2 Manometers

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Devices to measure Pressure

• In chemical and other industrial processing

plants it is often important to measure and
control the pressure in a vessel or process
and/or the liquid level in a vessel.

• Also, since many fluids are flowing in a pipe or

conduit, it is necessary to measure the rate at
which the fluid is flowing.

• Many of these flow meters depend upon devices

to measure a pressure or pressure difference.

• MANOMETERS are mainly used

• Manometer is a device for measuring fluid

• Consists of a bent tube containing one or more

liquid of different specific gravities.

• In using a manometer, generally a known

pressure (which may be atmospheric) is applied
to one end of the manometer tube and the
unknown pressure to be determined is applied to
the other end.

• In some cases, however, the difference between

pressure at ends of the manometer tube is
desired rather than the actual pressure at the
Manometers - Various forms
• Simple U - tube Manometer
• Inverted U - tube Manometer
• U - tube with one leg enlarged
• Two fluid U - tube Manometer
• Inclined U - tube Manometer
• Simple U tube manometer
• Pressure pa is exerted on one arm
of the U tube and pb on the other
• Both pressures pa and pb are
pressure taps from a fluid meter
• The top of the manometer is filled
with liquid B, having a density of B,
and the bottom with a more dense
fluid A, having a density of 
• Liquid A is immiscible with B.
• To derive the relationship between
pa and pb ………….
• We know, p 2 = p3

p a  ( Z  R)  B g 
pb  Z B g  R A g

p a  R B g  pb  R A g

 p a  pb  P  R (  A   B ) g
Mechanism of Fluid Flow
• When a fluid flows through a pipe or channel, the character
of the flow can vary according to the conditions.

• The forms of flow can best be visualized by reference to a

classical experiment on the flow of water through a circular
tube, first carried out by Osborne Reynolds in 1883.

• Reynolds studied the effect of varying the conditions on the

character of flow and on the appearance of the thread of
colored liquid. This can be illustrated, for example, by
varying the velocity of the water through the tube.

• When the velocity is low, the thread of colored liquid

remains undisturbed in the centre of the water stream and
moves steadily along the tube, without mixing, this
condition is known as s viscous, or laminar flow.
(Streamline flow)
Reynolds’ experiment
• At moderate velocities, a point is reached (the critical velocity) at
where the thread begins to waver, although no mixing occurs. This is
the phase of transitional flow.

• As the velocity is increased to high values eddies begin to occur in the

flow, so that the colored liquid mixes with the bulk of the water
immediately after leaving the jet. Since this is a state of complete
turbulence the condition is known as turbulent flow.

• As a result of his experiments Reynold found that flow conditions were

affected by four factors:

– Diameter of pipe
– Velocity of fluid
– Density of fluid
– Viscosity of fluid

These were connected together in a particular way and could be

grouped into a particular expression known now as Reynolds
Number: NRe or Re
• Reynolds number is given by….

N Re 

• It can be seen that all the units cancel out; i.e.
Re is dimensionless.
(m)(m / s )(kg / m 3 )
N Re 
kg / ms
Significance of Re
• For a straight circular pipe

Type of flow Reynolds no. Velocity

Laminar <2100 Low

Turbulent >4000 High

Transition 2100<Re<4000 Moderate

Prob 1
Reynolds Number in a Pipe
• Water at 303 K is flowing at the rate of 10 gal/min in a pipe
having an inside diameter (ID) of 2.067 in. Calculate the
Reynolds number. Given =0.996 g/cc & =0.8007 Cp

• 1 gal = 3.785L
• Change all the units to SI
• D = (2.067)0.0254 m
• Since velocity = flowrate / CSA
v = {10(3.785x10-3) m3} / {(60 sec) (/4)D2 m2} = 0.2914 m/sec
• =0.996 x103 kg/m3
• =0.8007 10-3 kg/m.s
• NRe = 19030 > 4000 (TURBULENT)
Prob 2
• NRe for milk flow:
• Whole milk @ 293K having a density of
1030 kg/m3 and viscosity 2.12 cP is
flowing at a rate of 0.605 kg/s in a glass
pipe having a dia of 63.5mm.
– Cal NRe
– Cal the flow rate needed in m3/s for Re=2100
and velocity in m/s
• Vol.flow rate = Mass flow rate / density
• Velocity = Vol.flow rate / CSA
• v = (0.605 / 1030) / {(/4) (63.5x10-3)2 }
• NRe = 5722 Turbulent

• If NRe =2100
• v = 0.0608 m/s
• Q = 2.155x10-4m3/s
Prob 3
• Pipe dia & Re:
An oil is being pumped inside a 10mm dia pipe @
Re of 2100. The oil density is 855 kg/m 3 and
viscosity is 2.1x10-2 Pa-s.
a) What is the velocity in the pipe?
b) It is desired to maintain the same Re 2100 and
the same velocity as in part (a) using a second
fluid with a density of 925 kg/m3 and viscosity
1.5x10-2 Pa-s. What pipe dia should be used?
• a). Pa-s = kg/m-s
• v = 5.158 m/s

• b). D = 6.6 mm
Prob 4
• Milk is flowing at 0.12 m3/min in a 2.5-cm
diameter pipe. If the temperature of the
milk is 21°C, is the flow turbulent or
• Viscosity of milk at 21°C = 2.1 cP
• Density of milk at 21°C = 1029 kg/m3

• Ans: Re = 50,230 (turbulent)

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