Motor Diesel Pertmuan 6 Ok

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Pertemuan 6
 In Figure 9-3, frames 1 through 3, the circular
pattern represents crankshaft rotation. Some of
the events occurring in the cycles are shown in
degrees of shaft rotation for purposes of
illustration and easier comparison only. (When
working with the timing of a specific engine,
check the appropriate instructions.)
 When studying Figure 9-3, frames 1 through 3,
keep in mind that the crankshaft of a four-stroke
cycle engine makes two complete revolutions in
one cycle of operation, while the shaft in a two-
stroke cycle engine makes only one revolution
per cycle. Also, keep in mind that the exhaust
and intake events in a two-stroke engine do not
involve complete piston strokes as they do in a
four-stroke engine.
Four-Stroke Cycle Scavenging
and Supercharging

 Figure 9-3, frame 1and 2, is based on the operation of a four-

stroke cycle engine that uses a centrifugal-type blower
(turbocharger) to supply the cylinders with air under pressure.
 In a supercharged four-stroke cycle engine, the duration of each
event differs somewhat from the length of the same events in a
non-supercharged four-stroke engine. The intake and exhaust
valves are open much longer in a supercharged engine, and the
compression and power events are shorter, permitting a longer
period for scavenging. When the exhaust event is complete, the
turbocharger fills the cylinder with fresh air under pressure
before the compression event begins. The turbocharger
supercharges the cylinders.
 To understand the relationship of scavenging and supercharging
to the events of the cycle, look again at Figure 9-3, frame 1and 2,
and follow through the complete cycle. Start your study of the
cycle at TDC, the beginning of the power event. At this point,
peak compression has been reached, fuel injection is nearly
completed, and combustion is in progress. Power is delivered
during the downstroke of the piston for 125° of crankshaft
rotation. At this point in the downstroke, at 55° before bottom
dead center (BDC), the power event ends and the exhaust valves
 The exhaust valves remain open throughout the rest
of the downstroke (55°), throughout all of the next
upstroke (180°), and throughout 85° of the next
downstroke; a total of 320° of shaft rotation. At a
point 75° before the piston reaches TDC, the intake
valves open and the turbocharger begins forcing
 fresh air into the cylinder. For 160° of shaft rotation,
the air passes through the cylinder and out of the
exhaust valves, clearing the waste gases from the
cylinder. The rapid flow of gases escaping through
the exhaust manifold drives the turbocharger. The
process of scavenging continues until the exhaust
valves close at 85° past TDC.
 The intake valves remain open, after the exhaust valves close,
for an additional 140° of shaft rotation (45° past BDC). From the
time the exhaust valves close until the piston reaches
approximately BDC, the cylinder is being filled with air from the
turbocharger. During this interval, the increase in pressure is too
small to be considered because of the increasing volume of the
cylinder space. (The piston is in the downstroke.) When the
piston reaches BDC and starts the upstroke, the volume of the
space begins to decrease as the turbocharger continues to force
air into the cylinder. The result is a supercharging effect. During
the remainder of the upstroke (after the intake valves close), the
supercharged air is compressed. Fuel injection begins several
degrees before TDC and ends shortly after TDC. The actual
length of the injection period in a specific engine depends on the
speed and load of the engine. When the piston reaches TDC, a
cycle (two complete crankshaft revolutions and four strokes of
the piston) has taken place, and the engine is ready to repeat the
Two-Stroke Cycle Scavenging
and Supercharging
 When comparing Figure 9-3, frames 1 through 3, note that the
length of the supercharging and scavenging periods in a two-
stroke cycle engine is not the same as those in a four-stroke
cycle engine. Also, there is considerable difference in piston
location between the times when these processes take place in
the two types of engines. In a four-stroke cycle, scavenging
takes place while the piston is traveling through the latter part
of the upstroke and the early part of the downstroke, and
supercharging takes place when the piston is in the vicinity of
BDC. In a two-stroke cycle, the processes of scavenging and
supercharging both take place while the piston is in the lower
part of the cylinder. In a four-stroke cycle engine, a piston does
much of the work of intake and exhaust. In a two-stroke cycle
engine, the piston does very little work in these two processes.
Therefore, many twostroke cycle engines use a blower to force
air into the cylinder and to clear out the exhaust gases.
