Lecture 02 - Design Patterns

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Lecture # 02:

Design Patterns

Dr. Ahmed Abba Haruna

Assistant Professor,
University of Hafr Al-Batin (UoHB)
College of Computer Science and Engineering (CCSE)
Hafr Al-Batin 31991, Saudi Arabia.
[email protected]
© Slides adapted from the textbook, ICS 202 slides from KFUPM and/or CS 211 slides from Taibah University (Ms. Rana & Mr. Modhi) and/or many other online resources.
Introduction to Design Patterns

• What is a Design Pattern?

1. Creational Design Patterns
2. Structural Design Patterns
3. Behavioral Design Patterns
• Example: Using Iterator Pattern
• Examples of some important Design Patterns
• The Container Pattern.
• The Visitor Pattern.
• The SearchableContainer Pattern.
• The Iterator Pattern.
• The Association Pattern.
• Example: Implementation of Iterator
• Review Questions.
?What is a Design Pattern

• Design patterns, as name suggest, are solutions for

most commonly (and frequently) occurred problems
while designing a software.
• A design pattern is a standard interface, e.g.,
• None of these patterns force you anything in regard to
implementation; they are just guidelines to solve a
particular problem – in a particular way – in particular
contexts. Code implementation is your responsibility.
• There are 3 types of design patterns:
1. Creational Design Patterns
2. Structural Design Patterns
3. Behavioral Design Patterns 3
Creational Design Patterns .1
• Creational patterns are often used in place of direct
instantiation with constructors. They can provide
flexibility about which objects are created, how those
objects are created, and how they are initialized.
Name Purpose
Builder design pattern is an alternative way to construct complex objects
Builder and should be used only when we want to build different types of
immutable objects using same object building process.
Prototype design pattern is used in scenarios where application needs to
Prototype create a large number of instances of a class, which have almost same
state or differ very little.
Factory design pattern is most suitable when complex steps of object
Factory creation are involved. To ensure that these steps are centralized and not
exposed to composing classes.
Abstract factory pattern is used whenever we need another level of
Abstract f
actory abstraction over a group of factories created using factory pattern.
Singleton enables an application to have one and only one instance of a
class per JVM. 4
Structural Design Patterns .2
• Structural design patterns show us how to glue
different pieces of a system together in a flexible and
extensible fashion. They assure that when one of the
parts changes, the entire application structure does not.
Name Purpose
An adapter converts the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. It
Adapter lets classes work together that couldn’t otherwise due to incompatible interfaces.
Bridge design pattern is used to decouple a class into two parts – abstraction and
it’s implementation – so that both can evolve in future without affecting each
Bridge other. It increases the loose coupling between class abstraction and it’s
Composite design pattern helps to compose the objects into tree structures to
Composite represent whole-part hierarchies. It lets clients treat individual objects and
compositions of objects uniformly.
Decorator design pattern is used to add additional features or behaviors to a
Decorator particular instance of a class, while not modifying the other instances of same class.
Facade design pattern provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a sub-
Facade system. It defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.
Flyweight design pattern enables use sharing of objects to support large numbers of
Flyweight fine-grained objects efficiently. A flyweight is a shared object that can be used in
multiple contexts simultaneously. It acts as an independent object in each context.
In proxy design pattern, a proxy object provide a surrogate or placeholder for
Proxy another object to control access to it. Proxy is heavily used to implement lazy 5
Behavioral Design Patterns .3
• Behavioral patterns abstract an action we want to take
on the object or class that takes the action. By
changing the object/class, we can change the algorithm
used, the objects affected, or the behavior, while still
retaining the same basic interface for client classes.
Name Purpose
Chain of responsibility design pattern gives more than one object an
Chain of
opportunity to handle a request by linking receiving objects together in
form of a chain.
Command design pattern is useful to abstract the business logic into
discrete actions which we call commands. These command objects
Command help in loose coupling between two classes where one class (invoker)
shall call a method on other class (receiver) to perform a business
Interpreter pattern specifies how to evaluate sentences in a language,
Interpreter programatically. It helps in building a grammar for a simple language,
so that sentences in the language can be interpreted.
Iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate
object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. 6
Name Purpose
Mediator pattern defines an object that encapsulates how a set of
objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects
from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets us vary their
interaction independently.
Memento pattern is used to restore state of an object to a previous
state. It is also known as snapshot pattern.
Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects
so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified
and updated automatically. It is also referred to as the publish-
subscribe pattern.
In state pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal
State state changes. The object will appear to change its class. There shall be
a separate concrete class per possible state of an object.
Strategy pattern is used where we choose a specific implementation of
Strategy algorithm or task in run time – out of multiple other implementations
for same task.
Template method pattern defines the sequential steps to execute a
multi-step algorithm and optionally can provide a default
implementation as well (based on requirements).
Visitor pattern is used when we want a hierarchy of objects to modify
their behavior but without modifying their source code. 7
Example : Using Iterator Pattern
• Iterator Pattern is used "to access the elements of an
aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class IteratorPatternDemo {
public static void main(String args[]){
ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
names.add("Dr. Muhammad Akhlaq");
names.add("Dr. Lawan Mohammed");
names.add("Dr. Omer Marey");
names.add("Dr. Zeshan Mehfooz");
names.add("Dr. Musab Isah");
names.remove("Dr. Lawan Mohammed");
Iterator it = names.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String obj = (String)it.next();
} 8
Examples of some important Design Patterns

