Rrs III Unit

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List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic Topic Learning

Course Outcome
covered Outcome
Corrosion damage of Describe the Able to Examine the
reinforced concrete. Corrosion damage of damages occurred in
reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
building and knowing
the remedies for

Students will be able to :
1 Describe the Corrosion damage of reinforced concrete.
2 Understand the facets of maintenance

Corrosion of Steel:
 Corrosion of steel in concrete is an electrochemical process.
 In the steel, one part becomes anode and other part becomes
cathode connected by electrolyte in the form of pore water in
the hardened cement paste.
 The positively charged ferrous ions Fe++ at the anode pass into
solution while the negatively charged free electrons e– pass
through the steel into cathode where they are absorbed by the
constituents of the electrolyte and combine with water and
oxygen to form hydroxyl ions (OH)–.

 These travel through the electrolyte and combine with the
ferrous ions to form ferric hydroxide which is converted by
further oxidation to rust.
So in other words for corrosion to occur four basic elements are
Anode – Site where corrosion occurs and current flows from
Cathode – Site where no corrosion occurs and current flows to.
Electrolyte – A medium capable of conducting electric current
by ionic current flow(i.e Soil, Water or Concrete)
Metallic path – connection between the anode and cathode,
which allows current return and completes the circuit.

 Reinforcing steel in concrete normally does not corrode because
of the formation of a passive oxide film on the surface of the
steel due to the initial corrosion reaction.
 The process of hydration of cement in freshly placed concrete
develops a high alkalinity, which in the presence of oxygen
stabilizes the film on the surface of embedded steel.
 Normally, concrete exhibits a pH above 12 because of the
presence of calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide.
 the precise nature of this passive film is unknown, it isolates
the steel from the environment and slows further corrosion as
long as the film is intact.

however, there are two major situations in which corrosion of
reinforcing steel can occur.
These include:
1. Carbonation,
2. Chloride contamination

Deterioration through Carbonation

Carbonation is a process In which carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere diffuses through the porous concrete and neutralizes
the alkalinity of concrete.
Here it reacts with the alkaline calcium hydroxide forming insoluble
calcium carbonate
 The pH value then drops from 12.5 to about 8.5.
 The carbonation process moves as a front through the concrete,
with a pH drop across the front.
 When it reaches the reinforcing steel, the passive layer decays
when the pH value drops below 10.5.
 The steel is then exposed to moisture and oxygen and is
susceptible to corrosion.
 Concrete inside the building frequently carbonates totally
without any sign of deterioration as the concrete dries out,
leaving the steel exposed to air but not moisture.

 Problems are seen externally where concrete is exposed to the
elements and
 in certain situations internally, such as kitchens and bathrooms,
where the concrete is susceptible to condensation or water-

Deterioration due to Chloride
Salt causes corrosion by a different mechanism.
 When salt is dissolved in water sodium chloride forms a
versatile, highly corrosive solution of sodium ions(Na+) and
chloride ions(Cl-).
 chloride ions disperse through concrete pores in solution and
where they come into contact with the reinforcing steel to attack
the passive layer.
 Steel oxidizes in the presence of air and water to form rust
which has a volume of up to 10 times that of the steel

 As concrete has a low tensile strength it will crack when the
steel has been consumed.
 Horizontal cracks form, causing corners to ‘SPALL’ and surfaces
to ‘delaminate’ as the reinforcement's concrete cover becomes
detached and falls away in sheets.
 The consequence can be seen on the underside of road bridges
and many buildings and structures beside the sea.

ACI recommends the following chloride limits in concrete for
new construction,
expressed as a percent by weight of cement:
1. Pre-stressed concrete 0.08%
2. Reinforced concrete in wet conditions 0.10%
3. Reinforced concrete in dry conditions 0.20%
4. But in existing structures 0.026% is enough to breakdown the
Passive Layer.

List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic

Topic Learning Outcome Course Outcome
Corrosion Describe the Corrosion Able to Examine the
protection inhibitors, Corrosion damages occurred in
methos resistant steels, cathodic reinforced concrete
building and knowing
protection and rust the remedies for
eliminators. damages.

