The Use of SpeechAce Speaking Test AI in Teaching-English
The Use of SpeechAce Speaking Test AI in Teaching-English
The Use of SpeechAce Speaking Test AI in Teaching-English
Postgraduate student-English education study program
Pattimura University
Why use AI?
1 One of technology is often used nowadays
Artificial Intelligence has become a driving force of innovation in industries such as education,
healthcare, finance, and transportation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human
intelligence processes by computer systems. The concept of AI dates back to Greek mythology, but the
term was coined in the 1950s. Since then, AI development has grown rapidly.
2 Features of SpeechAce
SpeechAce is an innovative AI-powered tool designed to enhance English speaking skills in
learners of all ages. SpeechAce's speaking tests encompass various features, including
accurate speech recognition, personalized feedback, and a comprehensive evaluation of
pronunciation and fluency. These features collectively contribute to a holistic assessment of
spoken English.
3 Challenges in Speaking English
Language learners often face challenges in pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.
SpeechAce addresses these challenges by offering a targeted approach to improve specific
aspects of spoken English.
The features of speechace speaking test
How to login
2 Create an account
Fill the blank with your data such name, email, etc. then click create account. Finally,
you success to have an account on the platform
3 Self-evaluate
Well, from the report you can know where your language level in learning English. You will
know what the things that you already good and things that you need to improve,
develop, and enhance in learning English.
1 3
4 6
Benefits of Speechace Speaking Test AI
Discover effective strategies for seamlessly incorporating SpeechAce into the curriculum to
build students' oral communication skills.
Learn how to optimize SpeechAce usage to create engaging and interactive English learning
Explore the tools provided by SpeechAce to track and analyze students' speaking abilities,
enabling personalized instruction.
Examples of Successful Implementation
Teachers have successfully Speechace AI has proven effective Speechace AI has been utilized as
integrated Speechace AI into their in virtual learning environments, a reliable language assessment
language classrooms, enabling providing engaging and tool, allowing teachers to assess
students to practice and receive interactive speaking practice for students' speaking skills more
immediate feedback. remote students. efficiently.
Challenges Faced in Using
Speechace Speaking Test AI
• Technological Limitations: Some schools may face challenges with
infrastructure or access to devices that support Speechace AI.
• Integration Resistance: Teachers and students may initially resist the
integration of AI technology in language learning due to unfamiliarity or
perceived replacement of human interaction.
• Privacy and Data Security: Concerns regarding data privacy and security
may arise when using Speechace AI.
Tips for Effective Integration
Training and Support Promote Monitor Progress
Regularly track and analyze
Provide adequate training and Encourage collaborative student progress using
ongoing support to teachers and activities that combine Speechace AI to identify areas of
students on how to effectively Speechace AI with other improvement and adapt teaching
use Speechace AI in the language learning strategies, strategies accordingly.
language learning process. fostering a balanced and
comprehensive approach.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Despite challenges, effective integration and Speechace Speaking Test AI opens doors to
support can maximize the benefits of transformative possibilities, creating a dynamic
Speechace Speaking Test AI in English and interactive learning experience for students
language teaching. and educators alike.