Introduction To The ICT Program

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The CAP-ICT Program

 John A. Rose, PhD (Director, ICT Institute)

 E-mail: [email protected]
 Web-site:
 We live in the Information Age…
 An evolving idea usually associated with PCs and the Net…
 It is an exciting time in Information Technology. For instance:
 Computer Hardware:
 Dual core processors (single core chip speeds hit theoretical limits)

 Computer Software:
 “A Robot in Every Home” (Robotics Studio and personal robotics)

 Computer Networks:
 The birth and growth of the Internet and World Wide Web
 Computers everywhere! (ubiquitous computing)

 Computer Media:
 Interactive Multimedia and Virtual Reality

 Data Communications:
 4th Generation (4G) Mobile Communications (Gigabit/sec speeds)
Introduction (2)
 But, the importance / scope of informatics extends far beyond I.T.:
 Biological and Medical Informatics:
 The Human Genome Project
 Personalized genotyping and personalized medicine
 Data Mining

 Natural phenomena as information processing:

 Neural networks and the nature of thought
 Evolutionary and DNA computing
 Quantum information and computing
 The fractal geometry of nature

 So, Information Communication Technology can be defined as:

 “All technologies for the storage, manipulation, and communication of
 Although our focus usually relates to Digital Computers…

 And of course, the growth of the I.C.T. Industry

The ICT Industry
 FAST GROWING, with high salaries and worldwide demand:
 World-Wide Growth: Recent growth/year from 5.5% to 8% (IDC).
 BRIC+9 Countries: IDC estimated growth of 16% per year in 2008.

 High salaries:
 Example (Below): Software Engineer/Developer/Programmer (U.S.)
 Entry Level (first year): $56,752

 Estimates/Survey Results available at

The ICT Industry (cont.)
 VERY DIVERSE. Major Subfields include:
 Computer Software Engineering
 Software for PCs, Mobile Devices, Robots; Operating systems, etc

 Computer Hardware Engineering

 Digital Logic; Hardware for PCs, device controllers, robotics etc

 Communication Engineering
 Theory, Circuits, and Software for reliable data transfer; etc

 Network Engineering
 Software and protocols; legal and social aspects

 Information Media
 Information storage media, multimedia technology

 Knowledge Representation, Organization, and Retrieval

 Data mining, relational database design, etc

 The CAP-ICT tracks provide specialization in these major subfields.

Skills Needed by ICT Professionals
 ICT Employers often look for the following:
 An ICT-Related 4-Year Degree
 ICT, Computer Science, Engineering, etc
 Example: ICT-Field Specialization at APU
 Strong Analytical and Problem-solving Skills
 Good mathematical ability
 Attention to detail / ability to concentrate
 Broad ICT Knowledge and Experience
 Strong Computer and System Design Skills
 Broad understanding of ICT subfields
 Good Interpersonal Skills
 Good Interpersonal skills
 Good Communication skills
 Ability to work in a multi-cultural / multi-natural environment
 English Ability
 Note: ICT skills are needed by everyone in the modern workplace.
 Not only by ICT professionals
ICT Career Paths
 ICT career paths are varied, and include:
 Computer Systems Analysts
 Apply analysis tools to enable I.T. to meet the needs of organizations.
 Systems-analysts, programmer-analysts, network-analysts, etc
 Computer Engineers
 Apply existing technologies to solve problems in soft/hardware design
 Hardware engineers, Software engineers.
 Computer Scientists
 Develop novel theories and methods for computer and software design
 Theorists, researchers, and inventors.
 Database Administrators
 Set up / manage databases for info. organization, storage, and retrieval
 Computer Support Specialists
 Provide specialized computer assistance / support for customers & users.
 Computer Security Specialists
 Plan, coordinate, and implement measures for information security.

 Graduate School in Information Science

 M.S. or PhD studies in Computer Science
ICT Program at APU
 Basic Format:
 30 units min. required for graduation with the CAP-ICT label.
 The ICT Curriculum contains:
 15 core courses (including “Special Lecture”)
 Note: A variety of different Special Lecture courses are taught each year.
 Seminar and Thesis courses
 Seminars are required (2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year)
 Except for Thesis (4 units), each ICT Major course represents 2 units.
 See the APU Student Handbook 2008 Undergraduate Ed. for details.
 Be careful to know and take course prerequisites.
 Base Language: English

