SD - Science 7 - Session 7B

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Grade 4/7 Learning Journey
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Pretest Session 4 Session 6 Session 8 Session 12

Opening Program Quarter 1 Curriculum Standards MATATAG Curriculum: Integrating 21st Century Skills in Management of School-based
and Unpacking/Clustering of Instructional Design Framework Classroom-based Assessment Professional Development
Session 1 Learning Competencies Programs
The General Shape of the Session 7A Session 9
MATATAG Curriculum Session 5 MATATAG (Learning Area) Classroom Practices to Promote Session 13
Quarter 2 Curriculum Standards Instructional Design Framework Inclusion for Special Needs Facilitation Skills
Session 2 and Unpacking/Clustering of (IDF): Pedagogy and Education Learners (SNED)
21st Century Skills in the Learning Competencies Assessment
MATATAG Curriculum Session 10 Posttest
Session 7B Collaborative Expertise Closing Program
Session 3 MATATAG (Learning Area)
Walkthrough of [Learning Area] Walkthrough of Learning
Shaping Paper Resources Session 11 *For School Leaders Only
Class Observation in the Context
of MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Grade 4/7 Learning Journey
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Pretest Session 4 Session 6 Session 8 Session 12

Opening Program Quarter 1 Curriculum Standards MATATAG Curriculum: Integrating 21st Century Skills in Management of School-based
and Unpacking/Clustering of Instructional Design Framework Classroom-based Assessment Professional Development
Session 1 Learning Competencies Programs
The General Shape of the Session 7A Session 9
MATATAG Curriculum Session 5 MATATAG (Learning Area) Classroom Practices to Promote Session 13
Quarter 2 Curriculum Standards Instructional Design Framework Inclusion for Special Needs Facilitation Skills
Session 2 and Unpacking/Clustering of (IDF): Pedagogy and Education Learners (SNED)
21st Century Skills in the Learning Competencies Assessment
MATATAG Curriculum Session 10 Posttest
Session 7B Collaborative Expertise Closing Program
Session 3 MATATAG (Learning Area)
Walkthrough of [Learning Area] Walkthrough of Learning
Shaping Paper Resources Session 11 *For School Leaders Only
Class Observation in the Context
of MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Session 7B

MATATAG Science 7
Walkthrough of Learning Resources

Name of Resource Person

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 5

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

1. explain the design of the lesson plan for the MATATAG Science
7 Curriculum;
2. enhance a sample lesson exemplar following a prescribed design,
and considering its alignment with the IDF, and pedagogies for
Science; and
3. appreciate the value of designing a lesson plan that aligns with
the K to 10 IDF, pedagogies and assessment in Science.

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Professional Standards Addressed:
PPST 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
1.2 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning;
1.5 Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
PPST 2: Learning Environment
2.3 Management of classroom structure and activities;
2.4 Support for learner participation; and
2.5 Promotion of purposive learning.
PPST 4: Curriculum and Planning
4.1. Planning and management of teaching and learning process;
4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
PPSSH 3.2 Teaching standards and pedagogies
PPSS 3.1 Support for instructional leadership

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Session Flow

Lesson Design for the MATATAG Curriculum

Features of the Lesson Exemplar / Lesson Plan

Parts of a Lesson Plan integrating the Science of Learning

Walkthrough of Sample Teaching and Learning Resources

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Switching the Paper Doll Dresses

1.Stay with your existing group.

2.One member from the group will
choose a different paper doll.
3.Exchange your paper doll clothing
design and dresses with each

Time Duration: 3 minutes.

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1. How did you feel when switching the paper doll dresses?
2. Which paper doll dress felt like the best fit for your doll?
3. Why is it important that the design and dress should be
appropriate and suitable to the paper doll?

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In the context of lesson planning,
how do we ensure its
appropriateness and effectiveness
to the learners?

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“Stop-Look-Review: Lesson Plan Inspection”

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“Stop-Look-Review: Lesson Plan Inspection”
What to do?
1. Review the sample lesson exemplar
2. Analyze each part of the LE, by
identifying the Teaching Strategy/
Method used, and the IDF features
3. Provide your comment/s and
recommendation for each part of
the LE in the REMARKS Column,
as shown below.

Time Duration: 10 minutes.

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Template “Stop-Look-Review: Lesson Plan Inspection”

Eg: Video presentation Context, Integration Answer the Guide questions by group; involve Collaboration

Time Duration: 10 minutes.

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Let’s Dig Into

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Let’s Dig Into!

