BSE Abstract Binary Relations 1

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Binary Relations
Exercise Review:

3. On Z define the relation R the by a R b if and only if  Z. Give 3 elements

of this relation. Is R an equivalence relation? Explain.

4. On the set of real numbers define xy if x – y = 0. Give sample elements

of this relation.

5. Consider the equivalence relation R induced by the partition P = {{1}, {2,4,3}

} on A = { 1, 2, 3, 4}. Write the equivalence relation R as a set of ordered
3. On Z define the relation R the by a R b if and only if  Z. Give 3 elements
of this relation.

Sample elements: (1,2), (2,4), (3,3), (3,6), (4,5) …

Is R an equivalence relation? Explain.

Ans. R is not a relation because R is

- not reflexive. Counterexample: (1,1)  R since  Z.
- and not transitive. Counterexample: (1,2)  R and (2,4)  R but
- (1,4) R
5. Consider the equivalence relation R induced by the partition P = {{1}, {2,4,3}
} on A = { 1, 2, 3, 4}. Write the equivalence relation R as a set of ordered

R = {(1,1), (2,2), (2,4), (2,3), (4,2), (4,4), (4,3), (3,2), (3,4), (3,3)}
Functions vs. Relations
Lesson Focus 1
-How functions maybe
 table of values
The Grade 11 (General
Mathematics) content
revolves around the
 Ordered pairs
concept of functions and
its applications.
 Graphs

 Equations
y = 3x - 4
Lesson Focus 2: Differentiating functions from relations

 Based on definition, no two ordered pairs have the same 1st coordinate
 {(1,2),(2,2), (3,5), (4,5)}
 {(1,3),(1,4), (2,3), (4,5)}

 Mapping of elements: each element in the domain (input) is paired to a single

element in output (range)

 
 Vertical line intersects the graph at most once (vertical line test)

 Equation produces only one value for each x in the input (domain)
Why keep functions apart from relation?
Functions have rules
• Many widely used formulas in
1. that is true to every element in
the domain (input) mathematics classes are
expressions of known functions
such as the formula for
2. that produce unique output for the circumference of the circle
every input C = 2πr

• trigonometric function, such as

sin x and cos x, where x is the
measure of an angle and their
periodic nature are often used
to model behaviour that
A function is a relation that works repeats, or “cycles.”
efficiently (that’s why it is called a function )
Functions are relations which are
central objects of study and
investigations in modern

If a variable y is so related to a
Functions are essential for variable x that whenever a numerical
formulating physical relationships in value is assigned to x, there is a rule
the sciences. according to which a unique value
of y is determined, then y is said to be a
function of the independent variable x.
The modern definition of function
was first given in 1837 by the
German mathematician Peter
Dirichlet as follows:
Binary Operation

A binary operation is loosely defined as simply a rule for combining two

values to create a new value. For this reason, a binary operation is considered a
“new math” with abstracted properties from the usual operations we know and
extended to other sets, creating other algebraic structures.
The most widely known binary operations are those we learned in
elementary school: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on various
sets of numbers.


 Not all operations we know are binary on the given set.

 There are other operations defined on sets that have the same properties as
the usual operation we know.
Definition Remark:
A binary operation  on a • The term binary refers to the fact
non-empty set S is a rule that that the rule is used for combining
assigns to each ordered pair of two elements (at a time).
elements x, y in S exactly one
element x  y  S. • To show that  is a binary operation
on S, we need to determine
This means that a binary • a b is well-defined in S that is,
operation * on a non-empty set S is a  b exists uniquely
function from S x S to S, that is • a  b  S, that is
: SxSS S is closed under .
( a, b)  a  b
Other Examples:

1. On the set Z, define a * b = a if a = b and the smaller of a or b if a  b.

Example: 3 * 2 = 2; -1 * 5 = -1; 8 * 8 = 8.

The operation * is a binary on Z since  a, b  Z,

a * b is unique and a * b  Z.

2. Define  on Z+ such that a  b = 3a + b (see example above).

i. The given operation  is binary on Z+ since clearly the formula a+ 3b gives
a unique result for every a, b  Z+. Thus  is well-defined.
ii. Since a > 0  3a > 0. Since b > 0, it follows that 3a + b > 0 therefore a 
b  Z+ . Thus Z+ is closed under .
  is a binary operation.

Show whether the operation defined on the given set is a binary operation or NOT.

1. Let * be defined on Z as follows: a * b = a + b + 4  a, b  Z.

2. Let * be defined on the set S = { 1, 2, 3} as follows:  a, b  S, a * b is less than both

a and b

3. On Z+, define a * b = c where is c the smallest integer greater than both a and b

4. On Z+, define a * b = c where is c is at least 5 more than a + b.


Show whether the operation defined on the given set is a binary operation or NOT.

1. Let * be defined on Z as follows: a * b = a + b + 4  a, b  Z. Binary

2. Let * be defined on the set S = { 1, 2, 3} as follows:  a, b  S, a * b is less than both

a and b. NOT BINARY

3. On Z+, define a * b = c where is c the smallest integer greater than both a and b

4. On Z+, define a * b = c where is c is at least 5 more than a + b. NOT BINARY

Commutative and Associative Binary Operations

Definition: A binary operation * on set S is said to be

1. commutative if  a, b  S. a * b = b * a.
2. associative if  a, b, c  S. (a * b) * c= a * (b * c)


1. The usual addition and multiplication in Z, Q and R are commutative and

associative as demonstrated since elementary mathematics.
1. On Z+, a * b = 3ab + 1 is commutative since 3*4 = 37

a * b = 3ab +1 and
b * a = 3ba + 1 = 3ab + 1 since multiplication is commutative

For associativity, let a, b, c  Z+. Then

(a * b) * c = (3ab + 1) * c = 3(3ab + 1)c + 1 = 9abc + 3c + 1 while

a * ( b * c ) = a * (3bc + 1) = 3a (3bc + 1)+ 1 = 9abc + 3a + 1

Since (a * b) * c  a * ( b * c ), * is not associative.


2. Define the binary operation * on Z+ such that x*y = x + 3y. Determine if * is associative and/or

Seatwork: email to: [email protected]


The binary operation * is defined on Z+ such that x*y = x + 3y is

not commutative and since  x, y  Z+

x*y = x + 3y while y*x = y + 3x.

not associative since  x, y, z  Z+ (x* y) * z  x* ( y* z ) as follows:

(x y)  z x ( y z )
=( x + 3y )  z = x  (y + 3z)
=( x + 3y ) + 3z = x + 3 ( y + 3z )
= x + 3y + 3z = x + 3y + 9z
A binary operation on a finite set S may also be defined by means of a table which is an n x n matrix
if S = n. The multiplication table is a matrix an = [aij] such that if
S = {s1, s2, s3,… sn},

aij = si * sj

Example: If S = { a, b, c} and a binary operation * is defined on S by

The aij’s are in the shaded region of the table where a * a = b; a * b = c and so on. Notice that
the si * sj is unique and clearly an element of S.

If a binary operation on set S is commutative, its multiplication table has entries that are
symmetric about the main diagonal that is aij = aji. The operation defined on the given table
above is in fact commutative.

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