Students will be able to :
1 Describe the Corrosion damage of reinforced concrete.
2 Understand preventive measures

 No corrosion takes place if the concrete is dry or probably
below relative humidity of 60 percent because enough water is
not there to promote corrosion.
 It can also be noted that corrosion does not take place if
concrete is fully immersed in water because diffusion of oxygen
does not take place into the concrete.
 Probably the optimum relative humidity for corrosion is 70 to
80 per cent.
 The products of corrosion occupy a volume as many as six times
the original volume of steel depending upon the oxidation state

 The increased volume of rust exerts thrust on cover concrete
resulting in cracks, spalling or delamination of concrete.

Corrosion Control
 From the literature survey and case studies it has been reported
that 40% of failure of structures is on account of corrosion of
embedded steel reinforcement in concrete.
 Therefore corrosion control of steel reinforcement is a subject of
high importance.
 First and foremost for corrosion control is the good quality of
concrete through good construction practices.
 fundamentals of choosing constituent material and good rules to
be followed during various stages of production of concrete.
 the use of lowest possible water/cement ratio having regard to

 In view of the general availability of superplasticizers, it should
be used to cut down the W/C ratio to make dense concrete.

Proper mix design, use of right quality and quantity

of cement for different exposure conditions is to be

 Recently it has been realised that lower W/C ratio which has
been always associated with lower permeability is not enough to
make impermeable concrete contributing to high durability.

 Use of s u p p l e m e n t a r y cementitious materials such as fly
ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag (ggbs), silica fume etc.
are required to be used as admixtures or in the form of blended
cement in addition to lowest possible W/C ratio to make
concrete dense.
 These materials improve more than one properties of concrete
which will eventually reduce corrosion of reinforcement.
 Tests on mortar containing ggbs have shown that water
permeability is reduced by a factor up to 100.
 60 per cent ggbs reduced the diffusion of chloride ions into the
concrete by as much as 10 times

 Silica fume contributes to the all-round improvements in the
quality of concrete which are responsible for reducing corrosion
of steel reinforcement.
The improvement in the microstructure of hydrated cement paste
is ultimately responsible for protecting the steel reinforcement
from corrosion.

 if we make good concrete with low permeability and improved

microstructure, it will be durable by itself and also it can take
care of the reinforcement contained in it to a great extent.

 It is always not possible to make such ideal concrete,
particularly, in view of the complex environmental and
exposure conditions and
drying shrinkage and microcracks in concrete, the problems
become more serious.
 This demands certain other measures to control the corrosion of
steel reinforcement.

Crack formed due to bursting
pressure on account of rusting of

delamination of
concrete cover

Measures to control the corrosion of steel reinforcement:
1. Metallurgical methods
2. Corrosion inhibitors
3. Coatings to reinforcement
4. Cathodic protection
5. Coatings to concrete
6. Design and detailing

Metallurgical Methods:
 Steel can be made more corrosion resistant by altering its
structure through metallurgical processes.
 Different methods such as rapid quenching of the hot bars by
series of water jets, or
 by keeping the hot steel bars for a short time in a water bath,
 by such other process the mechanical properties and corrosion
resistance property of steel can be improved.
 There are many situations where stainless steel reinforcements
are used for long term durability of concrete structures.

Corrosion inhibitors:
Corrosion can be prevented or delayed by chemical method by
using certain corrosion inhibiting chemicals such as nitrites,
phosphates, benzoates etc.
 The most widely used admixture is based on calcium nitrite.
 It is added to the concrete during mixing of concrete.
 The typical dosage is of the order of 10-30 litres per m3 of
concrete depending on chloride levels in concrete.
 As mentioned earlier, in the high pH of concrete, the steel is
protected by a passivating layer of ferric oxide on the surface of

 However, the passivating layer also contain some ferrous oxide
which can initiate corrosion when the chloride ions reach the
 The nitrite ions present in the corrosion inhibiting admixture will
oxidise the ferrous oxide to ferric oxide, thus stabalising the
passivating layer even in the presence of chlorides.
 The concentration of nitrite must be sufficient to cope up with
the continuing ingress of chloride ions.

 Calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor comes in a liquid from

containing about 30 per cent calcium nitrite solids by weight.