How does the lesson present the

alignment of Curriculum, Teaching, and

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Let’s Dig Into!

What most prominent IDF features have

surfaced in the parts of the Lesson Plan?

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Let’s Dig Into!

How is the design and strategies/parts of the

lesson contribute to the attainment of lesson

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Let’s Dig Into!

Is the lesson applicable to your own type of

learners? What general suggestion for
improvement of the lesson did you give?

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Let’s Discuss

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Lesson Plan

a detailed outline or guide that teachers use

to structure and organize their
instructional activities for a specific lesson
or class period

serves as a roadmap for teachers, helping

them effectively deliver content, engage
students, and achieve desired learning

DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016 Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12
Basic Education Program

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 23

Lesson Exemplar and Lesson Plan
A Lesson Plan detailed outline or guide
developed by the teacher/s before delivering
instruction. It serves as a roadmap for what will be
covered in a particular lesson.

A Lesson Exemplar is a detailed, exemplary

model or example of a lesson plan. It typically
showcases best practices, innovative teaching
strategies, and effective ways to achieve learning

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design. ASCD.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 24

Lesson Format and Design for MATATAG Curriculum

✔ DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2016: Policy

Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for
the K to 12 Basic Education Program

✔ DepEd Order No. 14, S. 2023: Policy

Guidelines on the Implementation of the
National Learning Camp

✔ MATATAG Curriculum K to 10
Instructional Design Framework

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Lesson DLP/DLL

DO 42, s. DO 14, s. IDF NLC

2016 2023 IDF

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Parts of Lesson Plan
DO 42, s. 2016 DO 14, s. 2023

Lesson Purpose/ Lesson

Objectives Content Learning Procedures Short Review
Intention Language

Evaluating Additional Lesson

Remarks Reflection Lesson Activity
Learning Activities Conclusion

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Parts of Lesson Plan

Parts of Lesson Exemplar used for

the Quarter 1 (Pilot)

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Parts of Lesson Plan

Parts of Lesson Exemplar used for the Quarter 2-4 (Pilot)

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The Science of Learning Principles
in the MATATAG Pilot Implementation Learning
Resource Package (LRP) Design

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Three Fundamental Ideas to Improve Learning Outcomes

Most effective learning occurs when we start where learners

are at.

Learning is consistent with the way the brain learns.

Teachers, in a school, work as a team.

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Science of Learning Principles

Need to link to what the learner needs to know in

this lesson from the past.

Need to prepare class for what is to come, the

purpose of the lesson.

Providing the learner the necessary language that the

teacher will use

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 32

Science of Learning Principles

Need to develop the ‘idea’ of the lesson including

new content development.

Showing how the ‘idea’ looks like in practical terms.

Giving learners the opportunity to undertake

extended practice leading to more complexity over

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 33

Science of Learning Principles

Allowing the learners to write/talk about the main

idea after they have developed some skill over a few

Reflection by learners (metacognition) on what they

learnt or what was a problem.

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Features of Lesson Plan

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Lesson Exemplar Format

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Lesson Exemplar Format


This section indicates the key concepts and skills that

are covered in the quarter. This part is lifted from the
MATATAG Curriculum Guide.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 37

Lesson Exemplar Format


This section describes the level of and/or evidence of
performance expected to be exhibited by learners at the
end of the quarter. This part is lifted from the MATATAG
Curriculum Guide.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 38

Lesson Exemplar Format
This section indicates the target competencies for the
quarter. The competencies are unpacked through learning
objectives which the lesson will address. Unpacking will
depend on the Learning Area MATATAG Curriculum

Broader competencies with layers of complexity in terms

of content and/or skill must be unpacked. Competencies
stated in very specific terms may not need further
unpacking. Unpacked competencies will be validated by
assigned validators.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 39

Lesson Exemplar Format
are SMART and based on the learning

SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable,

Realistic, Time-bound

usually written by the teacher in an effort to

unpack the learning competencies

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 40

Learning Objectives
(Understanding and Applying
Scientific Knowledge)

(Performing Scientific Inquiry

(Developing and Demonstrating
Scientific Attitudes and values)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 41

Learning Objectives

(Understanding and
Applying Scientific

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 42

Learning Objectives

(Performing Scientific
Process / Inquiry

Scientific, Technological, and Environmental Literacy Study. (2005). UP-NISMED

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 43

Learning Objectives

(Developing and
Scientific Attitudes and

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 44

Lesson Exemplar Format
This section enumerates the key ideas or skills that the lesson
will cover. Topics and subtopics are indicated here.

