Competitive Advantages - Group 6

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Lecturer: Mr. Dr. Ir. Syahrial Shaddiq, M.Eng., M.M.
Member’s of Group

01 Roldan Rompas Masoa


02 Joan Budiman Mahalong


03 Daniela Ortega Ambalao

• Defining Competitive Advantage
• Types of Competitive Advantage
• Concept of Competitive Advantage
• Sustainable Competitive Advantage
• Effect of competitive advantage
• Competitive Intelligence
• Achieving and Maintaining
Competitive Advantage
• The Importance of Competitive
• Conclusion
Defining Competitive
Competitive Advantage
• Competitive advantage refers to a company's ability to outperform its
rivals in the market. It is the unique value a business offers to its
customers, allowing it to command higher prices or gain greater
market share.

• Competitive advantage can stem from various factors, such as

superior product quality, innovative technology, exceptional
customer service, or cost-efficiency. Understanding and leveraging
these advantages is crucial for a business to thrive in a competitive
Types of Competitive Advantage

Cost Leaderships Differentiation Focus Strategy

Cost leadership is a strategy where Differentiation involves creating The focus strategy involves targeting
a company aims to be the lowest- a unique product or service that a narrow, specific segment of the
cost producer in its industry. This customers perceive as superior. market and tailoring the company's
allows the company to undercut This could be through superior offerings to that niche. This allows
competitors on price and gain a quality, innovative features, or the company to better meet the
larger market share. unique needs of that segment.
exceptional customer service.
Concept of Competitive Advantage
• The concept of competitive advantage is fundamental to strategic management, as it helps
organizations identify and leverage their unique strengths to outperform the competition. By
understanding and continuously enhancing their competitive position, businesses can position
themselves for sustainable growth and profitability in their respective markets.

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

• Sustainable competitive advantage is the ability to maintain a
leading position in the market over the long-term. This requires
continuous innovation, adapting to changing customer needs, and
building barriers to entry that competitors cannot easily overcome.
• Key strategies for achieving sustainable advantage include
investing in R&D, developing unique products or services, and
cultivating strong brand loyalty. Firms must also optimize their cost
structures and operational efficiencies to maintain a competitive
Effect of competitive advantage

Improved Financial
Enhanced Customer Increased Employee
A strong competitive advantage Loyalty Motivation
can lead to higher profitability, When a company offers a unique A company with a strong
increased market share, and better product or service, customers are competitive advantage can often
financial results for a business. more likely to remain loyal and provide better compensation,
This allows the company to continue doing business with that benefits, and career opportunities to
reinvest in growth and company. This customer loyalty its employees. This can lead to
innovation, further strengthening can be a powerful driver of long- higher employee satisfaction,
its position in the market. term success and sustainable reduced turnover, and a more
growth. motivated and engaged workforce.
Competitive Intelligence
• Understanding the Competition
Gathering comprehensive insights into your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and market positioning is
crucial for gaining a competitive edge.

• Identifying Trends
Staying ahead of industry trends and anticipating market shifts allows you to adapt your offerings
and stay relevant.

• Informing Strategic Decisions

Leveraging competitive intelligence empowers you to make more informed, data-driven decisions that align with
your business goals.

• Gaining a Competitive Advantage

By understanding your competitors, you can identify opportunities to differentiate your products,
services, and overall value proposition.
Achieving and Maintaining Competitive

Sustaining a competitive advantage is essential for long-term business success. It requires

a strategic and proactive approach, including continuous innovation, adaptability to
market changes, and effective utilization of resources. By consistently offering unique
value to customers, companies can build brand loyalty, fend off competitors, and secure a
dominant market position.
Leveraging Core Competencies

• Identify Strengths
• Focus Investments
• Adapt Strategically
• Foster Innovation

Adapting to Market Changes

• Embrace Agility
• Monitor Trends
• Innovate Proactively
The Importance of Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage is the foundation of a successful business strategy. It allows a

company to differentiate itself from competitors, gain a larger market share, and
ultimately increase profitability. By understanding and leveraging its unique strengths, a
company can better meet the needs of its target customers and stay ahead of the
competition. Competitive advantage is crucial for long-term sustainability and growth in
today's dynamic, global marketplace.

Achieving and maintaining a strong competitive position enables a business to command

higher prices, attract more customers, and fend off rivals. It also provides a cushion
against economic downturns and market disruptions. Competitive advantage is a key
factor in ensuring a company's success and securing its future in the industry.

In conclusion, the concept of competitive advantage is essential for businesses

to gain an edge over their competitors and achieve long-term success. By
understanding and implementing the various strategies discussed, such as cost
leadership, differentiation, and focus, companies can position themselves
uniquely in the market and provide exceptional value to their customers.
Sustaining this competitive advantage requires continuous innovation,
adaptation, and a deep understanding of the ever-changing market landscape.
As organizations strive to stay ahead of the curve, the principles of competitive
advantage will remain a driving force behind their growth and development.
Thank You

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