The Container Pattern

• A container is an object that holds other objects within it.

• Many of the data structures we study in this course can be viewed
as containers. i.e. they have the container pattern.
• The Container interface is defined as follows:
public interface Container {
int getCount ();
boolean isEmpty ();
boolean isFull ();
void purge ();
void accept (Visitor visitor);
Iterator iterator ();

• The first four methods are obvious. We explain the other two after
introducing Visitor and Iterator patterns.
The AbstractContainer Class
• The following is the AbstractContainer class, that implements the Container
interface and which will be used as a base from which concrete container
classes are derived.
public abstract class AbstractContainer
implements Container {
protected int count;

public int getCount () {return count;}

public boolean isEmpty () {return getCount () == 0;}

public boolean isFull () {

return false;
public abstract void purge();
public abstract void accept(Visitor v);
public abstract Iterator iterator();
// ...
The Visitor Pattern
• Many operations on data structures are observed to have the pattern of
visiting each object - hence, the Visitor pattern.

• For this pattern we define the Visitor interface as follows:

public interface Visitor {
void visit (Object object);
boolean isDone ();

• A visitor interacts closely with a container. The interaction goes as follows:

• The container is passed a reference to a visitor by calling the container's accept
• The accept method then calls the visit method of the visitor, one-by-one,
• for each object in the container, OR
• for each object in the container as long as a certain condition is satisfied/not satisfied.

The Visitor Pattern (Contd.)
• The design framework for the accept method is as follows:
public class SomeContainer implements Container {
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
for each object, o, in this container

• The code for a sample visitor is shown below:

public class PrintingVisitor implements Visitor {
public void visit(Object object) {

• To print all objects in an instance, c of SomeContainer, the accept method

is called as follows:
Container c = new SomeContainer();
c.accept (new PrintingVisitor()); 13
The isDone method
public void accept (Visitor visitor){
for each Object o in this container
if (visitor.isDone ())
visitor.visit (o);
• The following shows the usefulness of the isDone method:
public class MatchingVisitor implements Visitor {
private Object target; private Object found;
public MatchingVisitor (Object target) {
this.target = target;}
public void visit (Object object) {
if (!isDone () && object.equals (target))
found = object;
public boolean isDone (){return found != null;}

The AbstractVisitor Class

• Many operations on a container involve visiting all the elements. i.e.

they do not need to call the isDone method.
• Thus, forcing the implementation of the isDone method for such
operations may not be desirable.
• To avoid this, we define the following AbstractVistor class.

public abstract class AbstractVisitor implements Visitor {

public abstract void visit (Object object);

public boolean isDone () {

return false;

The toString Method
• The following defines the toString method for the AbstractContainer
class using a visitor.
• Defining it here is aimed at simplifying the implementation of classes
extending this class.