This section integrates appropriate integration of topics,

themes, and/or advocacies. Topic integration involves content
areas. Themes and advocacies may include promotion of
environmental literacy, gender and development, peace
education, global citizenship, and other relevant concerns.
This section is not required but highly encouraged.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 45

Learning Resources
 This section enumerates the resources used in the
 Entries must follow APA 7TH edition citation
 Resources may include books, magazine articles,
images, media texts, eResources, and DepEd LR
portal resources.
 Proper citation under creative commons and/or
covered by fair use of copyrighted materials is

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 46

Teaching and Learning Procedures
Lesson Parts MATATAG Prompts
A. Activating prior Knowledge Mind and Mood
(Pagkuha ng Dating Kaalaman)

B. Establishing Lesson Purpose Aims

(Paglalahad ng Layunin)

C. Developing and Deepening Understanding Tasks and Thought

(Paglinang at Pagpapalalim)

D. Making Generalization Abstractions


MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 47

Lesson Exemplar Format

Lesson Parts Description

linking what learners know with what they need to
A. Activating prior Knowledge 1. Short Review - active way of recalling
(Pagkuha ng Dating Kaalaman) concepts covered
2. Feedback (Optional) - giving qualitative
feedback to performance or products

Science of Learning Principle

Linking what the learner knows with what he/she needs to know

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 48

Lesson Exemplar Format
Lesson Parts Description
1. Establishing Reason for Learning the Lesson -
drawing from learners why it is important to learn the
B. Establishing Lesson new lesson.
Purpose 2. Unlocking Content Area Vocabulary - unlocking
(Paglalahad ng Layunin) words and/or phrases which will be used in
discussing the concept to facilitate learners’
understanding of the lesson

Science of Learning Principle

Preparing learners for what is to come
Providing learners the necessary language that the teacher will use

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 49

Lesson Exemplar Format
Lesson Parts Description
1. Explicitation - situating the topic in context and having
learners talk about the topic from where they are and in terms
C. Developing and of what they know and can do.
Deepening 2. Worked Example - involving learners’ deliberate effort to
Understanding develop understanding of the topic by hearing and talking
(Paglinang at about the it and applying their knowledge, skill, or
Pagpapalalim) understanding in guided practice.
3. Lesson Activity - having learners work on multiple and
varied examples repetitively

Science of Learning Principle

Developing the ‘idea’ of the lesson, working on an example, and application
(new content development)

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Lesson Exemplar Format
C. Developing and Deepening Understanding

1. Explicitation
- Processing of initial understanding of new idea
2. Worked Example
- Experiments
- Modeling
- Guided (deliberate) practice
- Elaboration
- Translating errors into useful knowledge
3. Lesson Activity (Application and/or integration)
- Working on multiple examples (varied and repetitive)
- Independent/extended practice

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Lesson Exemplar Format
Lesson Parts Description
1. Learners’ Takeaways - guiding learners in
articulating their conceptual understanding
D. Making Generalization of the topic(s) covered
2. Reflection on Learning - guiding learners
in thinking about how they learned

Science of Learning Principle

Allowing learners to write and/or talk about the idea they have understood after practice
Having learners reflect on how they learned (gains and challenges)

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Lesson Exemplar Format

Lesson Parts Description

Activities involve assessment of performance and/or
E. Evaluating Learning
Various assessment methods and tools may be utilized.
Giving of Homework for extended deliberate practice is
an optional sub-component.

Science of Learning Principle

Assessing content understanding and skill development

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Lesson Exemplar Format
Lesson Parts Description
Prompts are provided to guide the teacher in recording
F. Teacher’s Remarks relevant observations and/or critical teaching events that
(Pagbuo ng Anotasyon) he/she can reflect on to assess the achievement of
G. Reflection The teacher is guided in reflecting on and for practice.
(Pagninilay) Reflection task serves as input for the LAC sessions.

