Wire Splices and Joints

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Pow Lo Make LlecLrlcal

Wlre Spllces !olnLs and 1aps
W Wlre musL be properly [olned or spllced ln
order LhaL elecLrlclLy wlll flow normally ln Lhe
!olnLs Spllces and 1aps
W !olnL Lhe Lylng
LogeLher of Lwo slngle
wlre conducLors so LhaL
Lhe unlon wlll be good
boLh mechanlcally and
W 1ap Lhe connecLlon of
Lhe end of one wlre Lo
some polnL along Lhe
run of anoLher wlre
W Spllce Lhe
lnLerlaylng of Lhe
sLrands of Lwo
sLranded conducLors
so LhaL Lhe unlon
wlll be good boLh
mechanlcally and
Mechanlcally SLrong and LlecLrlcally
W Mechanlcally SLrong
means Lhe [olnL musL be
as sLrong as a conLlnuous
lengLh of wlre
W 1he [olnLs wlll noL fall
aparL easlly even lf lL ls
noL soldered or
connecLed wlLh elecLrlcal
W LlecLrlcally SLrong means
lL musL be as good a
conducLor as a plece of
Lhe same wlre wlLh whlch
lL ls used
W Wlres are connecLed
([olned or spllced) so you
geL Lhe elecLrlclLy elLher
Lo several locaLlons or Lo
a locaLlon a long dlsLance
1wlsL vS 1urns
W 1wlsL Lach wlre
ls wrapped
around Lhe
W 1urns Cne
wlre remalns
sLralghL Lhe
oLher wlre
belng wrapped
around Lhe
sLralghL wlre
CperaLlons ln Maklng a !olnL 1ap or
1 8emovlng Lhe lnsulaLlon
2 Cleanlng Lhe conducLors
3 1ylng or lnLerlaylng
4 Solderlng
3 1ape or Laplng (lnsulaLlng)
1 8emovlng Lhe lnsulaLlon
W Sklnnlng or SLrlpplng
1he flrsL sLep ln maklng
any klnd of
Wlre SLrlpper
Slde CuLLlng llers
W -lck a small cuL ln Lhe
surface of Lhe conducLor
when Lhe lnsulaLlon ls
CuL Lhe lnsulaLlon aL an angle
of abouL 30 degrees
-oLe uo noL clrcle Lhe wlre
wlLh Lhe blade aL rlghL angles
because ln mosL cases Lhls
produces a groove/nlck ln Lhe
conducLor whlch may
a cause Lhe laLLer Lo break
when benL aL Lhls polnL
b 8educe lLs capaclLy Lo carry
lnsLead whlLLle Lhe lnsulaLlon
away ln a manner slmllar Lo
LhaL of sharpenlng a pencll
Wlre SLrlpper
8emovlng Lhe lnsulaLlon
W Genera| W|reStr|pp|ng Instruct|ons
W When sLrlpplng wlre wlLh any of Lhe Lools
menLloned observe Lhe followlng
W uo noL aLLempL Lo use a hoLblade sLrlpper
on wlrlng wlLh glass brald or asbesLos
lnsulaLlon 1hese lnsulaLors are hlghly heaL
W When uslng Lhe hoLblade sLrlpper make
sure Lhe blades are clean Clean Lhe blades
wlLh a brass wlre brush as necessary
W Make sure all sLrlpplng blades are sharp and
free from nlcks denLs and so forLh
W When uslng any Lype of wlre sLrlpper hold
Lhe wlre perpendlcular Lo Lhe cuLLlng blades
W Make sure Lhe lnsulaLlon ls cleancuL wlLh no
frayed or ragged edges Lrlm lf necessary
W Make sure all lnsulaLlon ls removed from Lhe
sLrlpped area Some Lypes of wlre are
supplled wlLh a LransparenL layer beLween
Lhe conducLor and Lhe prlmary lnsulaLlon lf
Lhls ls presenL remove lL
2 Cleanlng Lhe ConducLors
W 1he wlres musL be Lhoroughly cleaned Lo lnsure
good elecLrlcal conLacL beLween Lhe ends of Lhe
wlres and so LhaL Lhe solder wlll adhere
W 1he wlres maybe cleaned by scraplng
knlfe care should be Laken Lo avold nlcklng Lhe
3 1ylng or lnLerlaylng
Wuependlng upon
on Lhe Lypes of