 The more corrosion inhibitor is added, the longer the onset of
corrosion will be delayed.
 Since most structures in a chloride environment reach a level of
about 7 kg of chloride iron per m3 during their service life, use
of less than 18 litres/m3 of calcium nitrite solution is not
 When you add 20 litres/ m3, corrosion will not begin until over
7.7 kg/ m3 of chloride is present in the concrete at the rebar.

Coatings to reinforcement:
 The object of coating to steel bar is to provide a durable barrier
to aggressive materials, such as chlorides.
 The coatings should be robust to withstand fabrication of
reinforcement cage, and pouring of concrete and compaction by
vibrating needle.
 Simple cement slurry coating is a cheap method for temporary
protection against rusting of reinforcement in storage.

Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, (CECRI) Karaikudi have
suggested a method for prevention of corrosion in steel
reinforcement in concrete.

The steps involved in this process are

Derusting: The reinforcements are cleaned with a derusting
 This is followed without delay by cleaning the rods with wet
waste cloth and cleaning powder.
 The rods are then rinsed in running water and air dried.

i. Phosphate jelly is applied to the bars with fine brush.
ii. The jelly is left for 45-60 minutes and then removed by wet
iii. An inhibitor solution is then brushed over the phosphated
Cement coating:
iv. A slurry is made by mixing the inhibitor solution with portland
cement and applied on the bar.
v. A sealing solution is brushed after the rods are air cured.
vi. The sealing solution has an insite curing effect.
vii. The second coat of slurry is then applied and the bars are air
Two coats of sealing solution are applied to the bars in order to seal
the micro-pores of the cement coat and to make it impermeable to
corrosive salts.

List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic Topic Learning

Course Outcome
covered Outcome
Causes of Describe the Causes Able to Examine the
deterioration of of deterioration of damages occurred in
concrete and reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
building and knowing
masonry structures structures the remedies for

Corrosion resistant steels

when the partial pressure of CO2 is above 30psi, carbon steels

present high corrosion rates.
 Steel grades alloyed with high contents of Chromium (Cr),
Molybdenum (Mo) and Nickel (Ni) are able to effectively resist
 Iron-base alloys containing at least 12 percent chromium are
called stainless steels.

The most important characteristic of these steels is their resistance
to many, but not all, corrosive conditions.
The four types available are the
1. ferritic chromium steels,
2. the austenitic chromium-nickel steels,
3. the martensitic and
4. precipitation-hardenable stainless steels.

1. The ferritic chromium steels have a chromium content ranging

from 12 to 27 percent.
 Their corrosion resistance is a function of the chromium content.
 The quench-hardenability of these steels is a function of both
the chromium and the carbon content.
 Hardenability is a measure of the capacity of a steel to be
hardened in depth when quenched

 The very high carbon steels have good quench hardenability
up to about 18 percent chromium, while in the lower carbon
ranges it ceases at about 13 percent.
chromium-nickel stainless steels:
 If a little nickel is added, these steels retain some degree of
hardenability up to 20 percent chromium.
 If the chromium content exceeds 18 percent, they become
difficult to weld, and at the very high chromium levels the
hardness becomes so great that very careful attention must be
paid to the service conditions.
 Since chromium is expensive, the designer will choose the
lowest chromium content consistent with the corrosive.

 The chromium-nickel stainless steels retain the austenitic
structure at room temperature
hence, they are not amenable to heat treatment.
 The strength of these steels can be greatly improved by cold
They are not magnetic unless cold-worked.
 All the chromium-nickel steels may be welded.
 They have greater corrosion-resistant properties than the plain
chromium steels.
 When more chromium is added for greater corrosion resistance,
more nickel must also be added if the austenitic properties are
to be retained.

Martensitic stainless steel
1. Martensitic stainless steel has high hardness and poor corrosion
2. Heat treatable to high hardness level.
3. Crystallographic form-distorted structure.
4. It used in the manufacturing of sports knives and multi-purpose
Precipitation Hardened stainless steel
5. Precipitation Hardened stainless steel is magnetic and heat
treatable to high strength, it has a very high strength-to-weight
ratio with good corrosion resistance.
6. It used in making aerospace components and springs.

