Presentation COT 2 GRADE 4

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Soil covers most of the
land part of the earth. You
find plants, animals,
houses and other
organisms on the soil. We
live on the soil and it
helps us in many ways.
Different types of soil
have different physical
characteristics. Each
soil types differ in
color, texture, odor and
its ability to hold water.
Some soils are good for
planting while others are not.
The presence of the different
kinds of vegetative plants in a
place is an evidence of a good
quality of soil in the area or
location. Sometimes, a
combination of soil is observed
in some areas of the country.
Who among you here loves
to go to the beach?
We noticed that the soil
on the beach is sandy.
Sometimes you play with the
soil on the beach. You make
sand castles or cover your body
with the sand. Sand is made up
of fine particles of rocks.
What is the sand made up?
There are places in the Philippines where
the sand is white, like the sand in
Boracay . Here in the province of Iloilo we
have the Isla Gigantes which attracts lots
of tourist. The sand in some Beaches in
Iloilo is black or dark. There are also tons
of sand in the desert. Where animals and
plants that can tolerate too much heat can
live. Sandy soil of whatever color is not
good for growing plants because sandy
soil cannot hold water well. Water easily
passes through the soil particles .Sandy
soils contains high proportion of sand and
little clay (clay weighs more than sand).
Have you ever experienced flood in your
When the water recedes after a flood,
the soil that settles or deposits on the ground
is silt. Silt is made up of fine particles that
are usually carried away by rainwater into a
river or sea. Silt particles are smaller than
sand but bigger than clay. Silt soil is a light
and moisture retentive soil type with a high
fertility rating. As silt soils compromise of
medium sized particles they are well drained
and hold moisture well.
Ceramic articles are made of clay.
Clay is made up of very fine particles
of rocks. The characteristic that
makes clay best in ceramic making is
its stickiness, which makes it easy to
mold. Dry clay is hard but sticky
when wet. Clay is not a good soil for
plants. It tends to pack together,
leaving no room for air or water
movement. Clay is a type of soil is
heavy that benefits from high
nutrients. Clay soils remain wet and
cold in winter and dry out in summer.
We use loam soil. Loam soil is a mixture of
silt, clay, sand and humus. Humus comes
from decayed plants and animals. It is the
part of the soil that makes it fertile. Fertile
soil makes plants grow healthy. Humus
makes the soil dark. Sometimes the color of
loam is brown or orange brown. Loam can
best absorb the minerals and nutrients that
plants need. Loam also holds just the right
amount of water that plants need. Loam soil
is very important especially in agriculture to
produce good quality crops.
Types of soil Common Characteristics
Sandy has the coarsest particles. It can be of light or dark color. It is one of the poorest types of
1. Sandy soil for growing plants because it has very low nutrients and poor water holding capacity, which
makes it hard for the plant’s roots to absorb water.
Silt is a type of soil that is finer than sand but coarser than clay. It has smooth and fine texture
2. Silt that holds water better than sand. Silt can be brownish or dark in color just like clay, silt holds
water and becomes sticky.
Clay is the finest of all the soil particles. It is brownish in color, tightly packed together and
3. Clay very sticky to touch when wet, but smooth when dry. Clay is good for making pots and jars but
it is not good for plants.
Loam is the combination of sand, silt, clay and humus. Humus includes decaying matters like
4. Loam leaves, branches, plants and animals. Humus makes the soil rich in natural fertilizer. Loam has a
fine texture and can hold enough water and oxygen.
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct
and False if it is wrong.
________1. Soil covers most of the land part of
the earth.
________2. You find plants, animals, houses and
other organisms on the soil.
________3. There are 4 main types of soil.
________4. All kinds of soils are good for
________5. The presence of the different kinds of
vegetables plants in a place, is an evidence of
a good quality of soil in the area or location.
 What are the different kinds of

 What are the characteristic of sand?

Silt? Clay? And loam?

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