Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Area of Bending
Moment diagram between points
A and B
Moment-Area Method
• Second moment-area theorem
Deviation of point B
from tangent at A = First
moment of area of Bending
Moment diagram between
points A and B,evaluated
with respect to B.
Problem 4
• Determine the angle of rotation and deflection at the free end
B of a cantilever beam AB supporting a concentrated load P.
The beam has length L and constant flexural rigidity EI.
Problem 5
• Find the angle of rotation and
deflection at the free end B of a
cantilever beam ACB supporting
a uniform load of intensity q
acting over the right-hand half of
the beam. The beam has length
L and constant flexural rigidity
Buckling of Column
Critical load
Column with Pinned Ends
Critical stress =
= radius of gyration = , Slenderness ratio
Column fixed at base and free at top
Column with both end fixed
𝟒 𝝅 𝑬𝑰
𝑷 𝒄𝒓 = 𝟐
Column fixed at base and pinned at top
𝟐 . 𝟎𝟒𝟔 𝝅 𝑬𝑰
𝑷 𝒄𝒓 = 𝟐
Effective Lengths of Columns
• The effective length for any column is the length of equivalent
pinned-end column.
Strain Energy
• Strain energy due to axial load
• The work done by the load is equal to the area below the
load-displacement curve
• Strain energy is defined as the energy absorbed by the bar
during loading process
• It is equal to the work done by the load provided no energy
is added to or subtracted from the system
Linearly Elastic Behavior Material
Strain Energy,
Nonuniform Bars
Strain Energy Density
• Strain energy per unit volume of the material
• A cantilever beam AB is
subjected to three different
loading conditions: (a) a
concentrated load P at its free
end, (b) a couple Mo at its
free end, and (c) both loads
acting simultaneously. For
each loading condition,
determine the strain energy of
the beam.
Castigliano’s theorem
Castigliano’s theorem
𝜹 𝑨=
𝜽 𝑨=
Use of a Fictitious Load
𝜹𝑪 =
𝜹𝑪 =? ? 𝝏𝑸
• Q = Fictitious or imaginary load
Modified Castigliano’s theorem
Problem 9
• A simple beam with an overhang supports a uniform load of
intensity q on span AB and a concentrated load P at end C of
the overhang. Determine the deflection and angle of
rotation at point C.