Durability of concrete- Model-I




This offers an overall view on the co- existance of the following
three pricipal elements:
1. Interconnected porosity of cement paste
2. Exposure to aggressive agents/ chemicals
3. Intermittent presence of water

Permeability of concrete:
Deterioration starts with penetration of various aggressive agents.
 Low permeability is the key to its durability.
It is controlled by factors like
1. w/c ratio
2. Hydration / curing
3. Air voids due to insufficient compaction
4. Microcracks

 Good quality of materials, satisfactory proportions, good
construction practicespermeability of concrete is direct
function of porosity and interconnection of pores of the
cement paste.
Inter connected porosity is related to :
1. Capillary porosity- high w/c ratio, inadequate curing
2. Air voids: improper compaction
3. Micro cracks: loading affects, weathering, secondary effects
4. Macro cracks: placement, hardening process, chemical attach,
corrosion of reinforcement

Capillary porosity:
The volume of hydrated cement product is significantly higher than
the volume of its constituents.
As a result of hydration , increased volume of hydrated gel fills part
of capillary pore volume.

Curing time required for various water cement ratios

Typical reduction in permeability of cement paste with progress of

Air voids:
 Air voids form due to inadequate compaction in the form of
discrete air bubbles of much larger size than capillary pores.
 These air voids may get inter connected by capillary pores
Micro cracks:
1. During service life , structure is subjected to various types of
loads (static/ cyclic nature)
2. Due to this micro cracks combines with capillary porosity.
3. This is generally responsible for aggressive chemicals in rcc.

Macro cracks:
 Any crack width which allows aggressive chemicals to travel
freely into the concrete , is termed as macro cracks.
 The threshold limiting crack has been defined by various code of
practices for RCC design.
 These vary from 0.1 to 0.3 mm.
 Any crack in concrete which is wider than this, is likey to cause
durability problems.
Macro cracking in concrete could be due to variety of reasons,
which includes :
1. Improper placement of concrete
2. Settlement cracks of fresh concrete

3. Cracking due to
 Sulphate attack
 Alkali aggregate reaction
 Heat of hydration
 Increased volume of corroded reinforcement
exerting bursting pressure on concrete

Effect of Aging on Brick-Work:
1. Rain Exposure
2. Temperature
3. Moisture Absorption
4. Chemical Alteration
5. Continuous Exposure to Chemicals
Construction Error:
6. Eccentrically Loaded Walls gives overturning effect (Decorative
Panels on one side, Support of Working platforms on one side)
7. Usage of Poor quality of materials
8. Error due to saving in economy

1. Vertical cracks in sidewalls at corner
2. Vertical cracks around balconies
3. Vertical cracks below the openings in line with the window
4. Vertical cracks at the junction of RCC column and masonry wall.
5. Vertical cracks in the top most stories at corners of structures
having RCC slab.
6. Horizontal cracks at window lintel or sill level in the top most
7. Horizontal cracks in the top most story below the RCC slab level.

8. Horizontal cracks at eaves level in the buildings having pitched
roof with wooden joists and purlins.
9. Random cracks in all directions involving both external and
internal walls.
10. Diagonal cracks over RCC lintels spanning large openings.
11. Shrinkage cracks.

1. Poor quality of bricks.
2. Use of porous stones.
3. Absence of grading, before the use of fine aggregate.
4. If percentage of clay and silt in fine aggregate exceed 3 percent.
5. Due to the excessive amount of soluble sulphate.
6. Plumb alignment.
7. The position of the element in the structure.
8. Differential loading.

9. Weak mortar.
10. Insufficient bond.
11. Improper curing.
12. Entered dampness from ground, roof and exterior faces.
13. High daily temperature variations.
14. Atmospheric pollutions.
15. Lack of strength at corner and at junction of walls.
16. Improper binding of thick walls.

List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic Topic Learning

Course Outcome
covered Outcome
Causes of Describe the Causes Able to Examine the
deterioration of of deterioration of damages occurred in
concrete and masonry reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
building and knowing
structures structures the remedies for

Historic masonry structures

Historic buildings can enhance a community’s character by their

sheer aesthetic beauty, while also providing a tangible link to its
cultural history.
 historic masonry structures represent a blend of artistry and
 Depending on several factors and with the passage of time these
structures may be damaged.
 Proper maintenance and restoration, design and execution by
qualified professionals, can reduce the major issues and extend
the serviceable lifespan of the building.
 Before a maintenance or restoration project begins, it is
important to evaluate the current conditions of the building
based on the original design and construction technology as well
as the current and/or future programming of the building.

