English Analysing Themes and Ideas Presentation Beige Pink Lined Style
English Analysing Themes and Ideas Presentation Beige Pink Lined Style
English Analysing Themes and Ideas Presentation Beige Pink Lined Style
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Đặng Trúc Thi Đào Thanh Phạm Thúy Vy
Tường Vy
1. Subject relative pronouns
2.Object relative pronouns
1. Subject relative
A relative pronoun functions as both a pronoun and a conjunction
because it joins a subordinate clause to a main clause.
➡ The senior analyst was happy with the report which I submitted.
Antecedent Object (= that)
It is rare for a text to centre around one theme or idea; often there are multiple. Some
might be more dominant or obvious than others. These themes and ideas might
interact and/or rely on one another in order to form a complex story or investigation.
For example, a coming of age narrative novel for an adolescent audience might
explore themes of bravery, family relationships, friendship, coping with change and
maturity. An informational feature article for an audience of parents on the topic of
standardised testing might explore ideas about education, student stress, academic
success and differences in individual abilities and learning needs.
It's also important to note that different readers can read the same text and identify
different themes or ideas due to their personal context. These ideas may not always be
deliberately intended by an author, but a reader might interpret them based on their
personal reading of the text.
Development of Ideas
Considering the fact that themes and ideas can be quite complex, it's
important to consider how they develop throughout a text.
How does the author introduce the How are the themes or ideas How do the themes or ideas
theme or idea? What comments are developed further through the body conclude at the end of the text? Is
made about the theme early on in of the text? Do they stay the same or there a final stance taken or is it left
the text? evolve? open ended?
Consider the opening paragraphs of Consider the use of narrative Consider if there's a moral or
an article or the opening chapters of elements in literature or evidence message to a literary text or if an
a novel. provided in informational texts. informational text has a balanced or
one sided argument.
Making Inferences
Another important thing to consider is that although some texts can state themes or ideas
explicitly (such as an author of an informational text stating their argument or a character
in a literary text directly stating an idea directly through dialogue), many texts infer these
themes more subtly and it is up to you to draw inferences based on what is available.
To clarify, an inference is a conclusion reached based off evidence and reasoning. This
requires you to 'read between the lines' to extract a theme or idea based on the textual
elements or information available to you. This might take the form of conclusions,
predictions, critical judgements or interpretations.
As humans, we do this naturally every day but the study of texts in English is an active
and reflective process whereby you not only need to identify the ideas but consider how
you came to reach them. You might compare this to mathematics where you are not only
required to calculate a correct answer but you also must 'show your working out' in order
to achieve full marks. English is no different.
Citing Textual
The final step after identifying your themes or ideas is to cite strong and
thorough textual evidence to support your analysis. This requires you to
identify specific examples or elements of the text that have influenced your
interpretation of these ideas.
Instead, we look for explicit evidence such as direct quotations from the text to
illustrate our analysis.
The textual evidence you provide might include: The textual evidence you provide might include:
• examples of narrative conventions such as • evidence supplied by the author including facts,
characterisation, setting, point of view, plot events or statistics, expert opinion, personal anecdotes or case
symbolism studies
• language features such as descriptive language, • language features such as rhetorical question,
figurative language, lexicon and connotation inclusive language, repetition or hyperbole
• structural features such as flash back, • structural features such as cause and effect, problem-
foreshadowing, prologue or epilogue solution, compare and contrast
Your Turn
In this course, we will be reading, summarising and analysing a range of literary and informational texts.
Identifying multiple themes or ideas and analysing their development over the course of a text is a central
skill that we will need to achieve success in the course. You will also need to be able to cite strong and
thorough textual evidence to support the text's explicit ideas as well as your own inferences drawn from the
Now, let's put these skills into practice by completing some analysis activities. Good luck!
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