spllces [olnLs or
1ypes of Wlre
Spllces !olnLs
and 1aps
WesLern unlon ShorL 1le
used when Lhe
connecLlon musL be
sLrong enough Lo
supporL long lengLhs of
heavy wlre ln Lhe pasL
Lhls spllce was used Lo
repalr Lelegraph wlres
lf Lhe spllce ls Lo be
Lapedcare should be
Laken Lo ellmlnaLe any
sharp edges from Lhe
wlre ends
W WesLern unlon Long 1le
1he WesLern unlon Long1le
or Lelegraph spllce as lL ls
frequenLly called ls used
exLenslvely for ouLslde wlrlng
and ls qulLe slmllar Lo Lhe
shorLLle spllce belng used for
Lhe same purpose
1he only dlfference ls LhaL a
number of long LwlsLs are
made before wrapplng Lhe
end Lurns
1hls ls clalmed Lo be an
advanLage because lL allows
Lhe solder Lo spread ln
beLween Lhe wlres more
llve or slx long LwlsL and four
W WesLern unlon ShorL 1le
1he WesLern unlon [olnL
ls used more frequenLly
Lhan any oLher [olnL lL ls
used ln lnLerlor wlrlng ln
[olnlng Lwo lengLhs of
wlre Lo exLend Lhe
conducLors from ouLleL
Lo ouLleL ln ouLslde
wlrlng lL ls used
Cne LwlsL and four Lurns
8aL1alled !olnL
W used prlnclpally ln
[olnlng conducLors ln
ouLleL boxes/[uncLlon
box and for connecLlng
branch clrculLs
W lL ls saLlsfacLorlly lf no
longlLudlnal sLraln ls
lmpressed on lL
W A longlLudlnal sLraln
would cause Lo unLwlsL
Lhe [olnL
W llve or slx long LwlsL
ack1urn !olnL
W used when flxLure
leads are
connecLed Lo
branch wlres aL an
lnLermedlaLe polnL
W useful ln
connecLlng Lwo
wlres LhaL musL be
drawn LauL
W Wlll wlLhsLand
longlLudlnal sLraln
Lnd llxLure !olnL
W used Lo connecL a small
dlameLer wlre such as ln a
llghLlng flxLure Lo a larger
dlameLer wlre used ln a branch
W used when a flxLure wlre
usually -o 18 AWC ls Lo be
[olned Lo a LermlnaLlng branch
conducLor whlch l mosL
frequenLly of -o 14 AWC
W Llke Lhe raLLall [olnL Lhe flxLure
[olnL wlll noL sLand much sLraln
laln 1ap or 1ee !olnL
W 1he Lap spllce ls used where
you wanL Lo [oln a second wlre
Lo a conducLor
W 1he branch wlre ls lald behlnd
Lhe maln wlre
W AbouL LhreefourLhs of Lhe
bare porLlon of Lhe branch wlre
exLends above Lhe maln wlre
W 1he branch wlre ls broughL
under Lhe maln wlre around
lLself and Lhen over Lhe maln
wlre Lo form a knoL
W 1he branch wlre ls Lhen
wrapped around Lhe maln
conducLor ln shorL LlghL Lurns
and Lhe end ls Lrlmmed off
Small Aerlal 1ap [olnL
W lnLended for
sub[ecLed Lo
W Slmllar Lo
plaln Lap
excepL LhaL
lL has a long
easy LwlsL
knoLLed Loop 1ap !olnL
W used where
Lhe spllce ls
sub[ecL Lo
sLraln or
W When Lhere
ls no sLraln
Lhe knoL
may be
Crdlnary Cross !olnL
W 1he
same as
only lL
has Lwo
uoubleWrapped Cross!olnL
used for
ldenLlcally Lhe
same reason
as Lhe ordlnary
wlLh Lhe
advanLage of
belng sLronger
Stagger|ng Sp||ces
W Also known as uuplex !olnL/Spllce
W used ln condulL sysLems where Lwln wlres are used
W Could be wesLern unlon [olnL
rlLannla !olnL
W used on overhead
llnes where
conslderable Lenslle
sLrengLh ls requlred
W Also used boLh for
lnslde and ouLslde
wlrlng where slngle
conducLors of slzes
-o 6 or larger ls
Scarfed !olnL
used on large
wlres where
are Lhe maln
and where Lhe
[olnL ls noL
