Informative Text

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Writing Tips &


Informative Texts

Learn how to convey knowledge and

enhance understanding
1 3
Lesson What’s
Objective about the

2 4
Informative Review
Lesson Objective

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

- Define what is a an informative text featuring
- Note the things to do in writing an informative
text (infographic).

Informative texts are also referred to as explanatory texts or expository

writing. There are many different kinds of expository writing.
Informative Texts

The primary
purpose of
Informative texts are a type of writing that aims to informative texts is
provide information, clarify concepts, and explain ideas to to educate and
the reader. These texts are focused on presenting facts, inform the audience
definitions, explanations, and examples to increase the about a specific
reader's understanding of a particular topic. subject in a clear
and concise manner.
The Structure

These texts often follow a logical

structure, presenting information 1.Introduction
in an organized and coherent 2.Body
way. 4.Language and
Key features of informative texts 5.Formal Style
include: 6.Conclusion
Expository writing informs and
explains. You can use it to

The Intro explain how to crochet or to

compare two pieces of

The text begins by introducing

the topic and providing relevant
background information. It also
includes a thesis statement or a
brief overview of what will be
The Body

The body of the text presents the

main ideas, concepts, and The structure depends on how
information related to the topic. you want to present the
This section includes relevant information. It could be a
facts, concrete details, examples, compare and contrast, cause and
and quotations to support the effect, problem-solution, or
main points. explanation.
Compare & Contrast Problem-solution
Problem-solution writing clearly
Compare and contrast writing states a problem, analyzes the
examines the similarities and problem, and proposes a solution
differences between two or more to the problem, such as
subjects, such as the main investigating a global issue.
characters in a novel.

Cause & Effect Explanation

Cause and effect writing explains In explanation writing, you
why something happened, such analyze how something works,
as the impact of a character's how it is defined, and what its
actions on others. parts are.
Transitions are
used to guide
the reader
different ideas,
concepts, or
sections. • To begin with • Another key point
• First • In fact
Transitions help
clarify the • Furthermore • For example
relationships • Additionally • Similarly
between various
aspects of the • Last • Ultimately
topic, ensuring • Mainly • As a result
coherence and
logical • Most important • Therefore
The goal is to
Language and provide clarity
and accuracy
while avoiding
ambiguity or
Vocabulary unnecessary

Informative texts use precise and formal

language to convey information accurately.
The Conclusion

The text concludes by summarizing the

main points discussed and reinforcing
the key ideas. It may also provide a
concluding statement that follows
logically from the information
Informative/explanatory texts are
powerful tools for sharing
Let's Review knowledge, conveying ideas, and
fostering understanding. These
texts enable readers to grasp
complex concepts and develop a
deeper appreciation of the topic.

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