Module 1 - Week 1 - Gen.-Math-2-FINAL

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Module 1: Week 1: First Grading

Title of the Activity:

Functions: Evaluating Functions, Operations of
Functions, Solving Problems Involving Functions


The main objective of this module is for the students to cite an example of
functions in real-life including piecewise function and its importance. Students were able
to define functions and distinguish them from relation and equation, at the same time,
evaluates functions, perform operations of functions like adding, subtracting, multiplying,
dividing functions including composition of functions.

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

At the end of this module, the learner should be able to;
1. Represents real life situations using functions including piecewise
2. Evaluate functions.
3. Performs addition, subdivision, multiplication, division, and composition
of functions.
4. Solve problems involving functions.

Let’s Recall

A. Perform the Operations on Integers

1. -5 + (-7) 3. 10 + (-12)
2. 9 + (-3) 4. -13 – 8
5. 6 – 9 8. -7 – (-12)
6. 7 – (-8) 9. - 24 ÷ 6
7. (-9) (-7) 10. (-30) (5)

B. Operations on Algebraic Expressions
Perform the indicated operations:

In adding and subtracting algebraic expressions, find the LCD first. Then, LCD
divided by the denominator, multiplied to the numerator. Simplify after.
In multiplying algebraic expressions, Factor the numerator and the denominator
first, cancel the common factors, and multiply the remaining factors.
In dividing algebraic expressions, factor the numerator and the denominator
then, multiply the dividend with the reciprocal of the divisor.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

A. Functions in Real Life

What is the function in real life?
Every day, you find situations where one quantity depends on another. Example,
your Meralco bill depends on your daily consumption. The tax due your parents paid
depends on their salary. This shows that the output (bill or tax due) depends on the input
(electric daily consumption, amount of salary). This is an example of function

In the picture, the old clothes are the input,

placed in automatic machine, then it will produce
clean clothes as an output.

So, in real life, a function is thought like a “machine” that accepts values of inputs and
produces values of outputs.

Given the table:
RULE f(x) = 2x +3
Add 6 to the input y
I 6 12 O
-2 -1
N 8 20 U
P 15 27 T -1 1
U 4 16 P 0 3
T 13 25 U 1 5
12 24 T 2 7

Table 1 Table 2

On the first table (table 1), the values in the left are the set of inputs and it
undergoes in a certain function rule, and then it produces set of outputs at the right.
These outputs are also known as values of f(x).
In the second table (table 2), the values of x correspond the unique values of y.
Since y is the dependent (output) variable, then y can be expressed as the function of x
which is f(x) = 2x + 3 or y = 2x + 3.

Definition of Terms:
Relation – is a rule that relates values from a set of values (called the domain) to second set
of values (called the range)
A relation is a set of ordered pairs (x,y).
Function – is a relation were each element in the domain is related to the only one value of
range by some rule.
Domain – the set of all possible values that that x can take
Range – the set of y-values

Example 1. Which of the following relations are functions? Why?

a. {(1,2), (2,3), (3,5), (4,2)} Example a and c are functions since there is no
b. {(1,3), (1,4), (2,5), (2,6) two ordered pairs have the same x-values while
example b is not a function since there is a
c. {(1,3), (2,6), (4,9),… (n,3n)…} repetition of x values which is 1 and 2.

Relations and functions can be represented by mapping diagrams where the

elements of the domain are mapped to the elements of the range using arrows. In this
case, the relation of function is represented by the set of all he connections represented
by the arrows.

Example 2: Which of the following mapping diagrams represent functions?

The relation a, b, and d are functions since the first element is mapped to the second
element only once. The relation c is not a function since the first element is mapped to
the second element more than once.

A function is a special kind of relation in which no two distinct ordered pairs

have the same first element.

Example 3: Which of the following can be graph of the function?

Examples a and b are functions since the graph and the vertical line intersects at exactly
one point while example c is NOT a function since the vertical line meets the circle at two

Vertical Line Test

A graph represents a function if and only if each vertical line intersects the graph at exactly
one point.