sub[ecL Lo any
heavy Lenslle
Wrapped 1ap
used on
wlres Loo
large Lo
Lhe round
4 Solderlng
W 1he acL or process of formlng [olnLs upon or
beLween meLalllc surfaces by means of a fuslble
alloy or solder whose melLlng polnL ls lower Lhan
LhaL of Lhe meLals Lo be unlLed
W Solder ls a name for any fuslble alloy used Lo
unlLe dlfferenL meLal parLs
W llux ls a subsLance applled Lo a meLal Lo make
solder flow easlly
W Solderlng can be done wlLh Lhe ald of a solderlng
lron solderlng gun or a Lorch
8equlremenLs for Cood Solderlng
1 AbsoluLely clean conducLors
2 Careful use of flux
3 Clean solderlng Lool
4 CorrecL LemperaLure of solderlng
3 roper solder
W pprox|mate So|der|ng Iron
S|ze for 1|nn|ng
W 20 16 63 WaLLs
W 14 12 100 WaLLs
W 10 8 20 WaLLs
A Wlre Slze (AWC)
Solderlng lron Slze (PeaL
3 8elnsulaLlng Lhe !olnL
W 1o compleLe Lhe varlous [olnLs Laps and spllces Lhe
expose wlres musL be lnsulaLed
W 1aplng ls requlred Lo proLecL Lhe spllce from
oxldaLlon (formaLlon of rusL) and Lo lnsulaLe agalnsL
elecLrlcal shock 1aplng should provlde aL leasL as much
lnsulaLlon and mechanlcal proLecLlon for Lhe spllce as
Lhe orlglnal coverlng
W AlLhough one wrap of plasLlc (vlnyl) Lape wlll provlde
lnsulaLlon proLecLlon up Lo 600 volLs several wraps
may be necessary Lo provlde good mechanlcal
W When plasLlc Lape ls used lL should be sLreLched as lL ls
applled SLreLchlng wlll secure Lhe Lape more flrmly
ubber 1ape
W LaLex (rubber) Lape ls a spllclng compound
W lL ls used where Lhe orlglnal lnsulaLlon was rubber
W 1he Lape ls applled Lo Lhe spllce wlLh a llghL Lenslon so LhaL each layer presses
LlghLly agalnsL Lhe one beneaLh lL
W 1hls pressure causes Lhe rubber Lape Lo blend lnLo a solld mass
W upon compleLlon lnsulaLlon slmllar Lo Lhe orlglnal ls resLored
W ln roll form Lhere ls a layer of paper or LreaLed cloLh beLween each layer of
rubber Lape
W 1hls layer prevenLs Lhe laLex from fuslng whlle sLlll on Lhe roll
W 1he paper or cloLh ls peeled off and dlscarded before Lhe Lape ls applled Lo Lhe
W 1he rubber spllclng Lape should be applled smooLhly and under Lenslon so no alr
space exlsLs beLween Lhe layers
W SLarL Lhe flrsL layer near Lhe mlddle of Lhe [olnL lnsLead of Lhe end
W 1he dlameLer of Lhe compleLed lnsulaLed [olnL should be somewhaL greaLer Lhan
Lhe overall dlameLer of Lhe orlglnal wlre lncludlng Lhe lnsulaLlon
8ubber 1apes
r|ct|on 1ape
W uLLlng rubber Lape over Lhe spllce means LhaL Lhe lnsulaLlon has been resLored
Lo a greaL degree
W lL ls also necessary Lo resLore Lhe proLecLlve coverlng
W lrlcLlon Lape ls used for Lhls purpose
W lL also provldes a mlnor degree of elecLrlcal lnsulaLlon
W lrlcLlon Lape ls a coLLon cloLh LhaL has been LreaLed wlLh a sLlcky rubber
W lL comes ln rolls slmllar Lo rubber Lape excepL LhaL no paper or cloLh separaLor ls
W lrlcLlon Lape ls applled llke rubber Lape however lL does noL sLreLch
W 1he frlcLlon Lape should be sLarLed sllghLly back on Lhe orlglnal lnsulaLlon
W Wlnd Lhe Lape so LhaL each Lurn overlaps Lhe one before lL
W LxLend Lhe Lape over onLo Lhe lnsulaLlon aL Lhe oLher end of Lhe spllce
