Learning Theory
• Behaviorism
• Cognitivisim
• Social Learning Theory
• Behavior modification
• Basic Components:
Antecedent -- the stimulus that precedes the behavior
Behavior -- the behavior emitted in response to the stimulus
Consequence -- the positive or negative consequence of the behavior
NO Manager is silent or
reprimands employee
Manager and
Does employee
achieve goal?
set goal
Manager compliments
employee for
YES accomplishment
Antecedent Employee Consequences Reinforcement
(precedes the Task (result of the Contingent
behavior) Behavior behavior) on Consequence
Types of reinforcement
Managers should:
• Use the principles of contingent punishment, immediate
punishment, and punishment size
• Praise in public, punish in private
• Develop alternative desired behavior
• Balance the use of pleasant and unpleasant events
• Use “positive discipline” (i.e., change behavior through
reasoning, with an emphasis on personal responsibility or
“self control,” rather than by imposing increasingly severe
Critiques of Behaviorism
• Does not account for processes taking place in the mind
that cannot be observed
Discovery Learning -
Jerome Bruner
Meaningful Verbal
Learning - David
Discovery Learning
• A. Bandura (1973)
• Peer relationship
• Learning logs
Learning through Feedback
Credible Timely
When do organizations fail to learn
At an individual level
• Exhausted workers are too tired to learn- build breaks
• Lack of reflection- encourage reflection after doing
• Take time to think
• Increase awareness and engage workers
• Model good behaviour
• Give workers different kinds of experience
Premack Principle- A more preferred activity may be used to
reinforce a less preferred activity.