BBS140 Internet Technologies

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Internet Technologies

Mr Bwalya

 It is the largest network in the world that

connects hundreds of thousands of
individual networks all over the world.
 The popular term for the Internet is the

“information highway”.
 Rather than moving through geographical

space, it moves your ideas and information

through cyberspace – the space of
electronic movement of ideas and
 No one owns it
 It has no formal management organization.
 As it was originally developed by the
Department of defense, this lack of
centralization made it less vulnerable to
wartime or terrorist attacks.
 To access the Internet, an existing network
need to pay a small registration fee and
agree to certain standards based on the
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) .
The uses of the Internet
 Send e-mail messages.
 Send (upload) or receive (down load) files

between computers.
 Participate in discussion groups, such as

mailing lists and newsgroups.

 Surfing the web.
What is Web?
 The Web (World Wide Web) consists of
information organized into Web pages
containing text and graphic images.
 It contains hypertext links, or highlighted

keywords and images that lead to related

 A collection of linked Web pages that has a

common theme or focus is called a Web site.

 The main page that all of the pages on a

particular Web site are organized around

and link back to is called the site’s home
How to access the Internet?
 Many schools and businesses have direct
access to the Internet using special high-
speed communication lines and
 Students and employees can access
through the organization’s local area
networks (LAN) or through their own
personal computers.
 Another way to access the Internet is
through Internet Service Provider (ISP).
How to access the Internet?
 To access the Internet, an existing network
need to pay a small registration fee and
agree to certain standards based on the
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) reference model.
 Each organization pays for its own networks
and its own telephone bills, but those costs
usually exist independent of the internet.
 The regional Internet companies route and
forward all traffic, and the cost is still only
that of a local telephone call.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)

 A commercial organization with

permanent connection to the Internet that
sells temporary connections to
How to access the Web?
 Once you have your Internet connection, then
you need special software called a browser to
access the Web.
 Web browsers are used to connect you to

remote computers, open and transfer files,

display text and images.
 Web browsers are specialized programs.
 Examples of Web browser: Netscape

Navigator (Navigator) and Internet Explorer.

Client/Server Structure of the Web

 Web is a collection of files that reside on

computers, called Web servers, that are located
all over the world and are connected to each
other through the Internet.
 When you use your Internet connection to
become part of the Web, your computer becomes
a Web client in a worldwide client/server
 A Web browser is the software that you run on
your computer to make it work as a web client.
Internet Terms
 Browser
 Search Engine
 Domain
 html
 The World Wide Web
 Software program that allows a person to view
WWW documents. Examples of browsers are
Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Mosaic, Mac web, and Net cruiser.
Web Browser
Search Engine
 A web site that will help you search the
Internet for key words, subjects, etc.
 For example, you may need to find

information about surfing the internet safely.

 All you need to do is to go to the engine and

give a keyword of the topic you are interested

in finding information for.
Search Engines
address of any web page. It tells your
computer where the information is stored so
it can be viewed.
Uniform Resource Locators
 The IP address and the domain name each identify a
particular computer on the Internet.
 However, they do not indicate where a Web page’s
HTML document resides on that computer.
 To identify a Web pages exact location, Web
browsers rely on Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
 URL is a four-part addressing scheme that tells the
Web browser:
 What transfer protocol to use for transporting the file
 The domain name of the computer on which the file
 The pathname of the folder or directory on the
computer on which the file resides
 The name of the file
Structure of a Uniform Resource Locators

protocol pathname

Domain name filename

http => Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Web Page
 A web page or webpage is a document or
information resource that is suitable for the
World Wide Web and can be accessed through
a web browser and displayed on a monitor or
mobile device.
 A web page, as an information set, can

contain numerous types of information,

which is able to be seen, heard or interact by
the end user.
Static and Dynamic Web Pages
 A static web page (sometimes called a flat
page) is a web page that is delivered to the
user exactly as stored
 Static web page displays the same

information for all users,

 Dynamic web pages are web sites that are

generated at the time of access by a user or
change as a result of interaction with the
Web site
 A website, also written as Web site, web site, or
simply site, is a set of related web pages containing
content (media), including text, video, music,
audio, images, etc.

 websites include many business sites, parts of

news websites, academic journal websites, gaming
websites, file-sharing websites, message boards,
webbased email, social networking websites,
websites providing real-time stock market data,
and websites providing various other services.
Addresses on the Web:IP Addressing
 Each computer on the internet does have a
unique identification number, called an IP
(Internet Protocol) address.
 The IP addressing system currently in use on

the Internet uses a four-part number.