Causes of deterioration in Historic masonry structures

1. Poor Original Design and/or Original Materials
2. Corrosion & Incompatibility of Secondary Materials
3. Movement or Settlement
4. Moisture Infiltration (Maintenance)

1. Poor Original Design and/or Original Materials
 Existing buildings represent  cross section of building
technology and materials.
 Historic buildings were constructed based on empirical design.

Materials and assemblage

techniques used were either
new to the market or not fully
understood based on long-term
 Issues can also arise not only from man-made materials but
weaknesses in natural materials that were not identified
prior to installation.
 When it comes to addressing issues associated with poor
original design or materials, a more thorough evaluation of the
materials and systems is necessary.
 Without proper regular maintenance, even quality materials and
assemblages can become vulnerable to deterioration through
environmental exposure - i.e. freeze/thaw cycles, thermal
fluctuations, etc.

Corrosion & Incompatibility of Secondary Materials
 Many masonry buildings, particularly those of the early 20th
century, contain secondary support members comprised of
various materials.
 Iron alloys in particular are prone to corrosion if not properly
treated. While cast and wrought iron produce very little
corrosion product, early forms of steel which are found in
masonry structures from this time period, can produce large
amount of corrosion product.

3. Movement or Settlement
During the lifespan of a building, there exists the potential for
movement whether from an earthquake or more long-term
conditions associated with the building foundation and interaction
between dissimilar materials. .
 Cracks are usually the first indication that some type of
movement is occurring in a building.
However, the presence of cracks does not necessarily mean that
there are structural issues with the entire building.

Cracks are merely a way of the building telling us that it wants to

distribute its load differently or that external stresses are being

4. Moisture Infiltration (Maintenance)
Depending on the type of masonry construction (i.e. mass masonry
wall vs. cavity wall) the relationship with moisture and potential
moisture infiltration issues will vary.

all building envelopes are

designed to provide protection against
sun, weather, and water.

 Masonry materials have performed this function successfully.

 If a masonry building has been designed and constructed
correctly, and the appropriate materials selected, the primary
issue with moisture infiltration lies in regular maintenance.

The masonry may be required to be strengthened for resisting the
Historic masonry units : Brick, Stone, and Terracotta and
*If these materials are not well maintained within the system, the
likelihood of water infiltration increases.

 Water in both small and large amounts can cause damage not
only to the wall system but interior finishes as well.
 Therefore, it is necessary to perform basic repairs such as
repointing to keep a building performing as it was originally

Stitching method of repairing walls/ slab cracks

Elevation of brick masonry wall showing typical cracks

Causes of Deterioration of Timber:
All natural and man made materials in the world are susceptible to
decay or deterioration.
According to national science foundation, deterioration is a time
dependent phenomenon.
Every infrastructure may deteriorate due to
i. Aging of constituent or constructed materials
ii. Climate exposure
iii. Excessive use
iv. Lack of adequate maintenance
v. Difficulties faced in appropriate inspection methods.

The decay of timber foundation may be caused by different factors
The main factors are as follows:
• Fungal decay
• Insect decay
• Other factors including chemical and chemical causes.

Fungal decay:
Such decay of timber may be due to
• Wet rot
• Dry rot
• Molds

Wet rot:
 Wet rot decay of timber is very common in timber building
which is responsible for about 90% of timber decay.
 Such fungus develops in timber when it remains persistently in
wet condition having moisture content of about 50~60 percent.

Dry rot:
Fungus like toadstools and mushrooms are usually responsible for
dry rot.
 Both belong to same group, the reproduction of which is as
spores. Such spores can be formed in large numbers under
favorable condition. The required moisture content is (20~30)%
within timber.

Molds usually formed over the surface of timber.
The porosity of timber element is increased upon formation of
molds which permits moisture to penetrate through the surface
and helps to keep wet.
 Thus fungus involved wet-rotting are developed and wet-rot
decay started.
 The deposit present on the surface

of timber is often taken as an

indication of having excessive

Insect decay:
 There are different types and species of insects that attack
 Some of them, like beetles, are formed to bore wood and
consume wood directly.
 Other insects are interested about wood which is already
subjected to fungal decay or about damp wood.

