Expressing Prohibition Using Modals

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Wawa National High

School Grade Level 9

DAILY LESSON LOG John Christian A.
Teacher Learning Area English
ENGLISH Taparano

Teaching Dates / Time August 23, 2022 Quarter 1st

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Organize ideas to decode key concept of the lesson.

2. Identify the modals used in an article; differentiate the different kinds of modals used in expressing permission, obligation
and prohibition; create dialogues using modals.
3. convert non-linear to linear information.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of British-American Literature
including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other
B. Performance Standard
C. Learning Competency Express permission, obligation, and prohibition using modals
II. CONTENT Expressing Permission, Obligation and Prohibition Using Modals
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material Quarter 2 pp. 25-28
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials G9-English-Lesson-Exemplar-1st-Quarter pp. 42-46
PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material Quarter 2 pp. 25-28
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous Learning Task 1: Decode the meaning below.
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

Process Question:
1. Where do you see this image?
2. What is the meaning of the image?
3. Why this image is so important to our daily activities?

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson

C. Presenting Prohibition in the United States

Jan 17, 1920 – Dec 5, 1933
examples/Instances of the Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, importation, transportation, and sale
new lesson of alcoholic beverages from 1920 to 1933. Prohibitionists first attempted to end the trade in alcoholic drinks during the 19th
century. Wikipedia
Dates: Jan 17, 1920 – Dec 5, 1933
Location: United States

The 3 goals of Prohibition were

1) Eliminate drunkenness and the resulting abuse of family members and others.
2) Get rid of saloons, where prostitution, gambling, and other forms of vice thrived.
3) Prevent absenteeism and on the job accidents stemming from drunkenness.
D. Discussing new Modals are auxiliary or helping verbs. They may be used in expressing permission, obligation and prohibition.
Examples: I believe I can fly.
concepts and practicing Khodhy must call the police after the incident.
new skills # 1 Janine has to prepare for her exams.
Bernadette doesn’t have to secure a permit for her to go out of her house.
E. Discussing new concepts 2. Prohibition is the act of disallowing or prohibiting someone in performing or doing something. Modals showing
prohibition include can’t and must not/mustn’t.
and practicing new skills # a. Can’t is used in dealing with something against rules, laws and signs. This is used when the speaker is not the
2 one who sets the rules.
You can’t go out during the community quarantine. (Quarantine Policy)
The company can’t apply for motion for reconsideration. (Legal Proceeding)
You can’t buy any alcoholic beverages due to liquor ban. (Liquor Ban Policy)
b. Must Not/Mustn’t is used in dealing with something that is not permitted. In this context, it is the speaker who sets the
You must not turn off your camera during online class. (Teacher-students)
Mustn’t you eat the fruits inside the fridge? (Mother to child
Salome must not tell my secrets to her friends. (Boss to a colleague)
F. Developing mastery Learning Task 2: Read the infographics below from the World Health Organiza-tion (WHO). Identify the modals used in
each picture and use them in your own sentence. Write your answers in your notebook.
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical Learning Task 3: Create a prohibition sign for bullying. Remember to use symbols, appealing colors, fonts, location where
you are going to put your signage, and use your creativity.
application of concepts and CRITERIA FOR JUDGING
skills in daily living 1) Sign location 5
2) Contrast/Color 5
3) Use of fonts when designing signage 5
4) Size and scale 5
5) Keep it simple 5
6) Use of great graphics 5
H. Making generalizations Process Question:
1. What are the modals used in stating prohibition?
and abstractions about the 2. Think of different situation where you can integrate the used of modals in stating prohibition.
lesson 3. How can you help your fellow learners using the knowledge you learned today?
4. Why it is important to study the different kinds of modals?
I. Evaluating learning Learning Task 4: Identify and encircle the modals of prohibition used in the sample memorandum of agree-ment (MOA)
below. Write your answers in your notebook.
See attached MOA at the back.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
K. Agreement Define modal of obligation and give five example sentences.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher II Officer in Charge

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