 Basic Course Activities

1. Take courses for general ICT competency
2. Take courses across ICT tracks for broad ICT knowledge
3. Take core courses of a track for ICT specialization
4. Do ICT research and write your Senior Thesis/Project
ICT Program at APU (2)
 In addition to gaining ICT competency and breadth, you will specialize…
 Select an ICT Track
 Gain specialist knowledge by taking a series of track courses.
 Do research with the Track Leader (ICT Faculty member)
 Write and submit your Senior Thesis/Project.
 The ICT Tracks cover the major ICT sub-fields. There are 7 ICT Faculty:
 Computer Software Engineering
 J. Rose, Track Leader: Software Engineering + DNA Computing
 H. Gunarto: Information Security + Database Engineering
 Computer Hardware / System Engineering
 D. Pishva , Track Leader

 Communication Hardware / Software

 T. Khan , Track Leader
 Internet Technologies
 G. Nishantha , Track Leader
 Multimedia and Visual Computing
 D. Nariman , Track Leader
 Knowledge Representation and Data Mining
 W. Claster , Track Leader
Syllabus: ICT 2nd Year Seminar
 Consists of 14 lectures to cover the six ICT Tracks:
 Computer Software Engineering (J. Rose / H. Gunarto)
 L2 – Introduction to DNA Biotechnology and Computing (DNAC)
 L3 – DNAC: Architectures, Error Prediction, and Software Tools
 L4 – Internet Security and Cyberbanking (H. Gunarto)
 Communication Hardware / Software (T. Khan)
 L5 – Introduction to Communications
 L6 – Wireless Communications

 Computer Hardware / System Engineering (D. Pishva)

 L5 – Biometrics Technology and its Current State
 L6 – Image Analysis and Machine Vision

 Internet Technologies (G. Nishantha)

 L9 – Introduction to Internet Protocols and Applications
 L10 – Introduction to Internet Collaboration Technologies
 Multimedia and Visual Computing (D. Nariman)
 L11 – Multimedia Technology and its Applications
 L12 – Computer Graphics and its Applications
 Knowledge Representation and Data Mining (W. Claster )
 L13 – Intro. To Collective Intelligence and Super Crunching
 L14 – Mining Algorithms
Grading System (Tentative)
 The final grade (100%) will be awarded using the following criteria
for evaluation (tentative):
 Attendance: 30%*
 Students should come to each class.
 Note 1: Points will also be deducted for tardiness.
 *Note 2: Students who miss an excessive number of classes may receive
additional point deductions (beyond 30%).

 Track Quizzes (6): 70%

 One quiz per ICT track
 Generally administered the last lecture of each track.

 Important Notes about grading:

 You should attend all classes.
 Note carefully that the above is tentative.
 The above weights/items are subject to change.
Course Evaluation (Grading)
 The final grade (100%) will be awarded using the following
criteria for evaluation (tentative):
 Attendance: 20%
 Students should come to each class.
 Note: points will be deducted for lateness or inappropriate behavior.
 Mid-term Exam/Projects: 35%
 Midterm: An In-class test
 After Lecture 7
 Final Examination (comprehensive test): 45%

 Important Notes about grading:

 Do all homework and In class programs (VB .NET Projects).
 As done in class / assigned.

 Note carefully that the above is tentative.

 The above weights/items are subject to change.
Course Evaluation (Grading)
 The final grade (100%) will be awarded using the following
criteria for evaluation (tentative):
 Attendance: 20%
 Students should come to each class.
 Note: points will be deducted for lateness or inappropriate behavior.
 Mid-term Exam/Projects: 35%
 Midterm: An In-class test
 After Lecture 7
 Final Examination (comprehensive test): 45%

 Important Notes about grading:

 Do all homework and In class programs (VB .NET Projects).
 As done in class / assigned.

 Note carefully that the above is tentative.

 The above weights/items are subject to change.
Software Track: Research
 Software Track Research/Seminar Topics :
 Application Software Development (Main Topic)
 Visual Basic, C#, Java/J#
 Focus: Developing Custom Simulation Tools to support:
 DNA Microarray Bioinformatics
 General Field Bioinformatics
 Other IT Applications

 DNA Computing (Advanced Topic)

 Developing Simulation Tools for DNA Computing.
 DNA Computer “Hardware and Software” (Wet-lab)
 DNA Computers, Nanodevices, and Nano-robots
 Parallel Algorithms for DNA Computers

 Programming for Robotics (*New Topic Under Development)

 Software Tool: Microsoft Robotics Studio
 Visual Basic, C#, MS Visual Programming Language
 MS Visual Simulation Environment
 Hardware Tool: Lego Mindstorms NXT kit
 Low cost, Programmable Robotics Kit
 Very well supported by MS Robotics Studio

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