VLSI Trends Revan

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A VLSI integrated-circuit die

• Very large-scale integration is the process of creating an integrated circuit by
combining millions or billions of MOS transistors onto a single chip.VLSI began in
the 1970s when MOS integrated circuit chips were widely adopted, enabling
complex semiconductor and telecommunication technologies to be developed.

• VLSI affords IC designers the ability to design utilizing less space. Typically,
electronic circuits incorporate a CPU,RAM, ROM, and other peripherals on a single
PCBA. However, very large-scale integration(VLSI) technology affords an IC
designer the ability to add all of these into one chip
 Moore’s law refers to a prediction made in 1965 by Gordon E. Moore, cofounder of Intel, that
the number of transistors that can be packed into a computer processor of a given size should
be expected to double every two years, while the cost of said computers is halved.

 Growth rate
 2x transistors & clock speeds every 2 years over 50 years
 10x every 6-7 years

 Dramatically more complex algorithms previously not feasible

 Dramatically more realistic video games & graphics animation (e.g. Xbox
360 Kinect, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 4)
 1 Mb/s DSL to 10 Mb/s Cable to 2.4 Gb/s Fiber to Homes.
 2G to 3G to 4G wireless communications.
 MPEG -1 to MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 to H.264 video compression.
 480x 270 (0.13 million pixels) NTSC to 1920x1080 (2 million pixels) HDTV
Moore’s law representation in graph
 Many other factors grow exponentially
Ex: clock frequency, processor performance
Multicore processors

 E.g. Intel Itanium II

 6-way Integer Unit <2% die area
 Cache logic > 50% die area
 Most of chip there to keep these 6 integer
Units at “peak” rate.
 Main issue is external DRAM latency (50ns)
to internal clock (0.25ns) is 200:1.
 Increase performance by higher clock
frequency and more complex pipelining &
speculative execution
Multicore Era

 Multicore Era
 Operate at lower voltage & lower clock frequency
 Simpler processor cores
 Increase performance by more cores per chip

 E.g. intel 10 Core Xeon Westmere-EX 1 core

 1.73-2.66 GHz (vs. previous Xeons at 4Ghz)

 Embedded multicore processors replacing ASICs
 Much simpler processor cores, much smaller caches
 E.g. Tilera-GX: 100 processors

Embedded Multicore Processors

Standard Cells


 The integration density of ICs and the greatly upgraded. The use of one billion
transistors ability of a single IC is now possible. However, this also requires a new system
configuration and a substantial upgrade of design productivity. There are also major
improvements in the area of structural complexities. This is achieved through inventing different
design methods and investing more in design works.

 According to IRTS, the number of transistors in a chip will continue to rise exponentially. The
case is the same for the number of local clock frequencies required for high-performance. The
rise is expected to take place over a period of 10 years.
According to IRTS, we should be expecting the following changes
in general trends:

 Greater increase in the number of transistors for processors and DRAM memory features.
 The lime widths of ICs will relatively be shrunk to smaller sizes.
 We will also see some growth in the chip die sizes.
 Semiconductor fabrication practice will also be met with increased complexity.
As technology scales, important new opportunities emerge for VLSI
ICs designers. Understanding technology trends and specific applications is the main criterion for
designing efficient and effective chips. There are several difficult and exciting challenges facing
the design of complex ICs . To continue
its phenomenal historical growth and continue to follow Moore’s law, the semiconductor industry
will require advances on all fronts –from front-end process
And lithography to design innovative high-performance processor architectures
And SoC solutions. The roadmap’s goal is to bring experts together in each of these fields to
determine what those challenges are, and potentially how to solve them.

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