Other factors:
There have other factors which can result decay in timber.
Some of them are
1. Mechanical wear
2. Chemical decay
3. Decomposition of mass by physical agents like
Prolonged heating

List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic Topic Learning

Course Outcome
covered Outcome
Efflorescence, causes Describe the Causes Understand corrosion
and preventive of deterioration of protection methods
measures reinforced concrete of steel and
deterioration of
structures materials for
protecting structures
from degradation.

It is a whitish coloured powdered deposition of salts on the
concrete surface that is formed due to the evaporation of water
from the concrete.
 It is caused when water soluble salts are present in the concrete
material, which comes on the surface while evaporation of the
water from concrete.

Causes for formation of efflorescence in concrete
1. Presence of salts in one of the materials of concrete. Commonly
salts are found in the fine aggregate or sand taken from the
river beds.
2. If the concrete is not cured properly, the hydration process is
incomplete on which the un hydrated products near the surface
form the efflorescence on the surface of concrete.
3. Slow rate of evaporation of water allowing time for salts to
permeate to the surface.
4. If the water content in the concrete mix is more, it makes the
concrete porous. Thus allowing the path for water and salts to
come to the surface and form efflorescence.

 In wet conditions such as rainy season, the surplus water acts as
a medium for the salts to transport to the surface of concrete
and form crystalline white powder.
 Variability of concrete ( compaction or curing) can result in
localized problems where water can permeate more easily
through the concrete.

Types of salts in efflorescence
1. Calcium Sulphate
A common efflorescence salt source in brick
2. Sodium Sulphate
Often seen in cement-brick reactions
3. Potassium Sulphate
Noticeable in many cement-brick reactions
4. Calcium Carbonate
May be discovered in mortar or concrete backing
5. Sodium Carbonate
Frequently seen in mortar

6. Potassium Carbonate
Like sodium carbonate, commonly Found in mortar.
7. Vanadyl Sulphate
Usually found in brick
8. Manganese Oxide
Often present in brick.

Prevention of Efflorescence in Concrete
The preventive methods that can be used to avoid efflorescence in
concrete are,
1. Inclusion of Class-F fly ash or metakaolin can lock up significant
amounts of calcium hydroxide in the concrete.
2. Installing vapour barrier to prevent the movement of moisture
from the sub grade to the surface of a slab.
3. Application of sealers and coatings can prevent surface water
from penetrating slabs.


4. Waterproofing agents to be used to reduce permeability of
5. Making the concrete denser will reduce the permeability of
concrete to a greater extent.
6. Preventing the hardened concrete from exposure to moisture by
maintaining surface sealers and site drainage, and from rising
groundwater by placing a plastic membrane under slabs.
7. Avoiding the concrete from premature drying.
8. Use of concrete ingredient such as aggregate, cement and sand
which contains very less amount of salts in it.

Removal of Efflorescence in Concrete
Before removal of efflorescence in concrete, the source for the
cause for the efflorescence must be found out and tried to mitigate
Further the removal of efflorescence can be done in 3 methods,

1. Pressurised Water
Efflorescence in the concrete can be removed using the pressurised
water jet.
Applying pressurised water may dissolve efflorescence quickly. But
care must be taken that the water after removing of efflorescence
is completely dried off. If not dried, the same water can cause
efflorescence to reappear.

2. Brushing
Some type of efflorescence that are easily removed using a stiff,
bristle broom or brush.
If the result is not satisfactory by dry brushing, scrub with clean
water then lightly rinse the surface.
3. Dilute Acid Solution
Concentrated acid is not recommended to be applied on concrete,
diluted proportion of 1:20 is used.
 the surface in which the acid is applied must be moist but
without any free water.
 The applied solution should be allowed to react on the concrete
surface for 10 to 15 minutes. The surface should then be
thoroughly rinsed and scrubbed with lots of clean water.
 Repeat rinsing at least twice or untill all the traces of acid
solution have been removed.
 Washing with acid may cause colour variations and alter the
surface texture.
For coloured finishes a more dilute acid solution (2% or 1 part acid
to 50 parts water) may be required.
A small trial area should be done first to assess the results.
 Proper safety to be followed while doing this procedure.
 Ensure good ventilation and avoid contact between the acid and
the reinforcement.