W lrom Lhls polnL a second layer ls wound back along Lhe spllce unLll Lhe orlglnal
sLarLlng polnL ls reached
W CuLLlng Lhe Lape and flrmly presslng down Lhe ends compleLes Lhe [ob
W When proper care ls Laken Lhe spllce and lnsulaLlon can Lake as much abuse as
Lhe resL of Lhe orlglnal wlre
lrlcLlon 1apes
9|ast|c L|ectr|ca| 1ape
W lasLlc elecLrlcal Lape has come lnLo wlde use ln recenL
W lL has cerLaln advanLages over rubber and frlcLlon Lape
W lor example lL can wlLhsLand hlgher volLages for a glven
W Slngle Lhln layers of cerLaln plasLlc Lape wlll wlLhsLand
several Lhousand volLs wlLhouL breaklng down
W Powever Lo provlde an exLra margln of safeLy several
layers are usually wound over Lhe spllce
W 1he exLra layers of Lhln Lape add very llLLle bulk
W 1he addlLlonal layers of plasLlc Lape provlde Lhe added
proLecLlon normally furnlshed by frlcLlon Lape
W lasLlc elecLrlcal Lape usually has a cerLaln amounL of
sLreLch so LhaL lL easlly conforms Lo Lhe conLour of Lhe
9|ast|c L|ectr|ca| 1ape
SLeps ln 1aplng
8unnlng uLL Spllce
W 8elaLes Lo spllces formed by buLLlng LogeLher
Lhe ends of Lwo cable lengLhs Lo exLend Lhe
run or lengLh of a clrculL as dlsLlngulshed as
Lap spllces
W Accordlng Lo Lhe meLhod of wrapplng Lhe
sLrands runnlng buLL spllces are classlfled as
Slngle Wrapped
MulLlple Wrapped
Slngle Wrapped Spllce
W used for
large wlre
(no6 or
because lL ls
easler Lo
wrap a slngle
wlre aL a Lurn
Lhan Lo
wrapped a
Lhem all aL
Slngle Wrapped Spllce
MulLlple Wrapped spllce
W 1hls meLhod
ls used
generally on
small cables
because Lhe
sLrands are
flexlble and
all can be
wrapped ln
one operaLlon
1ap Spllces
W 1hese are made when Lhe end of one
sLranded conducLor ls Lo be connecLed aL
some polnL along Lhe run of anoLher sLranded
Crdlnary 1ap Spllce
SpllL 1ap Spllce
? SpllL Spllce
Crdlnary 1ap Spllce
SpllL 1ap Spllce
? SpllL Spllce
Wl8L CC--LC1C8S and LuCS
L|ectr|ca| Connector
W An ls an elecLromechanlcal devlce for [olnlng elecLrlcal
clrculLs as an lnLerface uslng a mechanlcal assembly
W 1he connecLlon may be Lemporary as for porLable
equlpmenL requlre a Lool for assembly and removal or
serve as a permanenL elecLrlcal [olnL beLween Lwo wlres
or devlces
W 1here are hundreds of Lypes of elecLrlcal connecLors
ConnecLors may [oln Lwo lengLhs of
flexlble copper wlre or cable or connecL a wlre or cable
or opLlcal lnLerface Lo an elecLrlcal Lermlnal
W Cable glands known as coble coooectots ln Lhe uS
connecL wlres Lo devlces mechanlcally raLher Lhan
elecLrlcally and are dlsLlncL from qulckdlsconnecLs
performlng Lhe laLLer
L|ectr|ca| Connector
W LlecLrlcal connecLors can be lnsulaLed or noL lnsulaLed and come ln
varlous Lypes of lnsulaLlon
W 1he non lnsulaLed elecLrlc connecLor ls usually bare copper LhaL has
a Lln plaLlng
W lnsulaLed Lermlnals can come ln vC lnsulaLed nylon lnsulaLed and
heaL shrlnk lnsulaLed 1he vC lnsulaLed Lype are usually Lhe
cheapesL and mosL common vC Lends Lo be a harder lnsulaLlon
and can crack when crlmped and for Lhls reason l do non