 Figure 9-3, frame 3 is based on the two-stroke cycle
of operation. If you compare Figure 9-3, frames 1
through 3, the differences in the scavenging and
supercharging processes in two- and four-stroke
cycle engines are more apparent. Start your study of
the cycle with the piston at TDC in Figure 9-3, frame
3. Fuel has been injected, ignition has occurred, and
combustion is taking place. The power developed
forces the piston through the power event until the
piston is 92 1/2° (as compared to 125° for the four-
stroke cycle in frames 1 and 2) past TDC, just a little
more than halfway through the downstroke. At this
point, the exhaust valves open, gases escape
through the manifold, and cylinder pressure drops
 When the piston reaches a point 48° before BDC, the
intake ports are uncovered as the piston moves
downward and scavenging begins. Compare this
motion with the opening of the intake valves in a
four-stroke cycle in Figure 9-3, frame 1and 2. The
scavenging air, under blower pressure, swirls
upward through the cylinder and clears the cylinder
of exhaust gases. This situation in the cylinder when
scavenging starts is approximately the same as that
illustrated in Figure 9-2. Note the position of the
piston, the open scavenging ports, the open exhaust
valves, and the flow of air through the cylinder. The
flow of scavenge air through the cylinder also helps
to cool the parts, which are heated by combustion.
 Study again Figure 9-3, frame 3. Scavenging
continues until the piston is 44 1/2° past BDC (a total
of 92 1/2° as compared with 160° in the four-stroke
cycle in Figure 9-3, frame 1and 2), at which point the
exhaust valves close. In a two-stroke cycle engine,
the exhaust valves remain open during only 132°, as
compared with the 320° in the four-stroke cycle. The
scavenge ports remain open for another 3 1/2° of
shaft rotation (45° in the four-stroke cycle), and the
blower continues to force air into the
 Figure 9-4 — Air-intake silencer assembly.
 cylinder. The ports are open for only a short interval
after the exhaust valves close; enough time is
available for the blower to create a supercharging
effect before the compression event starts.
 The piston closes the intake ports at
48° past BDC. The compression event
takes place during the remainder of the
upstroke, with injection and ignition
occurring at TDC. At this point, one
cycle is ended and another is ready to
 There are many variations in the
designs of the engine parts, which
function as a group to properly direct
clean air to intake valves or ports. The
function of each kind of part remains
basically the same. We will discuss the
common types and principal parts of
engine air-intake systems.
Silencers, Screens, and
 Dieselengines use a great amount of air
that enters from the intake system. This
air must enter as quietly and clean as
possible. Unless a silencer is installed,
the air that rushes through the air-
cleaning devices will sound like an
extremely high-pitched whistle.
Consequently, silencers are generally
constructed as part of the air-cleaning
 One type of air-intake silencer assembly is shown in
Figure 9-4. The silencer assembly is bolted to the intake
side of the blower (Figure 9-2). A perforated steel partition
divides the silencer lengthwise into two sections. Air
enters the end of the silencer and passes through the
inner section into the blower. The noise of the air passes
through the silencer where it is reduced by a sound-
absorbent, flameproof, felted cotton waste, which fills the
outer section of the silencer. Upon leaving the silencer,
the air enters the blower through an air-intake screen
(Figure 9-4). The air-intake screen prevents particles of
foreign material from entering the engine. Unless it is
filtered from the intake air, foreign material might
seriously damage the blower assembly and internal
engine parts, such as pistons, piston rings, and liners.
 The silencer-and-screen assembly just described is
sometimes referred to as a dry-type cleaner and silencer.
Another type of air cleaner and silencer is the viscous type.
In both dry and viscous types, intake air is drawn through a
fine mesh or screen, which filters the air. The mesh of such
cleaners may consist of cotton fabric, wire screening,
specially wound copper crimp, or metal wool. The principal
difference between cleaners of the dry and viscous types is
that the mesh of a viscous-type cleaner is wet, usually, with a
medium-weight oil. An air cleaner and silencer assembly of
the viscous type is shown in Figure 9-5. The filter and
silencer of this unit form a cylinder silencing chamber, the
ends of which are packed with sound-deadening material. Air
enters the silencer through the circumferential surface of the
silencing chamber. The filter element fits over the air inlet.
The element of the filter consists of a series of oil-wetted wire
baffles, which collect any airborne dirt entering the chamber.
