Protocols Architecture

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 Explain network protocols

 State network protocols and their functions
 Identify the layers of the OSI model and their functions
 Differentiate between OSI and TCP/IP models

 Theconcepts of distributed processing and computer

networking imply that entities in different systems need to
 Examples of entities are user application programs, file
transfer packages, database management systems,
electronic mail facilities, etc
 Examples of systems are computers, terminals, and
remote sensors
 An entity is anything capable of sending or receiving
 A system is a physically distinct object that contains one
or more entities
 For two entities to successfully communicate, they must
speak the same language
 What is communicated, how it is communicated, and
when it is communicated must conform to some mutually
acceptable set of conventions between the entities
 Protocolis defined as a set of rules governing the
exchange of data between two entities.
Key Elements of a Protocol

 Syntax. Includes such things as data format, coding, and

signal levels.
 Semantics. Includes control information for coordination
and error handling.
 Timing. Includes speed matching and sequencing.
Types of Network Protocols

 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
 Secure Socket Shell (SSH)
 Short Message Service (SMS)
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
 Internet Protocol (IP)
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
 Post office Protocol (POP)
 Simple mail transport Protocol (SMTP)
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
 Telnet
 DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
 Designed for transferring a hypertext
Hyper Text among two or more systems.
Transfer Protocol  HTML tags are used for creating links.
 These links may be in any form like
text or images.
 HTTP is designed on Client-server
principles which allow a client system
for establishing a connection with the
server machine for making a request.
 The server acknowledges the request
initiated by the client and responds
 A standard protocol to secure the
Hyper Text communication among two computers,
Transfer Protocol one using the browser and other fetching
Secure (HTTPS) data from web server.
 HTTP is used for transferring data
between the client browser (request) and
the web server (response) in the
hypertext format
 In the case of HTTPS, the transferring of
data is done in an encrypted format.
 HTTPS can thwart hackers from
interpretation or modification of data
throughout the transfer of packets.
Secure Socket Shell
(SSH)  This protocol provides secure
access to a computer, even if it
is on an unsecured network.
 SSH is particularly useful
for network administrators who
need to manage different
systems remotely.
 A protocol created to send and
Short Message receive text messages over
Service (SMS) cellular networks.
 SMS refers exclusively to text-
based messages.
 Pictures,videos or other media
require Multimedia Messaging
Service (MMS), an extension of
the SMS protocol.
 TCP is a popular
Control Protocol communication protocol used
(TCP) for communicating over a
 Itdivides any message into
series of packets that are sent
from source to destination.
 Packets get reassembled at the
 IP isdesigned explicitly as
Internet Protocol addressing protocol.
(IP)  Mostly used with TCP.
 IP addresses in packets help in
routing them through different
nodes in a network until it
reaches the destination system.
 The most popular protocol
connecting the networks.
 UDP is a substitute
User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) communication protocol to
Transmission Control Protocol
implemented primarily for
creating loss-tolerating and low-
latency linking between
different applications.
Post office Protocol
 POP3is designed for receiving
incoming E-mails.
Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol
 SMTP is designed to send and
distribute outgoing E-Mail.
 FTP allows users to transfer
File Transfer files from one machine to
Protocol (FTP) another.
 Responsiblefor uploading and
 Types of files may include
program files, multimedia files,
text files, and documents, etc.
 Telnet is a set of rules designed
for connecting one system with
Telnet another.
 The connecting process here is
termed as remote login.
 The system which requests for
connection is the local
computer, and the system which
accepts the connection is the
remote computer.
 A client/server protocol that automatically
Dynamic Host provides an Internet Protocol (IP) host with
Configuration its IP address
Protocol (DHCP)  With DHCP, this entire process is
automated and managed centrally.
 DHCP server maintains a pool of IP
addresses and leases an address to any
DHCP-enabled client when it starts up on
the network.
 Because the IP addresses are dynamic
(leased) rather than static (permanently
assigned), addresses no longer in use are
automatically returned to the pool for

 OSI stands for Open System Interconnection

 A reference model that describes how information from
a software application in one computer moves through a
physical medium to the software application in another
 OSI consists of seven layers, and each layer performs a
particular network function.
 OSImodel was developed by the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)
 Nowconsidered as an architectural model for the inter-
computer communications.
model divides the whole task into seven smaller and
manageable tasks. Each layer is assigned a particular task.
Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

 A protocol data unit (PDU) is an open-system

interconnection (OSI) term used in telecommunications
that refers to a group of information added or removed by
a layer of the OSI model.
 Each layer in the model uses the PDU to:
 communicate and exchange information, which can only be
read by the peer layer on the receiving device and is then
handed over to next upper layer after stripping.
 In layered systems, PDU represents a unit of data
specified in the protocol of a given layer, which consists
of protocol control information and user data.
 PDU is a significant term related to the initial four layers
of the OSI model.
 Physical layer PDU is a bit,
 Data link layer, it is a frame
 Network layer, it is a packet
 Transport layer, it is a segment.
 In Layer 5 and above, PDU is referred to as data.
Layers of the OSI Model
1. Physical Layer