 Each part of the address is a number ranging

from 0 to 255, and each part is separated

from the previous part by period,
 For example,
IP Addressing
 The combination of the four IP address parts
provides 4.2 billion possible addresses (256 x
256 x 256 x 256).
 This number seemed adequate until 1998.
 Members of various Internet task forces are
working to develop an alternate addressing
system that will accommodate the projected
 However, all of their working solutions require
extensive hardware and software changes
throughout the Internet.
Domain Name Addressing
 Most web browsers do not use the IP address
t locate Web sites and individual pages.
 They use domain name addressing.
 A domain name is a unique name associated
with a specific IP address by a program that
runs on an Internet host computer.
 This program, which coordinates the IP
addresses and domain names for all
computers attached to it, is called DNS
(Domain Name System ) software.
 The host computer that runs this software is
called a domain name server.
Domain Name Addressing

 Domain names can include any number of parts

separated by periods, however most domain names
currently in use have only three or four parts.
 Domain names follow hierarchical model that you
can follow from top to bottom if you read the name
from the right to the left.
 For example, the domain name is
the computer connected to the Internet at the
Graduate School of Business (gsb), which is an
academic unit of the University of Chicago
(uchicago), which is an educational institution (edu).
 No other computer on the Internet has the same
domain name.
DNS Suffix
 The transfer protocol is the set of rules that
the computers use to move files from one
computer to another on the Internet.
 The most common transfer protocol used

on the Internet is the Hypertext Transfer

Protocol (HTTP).
 Several other protocols that you can use on

the Internet are FTP, Telnet, SMTP.

File Transfer Protocol
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard
Network protocol used to copy a file from one
host to another over a network, such as the
 FTP is built separate control and data

connections between the client and server.

Telnet Protocol
• TELNET is a general protocol, meant to support
logging in from almost any type of terminal to almost
any type of computer.
• It allows a user at one site to establish a TCP
connection to a login server or terminal server at
another site.
• A TELNET server generally listens on TCP Port 23.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a
 used to send and receive email.
 The Internet standard protocol for
 transferring electronic mail messages from
 one computer to another.
Simple Network Management
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
is an Internet Standard protocol for collecting
and organizing information about managed
devices on IP networks
 modifies that information to change device

 Devices that typically support SNMP include

cable modems, routers, switches, servers,

workstations, printers etc
Post Office Protocol
 (Post Office Protocol version 3) POP3 is a
 commonly implemented method of delivering

email from the mail server to the client

Internet Message Access Protocol
 (Internet Message Access Protocol) IMAP is
gradually replacing POP as the main protocol used
by email clients in communicating with email
 Using IMAP an email client program can not only

retrieve email but can also manipulate message

stored on the server, without having to actually
retrieve the messages.
 So messages can be deleted, have their status

changed, multiple mail boxes can be managed

How to find information on the Web?
 A number of search tools have been
developed and available to you on certain
Web sites that provide search services to
help you find information.
 Examples:

 Yahoo 
 Excite 
 Lycos 
 AltaVista  www/
 MSN WebSearch 
How to find information on the Web?
 You can find information by two basic
 Search by Topic and Search by keywords.
 Some search services offer both methods,
others only one.
 Yahoo offers both.
 Search by Topic

You can navigate through topic lists

 Search by keywords

You can navigate by entering a keyword or

phase into a search text box.
Internet Services
 Allows users to access huge amount of
information such as text, graphics, sound and
software over the internet.
 Following diagram shows the four different

categories of Internet Services

Internet Services
Internet Services
Communication Services
 There are various Communication Services

available that offer exchange of information

with individuals or groups.