Supporting teachers in their reflective practice

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Lesson Exemplar Format


Collecting information to guide teacher’s reflection on and for practice

(e.g., documentation to inform possible research undertakings)

Remarks F. Teacher’s Remarks

Notes on:
1. Relevant observations (critical incident)
2. Learning outcomes accomplished
3. Tasks that will be continued the next day
4. Additional activities needed

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Lesson Exemplar Format


Guiding teacher’s reflection

Reflection F. Reflection (Gains)

Inputs for LAC session
What? So What? Now What?
How to teach? Why?
- Exploring a strategy, method, or activity
- Sharing of best practice
- Problems encountered and actions to taken
- Anticipated challenges and intended solutions

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Lesson Exemplar Format
A. Activating Prior Knowledge (Minds and Moods)
Short Review/ Elicit recall of previous ideas and activities
B. Establishing Purpose of the (Aims)
Lesson Motivation / Priming / Engagement activities
Establish reason for learning new lesson
Unlocking content area vocabulary and important words to facilitate learning
C. Developing and Deepening (Task and Thought)
Understanding • Experiments / Modeling / Guided Activity / Processing of understanding / Exploration and
Explanation of understanding
• Elaboration and/or Extended practice / Independent Practice / Integration
D. Making Generalization (Abstraction)
Learners take-away (Elaboration of Conceptual understanding)
Reflection on Learning (Metacognition)
E. Evaluating Learning (Tool for Evaluation / Assessment)
Assessment / Evaluation (Conceptual understanding) and/or
Homework (optional) / Extension of understanding and skills
Remarks (Annotation) – Relevant observations, remarks on assessment and tasks
Reflection (Gains) – Best practice/strategy, Problems encountered w/solutions (LAC)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 57

Allow students to apply Elicit
their knowledge and Determine students' prior
skills in new contexts or knowledge and existing
extensions. misconceptions related to the topic.

The 5E / 7E

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The 5E / 7E Model and the Lesson Plan Parts
A. Activating Prior Knowledge ELICIT

B. Establishing Purpose of the ENGAGE

C. Developing and Deepening EXPLORE – EXPLAIN
Understanding ELABORATE
D. Making Generalization EXPLAIN - ELABORATE
E. Evaluating Learning EVALUATE - EXTEND

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MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 60

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 61
Content Familiarity and proper use of a compound microscope are essential to
Standards observe cells
Performance By the end of the quarter, learners create a visual representation, such as
Standards poster, model, or e-poster, explaining the trophic level in a chosen ecosystem
Learning The learners identify the parts and functions, and demonstrate proper
Competency: handling and storing of a compound microscope
Objective/s: At the end of the lesson, identify the parts of a compound microscope
and the function of each part.
Content: Science equipment: The Compound Microscope

Integration: Utilization of microscope in investigating microorganism and their

roles in ecosystem

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Based from the presented Lesson Exemplar,
what modification can you suggest for its enhancement, if
you will deliver the lesson in your own class?

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Let’s Put
Into Action
Plan It Right: Lesson Plan

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Plan It Right: Lesson Plan Make-over!
Review and analyze a sample
Lesson Exemplar. Try to provide
comments and modify into your
own lesson plan based on the
previous discussions on IDF,
Pedagogy and Assessment.

You may log first the important

activities in each part of the
Lesson Plan.

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Plan It Right: Lesson Plan Make-over!

Time Duration: 10 minutes.

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As teacher, what is the value of reviewing a
pre-prepared Lesson Exemplar?

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“Plans are of little

importance, but
planning is essential.”
- Winston Churchill

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Learning Takeaways
 We do not ask the learners to go to school only so that they
may pass the grade level.
 Teachers do not teach only to cover the curriculum.
 Teachers do not give tests only so that they can come up
with a grade.
 The goal of education is to make sure that the learners
 An essential step in ensuring that our learners succeed is
to understand them.
 Education is all about the Filipino learners. Educators
should strive to understand them to serve them better.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 71
Department of Education. 2023. K to10 Instructional Design Framework

Department of Education. 2023. MATATAG Science Curriculum Framework

DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program

DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020 Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan

DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016 Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). 2000. How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. National
Academies Press.

Caine, R. N., & Caine, G. 1991. Making connections: Teaching and the human brain. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Driver, R., Asoko, H., Leach, J., Mortimer, E., & Scott, P. 1994. Constructing Scientific Knowledge in the Classroom. Educational
Researcher, 23(7), 5-12.

Harlen, W., & Qualter, A. 2009. The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools. London: David Fulton Publishers.

Hattie, J. 2009. Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. Routledge.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 72


Program Management Team Session Guide and Presentation

Deck Developer/s
Curriculum and Teaching Strand
Bureau of Curriculum Development Danilo G. Soriano Jr.
Bureau of Learning Delivery
Bureau of Education Assessment
Bureau of Alternative Education
Bureau of Learning Resources

Human Resources and Organizational

Development Strand
National Educators Academy of the Philippines
Professional Development Division
Quality Assurance Division

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024



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