 The physical layer is responsible for the physical cable or

wireless connection between network nodes.
 It defines the connector, the electrical cable or wireless
technology connecting the devices, and is responsible for
transmission of the raw data, which is simply a series of
0s and 1s
 Electrical, mechanical, and physical systems and
networking devices that include specifications such as
cable size, signal frequency, voltages, etc.
 Topologies such as Bus, Star, Ring, and Mesh
 Communication modes such as Simplex, Half Duplex,
and Full Duplex
 Data transmission performance, such as Bit rate and Bit
 Modulation, switching, and interfacing with the physical
transmission medium
 Common protocols include Wi-Fi, Ethernet, etc
 Hardware including networking devices, antennas, cables,
modem, and intermediate devices such as repeaters and hubs
2. Data Link Layer

 Establishes and terminates a connection between two

physically-connected nodes on a network.
 Itbreaks up packets into frames and sends them from
source to destination.
 It is composed of two parts:
 Logical Link Control (LLC), which identifies network
protocols, performs error checking and synchronizes frames,
 Media Access Control (MAC) which uses MAC addresses to
connect devices and define permissions to transmit and receive
 Thedata is transmitted sequentially and the layer expects
acknowledgement for the encapsulated raw data sent
between the nodes.
3. Network Layer

 Organizes and transmits data between multiple networks.

 Responsible for routing the data via the best physical path.
 The network layer implements logical addressing for data
packets to distinguish between the source and destination
 Outgoing data is divided into packets and incoming data is
reassembled into information that is consumable at a higher
application level.
 The network layer has two main functions.
 Breaking up segments into network packets, and reassembling
the packets on the receiving end.
 Routing packets by discovering the best path across a physical
 Thenetwork layer uses network addresses (typically IP
addresses) to route packets to a destination node.
 Network layer hardware includes router, 3-layer switches
 Protocols such as Internet Protocol (IPv4) version 4 and
Internet Protocol (IPv6) version 6
4. Transport Layer

 Ittakes data transferred in the session layer and breaks it

into “segments” on the transmitting end
 Itis responsible for reassembling the segments on the
receiving end, turning it back into data that can be used
by the session layer.
 Its functions include:
 error control, thus, resend the information that fails delivery.
 flow control
 congestion control to keep track of the data packets
 check for errors and duplication
 Protocols at transport layer include:
 TCP for connection-oriented data transmission
 UDP for connectionless data transmission
5. Session Layer

 Itmanages sessions between servers to coordinate

 Session refers to any interactive data exchange between
two entities within a network e.g. HTTPS session
 Itcreates communication channels, called sessions,
between devices.
 It is responsible for opening sessions, ensuring they
remain open and functional while data is being
transferred, and closing them when communication ends.
 Itcan also set checkpoints during data transfer - if the
session is interrupted, devices can resume data transfer
from the last checkpoint.
 Other functions are:
 authentication and authorization of communication between
specific apps and servers
 identifying full-duplex or half-duplex operations
 synchronizing data streams
 Session layer protocols include:
 Remote Procedure Call protocol (RPC)
 Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP)
 Session Control Protocol (SCP)
 Session Description Protocol (SDP)
6. Presentation Layer

 Converts data formats between applications and the

 Maps the semantics and syntax of the data such that the
received information is consumable for every distinct
network entity.
 E.g. the data we transfer from our encryption-based
communication app is formatted and encrypted at this layer
before it is sent across the network.
 Itdefines how two devices should encode, encrypt, and
compress data so it is received correctly at the other end.
 Ittakes any data transmitted by the application layer and
prepares it for transmission over the session layer.
 Atthe receiving end, the data is decrypted and formatted
into text or media information as originally intended.
 Summary of presentation layer functions:
 Data conversion
 Character code translation
 Data compression
 Encryption and decryption
7. Application Layer

 Itconcerns the networking processes at the application

 This layer interacts directly with end-users to provide
support for email, network data sharing, file transfers, and
directory services, among other distributed information
 It facilitates networking requests by end-user requests
 Determines resource availability
 Synchronizes communication
 Manages application-specific networking requirements
 Protocols at the application layer include:
 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
 Post Office Protocol (POP)
 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
 Domain Name System (DNS)

 TCP/IP specifies how data is exchanged over the internet

by providing end-to-end communications that identify how
it should be broken into packets, addressed, transmitted,
routed and received at the destination.
 TCP/IP requires little central management and is designed
to make networks reliable with the ability to recover
automatically from the failure of any device on the
 TCP defineshow applications can create channels of
communication across a network.
 Italso manages how a message is assembled into smaller
packets before they are then transmitted over the internet
and reassembled in the right order at the destination
 IP defines how to address and route each packet to make
sure it reaches the right destination.
 Each gateway computer on the network checks this IP
address to determine where to forward the message.
 TheTCP/IP model is a concise version of the OSI
 It contains four layers namely;
 Application Layer, Transport Layer, Internet Layer, and
Network Access Layer
Network Layer

 It is the lowest layer that is concerned with the physical

transmission of data.
 TCP/IP does not specifically define any protocol here but
supports all the standard protocols e.g. IP, HTTP etc
Internet Layer

 Itdefines the protocols for logical transmission of data

over the network.
 The main protocol in this layer is Internet Protocol (IP)
and it is supported by other protocols such as ICMP and
Transport Layer

 It is responsible for error-free end-to-end delivery of data.

 The protocols defined here are Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
Application Layer

 This is the topmost layer and defines the interface of host

programs with the transport layer services.
 This
layer includes all high-level protocols like Telnet,
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