Example 4: Which of the following equation is a function?
a. f(x) = 5x -2
b. 3x – 2y = 8
c. 4 + 5 = 3 + 6
d. V(t) = t
e. 5x – 3 = 5
Solution: Example a, b, and d are functions while example c and e are not a function.

Equations denote equality between two expressions. On the other hand,

functions denote relationships between two variables. A function always involves
a relation between a set of inputs and a set of outputs.

B. Piecewise Function

A game at a theme park offers prize money based on the number of

balls you can successfully shoot in one minute.
 0-7 successful shots: no prizes
 8-15 successful shots: ₱150
 more than 15 successful shots: ₱200
Write a piecewise function M(x) that relates the prize money offered
to the number of successful shots you make.
The piecewise function that can represent the problem is:
0 , If 0 ≤ x ≤ 7

M(x) = 150 , if 8 ≤ x ≤ 15
200 , if x > 15

C. Evaluating Functions
Evaluating a function means replacing the variable in the function, in this case x, with a
value from the function's domain and computing for the result. To denote that we are
evaluating f at x for some x in the domain of f, we write f(x)
Example 4: Evaluate the following functions.
a. f(x) = 2x + 1 when x = 2



6 x  1 if x  0
d. f ( x)  
7 x  3 if x  0

find f(-3) f(2)


To evaluate functions, just replace all the value of x to the function to find f(x) or y.
a. f(x) = 2x + 1
f(2) = 2(2) + 1
g(-1) = (-1) – 5(-1) + 2

= 1+ 5 + 2
f(2) = 5 g(-1) = 8

6 x  1 if x  0
d. f ( x)  
7 x  3 if x  0 Find : a. f(-3) b. f(2)

Since -3 is less than 0 (x< 0) . So, Since 2 is greater than 0 (x > 0) . So,
we substitute -3 using 6x – 1. To substitute 2 using 7x + 3. To evaluate,
f(2) = 7x + 3
f(-3) = 6x – 1
= 7(2) + 3
= 6(-3) – 1
= 14 + 3
= -18 – 1
= 17
= -19

D. Operations on Functions

Definition. Let f and g be functions

1. Their sum denoted by f + g is the function denoted by
(f + g) (x) = f(x) + g(x)
2. Their difference denoted by f – g is the function denoted by
(f - g) (x) = f(x) - g(x)
3. Their product denoted by f ● g is the function denoted by
(f ● g) (x) = f(x) ● g(x
4. Their quotient, denoted by f/g , is the function denoted by

excluding the values of x where g(x) = 0

Use the function below

 f(x) = 2x + 1
 g(x) = x2 – 2x + 1

Example: 1
Determine the following functions:
1. f(x) + g(x) 2. f(x ) – g(x) 3. g(x) ● r(x) 4.

1. f(x) + g(x) = (2x + 1) + (x2 – 2x + 2)
= x2 + 2x – 2x + 2 + 1
Combining like terms
= x2 + 3

1. f(x) – g(x) = (2x + 1) - (x2 – 2x + 2)

= 2x + 1 – x2 + 2x – 2 Note: In subtracting polynomials, change
= - x2 + 2x + 2x + 1 – 2 the sign of the subtrahend and combine like
= - x2 + 4x - 1

= (x – 1) (2x + 1)

= 2x2 – x - 1


Definition. Let f and g be functions. The composite function denoted by

(f ○ g) “read as f circle g) is defined by ((f ○ g)x ) . The process of obtaining a
composite function is called function composition.

Use the following functions:
 f(x) = 2x + 1
 g(x) = x2 – 2x + 3

Example 2: Simplify using composition of functions

a. (f ○ g)(x) b. (g ○ f)(x) c (f ○ p)(x)

a. (f ○ g)(x) = f[g(x)] = 2 (x2 – 2x + 3) + 1

= 2x2 – 4x + 6 + 1
In composition of functions
(f ○ g)(x) = f[g(x)} means that all x in f(x)
= 2x2 – 4x + 7
should replace by the given g(x).

b. (g ○ f)(x) = g[f(x)] = (2x + 1)2 – 2(2x + 1) + 3

= 4x2 + 4x + 1 – 4x – 1 + 3 Squaring Binomial
= 4x2 + 4 1. square the first term.
2. twice the product of the first
and second term.
3. square the last term

E. Solve problems Involving Functions

1. Roberto receives a monthly salary of ₱12,000. On top of
his monthly salary, he also receives a commission of ₱150 for
every cellphone that costs ₱15,000 and above that he sells.
How much will Roberto receive in a month if he was able to
sell 20 cell phones that cost ₱15,000 and above?
Let c be the number of cellphones sold and R(c) be Roberto’s monthly salary.