recommend uslng Lhem -ylon lnsulaLlon ls a sofLer lnsulaLlon and
wlll noL crack when Lhe Lermlnal ls crlmped 1he nylon lnsulaLlon
wlll also wlLhsLand hlgher LemperaLures PeaL shrlnk lnsulaLed
Lermlnals and connecLors are greaL for appllcaLlons where Lhe
Lermlnal ls uncovered Lo ouLslde elemenLs such as hlgh
LemperaLures raln snow and underwaLer appllcaLlons
W A devlce LhaL [olns elecLrlc conducLors mechanlcally and
elecLrlcally Lo oLher conducLors and Lo Lhe Lermlnals of
apparaLus and equlpmenL 1he Lerm covers a wlde range of
devlces deslgned for example Lo connecL small conducLors
employed ln communlcaLlon clrculLs or aL Lhe oLher
exLreme large cables and busbars
W LlecLrlcal connecLors are applled Lo conducLors ln a varleLy
of ways Soldered connecLors have a Lube or hole of
approxlmaLely Lhe same dlameLer as Lhe conducLor 1he
conducLor and connecLor are heaLed Lhe conducLor
lnserLed and solder flowed lnLo Lhe [olnL unLll lL ls fllled
Solderless connecLors are applled by clamplng Lhe
conducLor or conducLors ln a bolLed assembly or by sLaklng
or crlmplng under greaL mechanlcal force
9ropert|es of L|ectr|ca| Connectors
W LlecLrlcal connecLors are characLerlzed by Lhelr plnouL and physlcal consLrucLlon
slze conLacL reslsLance lnsulaLlon beLween plns ruggedness and reslsLance Lo
vlbraLlon reslsLance Lo enLry of waLer or oLher conLamlnanLs reslsLance Lo
pressure rellablllLy llfeLlme (number of connecL/dlsconnecL operaLlons before
fallure) and ease of connecLlng and dlsconnecLlng
W 1hey may be keyed Lo prevenL lnserLlon ln Lhe wrong orlenLaLlon connecLlng Lhe
wrong plns Lo each oLher and have locklng mechanlsms Lo ensure LhaL Lhey are
fully lnserLed and cannoL work loose or fall ouL Some connecLors are deslgned
such LhaL cerLaln plns make conLacL before oLhers when lnserLed and break flrsL
on dlsconnecLlon Lhls proLecLs clrculLs Lyplcally ln connecLors LhaL apply power
eg connecLlng safeLy ground flrsL and sequenclng connecLlons properly ln hoL
swapplng appllcaLlons
W lL ls usually deslrable for a connecLor Lo be easy Lo ldenLlfy vlsually rapld Lo
assemble requlre only slmple Loollng and be lnexpenslve ln some cases an
equlpmenL manufacLurer mlghL choose a connecLor speclflcally because lL
ls oot compaLlble wlLh Lhose from oLher sources allowlng conLrol of whaL may be
connecLed -o slngle connecLor has all Lhe ldeal properLles Lhe prollferaLlon of
Lypes ls a reflecLlon of dlfferlng requlremenLs
LC ueflnlLlon
W ConnecLor ls a devlce LhaL esLabllshes a
connecLlon beLween Lwo or more conducLors
or beLween one or more conducLors and
Lermlnal by means of mechanlcal pressure and
wlLhouL Lhe use of solder
W Solderless ConnecLor
W ressure ConnecLor
1ypes of LlecLrlcal ConnecLors
Wlre -uL
W A Lype of slngle polnL connecLor
W uevlce commonly used Lo replace Lhe
raLLall [olnL spllce
W 1he wlre nuL ls housed ln plasLlc
lnsulaLlng maLerlal
W 1o use Lhe wlre nuL place Lhe Lwo
sLrlpped conducLors lnLo Lhe wlre nuL
and LwlsL Lhe nuL
W ln so dolng Lhls wlll form a spllce llke Lhe
raLLall [olnL and lnsulaLe lLself by drawlng