Acids used in Removal of Efflorescence in Concrete
1. Hydrochloric acid.
2. Phosphoric acid.
3. Pre packaged efflorescence removers.

Applying of Coating to Prevent Efflorescence in Concrete:

Clear water repellents, silicone and acrylic coatings also may help to
remove efflorescence.
 The coating will absorb water across a masonry surface and
prevent efflorescence from recurring.
 the combination of warm water and white wine vinegar has
been shown to eliminate efflorescence.

Application of sealant coat is done in 3 steps:
1. Rinsing of Concrete
Rinse the building surface with water.
If the surface is outdoors, you can use a hose to spray down the
surface. Or, if the surface is indoors, you can use a spray bottle filled
with water to rinse the surface thoroughly.
2. Applying the Solution
Spray the cleaning solution onto the building surface and allow it to
sit for several minutes.
If necessary, you may need to apply multiple coats of the cleaning
solution to the surface for optimal results.

3. Rinsing of Concrete Again
 Rinse the building surface with water one last time. Then, use a
fresh, dry cloth to clean the surface.
 Ensure the surface is dry to minimize the risk of on going
 Apply coatings roughly 1/8 in. to 1/4 in. below the surface of the
building material.
This will prevent water from evaporating and passing through the
treated area as vapour and soluble salts.


List the course outcome / Topic outcome

Name of the Topic Topic Learning

Course Outcome
covered Outcome
Surface coatings for Describe the Causes of Understand corrosion
concrete, deterioration of protection methods of steel
reinforced concrete and deterioration of materials
for protecting structures from
structures degradation.
Special concrete Understand the Identify the appropriate
properties of special materials like special
materials concrete, ferro cement, epoxy
resins for repairing and
rehabilitation of structures.

Surface Coatings
Essential Parameters for coatings Protective coatings over structural
concrete should necessarily possess following properties:
1. Passes excellent bond to substrate
2. Be durable with a long useful life normally 5 years.
3. Little or no colour change with time.
4. Little or no chalking
5. Should have maximum permeability to allow water vapour
escape from concrete substrate,
6. Should have sufficient impermeability against the passage of
oxygen and carbon dioxide from air to concrete

7. Should be available in a reasonable range of attractive colours.

Types of surface coatings

The surface coating could be classified as:
1. Solvent based coatings
2. Solvent free coatings
3. Water borne coatings
4. Reinforced coatings (preferred for repairing Badly damaged
liquid Retaining structures)

various types coatings and their performance characteristics:
Epoxy coatings • Excellent adhesion to concrete,
and modified abrasion impact resistant, Impermeable
epoxy coating to organic and inorganic chemicals,
such as coal tar water and chloride ions.
epoxy, (IPN etc.) • Excellent resistant epoxy-phenolic to
corrosion & steel reinforcement.
• Generally used for internal applications.
Chlorinated • Resistant to heat, sunlight and weather
rubber coatings • moderately resistant to acids, alkalis..
• Not recommended for immersed
• Adhesion to concrete is good.

Acrylic Coatings Higher permeability, a life of three years
may be possible
Polyurethane Excellent UV resistance, abrasion and
coatings cracking resistance, has high elasticity
and resistance to biological department.

Bitumen or Tar Provide excellent protection; however

Products. aesthetics is affected

Products based on Showed satisfactory performance for

cement, sand and more than six years in tropical marine
asphalt atmosphere at exteme exposure

Vinyl copolymer resin Showed satisfactory performance

a) Polyvinyl Alcohol Adhesion to concrete is good,

Moderately resistant to water and mild
aggressive chemicals,
Good flexibility, hardness and abrasion

b) Polyvinyl Chloride Adhesion to concrete is very poor.

Excellent acid resistance
Not suitable on moist surface.

c) Polyinylidene Bonding to concrete is poor. Impact

Chloride resistance is also poor.

Rubber and resins Excellent water resistance and good
a) Chlorinated Waxes abrasion resistance, Adhesion to concrete
is good.
Fade under sunlight.

b) Polyrene Butadine Excellent resistance to both strong and

weak acids as well as strong alkalis, oil
grease and
water exterior durability is good
fade under sunlight.
c) Chlorosulphonated Good flexibility, excellent weather
polythlene resins resistant and good chemical resistant.


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