Substitute the given values in the function.
R(c) = 150 c + 12 000
R(20) = 150 (20) + 12 000
R(20) = 3 000 + 12 000
R(20) = 15 000
Thus, Roberto will receive ₱15,000 in a month if he was able to sell 20 cell phones that
cost ₱15,000 and above.

Let’s Apply

A. Direction: Determine whether the following is a function or NOT. Explain why.

1. (2,3), (3,2), (2,5), (5,2) Reason: ___________________________
2. (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5) Reason: ___________________________
3. (1,4), (2,4),(3,4), (4,4) Reason: ___________________________
4. A(r) = πr2 Reason: ___________________________
5. 4 = 12 – 8 Reason: ___________________________
6. y = 2 Reason: ___________________________
7. 5x +4y = 9 Reason: ___________________________
8. Students and their ID number. Reason: ___________________________
9. Students and subjects Reason: ___________________________
10. Countries and their national flags Reason: ___________________________

11. Reason: ___________________________

12. Reason: ___________________________

13. Reason: ___________________________

14. Reason: ___________________________

15. Reason: ___________________________

Let’s Analyze

I. Direction: Write True beside the statement if the statement is true. Otherwise, write
False for false statements. Justify your answer why false.
1. In the function, the dependent variable is the output and the independent variable is the
2. Functions can be modeled by the “input-process-output” machine.
3. All relations are functions
4. All equations are functions.
5. All functions are equations.

II. Find the specified value. III. Analyze and answer the problem,
1. A certain chocolate bar costs P35.00 per
A. Given the function p(x) = 4x - 5
piece. However, if you buy more than 10
, find the answer of the missing table. pieces, they will be marked down to a price
of P32.00 per piece. Use a piecewise
P(x) x
function to represent the cost in terms of the
3 1._____ number of chocolate bars bought.
2. _____ -2 2. The cost of producing gadget by a
3. _____ 4 company is given (in pesos) by the function
f(x) = 1500x + 7000. What is the cost of
-9 4. ______ producing 50 gadgets? 100 gadgets?
5. ______ 0
IV. Consider the following functions.
f(x) = 5x – 2 p(x) = x - 2
B. Given the graph of the function,
find the specified value (value of y) g(x) = x2 – 4
1. (f+ p)(x) = ____________________
2. (p – g)(x) = ___________________
3. (f●v)(x) = _____________________
4. (g/v)(x) = _____________________
5. (f ○ g)(x) = ____________________

1. f(-1) ________
2. f(0) ________
3. f(3) ________
4. f(-2) ________
5. f(4) ________

Let’s Evaluate

Direction: Find the value of the unknown variable in a given function.

g(x) = -3x + 1 r(x) = x2 + 7 h( x )  j( x )  2 x  9

2 x if x  1

f ( x)  3x  1 if  1  x  2
 1
 x if x  2
 2

1. g(0) = _________________ 6. r(4) = ________________

2. h(3) = _________________ 7. f(0) = ________________
3. j(-3) = _________________ 8.f(-4) = ________________
4. f(-1) = _________________ 9. h(-12) = ______________
5. f(10) = _________________ 10. f(2) = _______________

Let’s Create

Direction: Given the set of coordinates, plot the points in Cartesian plane.
Connect the points and the determine if the
graph is a function or NOT.
1. {(0,-3), (2,0), (-2,0), (3,2), (-3,2), (4,6), (-4,6)}
2. {(0,0), (1,1),(1,-1), (3,5), (3,-5),(4,7), (-4,7)}


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