Globalization and Social Media

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Social Media

 What is Globalization ?
 What is Social Media ?
 Types of Social Media Site.
 Classification of Social Media .
 Pros and Cons of Social Media.
 Tools required for Social Media Globalization.
 Impact of Social Media and Globalization on each
What is Globalization ?

 The process by which businesses or other

organizations develop international influence or
start operating on an international scale
What is Social Media ?

 Creating, Sharing or exchanging of information and

Ideas in Virtual communities and network among
people is knows as Social Media.
What is

 Media is a tool used to

convey mass
communication to a larger
audience or market. Up
until the 20th century the
main source of information
were TV, Radio, Magazine,
Newspaper and lately the
internet. These mass media
plays a big role in our life.
Types of Social Media Websites :
Classification of Social Media

 Collaborative projects (for example, Wikipedia)

 Blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter and
 Content communities (for example, YouTube and
 Social networking sites (for example, Facebook)
 Virtual game-worlds (e.g., World of Warcraft)
 Virtual social worlds (e.g. Second Life)
Pros and Cons of Social Media

Pros Cons
1. Increased criminal 1. Social media and the news
prosecution because of 2. Too much misinformation
social media 3. Pupils spending too much
2. Social networking creates time on social media sites
new social connections have lower academic grade
3. Students are doing better 4. Social media sites to blame
in school for lost productivity
4. Better quality of life 5. Social media is the cause
5. Social media as a source of for less face to face
employment communication
Tools required for Social Media

 Social Media depend on mobile and web-based

technologies to create highly interactive platforms
through which individuals and communities share,
co-create, discuss, and modify user-generated
content. They introduce substantial and pervasive
changes to communication between organizations,
communities, and individuals.
Impact of Social Media and
Globalization on each other.
 Itis crucial to increase the civic and political
participation during the process of Globalization.
 Social media and networking tools have been one
of the most effective tools to direct political
elections and social changes.
 The media is a good source of
information and entertainment.
How it affects us:-  It has a great effect on the society and
in our life experience, our attitudes, our
kids and our self. We sometimes try to
apply these concepts to our everyday
 Media can be a great source of wisdom
and knowledge but we should realize
its impact on our society, our family,
our attitudes, our kids and our self.
 The “MEDIA” is a “LATIN”
plural form of the noun
medium, which means an
intervening substance through
which something is conveyed
or transmitted.
 E.G:- Newspaper, Magazine,
Radio, Television. Music &
internet are all examples of
 Matthew P. McAllister, in his
book THE
CULTURE, says that ‘ A
 The Print Media has been a
strong influence ever since
the industrial revolution but
it is after “WORLD WAR
II”, television; radio & now
Internet have invaded lives
of people across the society.
 Media Provides general
public with the information
it needs to function as a
 To Understand Mass Media As a • On the Other hand mass communication
Concept We Need to consider the is what mass media communicates to its
components defined by various scholars. audience. The vital difference between
Mass media Technological through other communication and mass
which mass communication takes place. communication is owing to the
For E.G.:- Television, radio etc. composition and size of the audience.
 According to ‘Wilbur Schramm’ A • From Mid nineteenth Century on media
mass medium is essentially a working like print, radio and television were
group organized around some available for access by huge ‘masses’
device for circulating the same and this adds to the definition of mass
message, at about same time, communication.
to a large number of people.
In 20 century role of mass media is not just restricted to electronic duplication but also

about the impact it has on the public. Mass media is used for Advocacy, Entertainment,
Education, Journalism & public services. Some of the examples of mass media are
Television, Radio, Magazine, Internet, Films & Photography.
According to western media scholars like “Harold Laswell”, ‘Mass media, be print
or electronic, closely watches the environment i.e. surveillance, helps in
transmitting the heritage or culture the information and work as a catalyst for
MEDIA:- The primary source of education in any society is the
education institutes like schools or colleges. Media
provides us with various knowledge on any topic. Non-
news content like editorial, articles, columns in books.

PERSUASIVE Of all the roles, media plays a significant role in forming

MEDIA:- public opinion. Persuasion means influencing the attitudes or
opinions of the masses and media persuades people both
directly and indirectly. Audience to act upon like infomercial,
advertisement, and editorials fall under this category.
Advertising is the most direct method of persuasion whereas
editorials, news analysis are more indirect forms.
Mass media transmit a lot of information which
MEDIA:- are necessary for our daily routine for e.g.
current affaris, governments policies, weather
forecasts, global issues etc. Information’s helps
us to understand better.

Irrespective of the language, most media carry high
entertainment content. Newspaper pages for e.g. Not
only carry news item but also publish cartoon, gossip,
puzzles, short stories etc. some magazines like
‘Manohar Kahaniyaan’ So is the case with music CD
as music is the source of enjoyment for many.
PRINT:- Johann Gutenberg is associated with bringing in the technology of mass
production in terms of print in 1445. He made it possible for a common man
to have access to print which were before restricted to only the elites. In India
Portuguese established the first printing press in Goa in 1557. East India
Company Of Britain also got printing press which was strolled in Mumbai
in 1674
Mumbai Samachar Started in 1822, today is the oldest running newspaper in the
country. 200 year old history of print in india is full of ups and downs and struggle. By
1870 the press in indian languages was growing rapidly. There were about sixty-two
indian languages newspapers in Bombay, about sixty in north-west provinces, & some
twenty-eight in Bengal, about nineteen in madras (Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and
When Mahatma Gandhi returned to India, he gave a great impetus to the freedom movement.
He was a journalist and took over “Young India”, the weekly started by the Home rule party
in 1918.Gandhiji also launched another weekly, called the “Navjeevan” in Gujarati. Later, he
Started the “Harijan” Under the editorship of
Mahadevbhai Desai.
Television in india came in the year 1959 with “DOORDARSHAN”
as the first national television network. Initially it broadcasted only
news/information based feature programs twice a week. Later
between 1972 & 1975, more relay stations like Mumbai, Kolkalta,
Amritsar, Srinagar, Chennai and Lucknow were added to the existing
Delhi station.
Code Of Air And Doordarshan:-
The All India Radio and Doordarshan have codified the norms of
practice for the Broadcasters. These codes offer a word of caution to
the PR practitioners with respect to the use of these media for
publicity, commercial, advertising campaignd.

BROADCAST Code Governing All India Radio:-

We recognize the immense power of Radio and Television for both
good and evil and the solemn responsibilities this place’s upon all
1) To ensure the objective presentation of news and fair and unbiased
2) To promote the advancement of education and culture;
3) To respectON
ALL INDIA and dignity.

1) Criticism of friendly countries;

2) Attack on religions or communities;
3) Anything obscene or defamatory;
Advantages of new media tools
 Easier to participate in political organizations, demonstrations, and
gatherings whether in person or with ideas spreading through
 It has become a tool that democracy and human rights activists
organize real or virtual demonstration for political, social, and
economic reform.
 Freedom of speech is among the rights that each person should
have regardless of his race, religion, gender, and social position.
 Entertainment.
 Peace building and Conflict Management.
 In conclusion, we have absolutely
no control over the media. It plays a
constant role in our daily life. We
are manipulated and influenced in
our appearance, beliefs, desires and
 The media has formed our physical
environment in which
advertisement posters decorate our
buildings, walls and transportation
systems. This of course has changed
within the development of mass
media and will continue to change
in the future.
We should not take media as negative sources of impact. Not only media but
everything has good and bad influence. It is up to person’s catching ability. It
is also depending on person’s mind and thinking. If a person is a positive
receiver the person will receive it positively.

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