 The silencer-and-screen assembly just described is sometimes
referred to as a dry-type cleaner and silencer. Another type of air
cleaner and silencer is the viscous type. In both dry and viscous
types, intake air is drawn through a fine mesh or screen, which
filters the air. The mesh of such cleaners may consist of cotton
fabric, wire screening, specially wound copper crimp, or metal
wool. The principal difference between cleaners of the dry and
viscous types is that the mesh of a viscous-type cleaner is wet,
usually, with a medium-weight oil. An air cleaner and silencer
assembly of the viscous type is shown in Figure 9-5. The filter
and silencer of this unit form a cylinder silencing chamber, the
ends of which are packed with sound-deadening material. Air
enters the silencer through the circumferential surface of the
silencing chamber. The filter element fits over the air inlet. The
element of the filter consists of a series of oil-wetted wire baffles,
which collect any airborne dirt entering the chamber.
 Another type of intake-air cleaner and silencer
includes an oil bath as part of the assembly. A
cross section of an oil bath air cleaner is shown
in Figure 9-6. This type of air cleaner is referred
to as a heavy-duty oil bath air cleaner. In heavy-
duty oil bath air cleaners, there are two cleaning
elements. One is a removable separator screen;
the other is a fixed metal-wool element (metal
mesh). Follow along as we explain how the oil
bath air cleaner functions
 The air is drawn into the cleaner through an
opening in the centre of the top. As the air
reaches the bottom of this passage, it changes
direction and flows up around the outside of the
center passage through the metal-wool element.
The centrifugal force, caused by the sudden
change in direction, traps large particles of dirt
in the oil in the bottom of the cleaner. Smaller
particles of dirt in the oil picked up by the air are
trapped in the metal-wool element. It is
important not to overfill the oil reservoir during
 Overfilling will cause oil to be drawn into the
engine. Light-duty oil bath air cleaners work in
the same way, but because of their size, they
are not capable of providing the same volume
of air to the engine. The silencer and cleaner
assemblies described in the preceding
paragraphs is representative of the devices
that serve to clean intake air and to reduce the
noise the air makes as it enters the engine. To
ensure sufficient cleaning of the intake air, air
filters should be cleaned as specified by the
Planned Maintenance System (PMS).
 Blowers are necessary on most two-
stroke cycle engines to force scavenging
air through the cylinders. Supercharged
engines, either two- or 4-stroke cycle,
must have a blower to fill the cylinder with
fresh air at a pressure above atmospheric
pressure before the compression event
starts. The primary function of an engine
blower is to deliver a large volume of air at
a low pressure.
 There are two principal types of blowers, positive
displacement and centrifugal. A positive
 blower is usually gear driven directly by the engine,
while a centrifugal blower is usually driven by an
exhaust-gas turbine. Positive displacement blowers
may be divided into two groups: the multiple-lobe
type, commonly called the lobe, or roots, blower; and
the axial-flow blower. Blowers are introduced briefly
in Fireman, NAVEDTRA 14104. The roots blower is
commonly used on many two-stroke cycle engines.
Exhaust-driven centrifugal blowers (turbocharger)
found in many four-stroke engine and some two-
stroke engines will be discussed later.
Roots Blower
 Designed for efficient diesel operation, the roots blower,
shown in Figure 9-7, supplies the fresh air needed for
combustion and scavenging. The air volume needed for
the engine to perform scavenging is about 40 times
greater than the cylinder volume. The location of the
blower on the engine depends on the cylinder
arrangement. Figure 9-8 shows the location of the roots
blower on a V-type engine. Figure 9-2, shows the blower
location on an in-line engine. The operation of the blower
is similar to that of a gear-type pump. Two hollow, three-
lobe rotors revolve in opposite directions (Figure 9-8).
When the rotors turn, air is drawn in the space between
the lobes at the inlet, is trapped, and is carried around to
the discharge side.
 The meshing lobes at the discharge side force the air
out of the lobe pockets and into the air box, where
the air is then available for use. A continuously
uniform supply of air can be maintained. The rotor
lobes are made with a helical (spiral) shape (Figure 9-
9). In the helical design, one discharge phase begins
before the previous discharge phase is entirely
completed, and the lobes are said to overlap. This
overlapping tends to produce a smoother discharge
of air than could be realized if the rotor lobes were of
a straight design. Helical timing gears located on the
drive end of the rotor shafts prevent the meshing
rotor lobes from touching (Figure 9-9).