Lhe wlre lnsulaLlon lnLo Lhe wlre nuL
W 1wlsLon wlre connecLors are also known
as |re nuts or cone or Lhlmble
Wlre connecLors come ln dlfferenL colors 1he color lndlcaLes Lhe slze of Lhe wlre
LhaL Lhey are capable of holdlng secure 1he followlng charL wlll help explaln whaL
color wlre connecLor ls capable of holdlng whaL slze wlre
W|re Nut Co|ors and W|re S|zes
8|g 8|ue 10 and Larger
Gray 14 and Larger
ed 14 and larger
8|g 1an 14 and larger
e||o 18 and larger
8|g Crange 18 Lo 14
L|tt|e Crange 22 and Lo 14
L|tt|e 8|ue 22 Lo 16
Sma|| 1an 22 Lo 18
1erm|na| 8|ocks
W A slmple Lype of elecLrlcal connecLor LhaL connecLs Lwo or more wlres Lo a
slngle connecLlon polnL
W Also called Lermlnal bootJs or sttlps whlch provlde a convenlenL means of
connecLlng lndlvldual elecLrlcal wlres
W 1hey are usually used Lo connecL wlrlng among varlous lLems of
equlpmenL wlLhln an enclosure or Lo make connecLlons among lndlvldually
enclosed lLems
W Slnce Lermlnal blocks are readlly avallable for a wlde range of wlre slzes
and Lermlnal quanLlLy Lhey are one of Lhe mosL flexlble Lypes of elecLrlcal
connecLor avallable
W Some dlsadvanLages are LhaL connecLlng wlres ls more dlfflculL Lhan slmply
plugglng ln a cable and Lhe Lermlnals are generally noL very well proLecLed
from conLacL wlLh persons or forelgn conducLlng maLerlals
W Cne Lype of Lermlnal block accepLs wlres LhaL are prepared only by
removlng (sttlpploq) a shorL lengLh of lnsulaLlon from Lhe end
W AnoLher Lype accepLs wlres LhaL have rlng or spade Lermlnal loqs crlmped
onLo Lhe wlres
Component and Dev|ce Connectors
W 1ranslsLor swlLch module wlLh
large screw connecLors and small
crlmpedon lasLon connecLors
W LlecLrlcal and elecLronlc
componenLs and devlces
someLlmes have plug and sockeL
connecLors or Lermlnal blocks
buL lndlvldual screw Lermlnals
and fasLon or qulckdlsconnecL
Lermlnals are more common
W Small componenLs have bare
lead wlres for solderlng 1hey are
manufacLured uslng casLlng
8|ade Connector
W A Lype of slngle wlre connecLlon
uslng a flaL conducLlve blade whlch
ls lnserLed lnLo a blade recepLacle
W usually boLh blade connecLor and
blade recepLacle have wlres
aLLached Lo Lhem elLher Lhrough
solderlng of Lhe wlre Lo Lhe blade
or crlmplng of Lhe blade Lo Lhe wlre
W ln some cases Lhe blade ls an
lnLegral manufacLured parL of a
componenL (such as a swlLch or a
speaker unlL) and a blade
recepLacle ls pushed onLo Lhe blade
Lo form a connecLlon
W A common Lype of blade connecLor
come ln male and female Lypes
lade connecLors (lower half of
phoLo) 8lng and spade
Lermlnals (upper half)
|ng and Spade 1erm|na|s
W 8lng Lermlnals are used Lo connecL Lhe wlre Lo
a sLud polnL llke a screw for earLhlng or slmllar
W Spade Lermlnals can be used llke rlng Lermlnals
buL Lhe nlce Lhlng abouL Lhe spade Lermlnal or
fork Lermlnals ls LhaL Lhe sLud does open Lo
connecL Lo lL 1he spade can sllde around
Lhe sLud for a connecLlon
W 8lng sLyle wlre end blade connecLors are
normally sold ln loLs
W LlecLrlcal conLacL ls made by passlng a screw or
bolL Lhrough Lhem
