 1D and 2D trends, respectively.
The resulting facies models will honor the vertical proportion variability (top right) and lateral distribution (bottom right) induced by the trend models.
Then, if the adequate parameterization is set up in facies modeling, as shown in the previous sections, the resulting facies models will honor the
target global fractions and the spatial distribution induced by the trend models. However, there are some limitations when using probability trend
models directly as input in facies modeling:
• It is not possible to visualize and therefore QC a priori the internally created 3D probability trend models.
• It not possible to know a priori the target facies global fractions determined from the 3D probability trends.
• The methods used to extend and combine the input 1D and 2D trend models into 3D trend models are simple arithmetic operations suitable
to create (nonstationary) facies trend models for simple geological settings.
The trend modeling tool available in Petrel property modeling provides a flexible way of combining multiple data types of different scales and spatial
coverage to create complex 3D probability trend volumes for each facies. The trend modeling algorithm for discrete properties uses a sophisticated
technique that combines interpolation by kriging and block averaging of input upscaled facies data to estimate, on each cell of the geocelullar grid,
the probability of each facies to occur. An outline of the general method is as follows:
1. Transform data from each input upscaled facies log into facies probability values.
2. For each cell of the geocelullar grid, and for each facies code, estimate a probability value using simple or ordinary kriging.
3. Finally, remove small-scale variations, averaging the probability values within a block defined by a selected block radius in the I, J, and K
Several options are available to define the mean of the inherent kriging algorithm. Either a global or a locally varying kriging mean can be
• By default, a simple kriging algorithm will be used. When using the simple kriging algorithm
– A global kriging mean is defined using the percentages for each facies, either estimated from the input upscaled or raw well data
or manually specified.
– The global kriging mean can also be defined from any available input trend model. When a trend model is used to define the
global kriging mean for the simple kriging algorithm, the targeted global mean for the resulting trend model for each facies will be
given by the arithmetic mean of the respective input facies trend model. At the same time, the input trend models will guide how
the facies will be distributed within the 3D grid.
• An option is available to select ordinary kriging. When using the ordinary kriging algorithm
– The kriging mean of the selected facies is assumed to vary locally and is re-estimated at each location. This option is useful in
production stages when significant well log data are available.
– The local kriging mean of the selected facies code will be defined by the input trend models. Specifically, the trend value at each
node (horizontal), stratigraphic layer (vertical), or cell (volume), defines the local kriging mean of the current facies.
Vertical proportion curves, facies attribute probabilities curves, seismic-constrained probability maps, and probability volumes can be used to
constrain the global/local kriging mean in the trend modeling tool (Figure 13). Note that, when using trend models as input in the trend modeling
process, if any influence from the upscaled well data is removed in trend modeling (e.g., by using variogram ranges close to zero and removing
block averaging), using the output trend volumes as trend volumes in facies modeling would give similar results as using the trend models directly
as input in facies modeling.
Fig 13. Facies attribute probabilities computed in data analysis (top left) or vertical proportion curves together with facies probability maps (bottom left) can be used constrain the
global/local kriging mean in trend modeling (right).
The advantages of using the trend modeling process to build a priori the trend volumes are as follows:
1. Different setting options can be used (e.g., variogram for the kriging interpolation, simple versus ordinary kriging) to further locally constrain
the output trend volumes with information from wells (assuming you have enough and reliable well data or any other geological information
regarding the spatial variation of the trend).
2. The trend modeling process for a discrete property creates and stores in the 3D grid tree a 3D probability property for each facies. The
resulting 3D probability volumes can then be visualized in any suitable window, iteratively QC’ed and, if necessary, edited, before they are
used as input trend volumes in facies modeling.
Fig 14 shows stratigraphic slices of trend models constrained by facies attribute probabilities from data analysis (top) and vertical proportion curves
combined with probability maps (bottom). As can be observed, in the former case, the sand probability distribution of the trend model is strongly
influenced by the lateral and vertical variations observed in the correlated seismic attribute cube. In the latter case, the sand probability distribution
of the trend model shows the same lateral imprint of the facies probability maps whereas the sand probabilities are consistent with the proportions
indicated by the vertical proportion curves for the corresponding layer.
Fig 14. The input probability trend models (facies attribute probabilities, vertical proportion curves, probability maps), together with the kriging parameters (variogram model) in trend
modelling will guide the kriging of the upscaled facies profiles. The well data, trend models, and variogram models are therefore taken into account to create horizontally and
vertically nonstationary facies proportion volumes (one for each facies code), which can then be used as trends in facies modeling.