Information Retrieval Services

 There exist several Information retrieval

services offering easy access to information

present on the internet. The following table
gives a brief introduction to these services:
Internet Services
Web Services
 Web services allow exchange of information between applications

on the web. Using web services, applications can easily interact

with each other.
World Wide Web (WWW)
 WWW is also known as W3. It offers a way to access documents

spread over the several servers over the internet. These

documents may contain texts, graphics, audio, video, hyperlinks.
The hyperlinks allow the users to navigate between the
Video Conferencing
 Video conferencing or Video teleconferencing is a method of

communicating by two-way video and audio transmission with help

of telecommunication technologies.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
 The public files on the web servers are
ordinary text files, much like the files used by
word-processing software.
 To allow Web browser software to read them,
the text must be formatted according to a
generally accepted standard.
 The standard used on the web is Hypertext
markup language (HTML).
What is HTML?
 Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
 Computer language used to create web pages
 HTML file = text file containing markup tags

such <p>
 Tags tell Web browser how to display a page
 Can have either *.htm or *.html file extension

Why HTML became XHTML
 HTML was originally a SGML application
◦ Tags described the syntax
◦ A DTD could check the syntax
◦ Informal mapping from syntax to rendering

XHTML Basics
 Very few real changes from HTML
 But more strict

 All tags are in lowercase

 All tags must be closed

◦ Empty tags
◦ Paired tags

HTML Basics
3 Parts to an XHTML or HTML document
 What DTD are you using
◦ Head
 Meta information
 Only <title> is required
◦ Body
 Text to render

HTML Document Structure

HTML Basics
 Tags
◦ Elements
◦ Attributes
 Entities
◦ <,>,&,‘ ’
◦ Ö,ð,÷,©, etc.
 Comments

XHTML Tags vs. Elements
 Tag is markup to represent an element

 Logical vs. Presentation Elements

 Lists
◦ DL

XHTML Tags vs. Elements
 Block-level and in-line elements
◦ CODE, Q, H1, SPAN, etc.
 Grouping Elements
 One-part elements
◦ BR, etc.

HTML Elements
 Tags are the elements that create the
components of a page
 Tags surrounded by angle brackets < >
 Usually come in pairs

◦ Example: Start tag <p> and end tag

 Stuff between is called “element content”
 Tags are not case sensitive

◦ New standard is to use lower case

Your created HTML document
<title> …document title… </title>
…your page content…

Page Components
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
◦ First line of code
◦ Declaration of version of HTML <html>
 <html>…</html> <title> …
◦ Container for the document document title…
 <head>…</head> </head>
◦ <title> Title of page </title> <body>
…your page
 <body>…</body> content…
◦ Content of page </body>

Basic Tags
 Headings
◦ <h1>…</h1> to <h6>…</h6>
◦ Like in Word
◦ See example

 Paragraph
◦ <p>… </p>
◦ Inserts a line space before and after a paragraph
◦ See example

Example of use of Heading

Link Tag
 Link
◦ Anchor tag <a>…</a>
◦ 3 kinds
 Link to page in same folder
 Link to page in different folder
 Link to outside webpage on the Internet.

Example of Anchor Tag

<a href="">Go to the LIS home

address text in page

◦ 2 components
 Address
 Text or description – this is what you see
on the page

Image Source Tag
 Empty tag – no closing tag
 Components of Img tag

<img src="url“ alt = “description of image” />

◦ url = points to location of the image file

◦ alt = describes image for screen readers

Specify file location
 Same folder: “pic.gif”
◦ Document-relative link
◦ Look for image in same folder

 Different folder named images:


Division Tag
 <div>…</div>
◦ Division or section of document
◦ Use to group elements to apply formatting or style
◦ Example: all text within div tag will be fuschia
<div style="color: #FF00FF">
<h1> Title of section</h1>
<p> bla bla bla bla </p>

 Add a paragraph
 Add some links
 Add an image
 Create 3 divisions

Your session1 HTML document
<title> …document title… </title>
…your page content…

End Product

 <html>
 <head>
 <title>Caitlin’s Page</title>
 </head>
 <body>
 <div>
 <a href="index.html>Home</a><br />
 <a href="courses.html">Courses</a><br />
 <a href="personal.html">Personal</a><br />
 </div>
 <p>Hello my name is Caitlin Nelson and I am writing about myself. Contact info:

 <a href="">Web Team</a>

 <div>
 <img src="palmtree.jpg"alt=”a picture of a palm tree”/>
 </div>
 </div>
 </body>
 </html>

Next Mission
 Choose colors for your page
◦ Text color
◦ Link color
◦ Background color

 Choose font size

◦ Type of font
◦ Font size

The End


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