W 1he spade Lermlnal form facLor faclllLaLes
connecLlons slnce Lhe screw or bolL can be lefL
parLlally screwed ln as Lhe spade Lermlnal ls
removed or aLLached
W 1helr slzes can be deLermlned by Lhe slze of
Lhe conducLlng wlre and/or Lhe Screw/olL
dlameLer slze deslgnaLlon
Crlmp ConnecLors
W Crlmp connecLors are Lyplcally used Lo LermlnaLe sLranded
W 1hey fulflll numerous uses lncludlng allowlng Lhe wlres Lo
be easlly LermlnaLed Lo screw Lermlnals fasLon / qulck
dlsconnecL / spadefooL Lype Lermlnals wlre spllces
varlous comblnaLlons of Lhese
W Crlmpon Lermlnals are aLLached by lnserLlng Lhe sLrlpped
end of a sLranded wlre lnLo a porLlon of Lhe Lermlnal
whlch ls Lhen mechanlcally deformed / compressed
(ctlmpeJ) LlghLly around Lhe wlre
W 1he crlmplng ls accompllshed wlLh a speclal crlmplng
W A key ldea behlnd crlmped connecLors ls LhaL Lhe flnlshed
connecLlon ls qostlqbt
W Crlmped connecLlons fulflll slmllar roles and may be
LhoughL of slmllarly Lo soldered connecLlons
Crlmp ConnecLors
W tlmp 1he physlcal compresslon
(deformaLlon) of a conLacL barrel around a
conducLor Lo make an elecLrlcal and
mechanlcal connecLlon Lo Lhe conducLor
W tlmploq A meLhod of mechanlcally
compresslng or securlng a Lermlnal spllce or
conLacL Lo a conducLor
Crlmp ConnecLors
W 1here are complex conslderaLlons for deLermlnlng
whlch Lype ls approprlaLe crlmp connecLlons are
someLlmes preferred for Lhese reasons
Lasler cheaper and/or fasLer Lo reproduce rellable
connecLlons ln largescale producLlon
lewer dangerous Loxlc and/or harmful processes
lnvolved ln achlevlng Lhe connecLlon (soldered
connecLlons requlre aggresslve cleanlng hlgh heaL and
posslbly Loxlc solders)
oLenLlally superlor mechanlcal characLerlsLlcs due Lo
sLraln rellef and lack of solder wlcklng
1ermlnal Lug
W A devlce aLLached Lo a
conducLor Lo permlL
connecLlon Lo a Lermlnal
W A Lermlnal deslgned Lo be
afflxed usually aL one end Lo
a posL sLud chassls or Lhe llke
for mounLlng
W lL has provlslons for
aLLachmenL of wlres or slmllar
elecLrlcal conducLors ln order
Lo esLabllsh an elecLrlcal
connecLlon and could requlre
Lhe use of Lools for
aLLachmenL of wlre
1ermlnal Lug
W A Lermlnal may be aLLached Lo a
wlre by a number of meLhods
lncludlng screwon presson or
crlmpon whlch ls shown below
SelecLlon ls based on Lwo maln
crlLerla Lhe wlre slze Lhe barrel ls
deslgned Lo accepL AWC and
Lhe Longue wlLh wlll flL a
parLlcular sLud slze 1he barrel
may be lnsulaLed 1ype 2 or non
lnsulaLed 1ype 1 -ormally boLh
lnsulaLed or nonlnsulaLed should
have Lhe wlre crlmped on buL ln
some cases Lhe nonlnsulaLed
lugs may be soldered
SpllL olL ConnecLor
W SpllLbolL connecLors are a
compacL consLrucLlon
wldely used for spllces and
Laps ln bulldlng wlrlng
W 1he bolLshape casLlng has
a wlde and deep
sloL lengLhwlse 1he
conducLors are lnserLed ln
Lhe sloL and Lhe nuL ls
drawn up clamplng Lhe
conducLors LogeLher lnslde
Lhe bolL
SpllL olL ConnecLor
MulLlple ConducLor ConnecLor
prov|de pre
connect|on for
var|ous s|zes of

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