public abstract class AbstractContainer implements Container {

public String toString() {
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
AbstractVisitor visitor = new AbstractVisitor() {
private boolean comma;
public void visit(Object obj) {
buffer.append(“, ”);
comma = true;
return "" + buffer;//converts result to a string
// ...
The Iterator Pattern
• Like Visitor, an Iterator pattern provides a means to access one-
by-one, all the objects in a container.
• The following shows the Iterator interface:
public interface Iterator {
boolean hasNext ();
Object next () throws NoSuchElementException;
• An Iterator interacts closely with a container. Recall that a
container has a method iterator, which returns an Iterator.
• The following shows how Iterator interface is used:
Container c = new SomeContainer();
Iterator e = c.iterator();
while (e.hasNext())
System.out.println(e.next ());

• While the accept method takes only one visitor, a container can 17
have more than one Iterator at the same time.
The accept Method

• We now define the accept method for the AbstractContainer class using
an iterator.

public abstract class AbstractContainer

implements Container {
public void accept(Visitor visitor) {
Iterator iterator = iterator();

while ( iterator.hasNext() && !visitor.isDone())

// ...

The SearchableContainer Pattern

• Some of the data structures we shall study have the additional property of
being searchable.
• The SearchableContainer interface extends the Container interface by
adding four more methods as shown below:

public interface SearchableContainer extends Container {

boolean isMember (Comparable object);
void insert (Comparable object);
void withdraw (Comparable obj);
Comparable find (Comparable object);
isMember(): tests whether a given object instance is in the container
insert(): puts objects into the container
withdraw(): removes objects from the container
find(): locates objects in the container and returns its reference. It returns null if
not found

The Association Pattern
• An association is an ordered pair of objects.
• The first element is called the key, while the second is the value associated
with the key.
• The following defines the Association class which we shall use whenever we
need to associate one object to another.

public class Association implements Comparable {

protected Comparable key;
protected Object value;
public Association(Comparable comparable, Object obj){
key = comparable;
value = obj;

public Association(Comparable comparable){

this(comparable, null);
// ...
The Association Pattern (contd.)
public Comparable getKey(){return key;}
public void setKey(Comparable key){this.key = key;}
public Object getValue(){return value;}
public void setValue(Object value){this.value = value;}

public int compareTo(Object obj){

Association association = (Association)obj;
return key.compareTo(association.getKey());

public boolean equals(Object obj){

return compareTo(obj) == 0;
public String toString() {
String s = "{ " + key;
if(value != null)
s = s + " , " + value;
return s + " }";
Example: Implementation of Iterator
interface Iterator {
public boolean hasNext();
public Object next();

interface Container {
public Iterator getIterator();

class CollectionofNames implements Container {

public String name[] = { "Dr. Muhammad Akhlaq",
"Dr. Omer Marey",
"Dr. Zeshan Mehfooz",
"Dr. Musab Isah"};

public Iterator getIterator() {
return new CollectionofNamesIterate() ;
private class CollectionofNamesIterate implements Iterator{
int i;

public boolean hasNext() {
if (i<name.length){
return true;
return false;

public Object next() {
return name[i++];
return null;
public class IteratorPatternDemo {

public static void main(String[] args) {

CollectionofNames cmpnyRepository = new CollectionofNames();

for(Iterator iter = cmpnyRepository.getIterator(); iter.hasNext();){

String name = (String)iter.next();
System.out.println("Name : " + name);

Review Questions

1.Let c be an instance of some concrete class derived from the

AbstractContainer class. Explain how the following statement prints the
content of the container: System.out.println(c);
2.Suppose we have a container which contains only instances of the Integer
class. Design a Visitor that computes the sum of all the integers in the
3.Using visitors, devise implementations for the isMember and find methods
of the AbstractSearchableContainer class.
4.Consider the following pair of Associations:
Comparable a=new Association (new Integer(3), new Integer(4));
Comparable b=new Association (new Integer(3));
Give the sequence of methods called in order to evaluate a comparison
such as "a.equals(b)''. Is the result of the comparison true or false?

•https://www.javatpoint.com/iterator-pattern 25

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