Dapo Akinpelumi

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Solar System
Dapo Akinpelumi
Meaning of Solar System.
Components of Solar
Meaning of Planets.
Description of Each
Meaning Of Solar System
The solar system consists 
of the sun and everything
that orbits, or travels
around, the sun. This
includes the eight planets
and their moons, dwarf
planets, and countless
asteroids, comets, and
other small, icy objects.
However, even with all
these things, most of the
solar system is empty
Components Of Solar System
In total, our solar system
contains one star(the
sun), four terrestrial
inner planets(Mercury,
Venus, Earth and Mars),
and four outer gas
giants(Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune). It
also contains thousands
of comets and over 1
million asteroids.
Meaning Of A Planet
A planet is any of the large
bodies that orbit the sun,
including Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune, in order
of closeness to the sun.
The Eight Planets
Descriptions Of Each Planet
Mercury is the first of
all the four terrestrial
planets. This means
it is mostly made up
of rocks. It is the
smallest of the
terrestrial planets.
Due to its closeness
to the sun, it is very
difficult to see
Of all the planets, Venus is
the most similar to Earth.
In fact, Venus is often
called Earth’s “sister”
planet. As similar as it is in
some ways, however, it is
also very different in
Earth and Venus are very
similar in size. The two
planets are very close to
each other as they orbit
the Sun. Venus is the most
visible planet in the night
The earth is the only
planet known where
life exists. While other
planets may have small
amounts of ice or
steam, the Earth is 2/3
water. Earth has
perfect conditions for a
Earth is the largest of
the terrestrial planets
and the fifth largest in
the solar system.
No planet has sparked
the imaginations of
humans as much as
Mars. It may be the
reddish color of Mars, or
the fact that it can often
be easily seen in the
night sky, that has
caused people to wonder
about this close
neighbour of ours. Even
if it is one of the
terrestrial planets,
scientists aren’t sure if
life can survive there.
The planet Jupiter is the
first of the gas giants
planets, made mostly of
gas. Jupiter is first among
the planets in terms of
size and mass. The “Great
Red Spot” on Jupiter is
actually a raging storm.
This giant planet comes in
first again when it comes
to giving off heat. The
core of Jupiter may be
made of liquid rock.
Most people know about the
rings around Saturn, because
they are the brightest and
most colorful. These rings are
made mainly out of ice
particles orbiting the planet.
While the rings themselves
seem big, the particles are
very small. Saturn is the
second largest planet. It is the
farthest planet from the Earth
that can be seen without a
telescope. It appears flat at
the poles because its great
rotational speed makes the
middle of the planet budge.
Uranus is the first planet so
far away from the Earth that
it can only be seen with the
use of a telescope. As
astronomers studied the
object more closely, they
discovered that it had
circular orbit around the
Sun. Uranus is so far from
the Sun that it takes 84 years
to complete an orbit of the
Sun. It is the only planet
that spins on its side, so
each pole is tilted away from
the Sun for half its orbit.
It is the most
distant planet from
the Sun. It takes a
very long time- 165
years– to orbit the
Sun. Neptune was
named after the
Roman god of the
sea because it is so
far out in the deep
“sea” of space.
In conclusion, the solar
system is a fascinating and
dynamic collection of
celestial bodies, each with
its own unique

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