 Each rotor is supported in the doweled end
plates of the blower housing by a roller bearing
at the front end and by a two-row radial and
thrust ball bearing at the gear end. Lubrication
of the blower bearings, timing gears, and
governor drive is provided through oil passages
that lead from the main oil galleries of the
engine to an oil passage in each end plate of the
blower. The rotor lobes require no lubrication
because they are prevented from touching by
the timing gears.
 Turbochargers are unlike positive displacement blowers,
which are driven through a gear train by the engine
crankshaft. Positive displacement blowers permit only
modest power increases because most of the power
developed must be returned to drive the blower. On the
other hand, turbochargers produce higher net gains as
they use the normally wasted exhaust gas energy for
power. Turbocharging can produce power gains of over
50 percent compared to those of naturally aspirated
engines. Several types of centrifugal blowers
(turbochargers) are used in naval service. Although
several types of centrifugal blowers (turbochargers) are
used in naval service, they all operate on the same
following principles of operation:
1. The gases from the exhaust manifold drive
a turbine.
2. The turbine drives an impeller (on the
same shaft), which supplies air to the
cylinders for scavenging and
 Figure 9-10 provides an illustration of a
turbocharger. The exhaust system of a turbocharger
consists of a heat-resistant alloy casting that
encloses the turbine wheel and provides an exhaust
gas inlet and an exhaust gas outlet. The system
furnishes the driving power for the turbocharger by
using the hightemperature and highvelocity exhaust
gases from the exhaust manifold. The gases enter
the turbine casing, striking the turbine wheel and
causing it to rotate at a high speed. The speed of the
turbine is automatically controlled by the speed and
the load of the engine. When the gases have turned
the turbine, they are discharged through the exhaust
 The air-intake system of a turbocharger consists of a
compression housing and compressor wheel. During engine
operation, exhaust gases flowing from the engine through the
turbine housing cause the turbine wheel to rotate. The
compressor wheel, which is mounted on the opposite end of the
same shaft, rotates with the turbine. The compressor wheel
draws ambient (fresh) air into the compressor housing and
compresses the air. The turbocharger responds to engine load
change by reacting to the flow of exhaust gases. As the power
output of the engine increases, the flow of exhaust gases also
increases. This action increases the speed and output of the
rotating assembly proportionately, delivering more air to the
intake system of the engine. Figure 9-11 illustrates the air
induction and exhaust system for one type of diesel that uses
two turbochargers. Note the arrows that indicate the flow pattern
of the exhaust, inlet air, and compressed air systems. The
compressed air used (Figure 9-11) for combustion and
scavenging is directed through an aftercooler. Most engines
 thatare turbocharged use aftercoolers to cool
the compressed air. Aftercoolers, also referred
to as heat exchangers, are small radiators
placed between the compressor housing and
the intake manifold of the engine. As the
compressed hot air passes through the
aftercooler, the air is cooled to reduce its
volume. Consequently, more air is able to enter
the cylinder. The result is lower cylinder
pressure, more effective cooling of the cylinder
component, and a lower exhaust temperature.
 Without the aftercooler, the air temperature
entering the intake manifold will increase
sharply because of the compression of the
air and heat from the turbocharger. This
undesirable condition can result in a loss
of air density and power, a higher
temperature within the cylinder, and a
higher exhaust gas temperature.
 In some installations, roots blowers and
turbochargers are used together within one
system. These two components serve to
compress the air more efficiently than
would be possible if only a blower or a
turbocharger were to be used separately.
As we discuss this type of system, refer to
Figure 9-12. In operation, air is drawn into
the blower
 section of the turbocharger through the air cleaner. Air is
compressed, and the temperature is increased. The high-
temperature compressed air is then delivered to the
intercooler (heat exchanger), where the temperature is
reduced. (Intercoolers are heat exchangers that are
usually located between the compressor and the roots
blower.) The cooled dense charge of air is then routed to
the roots blower inlet. The roots blower further
compresses the air and delivers it to the engine.
 During the intake event, air is forced into the
cylinders where it scavenges (cleans) out the
combustion gases and fills the cylinder with a clean,
dense air charge that is above atmospheric pressure.
After the combustion and power event are
completed, the exhaust valves open and the hot
exhaust gases are discharged to the exhaust
manifold. The hot, high-velocity exhaust gases are
directed to the turbine section of the turbochargers,
where they drive the turbine wheel at high speed.
During this process, the pressure and the
temperature of the exhaust gases are reduced and
some of the energy that would otherwise be lost is
used to drive the turbocharger. After the exhaust
gases leave the turbocharger, they are routed to a

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